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Posts posted by Hyohakusha

  1. 7 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

    Generally speaking, I'm against adding redundant mods, because it has the knock-on effect of artificially limiting slots and build diversity.

    Hull Weave
    Sigma               35% /3 drain

    Lavan               70% /5 drain
    Vidar               216% /8 drain
    Winged Steel 360% /10 drain
    Zetki               253% /13 drain

    Look at the stat spread. ZHW only gives 37% percent more than VHW for an additional 5 cost, while Winged Steel gives 107% more than ZHW for 3 less capacity. If you're going to use two together, Winged Steel and VHW are the only ones even worth considering. If you're only going to use one, Winged Steel wins by a mile. That limits build diversity, the option to add more armor or speed to taste only provides just that, more options. It's not limiting slots, it's purely your choice to use one or two. It's the stat spreads between them that limits things by providing only two obvious choices. By re-balancing them like I pointed out in my first post, Sigma and Lavan not only make things more enjoyable for newer pilots, they then provide more options at higher levels to get your armor right where it feels comfortable for you. Same thing with Conic Nozzle and Winged Cyclone.

    And to make matters worse, if DE removes the interaction, it's a straight nerf. If Conic Nozzle and Winged Cyclone no longer stack, the max speed for a RJ drops from around 800m/s to 650m/s. As for armor, like I said, removing the interaction with Winged Steel means paying 3 more capacity for 107% less armor. Both of those only limit things even further.

    Here's my current build.

    Here's what it would roughly look like after such a nerf.

    Despite being at 9/10/7/6 I still haven't got a ZHW to drop. That said, my armor total would only be around 300 points higher than shown above if I did have one. 5 extra capacity drain for 300 points more from VHW to ZHW. Meanwhile, I'd lose roughly 800 points of armor overall and 90m/s of speed anyway. The only thing I gain is a bit more damage off my Galvarc, which works fine as is, and I'd end up with 2 leftover capacity I had no use for. To make this as simple as possible, my Railjack would become slower and more vulnerable, and I would have to pay more capacity for that lower speed and armor. That ain't right.

    While I do like the aura idea, only being able to equip one Winged mod at a time would also, obviously, be limiting. It's actually not that complicated. If DE just removes the interaction and leaves the pathetic AW range, we lose armor and speed and the Winged mod series becomes absolutely useless. If DE re-balances the Hull Weave's and removes the range restriction we get more build options. They can either nerf us and kill off an entire mod set, or they can make things less painful for newbies while giving us more to fiddle with when we get out to the Veil. Doesn't seem like a hard choice to me, but after playing this for as long as I have, my faith in DE isn't exactly high, which is why I posted this in the first place.

  2. For anyone who hasn't figured this out yet, the Winged Archwing Avionics also affect the Railjack. They also stack with basic Railjack Avionics. Winged Cyclone and a Lavan Conic Nozzle, for example, will net you +55% speed and allow your Railjack to clear 700m/s while Winged Steel and Hull Weave combined can turn your ship into a flying fortress. Having multiple mods at multiple costs allows you to build for any variance between super fast hit-and-run to tank and shoot. That interaction is wonderful for both saving Avionic capacity (because those Vidar 3 reactor's are just messed up) and getting the most out of what capacity you do have. The only thing that the Winged mods don't do is what they're supposed to, namely reliably buff AWs. The 100m range is far too short, and the Winged mods would help alleviate some of the issues people have with AWs in general.

    Remove the 100m range. Cyclone should just read "Increases the speed of ally Archwings and the Railjack." Steel?  "Increases the armor of ally Archwings and the Railjack." A 360% armor boost would help with making AWs feel less like flying coffins, while the speed boost helps them keep up with the Railjack. That will both keep build diversity for the Railjack while addressing the very commonly raised question of AW durability, or rather the complete lack of durability any AW other than Amesha has.

    The Hull Weave's and Winged Steel are the only ones that need looking at. Hull Weave's disparity between bonus and cost is a joke.
    Sigma 35% /3 drain
    Lavan 70% /5 drain
    Vidar 216% /8 drain
    Winged Steel 360% /10 drain
    Zetki 253% /13 drain
    Sigma to Lavan is 2 drain for twice the bonus. Lavan to Vidar is 3 drain for three times the bonus of Lavan. Vidar to Zetki is five additional drain for the effective bonus of adding a Sigma. Then we have Zetki Winged Steel. +360% for 10 drain. As is, Zetki Hull Weave is effectively useless.

    This seems much more sensible.
    Sigma Hull Weave    +60% /3 drain
    Lavan Hull Weave    +110% /5 drain
    Vidar Hull Weave     +220% /8 drain
    Zetki Winged Steel. +320% /10 drain
    Zetki Hull Weave     +420% /13 drain
    Not only will newer players not have the terrible experience of a tissue paper Railjack, ZHW actually becomes worth a slot and Winged Steel still retains its use as well. Because if you just straight up nerf the Winged mods to no longer affect the Railjack, we have to use 3 more capacity just to lose 1k armor. With all the complaints about Railjack EHP and the godawful RNG associated with Vidar Reactors, I don't think I need to explain how a nerf that results in needing to use more capacity to gain less of a benefit would be received. Simply buffing ZHW and removing the range restriction on the Winged mods will not only prevent that, it would go a ways towards helping with the underlying problems.

  3. So from today's hotfix...

    • Fixed the Munition Ammo count UI in the Railjack displaying 1 more capacity than you actually have (ie 30/31).
    • Fixed Railjack Forge not applying yield multipliers (Engineer Intrinsic bonus) to displayed craft amounts.

    R6 Tactical does nothing. 100 cost battle avionics should cost 75, but they still drain 100 flux. Likewise, R4 and R7 Engineering also still do nothing. It would be nice if they did work so you didn't have to click and hold 4 different ammo types 20x after each mission. There should really be a "restock all" button in the drydock payload menu.

    Ordnance ammo count is reading 21/21 and Dome charges are now at 5. Today's fix clearly didn't take all the way. Dome charges, however, should be upped further to 6 total/ 2 crafted per time, or have the base damage increased by 35-50% if they're going to be dropped back down to 4 total. A veil crewship survives a clean reactor shot with 1/4-1/3 of it's health remaining, and that's with a maxed Zetki Forward Artillery in a maxed avionic slot. The count boost would guarantee 3 dead per full stock of dome charges, while the damage boost would allow for a possible 4. 

  4. I'm at 8-10-7-6 and I got there the proper way, instead of using the cheap Flexa farm. I figured I'd post some observations since DE's finally getting back soon. Unsurprisingly, people who Flexa'ed their way to straight 10s tend not to have a clue about anything Railjack related, almost as if purposely avoiding a game mode only ends with you having no functional understanding of how that game mode works.

    One of the biggest complaints I see repeated is about damage. If you think an Arcwing can outkill a Railjack you need to spend a bit more time practicing with it. With a Galvarc and decent aim, you can cut down a group of five ships in seconds. With Munitions Vortex and Void Hole, you'll take out the whole squad of twenty. However, there's the issue of godawful mod drop chances walling off those better options. Without access to them, people are going to rely on their AWs. These same people then say Railjack sucks, when they aren't even interacting with it, but then that just feeds back into a loop of not being able to get the parts needed to make their Railjack's good. I've got 50+ L Hyperstrike's, I've found 4 Z Hyperstrike's, but I've never seen a V Hyperstrike. Same goes for Bulkhead, and Hullweave's the opposite, with Zetki being the one to just never show up. Those 0.1% and 0.2% drop rates need a massive boost, as things like Damage, HP and Armor really shouldn't be locked behind a grind that's out of order progression wise, and downright schizophrenic in terms of distribution

    As for guns specifically, a small boost to the Hyperstrike mods would be nice, like having Z Hyperstrike cap at 180-200% and scaling the rest accordingly. The Cryophon doesn't need it, but a bump in damage for the rest of them would help close the meta gap that's already forming. Honestly though. the guns are fine as is, as the people who complain the loudest about their damage tend to crash into things a lot and have terrible aim. The Artillery Cannon is a slight exception; it will still work in the Veil with Zetki forward Artillery if you soften up the crewship first, but feels a little underpowered regardless. Infinite punchthrough would help. But again, the real issue is in acquiring those weapons. Lavan and Vidar are better than Sigma and Zetki when it comes to guns. Lavan and Vidar guns only drop off of Crewships, with a fairly low chance, and that brings up the next, and most annoying part underlying all of this.

    The chance of missing those good drops is infuriating. Someone didn't grab the puff of loot orbs from the Crewship. That outrider flew off behind a small mountain when it exploded. That Elite Takti crashed into the back of a rock and you couldn't even see it happen. Avionic drops and scrap part drops should just be added to your inventory automatically. Our loot radar has issues with vertical distance, and the general size of the maps, plus the speed that you're moving through them at just ends in knowing that you've missed rare drops. Progression only comes in massive spikes of having or not having a thing, which leads to the part RNG.

    I got extremely lucky with a 93 cap Vidar mk3. I've also seen Zetki mk3's with 9 cap. This has been said a dozen times and still needs repeating. The reactor avionics capacity bonuses need to be balanced. Specifically mk3's. Sigma is +50. A Zetki should be +55-75. Lavan should be +65-85. Vidar should be +80-100. Sigma's the base, Zetki's the most common drop, Lavan and Vidar are rare rewards. They should scale in relative power accordingly. This shouldn't need explaining, and the reactor numbers shipping as they did is disgusting. In addition, the drop rates for Lavan and Vidar weapons from Crewships need to be brought up to be comparable to outrider's dropping Zetki's, and Lavan and Vidar end of mission rewards also need a nice fat boost.

    Intrinsics have issues. Some work half the time, some flat out do nothing, and most of the 10's are very underwhelming. Bugs making them non-functional is just something that needs a simple fix though. The gain could use a buff, like a fixed bonus awarded at the end of every mission, but getting 10 in everything isn't very high on the list of things that need to fixed to straighten out this mess. And no more carry over for Intrinsics xp if you quit a mission. The RNG may cause people to view Flexa as a "better" alternative, but that being an option only creates people who are terrible at playing Railjack despite having maxed Intrinsics.

    In terms of Resource gain, Asterite needs to drop from one additional location. Enemies, interior crates and lockers, whatever. Anything. Anything other than just rocks and the odd cache hanging out in space. The option to cancel guns that are being fixed to get back the resources is something Pablo already brought up, so :thumbup:for that.

    Other than that, let us color the energy of our guns, and have the ships energy color actually affect the interior energy lighting.

    The biggest issues were obvious from the start; cost to fix scrap, low drop chances with poorly thought out number ranges, and it's way too easy to miss drops that would be a massive help. Clean that up and people will be surprised at how fun it is, if they actually give it a chance. But that is contingent on DE putting in the effort to actually fix it.

    • Like 1
  5. With a +165% damage buff off of Rhino's roar, and a maxed Zetki Forward Artillery, it will still one shot in the veil. I can sometimes do it without the roar buff, but you need to aim and time your shot perfectly. The beam has to pass through where the reactor would be in the crewship, so if you're too far in front of or behind that point and only graze the reactor, the ship itself takes damage to its massive health pool. Reactor shots kill the crewship with 2k-51k red crits, and again that's with the roar buff and ZFA. Hull shots can do over 300k, but the crewship itself has a grotesque amount of HP so it looks like nothing off the bar.

    Point is, you shouldn't need to more than double your damage with a frame ability to guarantee that it will actually do it's job; if you cleanly hit a reactor shot with a maxed Zetki Forward Artillery in a maxed slot, it should do enough to one shot the crewship regardless of mission location. A glancing shot not killing is fine, if you miss you miss, but the weapon itself needs a buff or Forward Artillery needs a buff, because shooting out a crewship reactor is obviously what its for, and it can't do that consistently right now without help from a Rhino with 330% power strength.

  6. 5 hours ago, schilds said:

    Having said that, I watched Brozime's stream for a bit. He mostly never used his Railjack, and the last half or more of his intrinsic farming was stealth farming with Ivara and then aborting. So not only did he frequently skip using his railjack in favour of his archwing, he then skipped the space combat entirely. I get that was because he didn't find it fun, but it means he wasn't getting RJ drops or most resources that whole time. In the video summarising his thoughts about Empyrean he claims he put in the time and effort to make it work, but I think given the way he played (or skipped RJ gameplay, really) he's being a little cheeky. I think he actually made it more of a slog for himself by sticking to the "archwing > RJ" meme. My own experience has been that RJ + archwing eventually overtakes pure archwing.

    This right here ^

    He obviously didn't put in the time, he can't control his Railjack or aim properly, and he was crashing into everything. Since he was just exploiting a bug to basically play Adaro instead of using his Railjack, he sucks at using his Railjack even though he's got 9s in everything due to not having any practice. Kind of messed up to see people doing that when you got 6976 the normal way.

    59 minutes ago, elmetnuter said:

    Brozime has never understood the game mechanics in warframe. First videos I watched from him talking about Khora, i thought was a joke. If an ability or a concept is not the simplest and toughest, he can't even.

    And he's going to make a video showing how he farmed intrinsics even though he learned about it from another person's video. Now there's going to be a bunch of idiots with 10s in everything and a lack of experience with anything Railjack related.

    The unreliable nature of youtuber's aside, the RJ's damage output could use a boost, but 4x is ridiculous. Rhino actually adds 166% damage with 332% power strength, not the full 332%, and that actually feels about right. With maxed Zetki Hyperstrike equipped, roll in about 100-150% of that damage boost, you're set. Divvie it up between base damage and Hyperstrike's bonus even. Just be able to reliably two-shot with a cryophon at a bit of a distance, and be able to pick off two fighters per pass. Other than that, the Vidar reactor situation and 0.1% drops are messed up, and the scrap economy needs better carry over between parts, but to make a 45 minute video trashing a mode you didn't even really play, and used a glitch to get around playing at that... yeesh.

  7. 21 hours ago, Venom-Nightstar said:

    I end up having to eyeball my tracers to score hits and the crosshair is usually never on the lead indicator.

    Pick a rock off in the distance, light it up and then move left or right steadily. The actual projectiles on Apoc's are generated from the center of the screen, above the ship, in a straight line. The projectile stream will track from side to side depending on which way you're strafing, because it's not even hooked up to the actual guns themselves. The visual effects coming out of the Apoc's barrels are just for show. Basically I'm pretty sure they're broken, and that's why it's better to feel out shots with an Apoc than aiming for the lead, because the lead seem to be assuming that the shots are being generated from the guns on the sides, while it's actually coming from above the lead.

  8. For whatever reason, energy color only seems to have a slight affect on the slingshot color and Shatter Burst. Artillery, other Battle Avionics and your turrets are unaffected. It would be really nice to have a color other than see-through red on our guns what with them being projectile based and used against highly mobile enemies. Probably just another thing they missed from rushing the update out in a month.

  9. 1 hour ago, Mephane said:

    * Don't fix each house to one of the RNG bonuses. Allow Lavan and Zetki to roll with a weapon damage instead of fire rate, too, and allow Vidar to roll with fire rate instead of weapon damage. Whatever anyone's reason to prefer either (fire rate does confer an advantage for status proc rate over time, after all), this does not fix that preference to a particular house.

    I really prefer it like this actually. It means less variance overall and less grind. You want more damage, get a Vidar. Want a Cryophon that doesn't feels slow af? Get a Lavan. There's already enough RNG. But there's a deeper issue as well.

    1 hour ago, Mephane said:

    * Make ship energy color affect turrets, or add an extra color selection for weapon energy color in the Railjack customization.

    This definitely needs to get added. My ship's energy color affects my Battle Avionics, but my guns are stuck with this hard to see red hue.

    The biggest problem is that regardless of gun or house or bonus, none of them do anywhere near enough damage. With a 322% str Rhino adding +166% damage with his Roar, the guns feel just about right. You need to at least double the damage of them to get them to kill anything in a halfway decent time. If they mess with V3 Carcinox's fall off, everything should get better fall-off. 1000-2000 would be decent. But until they adjust the damage of the guns and the armor of the enemies, going for Vidar weapons is just squeezing out a slight amount of extra damage that makes next to no difference anyway, and only further makes the house differences both pointless and even more unfair to Zekti weapons.

  10. 24 minutes ago, (XB1)aMichealMeyers said:

    Go to first node on earth, ignore the objective. Let a bunch of noobs without their own RJs fly around in your highly upgraded RJ, let them fool around with the controls and have fun, figure things out at their pace, let them figure out what an upgraded RJ can do. While you're ignoring the objective, farm Titanium meteors. You should have harvested nearly every meteor in the map by the time they kill the last fighters and crewships. Sometimes I farm every single meteor I can find, and there's still like 8 fighters left to kill, so I warp back to help with the last ones. RJ should be upgraded enough that it's indestructible on earth if a few noobs are piloting it. 

    Basically this. If you don't want a bunch of idiots messing with your railjack and shooting resource ammo at nothing, you can always just solo it with Seeker Volley and a few Artillery shots on the crewships, park the RJ at one end of the asteroid strip, then fly out and loot the stupid little orange rocks. The fields of red mines are very helpful when you run across them, they're basically explosive treasure chests. Green bubbles sometimes have some as well.

    Though for 30mins of your time, you'll be lucky to come out with 200. The reason Asterite's so hard to come by is that it ONLY drops from rocks. Particle Ram can help a bit, but you still end up missing rocks in the RJ since your FoV is limited. Asterite should really drop from enemies or interiors as well.

  11. To one-shot Crewships with it in the Veil, you need 300%+ Str Rhino with his roar up. I'm not even sure that Forward Artillery does anything, but I have a maxed Zekti on anyway. Since I always pilot, I just park the RJ slightly above the CS, make sure roar's up, jump down the cannon hole and blast them. You need to cleanly hit the ship without clipping the boosters. Make sure the O is centered on the diamond marker on the CS. In general, ALL RJ guns need a massive boost in damage. With 332% Str on my Rhino things only feel about right, not even slightly op. That's a +166% boost to damage. All RJ guns need their base damaged doubled from what it is now, that's how badly they were scaled, and the Artillery needs it the most. Cleanly one-shotting a crewship is wonderful, but it just isn't consistent.

    • Like 2
  12. Here's a list of the general game state positive/ negatives of Railjack.

    + We get slightly more titanium now.

    ~ Avionics can be traded, to boost plat transactions obviously.

    - Scrap repair costs are still outrageous. No mention of changing this in the Dev Workshop.
    - Pustrel quantity per drop is still terrible.
    - Even with a booster, general material quantity per drop is terrible.
    - Basic essential mods for Railjack survivability have a 1% drop chance off of an enemy with 1/10 chance to drop a mod.
    - Mod drop tables for Railjack make no sense in general.
    - Actually collecting mods and materials is a massive annoyance, and its incredibly easy to miss them.
    - Mission "rewards" still have Ferrite and Rubedo.
    - Enemy HP and Armor values are insane.
    - Dirac gain was nerfed.

    - Crashes, failure to load missions, unable to return to dojo.
    - Matchmaking is a mess.
    -/+ Loot from interior areas still isn't shared. DE said they're working on it, hopefully this will be changed soon.
    - And Archguns are currently bugged with what really feels like a test of a possible future nerf.


    Cut the costs to repair scrap guns in half, at least.
    Double the pustrel quantity per drop. They're used for omni fuel. We burn them too quickly.
    Increase the quantity per drop on materials in general.
    Mods like Maxima, Bulkhead and Hullweave should have higher drop rates.
    Saturn should have higher quantities of rewards, and better quality of rewards than Earth, same for Veil compared to Saturn.
    Drops from enemy ship kills should be automatic pickups, or the vacuum range on the RJ and AW needs to be increased by a very substantial amount. They should also be more visible regardless, and visible from a greater range.
    End of mission rewards should only consist of materials pertaining to RJ.
    Tone back the 500 base armor and 1.2k hp values.
    Increase end-of-mission dirac rewards.

    The last four are all bugs/ issues that will hopefully be fixed. Archwings don't deserve to be nerfed any further. There's potential, but the fun aspects of RJ are heavily outweighed by the negatives. A little bump in Titanium doesn't even come close to rectifying those issues.

    • Like 1
  13. After the last update, Archguns are reloading only 2-3 rounds per second. I've heard Fulmin has the same problem, and other charge weapons appear to be affected as well. I'm something just broke and it's going to get fixed, because after the nerfs that Archweapons have already taken, this would just be gross if this was intended. Hopefully "Fixed charge weapon reload" is in the next set of patch notes and not "during update x.y.z the change to Archweapon reload went undocumented".

  14. Do not refine without asking. You are forcing a return to the dojo. Do not EVER refine in the middle of combat. You are cutting the amount of Omni ammo, Flux Energy, Ordnance and Artillery. You need those to kill things. Do not hop in the pilot seat at the end of the mission and start firing off Flux abilities at nothing. You're wasting the resources of the ships owner.

    Honestly refining should be locked to the Captain of the ship. It would stop a lot of issues with trolling.

  15. 18 minutes ago, bananacat89 said:

    I bought one. Made me feel like a dirty rat. 

    I bought 3. Felt pretty much the same. I really don't like rewarding something so obviously designed to force you to spend plat to get around such an obscene resource cost. And let's not kid ourselves, that is exactly why it takes so many resources to fix a scrap ship part.

    Used two on a MkII Zekti Carcinox and Apoc since only the MkIIIs are better. Other one was on a MkII shield with stats on par with the MkIIIs in the wiki page for Railjack.

    And you know what? It still sucks. The guns can at least kill things, but an AW is still better for Crewships, and Crewships still kill my Railjack in about 10 seconds now instead of 5. Not to mention it's easier to aim in an AW and you have a much wider FoV. I don't get why that intrinsic upgrade for full view with the guns doesn't apply to the pilot. 

    This update is terribly designed when it comes to player experience, but perfectly designed when it comes to incentivizing dropping plat. Don't want to spend a month farming the resources for the best Railjack guns? Just buy them. It's real scummy and DE needs to reduce the repair costs by a significant amount and up the count for material drops for enemies, and they need to do it quick.

    10 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

    SCRAPPING a WRECKAGE item after Repairing gives you back your crafting materials you spent to Repair it (Titanium, Carbides, etc).

    This isn't surprising, they said they reduced the murmur count for liches in one patch note, then went back a few days later and "fixed a typo" showing that they just moved 20 murmurs from the first requiem reveal to the last.  

  16. Spent 45 minutes clearing one mission and picking up all the resulting loot. Everyone gets back in the ship, Captain hits return to Dojo, and nothing. The navigation console deactivates, he cant interact with it again, and we're just stuck sitting there. He decides to take one for the team and try to leave so it host migrates and we can try again. The game white-screen freezes and crashes.

    New Mods
    1k Dirac
    Gallos, Kesslers, Nullstones
    1.2k Titanium and 1.4k Diodes
    Shields and a Carcinox and over a dozen mods I didn't even have time to take a pic of.
    Other than the shields and the Carcinox, all of it's gone. All the mats, mods, dirac and intrincis xp. Poof. Into the ether.

    Got a code WAR-2606985 in the crash report. Apparently this has been happening to a lot of people. There's no point in running a mission type that takes almost an hour to complete if it's just going to crash anyway.

    • Like 1
  17. It makes Kuva farming infuriating. The first mission you pick on a planet will be the mission you get loaded into until the siphon timer changes them. If you pick War - Mars for example, then try to pick a different mission on Mars, you end up right back in War. If Earth's up at the same time, the first mission you pick there will work, but then any other mission you pick on Earth will again, keep loading you back into that first selection. Only way around it currently is to just play solo, which is annoying af for Kuva missions, especially if they happen to be on Ceres. Also, for the millionth time, fix the siphon spawn logic for Ceres. The siphons never spawn along the way to the objective or from the objective to evac on Ceres. They're always tucked off down some tiny little area that's either behind the spawn point in the complete opposite direction of the objective, or hidden down one door in a room with 8 different ways to go, that, again, is no where near anything you'll be running by in the normal course of the mission.

  18. It really seems like DE went out of their way to nerf the hell out of AWs to make the Railjack look better by comparison. Projectile instead of hitscan, lower damage, buff enemy resistance to Archgun damage, have enemies kill them in one shot, make the enemies faster than AWs. It's ridiculous. Amesha isn't even broken or OP, it's just the only AW with any abilities that are actually useful, and enemies still eat through your 1s charges so quickly they'll kill you anyway. Itzal has Cold Snap, but its 4 is worthless and they'll shoot you through your invisibility like it isn't even up, not to mention how low its EHP is. Odonata's 1 kind of helps until you get hit with any kind of AoE damage, in which case, instant death, and its missiles are so slow they can't even hit anything. And Elytron's just a flying joke.

    But knowing DE, instead of bothering to buff or rework the other AWs, they'll just nerf the Amesha and probably the Cyngas as well. I really don't see why AW had to suffer to "incentivize" using the Railjack when there's an AW right next to the Railjack in the loading screen. But when it comes to "We can rework 3 things or nerf this one thing" DE usually just goes for the nerf. It would be messed up and I hope I'm wrong, but I won't be surprised if something like "Reduced the charges on Amesha's 1" and ""Fixed" the Cyngas' damage" is in the patchnotes tomorrow. God forbid there should be anything that's slightly more useful than the flying chunk of swiss cheese that is the Railjack.

    Sad thing is, dog-fighting in an AW is the only part of Railjack that I actually find fun, since it reminds me of Armored Core and is actually a challenge unlike the rest of the game. 

    • Like 1
  19. 1 hour ago, zakaryx said:
    • Particle Damage results in a Tear Status Effect:
      • Tears holes into the hull of the enemy ship. Allowing players to deal increased damage.
    • Ballistic Damage results in a Concuss Status Effect:
      • Concuss the crew aboard the ship. Enemy has reduced aim and damage.
    • Plasma Damage results in a Decompress Status Effect:
      • Puncture holes into the armor/shields of the enemy ship. Decreasing the overall shield/armour value.


    • Incendiary Damage results in a Sear Status Effect:
      • Rounds burn through the hull of the ship dealing Damage Over Time. 
    • Ionic Damage results in a Scramble Status Effect:
      • Temporary disable the enemies flight controls.
    • Chem Damage results in a Intoxicate Status Effect:
      • Confuses Enemy pilot. Enemy will target anyone around them.
    • Frost Damage results in an Immobilize Status Effect:
      • Ship controls freeze causing the enemy ship to fly forward to a stop.

    I think, I'm not sure, but from what I've tested, I think, it might be...
    Particle = Slash
    Ballistic = Impact
    Plasma = Puncture
    Particle/ Plasma might be the other way around tho.

    These are obvious.
    Incendiary = Heat
    Ionic = Elec
    Chem = Toxin
    Frost = Cold
    However, combined elements act weird. The regular functions of our old elemental bonuses don't seem to apply. I'm not certain, but they might separate into their individual types for Railjack. Or they might not be working correctly at all. On the other hand I'm quite certain IPS on ArchGuns directly translates. Also, status is the way to go. Hybrid build on the Imperator V with 4x 60/60s, Base Damage, CC/CD and Multi works wonderfully. I've got a Cygnas in the oven as well since Puncture/Slash or Particle/Plasma-whatever procs seem to be the best option.

    Also, Larkspur, Velocitus and Fluctus are straight trash for Railjack. Fluctus waves don't travel fast enough to hit anything as someone else pointed out above, Velocitus is far too slow and Larkspur seems to be bugged. If you get up on the target it will work, but I keep seeing 0's popping up as well.

    So basically, IPS + Status chance. Or PP + Status chance to be more accurate. XD

  20. 8 minutes ago, Draco0xd said:

    I am having a buf with the kuva loches, since the update the missions are all wrong, it says survival and end up on an exterminate, it says capture and end up on a spy mission, and it's with all the lich missions.

    I would also like to say that the resource requeriment of the raiojack parts are way too much.

    Regular Kuva Siphons and Floods are doing the same thing. I pick a mission I haven't done, I end up right back in the last one I did until they roll around to a new planet. I got the "Reward Already Received" lock insignia over where the Kuva would be on one mission and tested some things. It seems to be based on planet. If I complete a mission on Mars for example, any Kuva mission I pick on Mars will be the same. I can pick a mission on a different planet and it'll load correctly, but then after completing that mission the second planet gets locked on to that mission as well. 

  21. 9rjtSFO.jpg

    I've cleared the Earth nodes multiple times, I've made sure to stay and loot whenever I can, I've got an orange booster up... and I'm not even halfway close to being able to repair this Zekti Carcinox MKII I just got. To top that off, the stats on Wreckage Equipment is random. Even if I had the mat's to repair this thing, I could very easily get a better one, or one for a type of gun I prefer in the very next mission I run. This is straight up Hema tier resource costs for weapons with RNG stats like Lich guns. The cost to fix wreckage gear is ridiculous, and needs to be toned down massively. If they had set stats, I'd say 1/3 of what they are now is fine, but they don't. The risk of sinking that many materials into one part for the Railjack just to get something better a few missions later is obscene.

    I have no idea how anyone thought that would be a good idea, unless the idea was to make the cost so prohibitive that just using the bog standard Apoc and going out in your AW  would be a better idea. And it is, even though ArchGuns got nerfed despite not even being that good to begin with, and that's probably why DE nerfed them. To "incentivize" using the Railjack. But then we end up in a loop of misery. 

    "Why would I waste all of these materials I barely have enough of on a gun with random stats?"
    You need to to be able to progress.
    "But the material drop rate and lack of ability to easily collect drops is awful."
    Progress farther, they drop more.
    "But I can't progress without burning all of these materials I barely have enough, that I also need to burn just to use basic ship functions. And even if I do build it, I'll just end up getting a better drop, and then I'll be in the hole for multiple thousands of each."

    It's insanity. Cut the Copernics, Cubics, Pustrels and Carbides requirements for this RNG gear by 1/8th at least. No multiple thousands when there are 5 different gear types. It takes a good half an hour at least just to complete one mission for all of 100 pustrels and maybe 200 of the other three. And again, we still have to burn those just to put out fires and shoot halfway decent weaponry to begin with.

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