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Posts posted by ._.-._.

  1. 5 minutes ago, Jeffrey94 said:

    The main source of damage with the Simulor series is when the orbs merge. Two orbs which get close to one another merge together, dealing damage in a large AoE.
     The Synoid Simulor, in particular, has a very wide area of effect, making it extremely adept at mopping up large groups of enemies.

    The vortex which forms after enough merges is largely a gimmick, as it does negligible damage over time and does not lift enemies like Vauban's vortex. The right click applies a guaranteed electrical proc, but deals negligible damage.

    so the point is simulor or synoid simulor is designed to clear out large groups of enemies in few seconds, right?

  2. so that sortie's condition is enemy elemental enhancement, the RADIATION PROC (Heat + Electricity)

    a bit info: got radiation proc can cause friendly fire, or could get killed by a friend's attacks


    could be make sense why you could got killed by that simulor, especially around that vortex


    and could be you got radiation proc, or that mirage got radiation proc

  3. Since ammo case is introduced in the vaccuum within, what do you think about that?

    Do you think that ammo mutation mods would render useless, or ammo maximum mods would also render useless, or something else?

    Tell me about your opinion here!



    can't............ create.................... poll...............


  4. Decoration? that would be have a broad types. Meaning that it wouldn't be only one kind like bracelets, brooches and so on

    Maybe i can give you some references here:

    Leyak mask

    Rangda mask

    You know, maybe masks can become a decoration too


    Leyak (le-ak, the Y is not written or spoken): A mythological figure who seeks pregnant women to suck the blood of newborn babies, to fulfil their magic needs. Some said that they often come to graveyard and eating corpses, and transform into animal like pigs. In normal Leyak form, they are said to have an unusually long tongue and large fangs. In daylight they appear as an ordinary human, but at night their head and entrails break loose from their body and fly. Leyak statues (a head with a very long tongue and sharp fangs) are sometimes hung on a wall for house decoration.

    Rangda: The demon queen of the leyaks in Bali, according to traditional Balinese mythology. Terrifying to behold, the child-eating Rangda leads an army of evil witches against the leader of the forces of good — Barong.



  5. I maybe heard from players who are trying to get endo from their ayatan treasures when maroo extracts them. It may be somewhat expensive when getting endo a lot from lots of ayatan treasures. So why not nerf the credit cost, or at least give them certain discounts when trying to get endo a lot from them


    P.S. : i don't know where i should make this feedback. I hope this subforum is right

  6. 2 hours ago, QuasarWolf said:

    wouldnt be oberon more fitting for pan? 

    I choose Loki because pan doesn't seem to look so tree-ish, natural-like or earthly look. Like agreus

    So i choose oberon as agreus later (would look better with oberon feyarch skin)


    Also when pan transformed into the silver warrior who will sacrificed himself to show Gabriel the path, Loki will transform into loki prime with Odonata Prime archwing as additional accessories for wings :P (my best guess when i compared to loki knave skin)



    12 hours ago, Zarozian said:

    I think you should do research on all the lores of Warframe, then write a story about the start of the old war. o -o

    uh honestly i just like "mix things up" no matter what, without learning the lores of them (except excalibur at later time, become the dracula or [let's mention draco :P ] )

    Also, the story itself will contain spoilers of castlevania lords of shadow game if i write them, even with the mixed characters as well


  7. About the update of the war within,


    may i suggest not to tease the players too much, especially the release date when

    They don't like that very much.

    If you want to say when, just tell the progress clearly instead of tell the not exact release date

    for example: "The progress of the war within is 60% ! We've planned to bla bla bla bla......."

    When the percentage is close to 100%, you may tell the release date when, the EXACT release date


    also, please don't rush the war within update XD

    just take your time to work for it :smile:


    next time when you set up the deadline, just make a bit longer to ensure the progress advances so well, without much pressure to work

    what is the meaning of work when the work is full of stressful work?


    EDIT: what about other resources like oxiums and other blue "resource cakes"? (e.g. that contains fieldron samples, detonite ampules and mutagen samples) you said every resources will have their own forms (iirc), but this XD



    meh i don't know what am i writing about ._.

    Gabriel Belmont: Excalibur1

    Zobek: Limbo2

    Marie: Mag3

    Claudia: Mirage4

    Cornell: Rhino5

    Carmilla: Trinity6

    Laura: Nyx7

    Pan: Loki8

    Satan: The Stalker9


    Brotherhood of Light: Brotherhood of Lotus

    Enemies? nah, they're just appear as usual

    Combat cross / Vampire killer: Atterax / Meat blender*

    Light magic: Life strike mod

    Shadow magic: Killing blow mod


    (Umbra: Shadow [in latin] )


    1. Who doesn't like the main character in action? Especially Excalibur :P

    2. (SPOILER AHEAD!) I may choose Nekros because Zobek will reveal himself later as lord of necromancers. But despite Nekros' standard appearance seem resemble as Zobek's true form, I decided i shouldn't choose Nekros, for now

    3. Why mag? (no offense and don't debate about this) This is just like Excalibur x Mag somehow. I just agree with that pairing (though i actually don't like much to ship each other :P )

    4. Claudia, the young lady, can do some maneuvers so I choose Mirage as Claudia. Since Mirage can do maneuvers faster

    5. My best and solid choice. You know that Rhino is like, big, "fat" warframe as Cornell look so heavy and or tanky. With Jat Kittag weapon (WT&@#*&%^@#$&!Q@#$@!#%& why jat kittag? XD. Because Jat Kittag is one of one-sided hammer head and relatively long poled afaik)

    6. There are a few choices that can match the role as Carmilla. Saryn, because of B@*^$@#&^@#$B*&@#$^*@&$%S (dem heavy censors XD) and Titania, because she can fly. During the boss fight, She's flying instead of standing on ground.

    7. Laura seem enjoy toying Gabriel so much, so I choose Nyx so She would like to toying Excalibur :P

    8. "wouldnt be oberon more fitting for pan?" -QuasarWolf

    9. My best choice. You know, the stalker himself, looks like a vengeful figure which makes me to choose his role as Satan


    *the reason i choose atterax because i feel (somehow) lack of available resources in warframe. Why not scoliac? no, i don't seem to consider about that. Also, (i presume) scoliac can also deal toxin damage (along with physical damages) instead of physical only damage.


    can we please have a tenno whip XD

    at least it should deal physical damages only instead of elemental (like lecta or secura lecta, which primarily deals electricity damage)


    Got any better suggestions? like for the characters or some items? i welcome you to say them :smile: 


    EDIT: added some reasons why

  9. A continuation from here: Link
    i kinda confused where this should belong to (including the prologue one)


    It's been 3 years since I heard about that prime vault rumor. Now that rumor's a history. Probably because no one had seen it, or found it. Maybe it's already gone. Gone to nowhere. I hope no one died in there.

    Today, I decided to hunt down an ayatan sculpture. So i go to Maroo's Bazaar and ask her for the location of it. Just after i asked her, she got a lead to a derelict. My reliable weapon is Kohm, Angstrum and Atterax. When I arrived at derelict, I decided to look after the treasure, while i destroy the containers and open any unlocked lockers to look for any stars. When I arrived at the "challenge" room, just before i step on the pressure pad to begin, I took a deep breath for a moment and then I begin the challenge. I quickly jump over and over the gap and run as fast as i can. And then I saw the door is closing. I quickly get through it and i finally made it! The treasure is ahead and I take it. Ayatan  Mission completed. Now I think I should look for a vault door before heading to extraction. Who knows that i could get a Heavy Caliber.

    A few moments later searching, I found the door. It seems to open trhe door requires Bleeding Dragon Key. I saw a dragon key on the floor. I picked it up and I saw it was a bleeding dragon key. The key looked busted, but it was still looking new, hadn't been used yet. When I tried to use the key, the door won't open. The key was really busted. Something came across to my mind: "Did someone get in to the vault? I wonder if this door leads me to there". Coincidentally, I brought another one, so I used them and the door finally opened. Behind the door, the room was darker and there's only a path that leads to the elevator. I still remember the rumor about it. "The entrance to the vault is a short path that leads to elevator. When you call the elevator, the door will suddenly shut, and the key will be busted". I just can't believe that I found the vault! I felt there's no turning back and i must continue further. Just when I called the elevator, the door was suddenly shut! But I think I prepared for this. As soon as the elevator just arrived, i used it and it led me to lower floor. The lower i go, the darker the atmosphere as the light goes dimmer and then out so I equipped my Kohm to "turn on" the flashlight automatically.

    As soon as I arrived at the lower floor, I saw there are some cryopods lying on floor, and some mounted on walls. I already knew what's inside so I was not going to look inside them. The place looks so messy. bullet shells everywhere, even bloodshed. The bloods already dried. I was thinking that someone had been here, yet he / she never came back as he / she could not escape from this "miserable" place. Suddenly i heard a crying girl voice came from somewhere. I tried to get closer to the source of it. Apparently it led me to a cryopod. When I saw inside the cryopod, It was Nyx. "Was that, my long lost sister?" Said I. She looked sleeping but who knows if she's still alive. She looked so heavily wounded. I wonder if She had been here and never came back. I just heard from someone that there was a first victim of prime vault. Perhaps She is the first victim. A few moments later, I heard an eerie voice came from nowhere: "ARE YOU TRYING TO DISTURB HER REST? YOU MUST JOIN US!". As soon as I heard that voice, those Prime Warframes awoke from their rest. I moved to a corner and summon some specters to help me. I summoned Ancient healer specter, MOA specter, Charger specter and a vapor specter of me with the following weapons: Stradavar, Angstrum and Kronen. After I summoned them, I fought back against those Prime Warframes. I shot them with my reliable kohm with a devastating fire rate (Modded with Shotgun Spazz, Accelerated Blast, and Frail Momentum). My kohm actually dealt (fairly) high damage (Modded with Primed Point Blank) but oddly it dealt low damage. I felt this fight is just like 10 stalkers against myself. I have another way to fight them easily. So I used Radial Blind, and then stealthily kill them all one by one. It works! It dealt high damage! Apparently they like jail wardens somehow, who are weak against stealth kills or some junction specters.

    After I fought so hard, I went closer to cryopod where Nyx was resting. When I opened the cryopod, She awoke from cryopod and suddenly hugged me as she said thanks to me as her long lost brother for saving her, with sad feeling. I only presume that She was my sister. Then I heard a motherly voice which said: "Good to see you reunited again, my long lost children". Then I saw Nyx Prime awoke from the floor and came closer to me and Nyx, followed by Excalibur Prime who awoke and walked out from wall mounted cryopod. I may presume that Nyx Prime was my long lost mother and Excalibur Prime was my long lost father. Oddly enough, there comes the long lost family ties. Just after that happened, i don't want to memorize it. Then Excalibur Prime asked me: "Why you visited this place?". So I explain anything about curiosity of this place including people's curiosities, also about saving Nyx who had become the victim of this vault, which didn't come across to my mind at first. Excalibur Prime said that the Prime Vault was the forbidden place for everyone to visit, including normal warframes like me and Nyx. The place itself is actually a tomb, a tomb for all retired warframes for used by commanders.The operatives only came here to entomb them when there was a prime warframe retired or vaulted, along with their weapons. Once entombed, the relics that contain their parts will no longer exist to obtain, but you still can keep it. I was thinking that word "commander" may refer to operator in somatic link who commands the warframes. I may say this is embarrassing, There's no sign or whatsoever that the vault door leads to this place. But still, it needed a sign to tell anyone. I just had enough and I want to get out of this "miserable-looking" place, so I asked my "dad" the way out. He said that since I had beaten all the prime warframes (except my "dad" ), He gave me a Heavy Caliber mod as a (sort of) token of appreciation that i had "proved my worth" here. It looks like that mod is already maxed out. I felt so lucky to get that one. Then He asked me to use the elevator again and the door will open again. I apologize to my "mom" and "dad" and say thanks for the mod, then I carried Nyx and take her to extraction point. Then I finally could extract with my "sister" Nyx and go back to the ship. After that, I decided not to go back to Maroo's Bazaar. When Cephalon Ordis asked me what just happened to me, I told him the story. Then I could take a rest and waiting my "sister" to recover from her wounds.



    Again, Please don't rant if the story is terrible :sad:

    Feedback is appreciated, only good ones


    11 hours ago, (PS4)THE_HUNTER96929 said:

    does it kill the devoured enemy?

    if i recall correctly, only when you marked the target to devour, then when you pull them closer to inaros (if the target is afar), it does

    however, when you devour them, you still can see ash's bladestorm keeps attacking the devoured target (somehow)

  11. 44 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:


    treasure hunting shouldn't turn into vacuum casual bs :l

    What's BS?  ._.


    "however if i am not mistaken in devstream they referred that this treasure system would increase the want to explore and if we make it obsolete by allowing carrier/universal vacuum suck them up kinda beats the purpose why they were added in." -Hemmo67

    Maybe they should add their own specific beacon and their own icon for minimap? (Instead of standard loot icon)

  12. Since archwing missions have small variety, why don't make a new variety of them?


    Here's an example from me


    What you must do: find the tenno orbiter that carries supplies (presumably supplies from survival or hijack missions :P ) that helps their cause, then defend the orbiter from enemies until the orbiter reaches "safe point". Once it reaches there, the mission is complete and the player may extract. Sounds classic to me i guess

  13. 1. Wait, wasn't there should had "repeat mission" or some sort of that? If not, DE should add that button :P

    2. It's a weekly mission, just like darvo's weekly mission help clem retrieve the artifact. So just take your time to do that treasure hunting mission


    Edit: you might want to find that treasure outside that salvage mission, but it will be rarely happen

  14. I think ash's bladestorm shouldn't attack inaros' devoured target. Either being marked to be devoured by inaros, or being devoured by him

    Also while inaros is 'pulling' the target to get close to him, ash's bladestorm attack them all of a sudden. Kinda annoying somehow to see ash keeps attacking inaros' devoured target


    Sorry if i traced someone else's idea in advance

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