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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. There are many top tier weapons eg Dragon Nikana, Dual Ichor, Orthos Prime that are all roughly as good as each other.  But the same mission using only such a weapon vs using solely a top tier gun will take around 50% longer.  That's one reason to buff melee damage.


    Here's another: melee damage is always higher in games because you have to expose yourself to risk.  Why would you expose yourself to risk if the damage isn't better than ranged?


    Here's another: shooting things requires almost no skill.  Melee actually requires quite a lot of skill at the higher levels.  That should be rewarded.  It also encourages players to learn a more difficult but more enjoyable part of the game that will make Warframe a lot more interesting for them.


    There's 3 reasons why melee damage should be significantly buffed.  I'm happy to hear your counterarguments.

    Wow I came here to discuss constructively and here's what, a forum guy looking for an argument fight. This way you're gonna sink your own thread.


  2. Yea thats probably it. I guess it is more fast paced and makes you pull the trigger more constantly compared to other games. I also noticed after playing warframe for a while I learned how to quickscope even though I haven't even done it before. I mean not only quickscoping either, headshot quickscoping.


    It does actually.Anyone can go crazy on earth and demolish some grineer,But going in t4 surv past 30 min when enemy shots take a good percentage of health, meaning you most likely are gonnhave to do some wallrunning to dodge bullets and aim at the same time to kill enemies. Yes, that takes a bit of skill.


    I really didnt play PVP though I mostly just do t4-t3 missions but I think I might try it too.

    Are you looking for alternative feedback or trying to convince anybody?

    Who can say what happened? Maybe your matchmaker put you toward noob people?

    The only thing sure is Warframe PVE doesn't offer any relevant difficulty to become better at FPSs.

    Every topic boils then down to "I'm skilled here, I'm skilled there, let's show it to others"... etc.

    PS: Wallrunning isn't a feature anymore

  3. Regarding the Damage buff, it's a matter of good and bad weapons, mastery fodder, always the same problem. The other is the enemy scaling. There's no need to buff generic melee damage.

    For what concernes Survivability, it's gone since Stamina left. I think the actual blocking is just a bandaid and I suspect a rework is coming with the Charged Attacks.

    What really should be done imho is welding melee with other playstyles or making it more self-sustainable.
    - Working around the Melee Combo Counter is the key, I suggested yet to raise its duration and making it interact with other mechanics, like Skills or giving prizes for reaching an high number.
    - Example: the MCC should interact with the Skill damage and effects, making them scale accordingly. Let's say, reaching a x2 damage boost with melee attacks would also double the damage/duration/effect from the next skill used, allowing for interesting combo and finishers, also suiting the Ability spam issue.
    - Another Example would be allowing Energy or Health globes (or self gain) as prizes for reaching high combo counters, this way going melee would be rewarding and it could sustain itself.
    This would also fix the bad design problem Life Strike brings in.

    Just some ideas.

  4. Seems like a good idea but remember: The procs are only activated when you get enough exp. Also if you were to manually use the aoe proc then it should stop gaining more exp or else it would be OP just having multiple procs ready to use

    It seems obvious enough. The idea is to keep the activation for the best moment. Or not using it at all for what concernes me.

    D' you know that it gets charged also with the Affinity generated by your Abilities?

  5. What about making Syndacate Powers from relative weapons being able to be cast manually on command when ready through the secondary fire key?
    Or at least bounding them to another key avialable.

    Reasons are obvious.
    Just the fact I enjoy Rakta Ballistica for Stealth Missions and I can't properly use it because of the Aoe alerting enemies.
    Or, another example, what's the point in having a random Blight proc while your energy is full?

  6. Alt F4 on an imbalanced PVP with no rewards? Come on..

    An idea would be to add a new move, an energy-based stunbreaker. Something working by sucking up all energy on activation with a base cost and forcing you an istant recovery from kds, stuns and staggers.
    Or elseway more couterplay and telegraph on heavy Crowd Controls.
    In most pvp games, where CC is a part of the fight, there's at least one stunbreaker move.

  7. Ops. I joined the thread thinking it was about asking people to stop opening threads entitled "Am I the only who...", "I'm enough of...", "Is Warframe still in beta", "Look what happened to me ingame", "People treating me bad ingame", "I'm an adolescent I need sympathy"...
    These things are really hurting people intelligence on a large scale.


  8. Not to be harsh... Simply there isn't anything special, the title is bad, also the script is pretty... naive.

    You should start from an interesting concept, then you should focus more on something to capture other's attention, a nice writing, some art.
    Elseway people won't get hooked by it.

  9. I'll just talk about VOLT.

    Volt is well rounded, but it is too much split between its roles.
    Example: Speed offers mobility, Electric Shield is for a stationary situation.
    Speed is awesome and modded correctly makes Volt a melee beast. But Volt has the least armor in game (Volt: 15ar; VoltP: 100ar).

    Analizing single skills we can find different flaws:
    • Overload damage is ridicle, it gimps itself for the second cast, for the game mechanics damaging skills don't scale in high level missions.
      Its stun isn't worth, since Shock do the same for a more controllable and economic cost.
      We can also stun Aoe with Shocking Speed Augment.
      Without Capacitance, even if it's range is unreliable and often it won't do its work properly, I wouldn't even consider using Overload.
      Now what's the point into having 2-3 different skills doing the same thing on the base skillset?
    •  Eletric Shield, as we yet said, is for a stationary playstyle, but even if it's somehow nice for cohoperation, it's boring to place (the Volt has to reach the zone to place it), its duration must be modded for and it's outshadowed by Frost's Snow Globe.

    The Solution: I'm gonna suggest to hit hard Overload and Electric Shield.

    Rework Overload to be a proper overload as a low/medium cost self-buff empowering every other skill (similar to Equinox's Metamorphosis).
    "Volt overloads itself garanting its other skills an improved effect for one next cast:"
    Shock: "An overloaded Shock would cast X Shocks instead than one", or "Turns Shock into the old-version Overload"
    Speed: "... to be defined" but Speed is mostly fine as it is. 1) Buffing Armor maybe, for melee builds? 2) Doubling melee combo counter? 3) Overcharging weapons giving more Multishot?
    Electric Shield: "An overloaded ES will put on yourself and teammates an Energy Shell granting ES's damage boosts and following them".
    (Energy Shell is the 1st Odonata skill, blocking projectiles from the front, buffing its damage and following the caster.)

    This will affect both Melee and Shooter focused builds, with no distinction, these new utilities should work fine for both playstyles.

    For its supportive role we have some alternatives like making its Electric Shield:

    • work as a proper Energy source, giving energy regeneration near it when successfully blocking projectiles (it would be funny, but probably it will be dangerous because it can fuel Mesa's Peacemaker strategies);
    • in an offensive way, reflecting projectiles back to their source;
    • exploding (with damage and knockback) after absorbing a quantity of damage;
    • garanting zone control, by shocking enemies trying to cross it;
    We can also work around Volt's Armor problems by giving it a temporary buff to it when casting the new Overload, similar to how Metamorphosis works.

    Imho this would: 1) preserve Volt's actual gameplay for who loves it, 2) giving it some freshness, 3) fitting its flaws and 4) giving it more impact in its supportive role.
    Just imagine 4 players putting themselves back to back to build a Snow Globe with their own Energy Shell, or a melee focused warframe who can finally throw himself in the fray having to care less for ranged attacks coming from the front.

  10. I don't really care about lore bombs this mission threw at us.

    The amount of inconsistences and bad storytelling on Natah are terrible.

    The example you made was just some cherry on the top of the cake ruining suspension of disbelief and immersion in the quest.
    Also 4 people trolling each other on the same communication channel, Tyl Regor chatting at the cellphone instead than following the operation, we were never present in the hot zone, we were always late or locked in a stupid survival farming Life Supports.

    I really hope DE will change this in a second moment or at least they won't repeat this on next quests... Thinking about "the Second Dream" kinda scares me.

  11. While the idea of your Husks and Sacrilege is really nice, I've never seen a Necromancer transforming... Well just into "GuildWars2" design which is awful and I despise it. Also the name "Thanascyte" is... brrrr.

    There's no point into giving Hysteria/melee-berserker to a supportive Warframe. Also Necromancer is a supportive role in most rpgs, so..

    The only real change Nekros would need is making Desacrate into a channeled aura and having Soul Punch being reworked into something else.

    Also talking about self advertisement, sometimes idea-sharing is a nice thing.

  12. First of all I agree with your point.
    The game isn't difficult in the proper manner: Difficulty in game shouldn't be dictated by how many Damages targets should absorb before getting killed.
    Missions need to be more Dynamic, it would require Strategy, the use of brain, the ability to weld parkour, stealth and fight together.

    Ideas sharing: take a look at this concept of mine, maybe you'll find something you would like to integrate into yours.



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