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Posts posted by Kierlak

  1. Looking for an AkLex Riven with -recoil and +reload speed. Damage oriented third stat not required, though if one is present that's fine so long as the -recoil and +reload are at least as much as Steady Hands and Quickdraw. Pretty much the only negatives I'm ok with are - Flight Speed and -Status Duration, should it have one.


    Contact me either via PMs or in game.

  2. Enemies hit by Scarab Swarm are now randomly dropping out of the arm flailing animation and carrying on as if there's nothing on them, and I do not mean the extremely short moments they used to stop flailing and fire 1-2 shots and then start flailing again. They are largely ignoring the CC aspect of the ability, and if they are still shooting you and moving around, then that is a MAJOR hit against the effectiveness of the heal aspect with it's short range and slow ticks.

  3. On 7/13/2017 at 2:31 AM, Xzorn said:

    Ammo Economy partially plays into weapon design but for the most part Rifle pick-ups do not give enough ammo to compensate automatic weapons. Status rates play into this as most rapid fire automatic weapons have a low base status rate for no legitimate reason when compared to pistols and other damage per shot type weapons. It takes Soma Prime 80 rounds to kill a lvl 145 Napalm, it takes Akstiletto 50 ammo and it takes AkLex 15 ammo. Yet both Rifle and Pistol pick-ups give x20 ammo with similar drop rates.


    On 7/13/2017 at 2:31 AM, Xzorn said:

    Weapon design as I mention is partially due to ammo economy but simply put Automatic weapons do not have enough damage to justify the ammo use. Pandero can head-crit for 120k damage while Soma Prime head-crits for 8k. This is why in real life the bullets dictate the damage you do; Not the weapon. Automatic single target weapons are so underwhelming in both damage and ammo economy that attempting to overcome this deficiency with Ammo Mutation lowers the weapon's damage output below competitive levels thereby ruining a purpose in using the weapon.


    This is a pretty concise noting of one of the main problems with (mostly) rifles. Most rifles feel terrible to use when compared to shotguns/pistols once you get beyond lvl 30 or so. They eat ammo, deal generally mediocre damage, and a fair number of them have painful reloads that you have to suffer again and again because they eat ammo. You can fix some of them with a broken enough riven, but some are just lost in the space garbage fire. Secondary stats on rifles are usually not great, or when they are they are saddled with some other drawback that makes them worse than pistols or shotguns to use, like flight speed projectiles, glacial reloads, bad base damage, or spin up mechanics.


    Pistols having double the amount of multishot as part of a base build is a huge part of this. It's really hard to close that gap when pistols are basically firing three bullets for every two a rifle fires.

  4. 11 hours ago, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

    I just use Oceanum if I'm leveling stuff. Finishes from 0-30 in 4 runs with a booster, and I can do it without having to deal with other people.

    Never understood the Draco, Akkad, Hydron, etc Crazes.


    4 runs with a booster, vs 15 waves without a booster. there's a little bit of difference there, time wise. Unless if you have to TALK them to death, you're going to do 15 waves faster than 4 runs of Oceanum. And if you have a booster, it's 7 waves.

  5. 14 minutes ago, DesFrSpace said:

    Eh, until you reach a Level 100,200 and 300, it just going to amplify your pain then. Pretty sure I see why people leave early, works better.

    PS I deal with this kind of thing back when Draco Ceres Interception was a thing, being 30% of Public Tennos leave Wave 1.


    We aren't talking about lvl 100+ enemies, we are talking about sub lvl 40 enemies. And leaving early benefits no one, not even the person leaving. You miss multiple chances for relics, and the affinity gains for the first 5 are not very good.


    And Draco was an entirely different monster. You could legitimately do an entire weapon forma in one round without a booster. The affinity gains there were vastly higher than anything else.

  6. Or at least that's what I have to assume, given that there has been an absolute PLAGUE of people leaving at the first extraction. They hadn't finished leveling what they were there to level, because an R0 weapon doesn't finish in 5 waves, even with a booster. They didn't get a relic they felt the need to protect and ensure they kept, because it's all about the Vitality on the first 5 waves. They don't feel the need to get away from some abusive troll, because 99% of the time no one talks in chat.


    No, level 35 Shield Lancers are simply the limit of most players ability. Just too hard for them, they have to flee the battlefield, find something less dangerous to play against. Or perhaps it's preemptive flight, because they KNOW there will be a Nox at the end of wave 10, and feel they must save themselves from eternal deadlock of never being able to kill that last, invincible,  enemy on the map, as they would be forced to retreat from it. Forever. Until the servers are shut down from lack of payment.


    So I propose this: Those of you that can't handle the BRUTAL, UNFORGIVING, COMBAT on Hydron for more than 5 waves, or those of you who knows someone like that, stop going/taking them there. It's bad enough that weapons finish at 15, and you lose out on the C rotation axi chance, but at least there is a legitimate reason to leave then. There is NO LEGITIMATE REASON to leave at wave 5, ever.

  7. On 4/16/2017 at 1:08 AM, Shifty9 said:

    It allowed me to get ~20 Corrupted Heavy Gunner Eximus' at level 135 all on the ground and into one spot.


    You know what else does that? Nidus. Without saddling you with a worthless build for anything else. And it works outside the simulacrum.


    And you know another weapon that can put up a lot of bleed procs? The Lesion. And it can kill even high level enemies from a cold start. It also makes far better use of Condition Overload.


    Your build goes around the elbow to get to the A******, with no actual payoff in the end compared to the simple alternative.



  8. Limbo, and his new rework, are important socio-political tools in reducing the amount of gun violence present in Warframe. Limbo players are performing an important duty, at great personal risk to boot, to help keep everyone safe. Instead of leaving the groups blessed with a Limbo, you should instead thank us, possibly even monetarily, for the sacrifices we make for you.

  9. 1 minute ago, SurrealEdge said:

    It is a niche weapon,


     What niche? And no, Entropy Burst is not a niche, because you can use the Synoid Simulor for the same AoE proc and energy regen.


    3 minutes ago, SurrealEdge said:

    While the accuracy, near non existent crit, and somewhat of a windup, it outperforms some weapons in the same category, namely Gorgon.


    So it beats one of the worst weapons in the entire game? Well, damn, I guess the Supra is all right after all?


    4 minutes ago, SurrealEdge said:

    The main draw of the Supra is the chance for a status build that will last you far longer than going with raw damage.


    No one picks a damn Supra to use as a status gun, they use status on the Supra because thats all it's bandaid mod will allow it to do. People that want a status gun will use a Braton Prime if they are dead set on a rifle (better IPS spread and far better status chance, along with much better accuracy and no spin up), or more likely a 100% shotgun like a Boar Prime, Strun Wraith, or Tigris Prime.


    16 minutes ago, SurrealEdge said:

    The huge spread is a drawback, but it does allow for the bullets to spread against larger hordes that rush at you. It does wonders when you throw on Shred and Heavy Caliber and seeing enemies get mowed down in droves when they're barreling down a narrow corridor


    If you want to use a shotgun, which is what HC does to guns, just use a shotgun. The Kohm beats the Supra in that scenario, and doesn't even have to use a bandaid mod or even shred. Has better IPS, innate punchthrough, similar continuous fire duration, and if you factor Rivens in, can hit 100% status and totally and completely blow the Supra out of the entire game, stripping armor in a heartbeat, inflicting dozens and dozens of slash procs, and wiping out whole crowds of enemies.


    24 minutes ago, SurrealEdge said:

    Not everyone likes it, but that doesn't make it downright terrible as some of the weapon release we've been getting.


    Just because the Cycron is worse does not mean the Supra isn't also a garbage fire.

  10. 1 hour ago, SurrealEdge said:

    and I just don't see why we need that additional status when I can proc Entropy Burst a few times with a single clip to make up for the loss in status.


    Because a weapon (or frame for that matter) should not be propped up by a single mod to have any hope of a shred of relevance beyond the star chart. Without Entropy Burst the Supra is a painfully sub par weapon, with awful accuracy, a slow wind up, slow projectiles, negligible crit and status, and not even especially high base damage. A big magazine is simply not enough for the Supra to stand on.

  11. 2 minutes ago, -N7-Leonhart said:

    When they provide as much power, why would they not be always taken into consideration? 


    1: Because DE said they will not balance around rivens. They are not part of the core, they are RNG, thus impossible to balance around. and 2: Because they are multiple levels of RNG, both in acquisition of the riven itself, and the stats on the riven. It's very possible to literally NEVER get a riven for the gun you want with the stats you want. Not even the stat AMOUNTS you want, but the actual stats themselves.

  12. 18 minutes ago, achromos said:

    So does anyone have a tried-tested build that works in Sorties?  I liked Oberon, but seriously I... Just don't know.


    You can push a Hydroid through sorties, it just depends on how much you lean on your team mates and how good your weapons are. As for Oberon, there IS NO really good build for him right now, because he simply needs too many stats to make his ability numbers start to be worthwhile, and can't even really function without PFlow and Rage.




    That build...works, to a point. It lets you use the whole kit, gives as much armor and healing as is practical atm, without crippling you in everything else. If we had Primed Streamline and Primed Stretch and Primed Intensify, it might go better, but we don't yet, and 7 forma frames as the norm are kind of a scary thought.

  13. 8 minutes ago, ImmortalGryphon said:

    I may be wrong but that seemed like sarcasm to me, i cast hallowed ground when im LOW on health, not when QT is saving myself from lethal damage, rage and renewal are giving me a constant stream of health and energy and lasts long enough in lethal situations to allow me to kill whatever enemy is causing the lethal hits then continue healing afterwards.


    Why do you have Quick Thinking, a mod that is more or less a death trap, in the build at all? Do you not trust Oberon's new, SUPER TANKYNESS? Aren't Gay Guys everywhere talking about how Oberon should be renamed Abrams, and Smite should be renamed 120mm because he's super OP and people just wont figure out his ancient chinese secret, nurr nurr nurr?

  14. 20 minutes ago, ImmortalGryphon said:

    This is a no salt space


    Probably not.


    He currently can't function without Rage, yet isn't tough enough to take the hits needed to fuel his overwhelming energy consumption once you get much past the star chart. If you build power strength up enough to make the heal/armor feel like it's doing something, your range and efficiency are so bad as to make the rest of your kit unusable in any meaningful way.


    People are going to stay salty about this travesty of a rework until it gets fixed. DE has ruined enough frames with 'reworks', and it's high time they stop.

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