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Posts posted by VermilionBoulder

  1. 1. The event was poorly timed. Come on, half the playerbase isn't even home.


    2. Only getting a single point for a single fomorian is a joke.


    3. Not everyone likes archwing (mainly due to the fact that whatever you do in normal missions doesn't do jacksh*t in space ('cept for the disruptor farming)).



    Honestly if I come back home on 5th and find out that there are no relays left, I'm not going to be surprised.

  2. Hi there fellow Tenno,

    I wanted to discuss what do you think about the syndicates - their motives, goals, ways of achieving them, possible alliances etc. Please honor all of them, none are to be discriminated or insulted. Valid arguments are what counts, datamining is more than welcome.


    Share your personal opinions on each one of them. I'll share mine below as well (please keep in mind that this is just my opinion, I'm not speakng for everybody).


    Red Veil wants to rid the Origin System of all that is corrupted. This is not "BURN DOWN EVERYTHING!!!" as many people say, more like bring justice to all of those who chose to corrupt themselves for personal gain, etc. They see themselves and their weapons as mere tools of executing "The Purge". A rapid and somewhat brutal process with one simple purpose - creating a better world, one free of corruption.

    Steel Meridian are Grineer outcasts and protectors of the Colonies, a defenseless settlement of unknown scale. I wouldn't call them terrorists, they, the Sequence and New Loka seem to have the most peaceful ideals. They don't like the fact that the Corpus and the Grineer are waging war against each other, which is why they are defending the innocent.


    Perrin Sequence stand that a shared prosperity can bring a shared peace. They are Corpus outcasts, who deny Corpus business plans, instead working on their own. Those guys would make the most sense to ally with the Meridian. Although they originate from opposing factions, both of them being outcasts should lead to cooperation between them. Perrin supplies Meridian, Meridian protect the Colonies, Colonies (possibly) pay them both in return.


    New Loka. Many people see them as "space hippies". While this may be partially true, seeing how they worship the Earth and its nature, wildlife and so on, I wouldn't insult them and consider them to be ecologists instead. This may be weird but It kinda makes sense to me if they were allied with the Veil. The red guys bring their "Purge" to life, erase all that is considered unpure and corrupted, while New Loka "plants new seeds", pure and free of disease, to grow and repopulate the world (possibly the entire system).


    Arbiters of Hexis seem to be the most neutral syndicate. I don't think politics is what they should be messing around with. After all, what they want to do is very simple - train the Tenno. Arbiters shouldn't even be a syndicate in my opinion. I see them as trainers, archivers of the Tenno culture, masters of Tenno fighting techniques, weaponry and styles. They should be the monks who sit atop a giant mountain, granting wisdom and training to those who challenge themselves with crossing the dangerous path that leads to the top. They should be the mentors to show the right way, not the ones to judge our own.


    Cephalon Suda want to know everything and anything that ever was to know. It's no wonder they are interested in the Void, since that is where the Orokin fled. Acquiring information could prove troublesome, and that's what she needs the Tenno for. She's rid of emotion, a machine without a "heart" that compensates with the "brain". I don't think she would actually ally herself with any of the syndicates. The Arbiters and Perrin would be the best candidates, but then the other syndicates wouldn't really like her for poking her digital nose into someone else's business.

  3. Experiencing the same thing especially frequently on the Liset. The frame randomly picks out a spot to stare at, and does so despite all efforts to stop.

    The part with picking a random spot to stare at is true for me, however if I turn my back on said spot, the frame's head will act like normal (won't follow the crosshair though). I have no idea what could be the cause of it.


    They also turn their head too much when you look to your left.

    I think that depends on the animation set your frame is using. True though, the head-turning feature in general could use some tweaks

  4. Valkiria teoretycznie została stworzona/zmodyfikowana przez Corpus, więc Valkiria Prime nie miałaby zbyt dużo sensu. No chyba, że DE postanowią wytłumaczyć to tym, że przy tworzeniu zwykłej Valkirii Corpus posłużyli się blueprintami znalezionymi w Voidzie.


    Ash, razem z Voltem, jest najlepszym kandydatem na otrzymanie Prime'owej wersji, jak tylko Prime Access Novy dobiegnie końca. W końcu i on i Volt należą do siedmiu oryginalnych frame'ów.


    Co do Nekrosa - nie mam pojęcia. Nie wiemy o nim zbyt dużo, ale sam fakt, że pochodzi on z Derelicta już w jakiś sposób łączy go z Voidem.

  5. i stopped reading here...

    ...is not an argument. You don't get the point of this thread, could have read the TL;DR part instead. It's written in bold for people like you.



    -Sword Alone is a joke. The only reason I do it is FOR THE CHALLENGE. My point is that there is no challenge in going Valkyr, etc.

    i went with a fully loaded Mirage + fully loaded Drakgoon (480-490 total conclave). Piece of cake.

    "Piece of cake"? Name one mission that is hard to do with Mirage.



    -Shields are underpowered in this game, effectively making frames that rely on them underpowered as well. This event emphasizes it even further.



    -Do you remember the last time something was challenging for either an indescructible frame, a glass cannon frame, or a non-stop-invis frame? Me neither.

  6. Solution: Think /tactically/ and don't get shot in the back, consider using something that lets you shoot from behind cover on a hard level, and potentially build less tanky cause you didn't need it for the conclave troubles. Honestly, melee shouldn't be always viable. It should be usually viable, but all levels shouldn't cater to you going up and punching something.

    Also not sure how you had to use just melee for under 500 conclave, I managed with melee and secondary, I guess it goes back to not needing a ton on your frame when you're not bullet sponging hard mode enemies.

    Did you take it that I'm not thinking "tactically"? How do you think I got through the event with just my nikana and Volt? I recommend you try to do the same. Speed for faster slashes and evasion. Shock for stunning heavies. Shield for creating cover where there is none (don't use it while under fire, the animation will rid you of about 100HP).

  7. I think the point of tac alerts is that you have to re-think your build to fit under the conclave score. It's not that unfair that it would also ask you to invest in a build that has decent health. Or a gun.


    I don't get posts that say things like "OMG I can't kill Lephantis using Nova with no mods and a heat dagger! DE is limiting my playstyle!"

    That's why I went melee only. Less than 500 conclave when using a stamina+tank build Volt with a D-Nikana.


    The second reason being I love challenge. Most frames don't care about getting shot in the back. As a Volt I have to run all over the place, dodge and block bullets, stun enemies with Shock and finish them off quickly with a melee weapon. I get a bleed proc and I'm dead unless I find an enemy to feed on with Life Strike. Also using Handspring because knockdown is OP.

  8. inb4 "shields regenerate, health does not, you dum"


    The Toxic Terrors alert is hilarious. Not only does every enemy bypass shields, they proc toxin all the time.


    Let's say I want to solo it with a Volt going sword alone.


    Normally, if I get shot in the back where I can't block incoming enemy bullets (thank you stamina build), I have my shields ready to soak up the damage. Problem is, they don't do jacksh*t in this alert. Almost everyone grabbed a Valkyr, Rhino or anything that has high armor and/or damage reduction abilities, and did the alert by presumably spamming 4.


    This is not challenging people, this is just a bad mechanic. Will the future "tactical" alerts ever be challenging? Will we get to fight an enemy that has an AI more advanced than a potato?


    The current AI of a scorpion is amazing.


    You stand still, a scorpion charges at you. Initializing Spiderman mode, grappling hook rushes towards you. You either:


    a) Stand completely still, get hit by the hook, provided you're not knockdown-immune you get hauled all the way over to the scorpion lady, who then proceeds to mash you with a machete.


    b) Dodge the hook. This case is the most facepalm-inducing outta all of them. Instead of retracting the hook, the Scorpion will just stand there, her arm stretched, completely oblivious to the hook that just missed.


    c) Block the hook. The Scorpion lady will then retract it, proceeding to charge at you once again.


    The most amazing thing I've noticed is that they actually take cover behind walls and containers. They still perform the ranged weapon holding animation, not to mention effectively decreasing their usefulness on the battlefield, since they leave themselves completely vulnerable and are easy to be caught off-guard.


    Will we ever get interesting mechanics on an enemy that require getting to know them instead of tapping the 4 key? Some dodging, rolling and aiming action rewarding players with not being insta-killed by procs and instead getting to deal some serious damage?


    I expect hate and/or flame flooding me in a matter of seconds just because I said what I think.


    TL;DR: Who needs to make shields viable for balance when you can make half the frames useless by giving them crap armor/HP?

  9. I don't think accuracy has ever been working properly in this game.


    Just slap a partial shield tank build on him and add Handspring or Sure Footed (your choice, the first one doesn't rely on a chance), you'll have yourself an ideal speedrunner (one that works with a team, if soloing - Loki is better).

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