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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. What snipers need, in order to be viable, is maps and mission types where sniping is useful.

    I totally agree with you.

    A new mode (or a new bossfight involving sniping at long distances) would make it, extremely long areas and obstacles making imprecise weapons less desiderable.

    There are a lot of possibilities.

    As example we can take the MGS3 the End fight, which is wonderful.

  2. A pity that the game still needs a lot of changes, you can't drop scared and reticent just by a single proposal.
    And don't even think that this is going to stay like this forever.

    Changes need to be done, you can't deny it forever just because "old vets" feel cozy in this environment.
    Also, who said that the ALL vets are feeling like this? This is an assumption made on your own, you're making yourself the spokesman of a circle. Then, feeling cozy for what? And what's the value of this "experience" since the old Conclave was even more broken?
    No need to answer, I've enough years of psychology and gaming experience to understand what's going on in PVP gamers' heads.

    Can you be objective about it and skim the opinion from unnecessary rancors?

  3. Yes. Trying to take take headshot kills with a sniper rifle is just Disgusting. There is no other way to put this out. Even when the target sits still, the Scope on Sniper rifles are horrible. Quite possibly you cant find a worse scope on a sniper rifle anywhere in game industry. 


    I would suggest different Scope types with Multiple zoom levels as a mod. Right now anyone who uses Braton or something has a higher chance at taking out someone. 


    We seriously need different scopes. Vectis prime is my favourite weapon but i cant even use it because its practically useless.

    This maybe could be fixed with a secondary fire utility, enlarging the Scope.

    Anyway given the quickness of the action I don't think this would change the matter about Headshots. The problem are Momentum in actions and the Window of Opportunity.

    This can either be achieved with a Stamina 2.0 or putting a "moment of recover" on every parkour action.

    For example you can see it after an high jump, dropping and landing on the ground takes some seconds of animation for the Tenno to recover and start moving freely again.


  4. No no one wants this, stop trying to push forward your own agenda using a different topic. It is much easier to hit a target now than before, to say we need stamina is like saying that you simply cannot handle hitting moving targets.

    I have killed people mid air, while flipping and killed people who are flipping, jumping, and rolling, not to mention I use a bow. Saying to add a stamina bar makes 0 sense and is bringing the game back to square one, stamina is not comming , no one wants it and the devs do not want it.

    1 shots are not toxic, this is the "oh its like cod so its bad" toxic mentality. In a movement heavy game like warframe one shots are not a big problem. You can easily avoid someone's line of fire. And with the extremely low ttk the devs have integrated lately, we should at least try to make snipers and bows 1 shot again. Back in 1.0 when snipers used to more or less 1 shot along with most of the weapons the game became not entirely reliant on gunskill, but had emphasis on movement and positioning and premeditated thinking.

    I'm offering a possible alternative to think about.

    Forums are made to show opinions and discussing about it.

    If you just refuse them because you have some resentment toward me, it's not my problem.

    Also be careful when saying "nobody wants, and dev do not want", "1 shots are not toxic, this is the "oh its like cod so its bad" toxic mentality" because you're making assumptions on informations you can't fully afford.

  5. Imho the problem is this one: 
    In the earlier PVP there was a ridicle mobility, but still there were plenty of occasions to hit a target during orizontal moviment, some weapon was oneshotting, and for balance got nerfed. Of course, for that kind of meta, Oneshots were toxic.

    Now with Parkour 2.0 (which is really nice), the occasions to hit a target got reduced. So hard to hit weapons like Latrons, Lex, etc. are getting rebalanced again to kill targets in the small window a sniper has now. Even like this, hitting a moving target is painful.

    The Problem:
    Now the logic error is: Weapons mustn't be balanced around the window of opportunity the actual Parkour offers now (so to oneshot in the smallest occasion you have), but to give Parkour some limit, to give BOTH a chance to react and fight back your aggressor AND a chance for your aggressor to make its own move.

    The Solution:
    Imho a Stamina based limitation would be the right answer. Check more information on the link, but in short, preserving full stamina would mean being FAST, having the opportunity for escaping your target, doing achrobatics do dodge its attack (exactly what you can do now freely with Parkour 2.0), while after ending or having Stamina low would mean you are SLOW, you've done your move and now it's time for your opponent to go on aggressive and taking a chance to beat you.
    This would also give an occasion to lethal guns like sniper guns to have a chance at hitting the target without excessive difficulties.

    This way, without the need of abusing stuns and stagger, and avoiding toxic oneshots, there can be a good gameplay of attack and defense, maybe even giving some weapon chances to exhaust the enemy stamina faster (arrows pierced in your body?, automatic secondaries with low damage?) for some alternative strategy.


  6. Some good detail, but there are some problems:
    1) actually defense missions are pretty boring;
    in your concept the defense will be placed where you success on capturing your target, this would make things more complicated for the level structure. It's not likely a mobile defense.
    3) There are minor details logically hard to mix in the execution and the logic: "operatives appearing"? Why aren't them with the Tennos at the start of the mission?
    4) Rift plane? A Limbo feature out like this? It doesn't convince me.

    5) Lotus lockdown? There must be at least an hacking mission first.

    The duration of the mission mustn't be its main feature. There must be quality in strategy, action, mechanics and making them join with logic.

  7. Similar to my concept, take a look for sharing some ideas.


    Discussing around on different threads, it seems that this way proposed of splitting a node in 3 different modes can be the most appreciated way of approaching different playstyles.

    Also I think talking about rewards isn't functional, because it should be in relation with task's difficulty and ingame economy.

  8. @--Q--FrenchAussie:

     The problem, dude, is the interaction between Freedom of Speech, maturity of people and the dynamics on Internet, mainly because of the wrong use of it.
    People of every age open everyday the usual naive threads not to discuss, but convinced they're right and thinking it's important that others see it (...looking for attention and sympathy).
    This is the reason it's not a Forum anymore: in the end forums on Internet are just a place to let a vast majority of people vent their personal problems somewhere.
    What you write here doesn't change really anything in the Real World. (Exception made for bug reports and some interaction with the Staff).

    Generally talking, Forums aren't an healthy place.
    This isn't worth your preoccupation, even if you raise people to keep it good, it won't last long.
    Just make use of the Report in the correct manner and let Moderators do their work.

  9. This would be a Nightmare, also the game would turn in a real survival where you have to use Ammos with care or actually care to open lockers and chests to look for them.
    Melee would be just the last resource.

  10. I'd say "you do get he was invoking that same metaphor", but honestly I can't tell if he is or not...



    Oh, and OP: keep in mind that this isn't the first time we've had the Sentient's talking English (The New Strange, Stolen Dreams), and they WERE created by the Orokin, so there's a bit of precedent there.

    No problem for me.

    But the language should be ancient. I can realize they learned it from Orokin and their makers, but... Still doesn't fit for me.

    It was more a funny detail in my argument, not the Strong Point in my post.

  11. lotus=once a sentient maybe?


    also the guy who said All is silent and calm. Hushed and empty is the womb of the sky.


    must have been the guy who was the lotus "father/mother' 




    And yeah, Lotus was TOTALLY a Sentient - she was Natah, after all. Was that really so hard to understand?

    That's not my point.

    Of course it was all comprensible, but the exposure, the arrangement of events, the casuality... It all had been done so badly. At the point that there wasn't any immersion.

    Also I've to criticize the fact that they put all these communications in the fight during the action.. Or once very 5 minutes. The pause between every message was terrible. The result is terrible.

    The cuscene matter must happen, for the sake of Lore and storytelling.

    Also don't even try to fool me saying that the argument introducing the motivations for the Lotus past have been set up in the talk in the proper manner... So sudden, so forced, with no logic.

    Lore Bombs dropped so randomly and with no style... MEH!

  12. Let me start by saying I loved Warframe and I respect Digital Extremes and all the Staff.
    Please don't be deceived by what i'm going to write next.
    It's just a little (but not short) and innocent criticism about the Lore in the last quest released.

    I'd say I'm playing Warframe mainly attracted by the Lore.
    I've been scanning Simaris Targets like a psycho.
    After the U17 release, I've been doing missions whenever possible to get the RNG'd Drone to start the quest.
    After I failed once (the Drone disappeared), I finally made out finding the second one.
    60 minutes later I was like: "I'd rather I didn't ever start this quest".

    The quest felt short, not immersive at all, enigmatic nonsense phrases to introduce the quest and dialogues...

    The thing that mostly made me crazy was the Clue Moment of the event, when Tyl Regor was breaking in the Tomb: a very important moment, a twist in the Hystory of Warframe.
    For the duration of the event we've been listening Tomb Regor which instead than organizing his men for a tactical arrangement, he was busy at the cellphone, trolling Tennos like nerds do on forum chats, documenting in first person to his own lizard-enemies what was happening.
    In this communication there was a totally evasive Lotus, the only few short answers she gave were mixed betweens revelations with no logical link to the argument and something casual to substitute "Teshin shut the * up" in an educated manner.
    Teshin talking like a robot spelling every words with a prolonged pause inbetween.
    Sun. Cephalon. Taken. Moon. Cephalon. Captured. Team. Moon. Wins.
    -My error, sorry, wrong game mode.
    A Sentient, a long forgotten alien entity talking fluid english even after thousand years he's been sleeping after a war which declared it as a loser, which at a certain point shows CASUALLY some familiar degree with Lotus, demonstrating it by talking exactly nonsense like her.

    In all this cozy picture where Characters were discussing -all on the same communication channel for some strange reason, you see no Tomb, no important Events, we weren't personally there trying to stop the Wheel of Fate...

    ...but instead locked in a exceedingly boring Survival/Defense farming Life Supports Modules like every day.

    Now that I remember, another funny moment was:
    Tenshin: "Lotus. you. can't. hide. your. past. anymore"
    Lotus: "I was on a quest" "I didn't kill Tenno" "I am the Mother"
    Me: "WTF I'm watching?!?!?!"

    Thanks for the attention, I hope next incoming Lore will be more elaborated.

    What's your opinion about Natah?

  13. I was doing Neurode survival alert on Mercury, and for fun I went 'public'. I was paired with three noobz, two MR2 one MR3 (I'm MR19). We started, and like usual went to the first pod. We killed some mobs on the way, so we still had 98% life support. And then that MR3 guy went and activated pod. I told him to wait till it drops till around 60%, and what did he does when another one showed up? Activated it, this time on 96%.

    I could chalk him up as a exception, not the rule, but this wasn't the first time. I had at least 10 such events in past few months. So, why don't they think?

    I don't care for me or other high rank players, because we don't see them at end game missions, but I'm concerned for other low level players. They could either have messed up experience, and might think that survival is badly designed because there isn't enough pods to last longer runs, or they end up with bad habits.

    The Main Question is:

    "Is all of this so severe?"

    (...So that you have to get frustrated and come here on forums looking for sympathy?)

    Is really necessary to discriminate 2-3 people because of their skill level in a game?

    I'd have to ask another question: why most people under a certain age come on forums making every time the same old questions?

    Nothing personal, just be constructive and try giving an answer for every question.

  14. OP, I disagree with what you wrote, Parkour is a part of this game and should be integrated in PVP as well.

    The mobility is really nice, the problem is it has no limit.
    I agree about an overhauled Stamina should be brough in PVP, following a logic of Windows of Opportunity.


    Alternatively to counterplay mobility, there should be Crowd Controls, from players or from the environment, with maybe more obstacles and traps, hard-to-cross paths wich would require a minimal use of attention and control to reach where you need to go.

    Anyone can give how many +1 he/she wants to whoever, but if you deny any chance of trying it, well, your opinion has no experience to sustain it, it's just negating any alternative on no basis.
    Also don't think the experience with the old Parkour and Stamina is worth in this discussion, because it wasn't balanced enough to be a valid feature and a valid comparison.

  15. Pretty amusing how Bo Prime always finds its way into overpoweredness.

    The problem is ALWAYS the same as they nerfed it the first time for the same reason.

    Quick multi-attacks with Energy Channeling and Martial Magnetism = you get caught, you die in a fraction of second.

    DE nerfed it once for this reason, now they brought it back.

  16. Imho it would be enough that Ripline would act like SlashDash or Freeze, prioritizing player targets in a small cone (instead than pinpoint), and eventually working on the duration of Warcry buff.

    So you would ripline a target and have a chance to set up your other skills.

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