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Posts posted by Hyohakusha

  1. The spawn point for liches is busted rn. For most of the first week they would always spawn directly on top of you, now they're spawning anywhere from 50-500m away for me. The game seems to be confusing standard thralls as being the lich, as when a thrall spawns, the lich will say a line as if they're there, even though they're not. Then you go through the level and after taking out a few more thralls, the lich finally spawns in the location of the first thrall that was triggering lich voice lines to be played. It's incredibly annoying.

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  2. From what I've seen after 26 liches total, it's either it's bugged, there's an rng element to it or DE flat out lied about changing the overall requirements. Even that change from 50/50/50 to 30/30/70 would only be a 13.4% reduction, taking the total from 150 to 130. However, I've also noticed that it seems to fluctuate anywhere between 30~50 for the first two and 50~70 for the last one. Considering how annoying the thrall grind is, and that DE keeps walking back the improvement's they've "accidentally" added over the last week, getting some clarification on this would be really helpful. I though the same exact thing "Why don't we just have a count of 12/30 or 20/50 instead of these rings you have to squint at to see any progress." And honestly the 30/30/70 isn't good either. When you get the first two rings done you're less than half of the way through. The lich stab bonus is also inconsistent, awarding anywhere from 4~10 thralls worth of progress, instead of 10 like they said, so that doesn't even really help. A total of 35/35/50, that's actually consistent and not bugged out or adding even more rng into the system would make the murmur grind much less painful, as would a simple count of actual numbers instead of the ring. Really hope they fix this.

  3. 26 liches total.

    Drakgoon - 1
    Karak - 1
    Kohm - 0
    Ogris - 0
    Quartakk - 1
    Tonkor - 2
    Brakk - 1
    Kraken - 4
    Seer - 1
    Stubba - 5
    Chakkhurr - 6
    Shildeg - 0
    Ayanga - 3
    Vengeful Trickster Ephemera - 3

    When they add lich trading, if anyone needs a radiation Chakkhurr and has a radiation Kohm or Shildeg, hmu lol.


  4. Okay, there is a lot of wrong information in this thread. Thankfully @GruntBlender filled in most of the important bits, though people are still missing a few significant factors.

    First off, you only get the stab bonus off of stab attempts with incorrect requiem mods.
        Say I know the first one for my lich is Fass, and I've got a Khra in the second slot. I stab my lich once, Fass lights up. I don't get the bonus murmurs because that was correct. I stab a second time, Fass lights up, Khra goes red, I get Bane'ed by the lich. I get nothing for the success with a correct mod. I will only get the stab bonus from the failed Khra, which will fill into the Murmur-o-meter as the lich goes away. 

    Second, the stab bonus is not a fixed amount of 10 thralls worth of murmurs. It varies between 4-10 thralls worth. That bonus is also not shared anymore.

    Third, and I can't believe how few people have figured this out so far, liches will convert standard grineer into thralls as long as the lich isn't  knocked on one knee. There are two separate caps for how many thrall can spawn per mission, one for thralls that will spawn in normally, and one for thralls that the lich turns. You let the lich turn thralls, you and everyone else gets their murmurs done faster.
        By leaving your lich alone for a bit before you stab them, you and everyone else on the team will get far more thralls, and therefore murmurs, than by simply stabbing them the second they show up. In fact, stabbing them the second they show up is a horrible idea, since you are costing yourself and everyone else in the squad the bonus murmurs from grineer that the lich turns into thralls, thereby making the grind worse for everyone.

    Also, as was pointed out above, stabbing your lich resets their chances of showing up in mission at all. And if you know your combination and need to finish off your lich, don't run on pub. That's just stupid. If you're solo, your lich is the only lich that can spawn. If you're in a group with three other people, you now have a 1/4 chance for your lich to be the lich that spawns. That's no ones fault but your own for running on pub.

    My lich list doesn't even fit on one screenshot anymore, just because I took the time to figure out the mechanics of the system and actually cooperate with people when the chance arose, instead of cursing them out and making the experience worse for everyone involved.


    I've taken out 26 liches so far and that stab bonus really only helps offset the increased grind on the third murmur. People aren't even complaining about the right issues. The murmur "reduction" for one, is a joke hidden behind misleading math. It was 50/50/50 for a total of 150 thralls for all 3 murmurs. Now its 30/30/70. That's only a reduction of roughly 13.4%, and twenty thralls total. Yet it was shown as 60%/60%/140%, which is correct mathematically, but again, also misleading since its not showing the total number.

    Then there's the fact that you are literally better off ignoring your lich until you have at least one of the murmurs figured out, since as soon as you stab them and fail, your chance to encounter them drops like a rock. Not only that, but you're better off soloing the whole thing, since people not only don't understand the conversion mechanic, but will flip out on you for not stabbing your lich, which, again, only increases the grind for everyone. Not to mention that that 10 thralls worth of bonus murmurs has averaged out to about 4-8 thralls worth for me ever since it got added. The whole system is backwards and yelling at people for not stabbing their lich immediately is not only not helping, its making things worse, both in terms of actual progression in game and the general attitude of the community at the moment, towards the lich system as a whole and each other. DE really needs to get this crap straightened out.

    To wrap this all up, if someone doesn't want to stab their lich, not only is that not a problem, if the other players just leave the lich alone for a bit, that lich will make more thralls for everyone, and that's the only way to share murmurs with other people at an effective rate since the stab bonus is no longer shared.

    Use your brains people.

  5. This has been a problem forever. If you don't throw stuff into the water at just the right angle, it doesn't even register that it hit the water and just falls through the map. Which sucks because its a flat out waste of resources due to a bug. At this point I don't even think DE's plans on fixing it.

  6. Parazon finishers on enemies at odd angles in relation to your frame, like the enemy being lower or higher on the ground, cause your frame to use the terminal hacking animation. I've been flung out of the map three times now by this. Operators are also using the terminal hacking animation if you try to finisher enemies with them.

    Liches will spawn in anywhere from 200-500m back through the level you're in instead of spawning on you like they were.

    Performing a finisher on an enemy near a lich will sometimes finisher the lich instead, regardless of their HP or whether or not they're downed.

    Capture missions are bugging out, only spawning the capture target and no other enemies, or only a few more enemies at the very end of the level. The evac map marker also bugs out when this happens, and only shows the distance to evac instead of snapping to doorways that will lead you to evac.

    Edit: Here's some more I forgot. There's alot to remember.

    When a lich grapples and throws you, if you're near any kind of environmental object, there's a very good chance of you getting stuck in that object and having to use /unstuck.

    Since liches are spawning anywhere from 200-500m away from you as I said above, it's possible for them to spawn into areas in a map that are either inaccessible, or not even on the map layout.

    If a Nox Thrall spawns or a Nox is converted into a thrall by a lich, there's about a 50/50 chance that you wont be able to finisher it.

    When thralls use their lich's movemet ability, they get stuck in walls and rocks and other random bits of the environment quite often, making it impossible to finisher them, or if you can, you perform the terminal hack animation and get thrown out of the map like I said above. This is especially likely if you kill them as they're moving. 

    The Ayanga I got off of my 2nd lich Aisaro Adigg had +59% radiation to start. My 25th lich had another Ayanga, Aisaro's profile in the codex went down to a +58% bonus. My 26th lich has yet another Ayanga, Aisaro's profile now reads +57%. Great. Wish I caught this sooner, because now I have no way of proving it.

  7. On 2019-11-08 at 12:31 PM, SneakyErvin said:

    Because thralls benefit everyone that needs murmurs at a consistant rate aslong as the liches are ignored. If you kill yourself on a lich, he will not apprear again for a good while, making the whole 10x murmurs from him a completely pointless reward, since you will get the same return in future mission simply from a lich showing up and spawning extra thralls.

    This is an example of someone who actually understands lich mechanics and knows how to grind murmurs.

    And this is an example of someone who demands that people kill their lich immediately, doesn't realize that they're creating their own problems, and then takes it out on other people.

  8. I'm going to try and explain this as straight forward as possbile, as calmly as possible, because these people demanding that players stab their liches as soon as they spawn are making the grind worse for everyone.

    Liches convert standard grineer into thralls.
    There is a cap on how many thralls will spawn into a mission regularly.
    There is a cap on how many standard grineer a lich can turn into a thrall.
    Those caps are separate.

    It's roughly ten spawned thralls and ten converted thralls. The cap on both was already reduced from what it was, but you can still get a good 15-20 thralls BEFORE stabbing the lich AND getting the stab bonus on top of that. This makes the grind go by much more smoothly. It's simple, basic math. 15-20 murmurs+stab bonus of 4-8 on average, versus maybe 10 murmurs+stab bonus of 4-8 on average.

    19~24 to 24~28 murmurs if you let them convert standard grineer before you stab, versus 14~18 murmurs if you only kill spawned thralls and immediately stab.

    Since the cap on spawned and converted thralls has been reduced, since the stab bonus is no longer shared, letting liches convert enemies before stabbing them is the best way for EVERYONE in the squad to get more murmurs. The more murmurs you get, the faster you figure out what requiem mods you need to vanquish your lich. The faster you figure out what requiem mods you need to vanquish your lich, the faster you can get rid of a bum lich with a repeat or low bonus weapon.

    "But I want my Lich to spawn." And you chose to run on public. Brilliant logic there. You gave yourself a 1/4 chance of your lich spawning, IF any lich spawns at all, then you screwed yourself and the rest of the squad out of getting more murmurs, then you complained about it. Or worse, started cursing people out, because of a problem you created for yourself.

    "But I know the combination to vanquish them." Again, you chose to run on public. Had you simply set it to solo and done a capture or an exterminate, that 1/4 chance of your lich spawning in a pub match IF any lich spawns, becomes your lich, being the ONLY lich that can spawn.

    "Let them convert some enemies, then I'll stab them. That way we ALL get more murumurs, and we ALL get this done faster." versus "Stab your lich you *insert unimaginative expletive here* so mine can spawn." A little bit of cooperation that helps everyone in the squad, against sheer selfishness that is nothing but a detriment to everyone in the squad.

     The conversion mechanic was obviously designed to incentivize communication and teamwork, and instead we have self-centered fools making the grind worse for everyone, including themselves. We have topics asking that liches auto kill players for not stabbing them, or vanish after a set amount of time, completely invalidating the conversion mechanic, and again, making the grind worse for everyone. You want proof? Here's my lich list. It would be even longer if I didn't have to solo the vast majority of it, simply to avoid running into people with no concept of logic or simple math. Trying to brute force it just makes more grind. Use your brains people.


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  9. There's a really easy way around this. You just trade the lich weapon blueprints sitting in your foundry, and set it so it's only BP for BP, in its own trade option. No plat. Have the ephemera's turn into BP's that are claimable from the foundry and treat them the same way. Otherwise you're going to have people abusing it, either by getting a lich with an ephemera and spreading it through their clan/ friends by repeatedly converting it, or asking for plat for a lich with a weapon they want/ offering plat to get rid of a lich they don't want. A simple pop up in the trade tab showing element and bonus percentage would take care of the details.

    Say I've got two extra Chakkurrs, but I have yet to get a Shildeg, and someone I know has two extra Shildegs, but they've never gotten a lich with a Chakkurr. I put the Chakkurr BP in the lich trade box, they put the Shildeg BP in the lich trade box, we check the element/ bonus, problem solved. You still have to hunt liches to get the BP, but now you don't have to worry about getting dupes as much, since that dupe will have value to someone else.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Hyohakusha said:

    Letting Liches stay around for a bit so they convert random grineer into thralls always nets you more murmurs. Faster filled murmur meters means faster dead liches. Since there's no longer a shared gain of murmurs on a stab attempt, letting liches convert thralls is the best way for everyone to grind. These idiots demanding that people kill their liches are flat out making that grind worse for themselves and everyone else in the room. Then these same idiots go on to complain about that grind, a problem which they helped create. "Kill your lich so mine has a chance at spawning" versus "Lets farm some murmurs off this lich so everyone figures out their mods faster". One is unbelievably selfish, the other obviously is not.

    "Oh but I already know the combination." So then why are you in a pub match. Go solo your lich one on one. Don't want to solo it? Recruiting chat and friends exist. Don't try to push your inefficient selfishness on other people in pub matches when you had several other options. You chose to play on pub. And again, by not letting your lich run around and convert some enemies before you stab them, you're just screwing yourself and everyone else over in the long run.

    Since I just finished typing this out for about the fifth time, I'll just quote myself. What's it going to take for people to figure out that liches convert enemies for a reason? What's it going to take for them to understand the mechanics of a game mode? Maybe playing that game mode instead just complaining? This is why I don't even bother with pubs anymore.

  11. Absolutely not. Letting Liches stay around for a bit so they convert random grineer into thralls always nets you more murmurs. Faster filled murmur meters means faster dead liches. Since there's no longer a shared gain of murmurs on a stab attempt, letting liches convert thralls is the best way for everyone to grind. These people demanding that people kill their liches are flat out making that grind worse for themselves and everyone else in the room. Then these same people go on to complain about that grind, a problem which they helped create. "Kill your lich so mine has a chance at spawning" versus "Lets farm some murmurs off this lich so everyone figures out their mods faster". One is unbelievably selfish, the other obviously is not.

    "Oh but I already know the combination." So then why are you in a pub match. Go solo your lich one on one. Don't want to solo it? Recruiting chat and friends exist. Don't try to push your inefficient selfishness on other people in pub matches when you had several other options. You chose to play on pub. And again, by not letting your lich run around and convert some enemies before you stab them, you're just screwing yourself and everyone else over in the long run.

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  12. Other players are capable of stabbing liches that aren't theirs every now and then, resulting in the person who the lich does belong to dying without any warning. There is an extremely nasty attitude developing in some players who play on public and then demand that other people immediately stab their liches, since they want their lich to spawn, but then don't want to fight their lich by themselves. The only person who should be able to stab their lich is the person who the lich belongs to.

  13. 1 minute ago, MirageKnight said:

    Have we gotten a way to opt out of the huge amount of grind and multi-level rng involved if we decide we can't / don't want to deal with it? No.

    This is definitely needed, hopefully they're working on it.

    1 minute ago, MirageKnight said:

    Do we still have to wade through multiple Sortie-level Grineer missions to clear out nodes? Yes.

    This is the best part of the game to come around in a long time. We actually have a use for all of our high end gear now, and I love having an entire planet spawn nothing but lv100s.

    2 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

    Are phrase mods still consumable despite the grind needed to get them and the fact that mods normally AREN'T consumable? Yes.

    Is there still a lot of grind and multiple levels of rng involved? Yes.

    The requiem relic/ mod grind is annoying and needs to be overhauled. The rewards other than the mods in the relics are fairly useless, and burning out the mods sucks.

    5 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

    Are the rewards for all this hassle still rather lackluster? Yes.

     This falls in with the first thing you said. We REALLY need a way to get rid of a bum  Lich without burning mod charges, and having conversion both being worthwhile, like adding the Lich as a companion and not consuming a mod charge, since, you know, they're not even dead, would also help alot. 

    8 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

    Are we still punished for using the wrong Words of Power Phrase mods / getting the order wrong? Yes.

    This is one point I disagree on, and the last patch went a long way towards that. People keep acting like losing one life out of four is a big deal. It's not. Who cares. You get Bane'ed, you press enter, and now you get 10 murmurs for it. Which is why I also completely disagree with the premise of this topic. There may be a lower cap on how many total thralls you can get in one mission now, but Liches still convert thralls when they're being left alone. More thralls, faster murmurs, faster kills. Again, not being able to ditch a Lich you don't want without paying mod charges for it is the root cause of alot of these problems.

    As for wanting someone else to kill their Lich so yours spawns as other people have been saying, that is entirely their fault for running pubs and expecting people to somehow be able to read their minds. Play with your friends, get a group together in recruiting, or solo it. Hell, ask the person to stab their Lich. Here's a novel idea; maybe people should actually communicate with their sqaud. "Hey, can you stab your Lich? I'm trying to get mine to spawn." "Oh, sure. Let me just get a few more murmurs off him." "Cool, thanks." 

    There are parts to this system that need improvement, but people keep creating their own problems and blaming the game, the system, DE or other players for burning themselves. Under no circumstances should people be punished arbitrarily because someone chose to set matchmaking to pub and then didn't like the results. That's just ridiculous. @Aldain summed that "issue" up very well.

  14. I feel your pain man. Here's my list.

    Lich Weapon - Weapon used to kill Larva
    Chakkhurr - Acceltra
    Ayanaga - Acceltra
    Chakkurr - Chakkhurr
    Quartakk - Chakkhurr
    Seer - Quartakk
    Stubba - Twin Krohkur
    Stubba - Twin Krohkur
    Stubba :vomit:- Twin Krohkur
    Tonkor - changed my entire weapon loadout

    And I also get the feeling that the weapons you have on you, or the weapon you kill the larva with might have some effect on the liches gun. If its the weapons you have on you, it might not be all of them, but rather one of them that's getting selected randomly. Its purely conjecture and I might be wrong, but it really does feels like weapon-used-to-kill. Like there are categories carried weapons are tagged as that correspond to some divided pool of RNG for different chances at different kuva weapons. Though I could just be hoping for a pattern where there is none.

    It'd be real nice if converting liches didn't drain mod charges though. And I'm never bringing the Twin Krohkur to a larva run again lol.

  15. @TheHappyTyranid Thanks, and yeah, there are separate caps for spawned and converted thralls. I think it's around 15 for converted. It's almost like DE did that on purpose to incentivize teamwork and communication, as well as reward actually playing and enjoying the mission instead of just bum-rushing through it like most people do. Gee I wonder lol.

  16. 48 minutes ago, 844448 said:

    Wow, 8th lich? Now I'm not sure if it's dedicated, hardcore or no-life

    I'm sick right now so I don't have much else to do lol. 


    11 minutes ago, Tinklzs said:

    For those who're past their 2nd lich - any form of guide or tips?

    The simplest thing, and this is going to sound counter-intuitive, is to take your time doing the missions. Clear out all the enemies, search everywhere, you tend to get more murmurs doing that. On top of being thorough, when your lich shows up in mission, don't immediately knock and stab them. They convert nearby grineer into thralls, so lure as many grineer to them/ lure them into a clump of grineer. The bigger and crazier the fight, the more conversions, the faster you get murmurs, the faster you can kill your lich. It turn into a game of whack a mole with dudes trying to kill you with shotguns while you pick off the thralls out of the crowd. It's crazy and alot of fun.

    Edit: Also, solo exterm, capture, mobile defense, try to find a group that understands the conversion mechanic for defense, interception and disruption. Survival works either way.

    And @Zebiko Gauss, Loki and Octavia. Only seems to affect the element like people found out. Pretty sure weapons pure rng.

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  17. Hqs3W0q.jpg

    Tiss - Chakkurr, +39% impact, but awesome, got the one gun I wanted the most on my first lich
    Aisaro - Ayanga + 59%, its a full auto grenade launcher, I love it
    Bhktophe - Chakkurr, + 38% this time, but its radiation, awesome, built the first for heat/ viral/ munitions, built this one for rad/ corrosive/ heat
    Argigg - Quartakk, + 25%, meh in terms of bonus, but its actually good AND fun and it looks great :thumbup:
    Yardud - Seer, + 34%, its better than the normal Seer, still hate it, whatever
    Pugreeb - Dubba Stubba + 25%, and they're... disappointing
    Beteno - Dubba Stubba... again. +28%, whoop de doo
    Mistrditt - Dubba Stubba... +31%... :facepalm: ...at least they're getting better

    So now, I have to burn charges just to get rid of her, to risk getting another Dubba Stubba or another Seer. Even the Kraken would've been preferable. At least that has nice handling and feels good to shoot, which are the only things I remember about the base Kraken. Out of 13 weapons, I've got less than half of them, and I roll the same one 3x in a row. I actually like fighting the liches, but we really need someway to get rid of unwanted liches without wasting mod charges, or this is gonna get old real fast. Lich donation to a clan, or worse, weapon donation has one glaring issue: people will clan-hop and sell them. The obvious answer is to simply make converting them not cost charges. I've gotten the bug where they show up to "help" even though I kill all of mine, and they're only there for about one minute. That's it. They don't even help that much. There's no reason to convert them. Conversion not burning charges would kill multiple birds with one fix.

    Edit: I meant to put this in feedback, whoops.

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  18. No, no de-spawn mechanics, period. Since people haven't figured this out yet because they're idiots that just rush through everything and then complain, Liches actively convert random grineer into thralls. The converted thralls don't count towards the cap for thralls that spawn in mission, they're counted separately. You shank the thralls that spawn, you shank the grineer that get converted into thralls, you get way more murmurs per mission. The bigger the fight, the more enemies that are around the lich, the more liches there are, the faster you learn what mods you need for your parazon, the faster you can take out your lich. The only people griefing here are griefing themselves, by running lich missions on pub in the first place, then by screwing themselves and other players out of getting more murmurs, and then they complain about how the murmur gain rate is too slow. I swear to god, its like watching someone turn on an over burner, grab it, burn themselves, and then whine and complain that they got burned, while demanding that someone else fix the "problem" that they caused. If you don't want to deal with other players liches, play with your friends, go solo or find a group in recruiting chat.


    7 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

    Maybe there should be a 30 second to a minute timer for the player to attack and if he doesn't, the lich kills him or just goes away.  This business when one player joins a lich mission but doesn't want to play is selfish and annoying. 

    Absolutely not. They're so slow they can't follow you past a single room, and they're easy to knock. In addition, while they're there, they actively convert random enemies into thrall's. People instantly going for the kill and just blazing through the mission is why people are complaining about the murmur gain rate. You're obviously supposed to get into a pitched battle with them and pick off the murmur mooks they create along the way, since those converted mooks also seem to fill a bit more of the murmur bar than standard ones that just spawn in. Putting them on a timer would only slow that down further.

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  20. The only part that sucks is the relic grind for the Requiem Mods. And Kuva Floods are still borked and not giving a guaranteed relic on top of it.

    RNG 1- getting the relic drops in the first place
    RNG 2- getting the right one
    Sidegrind - get a ton of traces to radiant it
    RNG 3- actually get a mod drop from the radshare
    RNG 4- get the R. Mod you actually need
    The Kicker - they're only good for three uses

    That part is awful. Removing the relics so the mods drop from Kuva missions, having charges regenerate each day, making the mods permanent, even setting it so that converting a lich doesn't eat a charge and only killing them does, there's a ton of ways to improve that. 

    However, once you get them, hunting the Lich is wonderful. With over 3k hours in game, its the only thing that's challenging for me personally. I love having entire planets spawn at lv100, hunting down the murmur mooks is fun, finally getting the kill is very satisfying. The wall of grind in front of it is tainting the experience, as are the crap drops in those relics other than the mods, though the relic "rewards" are going to get their own post from me at some point.

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  21. The Kuva Lich system is awesome. The Requiem Relic/ Mod system is not.

    The best part about hunting a Lich is having enemies spawn in at lv90-100, hands down. Finally having an opportunity to take advantage of all those weapons I min maxed and tested in the Simulacrum is just wonderful, and an excellent addition for veterans. Fighting the Liches is fun, I don't even care about getting Bane'ed on a failed stab. Since I was using an Inaros with the deluxe skin and the Bat Ephemera, tha just made it hilarious. Stabbing thralls with the parazon and figuring out the mod combination to kill them was also fun. Getting a Chakkurr that literally blasts people was just the icing on the cake.

    That said, the Requiem Mod/ Relic's are ridiculous. That is just a massive, un-fun grind gate blocking the way to getting at the good part, which is hunting Liches. The drop rate on Kuva missions is busted, but even if it was working as intended, it would still be terrible. You need two of each R. Relic minimum, along with 800 traces, because no one in their right mind is going to run those relics as anything less than radiant. If you have a booster, that's a good 40 relics of trace grinding alone. You will pretty much always need more than 8 of those relics anyway, as the chances of you getting the exact mod you're going for to drop, even in a group, from only eight of those relics... it's just not going to happen. If I hadn't dropped that 835 plat, I would never have been able to get those mods without burning myself out. That's not okay. This game isn't pay to win, but my god, the incentivizing to buy that bundle just comes off wrong, even with it only being a one time purchase.

    There is absolutely no reason to make those mods consumable on top of all that. That's just a kick in the teeth at the end of a grind that just repeats things we've already done to death. Either remove the relics all together and just have the mods drop off siphons, make the mods permanent flat out, or make the charges regenerate at the rate of one per day. As is, you're just grinding for something you're going to lose, that grind is insane, and you can always roll a lich with a gun you already have or don't want. It needs to change or people aren't going to bother engaging with the lich system, or are going to get burned out real fast and just ignore the liches all together.

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  22. Defiled Snapdragon feels a little weird, but it's still great, Carving Mantis is awesome, Vermilion Storm turns your frame into a blender. I was switching between those three last night as I was hunting down my lich. The enemies were averaging lv90-110 (which was great) and I was having zero issues killing things with Jat Kusar, Twin Krohkur and Venka Prime respectively. I really think people weren't paying attention to how much damage they were actually doing. You can easily get 25k yellow crits, and even against armored enemies you'll still be shredding them due to the sheer amount of speed stances seem to have gotten as well. All in all, it just feels better, and people should really test out new weapons before just complaining about the same old meta crap.

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