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  1. This isn't entirely true, if you want to equip a specific mod on both a weapon and a sentinel weapon at the same time then you need two copies of that mod. I assume the same would also apply if you designated weapons to Railjack crewmates or if you had one Archgun equipped on your Necramech and a different one as your summonable Archgun.
  2. Unless you want Saryn ASAP it's probably better to just wait for her to rotate into the Circuit/Duviri rewards but you just missed that by a few weeks.ao it'll be around two months before she shows up there again.
  3. Generally speaking enemy level has no bearing on drops but there are exceptions such as Riven Slivers which will only drop from 30+ Eximus units.
  4. https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/2B3F-DAEF-846B-A0E8 It might be worth purchasing a cheap game to force Steam to update to your new currency. If the issue is with in-game purchase then you may need to go through Weeframe.support as the region for those may be tied to the region your account was created in.
  5. Setup for cross save is currently on hold whilst the developers are on break for the holidays and registration is planned to re-open sometime in January. You don't need access to the game as the setup is done through the website but you do still need acces to the account.
  6. You don't claim items form inbox messages, the relevant items are (or should be) delivered directly to your inventory as soon as you receive the message.
  7. Those aren't even close to all the main quests - Heart of Deimos, Angels of the Zariman and Whispers in the Walls are all main quests and that's only factoring in those that you mentioned and not any of the others that may have been added since the OP last played.
  8. This is a non-issue as I very clearly stated that I do have access to the account (I'm posting from it now), what I don't have access to is a device that can run the game. Not being able to merge as a founding warlord is absolutely nonsensical for an account that is remaining the primary, the issues I've seen so far indicate that does apply for founding warlords on non-primary accounts that are being overwritten though which doesn't apply in my situation. My issue is more whether or not I need to have crossplay enabled for the merge. If I have to go through support though none of it matters as there's no chance I get a response before the upcoming wave ends/gets cut off which means I'll be waiting till next year regardless.
  9. Just looking for some clarification on the situation regarding clans and account merging. My PC account (primary) is Founding Warlord of a clan which I wish to keep, I have access to this account but now way to access the game; my Xbox account is Warlord in a friend's clan. As Founding Warlord of the PC clan but with no way to enable cross play for that clan will I still be able to merge my two accounts?
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