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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. True Ash players? Majority of people?
    This is cheap discrimination.

    ...Over the fact that a team of experienced Artists work on the subject.
    Are you saying your ungraguated whim and lack of taste is more important than it?


  2. Unless of course, they don't CARE about lost lives -Grineer- or are focused on specific orders given by superiors -Corpus-.


    Infested now... Those I can see being alerted as a whole. Then again, I have killed an entire ship of them without alerting them, so... *shrug*

    Sorry, but that doesn't make sense.

    Maybe abusing invisibility. That's not stealth.

  3. Doesn't that make sense though? It's not a medieval game. Those helmets surely have some sort of HUD or at least a way to communicate in real time with their allies.

    Then why there's the need to set on the Alarm? Shouldn't all the Installation get alarmed when they detect a menace?

    Even if you kill a single target then enemies should get on alarm for a missing biosignal.

    It's an element that really makes Stealth worthless and more restricted.


    There isn't really something shining between balanced features, it's all in the average level.

    What's not balanced is: Energy Spawn and Ability Spam. Both in PVE and PVP.
    This would require a lot of work since a tighter Energy Spawn would assume your skills should be used smartly and should have a solver effect on the situation. This would make a lot of subpar skills like Contagion useless. This also would require most #4 skills to be stronger than they are now, because elseway they wouldn't be worth the cost.

    PS: Nerf Kogakes in PVP and reduce one/bishots. Thanks.

    PPS: Efficency is part of the Energy and Ability Spam Problem.

  5. First of all, give a look to this concept.


    Imho it could also be implemented a system based on Light and Shadow similar to how Mirage's Eclipse works to help stealth detection.

    Also Crouching could make harder getting detected.

    And what about a system based on Line of Sight in which a partial body detection would trigger a "investigation" action, while a full body detection would trigger directly the alarm on the single unit?

    The system should be more refined in features like alarming sound like screams from units, shoots from gun, miss shots bolting near an unit setting it on an alarmed state, people dying in front of other people which doesn't alarm them, explosions, melee hits and breaking items.

    But the major flaw that must be fixed is the telepathy alarmed units have. When one gets alarmed, even if it didnt' shoot or set up the alarm, other units will start moving.

  6. So true. A round or three of Draco is more fun than fighting Sargas Ruk 3 dozen times looking for Cells. It's not fun but neither is slower grinding... a fast grind lets me get back to the fun parts of Warframe sooner




    How are they a problem for you? Do they (we...) disrupt your life/gameplay at all?

    Sure they do, because DE must create content accodringly to their majesties and the majority.

    If people abuse the game, the game will need something to react this problem.

    Grind is the answer #1 to this problem, so the more you farm, the more will have I to stay after the game's standards.

    Also if those players -which at one point will start to feel full of theirselves and want them to be recognized as "Veterans"- will start crying and making noise because they burned out their game faster than how it should be...

    ...If you follow the logic I'm sure you'll see the problem better.

  7. The real problem are No-Life Nerds.
    Grind is the only answer to a community asking for more and more.
    Grind is a cheap feature to set up, while creating content requires a lot of time.

    If you disagree write an alternative solution to keep people playing all the hours they would be playing for another reason.
    Challenge accepted?

    PS: Since people don't understand I will quote myself:


    The real problem, that probably nobody understand, is that GRIND is the only answer to exagerate nerds, spending more than 1-2 hours per day on the game.

    Nobody is able to produce that many content at the rate people consume it.
    The contents you consume in 1-2 days have weeks of work on their back.
    If you have to feed too many insatiable mouths you'll have to increase what they want to eat.
    Cheaper food in greater quantities.
  8. I love this concept. It'd be even better if levels were allowed to sprawl a bit, so you could maybe circumvent certain challenge areas or detour to find bonuses you could, potentially, leverage against the assassination target.

    I included it yet in the "Robbery" Challenge. Looking for Development Weapons or Void Artifact in the Boss' facility.

    Or eventually in Sabotage Challenge.


    and hopefully a new system for stealth kill... i wish they should get the idea from TENCHU

    I loved that game from 90's.

  9. Thanks for the informations.
    Well, that's pretty similar to a generic Dungeon in any casual MMO.
    Still better than the actual Assassination Missions. There are similar things and many differences from my concept. 
    Anyway my concept is aiming into emphasizing different features:

    • Errors and success of the player will have consequences on the Bossfight. There's a direct interaction.
    •  It won't be forcefully a "gun n' run" mission, there's emphasis on stealth and parkour too.
    • The player would have more freedom of choice about how to accomplish challenges.
    • Also the lenght of the game shouldn't be about "how many KM to travel" or "how many enemies to kill", but "how much deepness every challenge should have".
  10. I hate to rip off destiny, but how bout turning assassination missions into strike missions.

    Can you be more clear? Can't say how Strike Missions are in Destiny, but if it's not related, then this is no topic to discuss it.

    Postum Scriptum: I've never played Destiny nor got interested into it, all this brainstorm comes out of knowledge of old games and a mix of Spy 2.0 and Rescue 2.0.

    I'm developing this concept officially by May, but I had it into my head by a lot of time ago.

  11. +1

    The cooperation required in actual RAIDS forces you to find people who know what they have to do and "cohordinate" em.

    More people are required, the harder it is, more time for preparation is required, every factor gets inflated. This is not "fast peaced".

    I don't find this rewarding, but frustrating.
    The point is feats should be doable by 1-2 people together, multiple times, allowing the group to split and work individually to have more control on the situation and to contribute. It's easier to manage and faster to organize.
    You're playing alone? You still can do it, but you'll require more time. More people playing with you? It will be faster in the end.

    Also what's up with mechanics that force you spamming Consumables thus wasting Credits? I find it horrible. (Energy draining mandatory drawbacks)

  12. A functional rework would be making it a "Channeling" ability ala World on Fire. Draining Energy or Vitality with Despoil.

    Your suggestions, over breaking the Scifi theme, can be added simply with an augment.

    Also the 25hp Orbs story doesn't work, since you can reduce its cost with Efficency or refund it with Equilibrium.
    I'd rather a rework on Vitality orbs restoring a % of it.

    • Light sources are messed up.
      Why would the tree be totally black as it would be in a dark ambient with no ambient light, while the warframe has a totally different lightset? This discrepancy is what gets noticed as soon as you look.
      Same for the rock. No shadows, different light setup.
    • Also there is no rim light coming from the dawn/eclipse on the back.
    • Multiple objects have no blurred borders, they're sharp, raw and grainy so they don't merge with the background. Thus giving the feel "copy/paste" and bad editing.
    • There is no starfield, the sky feels empty and unnatural. Either put low opacity clouds or a starfield.
    • There is plenty of clouds in the background, but there is totally absence of fog on the close-up. You can get a smoky brush and add some low opacity layer over it.
    • Planets on the background are ovoidal. Again the light source on planets isn't working.​

    Also, if you mean to "rip off" planets and other ComputerGraphic-developed images from internet (also Textures and Backgrounds), check if the image is free or if its owner is allowing for free editing.
    It's not professional taking images from public Portfolios or protected by Copyright. (It's just a note)


  14. I'd suggest you to try exercising with a good reference (official images, screenshots from the game, ...) first by copying it, then trying to getting more precise try by try.
    When you'll have learned enough details and some anatomy you'll be able to reproduce it as you like.

    Long is the way, but..

    Keep trying to emprove.

    PS: Also accept criticism, don't get downhearted by it, use it to emprove yourself.

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