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Posts posted by zoobmer

  1. Tennogen recently came to console, where it is bought with platinum rather than cash. this allows it to take advantage of the genius implementation of plat economy (things such as platinum being the trade currency and regular sales) that go a long way in making Warframe a fair game. however, on PC, Tennogen is only available via a direct purchase. this creates a discrepancy between the PC and console version, as PC players can not take advantage of these features for the plat market. here are a couple possible ways I propose for fixing that:

    • the simple solution: any Tennogen item that becomes available on console also becomes available through plat on PC.
    • the intracate solution: selling a 25 pack of tennogen vouchers for $25 in the market
      • vouchers can be traded in the same way plat can be traded, allowing free players to obtain them.
      • each voucher will take $1 off any tennogen item, with the maximum number of vouchers per item being the number required to make it free
      • if platinum is on sale, buying a voucher pack will also give $25*(n/(100%-n)) worth of platinum, where n is the percentage discount that the player would receive had they simply bought platinum.
      • each voucher can be traded for 19 plat in the market, in case someone needs plat and has the vouchers but no more money
  2. Just now, AzoreanEve said:

    I'd say the bursas are more engaging to fight. However manics are so rare but cool that I much prefer them.

    Juggies are just bs. They kill you through walls, through the rift, have a tiny &#! window of opportunity that incentivizes you to be always in front of it where you get oneshot...


    then pick manic. I picked bursa myself. juggies are BS and I have no idea why so many people picked them. but hey, people pick what they want to pick!

  3. 1 hour ago, Xekrin said:

    AFAIK there is no way to do a random draw on youtube.  Unless they've made one DE doesn't know about yet.  Twitch picker is a twitch add-on that goes through the list of chatters.  When something like that exists for youtube (and/or facebook) I'm sure they will use it too.

    I was on both channels and boy was it hilarious watching the youtube 'plat!' spam and all the complaining when none of them won


    then they could pick two twitch winner each time, for a total of 8 switch prizes.

    1 hour ago, Xekrin said:

    You forgot to remark about the "let it sit for a while" response for oberon.  Didn't they say the same thing about Mag and Volt various other highly controversial reworks that were never revisited after "sitting a while".


    by "a while" they mean many months. mag and volt reworks have not "sat for a while" just yet, they are too recent.

    5 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

    What?! Aim assist on PC? Am I hearing you right?!

    since we'll be dual wielding a gun and a melee weapon, I thought they could have gun shots as part of the melee combo. they would have to be aim assisted, since keeping proper aim during a fast paced combo is hard.

    • Rebecca said she will cosplay Steve. what would be cooler is if Steve and Rebecca both cosplay each other for the tennocon live stream
    • you showed a filter system for trade chat. these filters would be super useful for recruit chat as well
    • the fan melee weapon and the dual wield are super cool. however, what I think would be amazing is a fan and secondary stance with aim assisted shots built in. maybe even give us two stance slots per melee weapon: one for melee only, one for melee and secondary
    • dev streams have gotten a lot bigger than they used to be, diluting the 4 plat prizes. I propose a new system: you still prizes 4 times, but each time, you'll draw 1 prize for youtube, and 1 prize for twitch, totaling 8 prizes.
    • you mentioned focus changes. the problem with the current system is that none of the abilities, with the exception of passives, are worth increasing the cooldown. for the new system, please make sure that extreme alignments of the light-dark systems are balanced with midway alignments off the bat.
  4. On 4/14/2017 at 11:46 PM, Tsaiorchis said:

    DE doesn't have to do anything


    they do if they want players of varying skill level to keep playing. if the game is only engaging for players of a specific skill level, and anyone above or bellow that just leaves, do you know how much that would hurt the game? so yes, DE has to make the game appeal to as much of their player base as possible. having the option to choose between solo and co-op is one of the main ways the game achieves this. other games that are solo-only achieve this with optional difficulty settings.

    On 4/15/2017 at 0:05 AM, Jobistober said:

    Doesn't matter how we beat it? We're literally telling you how to do it. Try different builds and tactics. Yes, the sentients are tough, but they're not impossible to beat. The stealth options that others have mentioned are probably the safer way to approach sentients. I opted to face tank the damage and out DPS the sentients with Chroma and a Vaykor Hek. I too solo'd the entire quest with this build. We're not busting your balls here, we're telling you it can be done.


    I tried the suggested tactics that I had the gear for, and I could not execute them.

    On 4/15/2017 at 7:45 AM, Death_Master_ said:

    I soloed it with Ash, no problem, just long.

    you're not even suggesting a strategy here.

    On 4/15/2017 at 7:51 AM, Coldie93 said:

    Complete War Within quest if that's not suggested yet.

    I already completed it! I finished that quest within a month of it coming out. and yes, I know the tenno can reset the Sentient's weakness. still too difficult.

  5. On 4/16/2017 at 3:27 PM, Kjahla81 said:

    You only mentioned what weapon you were using but not what frame. Also I tried to help you on the last thread and again you only focus on weapon but nothing else.


    On 4/19/2017 at 5:17 AM, Yzjdriel said:

    Sentient are no threat to anyone anymore, what with Limbo's ability to literally FREEZE THEM IN PLACE, INDEFINITELY, and then take his sweet-arse time poking them to death with a stick.

    Alternatively, you can Rift, (whatever that button is for you right-handed people) - oh look now you're invulnerable, 2, 4, two pumps of the trigger with a Tigris per frozen Sentient, and 2 - KABOOM.

    Limbo + literally any weapon you have = win.


    That said, I completely agree that there was zero discernable reason that needed to be solo.  The part after Simaris, yes, that's solo.  But THAT MAKES SENSE.


    I had limbo, I tried freezing them, it was too hard!

  6. 3 minutes ago, Coldie93 said:

    And you can play it with people.. Wtf does coop compatible mean??


    currently, if you recruit someone and try to play it, it will tell you that you have to leave your squad.

    4 minutes ago, Coldie93 said:

    Why would you want to enforce coop in quest just because you find it too difficult.


    no trying to enforce anything, just want options.

    2 minutes ago, KillMePlis said:

    Grab mesa and a crit based secondary, as soon as the sentients appear just peacemaker the crap out of them. Tell me how that is not easy, you dont even have to aim.

    As far as getting that equipment goes, mesa has been out for ages now, there is no real excuse not to have her; and there are plenty of crit based secondary weapons, furthermore most of them are among the best secondaries in the game so you should at least have one.


    I don't need more tips, I need a team!

  7. 19 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

    Any mission is easy as long as you bring right tools.

    If someone went yolo with Oberon + up weapon(s) then yeah it's difficult.

    If someone used reasonable frame or just utilized parkour + full set of weapons modded for different elements it's not. There's lots of warframes capable of dealing with Sentients without breaking a sweat among them Rhino that is the first majority will farm and Valkyr that is also acquired early + Excal as one of the starter frames is  also quite popular.


    all the strategies I was told were to difficult to execute. so actually, even with "the right tools," it's too difficult.

  8. 5 minutes ago, redeyedtreefrog said:

    Nitpicking time, isn't that a logarithmic equation?


    no, it's exponential. this particular equation is y=-(2^(-x).

    8 minutes ago, redeyedtreefrog said:

    also, because I don't play nyx, does the energy consumption from taking dmg while in assimilate apply to enemy and friendly fire the same way? (As in. I hear one tigris blast can drain the entire energy pool of nyx, but is the same true for, say, a bombard rocket that happens to do the same damage?) 


    IDK, I'm a chaos sphere user.

  9. the Octavia's Anthem quest has me gritting my teeth with frustration over how difficult the sentients are. yet when I claimed it was too hard, people insisted it was easy. the underlying matter is that there is no universal definition of what is hard and what is easy.

    however, the fact that this is a co-op game means missions can be made easier simply by having more players. the problem with this is that the quest requires players to play it solo.

    now here's the thing: there is absolutely no reason why that mission would need to be solo. the ending to the second dream and the entirety of the war within had large cinematic pieces that would not work unless the player was solo. this was not the case for Octavia's Anthem.

    so please modify any solo quests to be co-op compatible unless it is simply not possible, as is the case with Second Dream and War Within. also, please think more carefully about whether something simply has to be solo. if there is any possibility of making a quest co-op, please make it co-op compatible.

  10. simply create a cap for the energy drain per second. the cap would be affected by duration and efficiency in the exact same way as the base energy cost. then, instead of linearly scaling energy consumption based on damage, it would use an exponential function with the base consumption as the y intercept the max consumption as the asymptote.

    here is an exponential function for reference:


  11. 8 minutes ago, LordLokai said:

    Step 1: acquire Limbo

    Step 2: use cataclysm

    Step 3: use ZE WAURDO!

    One sentient are stopped in there tracks, proceed to take your favorte beating stick and mash them in the face till the die.... also be aware you can now remove the sentient's damage immunity by using your operator's beam attack it removes it and only takes a quick shot to do so. They are not nearly as dangerous as they use to be.


    oh if you are curious as to what build i use on my Limbo its fairly basic stuff as i havent got to modding him properly using basic health, shield, duration damage ect no corrupted mods on him yet not till i figure out just how i want to build him.... with the changes he's pretty nifty frame now.


    I haven't maxed my limbo yet, but once I do, I'll use him to unload several shots of Sancti Tigris onto the sentients while they are frozen, and then escape. that should do it!

  12. @BuzzBomb8 I play warframe to work as a team with other players. for me, it's about the community being able to do what single players can't. naturally, when the game forces me to solo a mission for no apparent reason, I get angry. (the ending to Second Dream and The War Within quests actually had good reasons to have you solo it. it's not so with this quest.)

  13. 22 hours ago, Cat__Nap said:

    Ember + Accelerant spam
    Rhino + Iron Skin + Roar + Stomp spam

    Either of these works to cheese groups of sentients without any trouble. Rhino's undeniably the easier option; legit stunlocks an entire group for a long duration, has a self damage buff to help take them down in just a couple of hits, and his Stomp doesn't require LoS, so even sentients that hide behind pillars will get CCed. Not to mention, Iron Skin gives you a pretty large buffer of health for them to whittle down.

    Also make sure you're using at least two high damage weapons with different elements on them. Dread/Amprex/Tigris/other high-damage-per-shot primaries work very well on them, because they'll kill or almost kill the sentient before they've built up an immunity (Rhino's self damage buff + Dread is a nasty combination). Don't bother with weapons that aren't burst - you need to do as much damage to them as possible in the smallest amount of time.

    I really enjoyed the difficulty of the quest, despite struggling a bit with the last sentient part (didn't want to use Rhino, but caved, and much cheese was had). I hope future stuff is this challenging too; quests are short enough as it is, we don't need to race through them like we did with Glast Gambit or Silver Grove. TWW/TSD were much better, as is this.

    As for how to keep from dying: keep them stunlocked and you won't get hit. Keep in mind that if you don't stunlock them/stomp right away, and they let off their little laser show, the lasers WILL keep going even when they're stunned, so don't get hit by those. Rhino does make killing sentients relatively easy, though, and he's a frame that's easily accessible to everyone.


    thanks for giving a complete strategy. this will be much more helpful! the only issue is my Rhino is pretty much just built for iron skin, so can you message me a good build for this?

  14. 1 minute ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    It's definitely doable solo. You just need to run lots. If you had radiation, those procs will help too. Sentients are stunned for a second or two when you beam them with your Operator, so you can use that to your advantage as well. Certain frame powers such as radial blind or parasitic link also work.


    if I try to shoot at them, they will kill me almost instantly. so that means my warframe will have to stay out of their line of sight the entire time somehow.

  15. 1 minute ago, (PS4)psycofang said:


    No just run in with a strong as balls or mediocre weapon and shoot them up.

    When they resist your damage go into operator mode and hit them with the tenno laser to reset their resistances IF you completed The War Within.


    that's what I've been doing with my soma prime, and I keep failing the mission because I die over and over again.

  16. 37 minutes ago, hukurokuju5 said:


    rage quickthinking pflow



    27 minutes ago, AzoreanEve said:

    I came extremely unprepared for sentients. Only my primary had any mods on it and it was a R Cernos with a bad build. But guess what, Limbo made it a cakewalk.

    Seriously you can easily melee those things to death. If you can do all the previous quests then this should be ez pz.



    25 minutes ago, Moysa said:

    did it solo with loki. hint: operator mode void beam strips their resistances. hit em hard, pop out and beam em, go back in and do it again. easy kills


    23 minutes ago, JesterTheNight said:

    Went solo with Volt prime, took em down with 2 shots of vectis prime behind my electric shield. Vengeful Revenant dropped when I was told to run away instead of fighting the sentients but I stopped and killed them all instead.

    I was actually expecting this to be about the final "boss" (which was also easy), pretty suprised this was about the sentients.



    19 minutes ago, Kjahla81 said:

    Excalibur Radial Blind.


    15 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    Sentients are pretty awful to fight, but it's not all that bad. You'll have to hide and run a lot but it's doable. I did it with Nidus and a poorly-modded Akbolto. All of the damage came from the operator, who also resets and ignores resistances.

    Keep in mind that sentients can't jump. If they can't path to you, they can't touch you. It's a good idea to try and take out battalysts first, by shooting off their arms, and/or waiting for them to do the disco laser deal.



    11 minutes ago, FireSegment said:

    depend on which mission in the quest u talking about, some u can invite other player. 

    Heck ... i even have intenion of farming sentient for the stance mod in the quest .


    can someone suggest a full, highly descriptive strategy on killing them without getting hit?

    what I'm getting from these replies is to stay in the rift and spam my operator. is that it?

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