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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. I don't agree on the Telekinesis/IstantAggro/Transmission matter.
    On Grineers mainly it makes no sense. What's the need of having a major alarm to enable if your security net works with walkie-talkies inside the suit?
    For Corpus it's a bit different since they would have hi-tech gear, but again that would make no sense to report enemy presence from a console.

    For what concernes Infested I've some slight idea. Telekinesis ruins the stealth, this is clear. Maybe there could be special units like Ospreys or Security Drones flying around and holding some kind of telekinetic organ (space for fantasy: maybe shooting parasitic projectiles to mark the target, working similar to Maggots, or pherormones attracting other Infested http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Pherliac_Pod ). Alarm from it would maybe put on alarm Infested units in an area and directing them to you. So the objective would be taking them out first.

    I don't find possible your suggestion of boxes-over-the-head. It doesn't fit Warframe in my opinion.

    Also take a look for the Stealth and Detection I wrote on my concept.. maybe there's something you can find useful.

    And now, not to be pessimistic, but I think the reason we still don't have Stealth is because it can be a hell to script AIs.
    Since I see everywhere games with AI problems I think it's not something easy to fix up.

  2. Actually in Defense what you have to do is cover, spam Snow Globe, shoot shoot shoot shoot, end the wave, loot, restart. Eventually pop the Nullifier shield.
    There isn't anything smart in it.
    There aren't strategical group of units built to give a strategical twist to the mission. (Do anybody remember old Starcraft? Where enemy groups were built to have different counterplay?)
    Here enemies are just rushing to you.

    Even if I see it hard that they will realize an elaborated unit just for a single type of mission, I think your idea would be nice to make Defenses dynamic.
    Also it would be really nice to see each wave having a different strategy. Maybe enemies coming just from a different side, or just a specific type of enemies coming for that wave. Infiltrators coming from the back.. That sort of thing.
    Then on the hardest wave there may come different numbers of the units you conceptualized to force Tennos splitting and managing it in a different way.
    There could also be the new Grineer Turrets to make it more interesting.

    That would merge fast peaced fight and strategy.

    PS: Saboteur Rollers? What about KAMIKAZE Rollers? Dealing tons of damages, but not Oneshotting the Defense objective, so that it would present a counterplay and not to be frustrating in a failure scenario.

  3. I agree with you. The game as it is now is just killing endless numbers of weak enemies, Gun n' Run, no Narrative, farm farm farm, get in, get out. There's no meaning in what we are doing. Most of the missions aren't worth to play (excluding Spy2.0 and Rescues). There is no progression nor an adequate reward.

    Your concept is pretty similar to my concept.
    Take a look if you need some inspiration.


  4. It's a nice idea, a first step in the right direction to make missions more interesting.

    What about if the escape run would be made on an escape route ala Dojo Timed Parkour Area?
    Maybe a crumbling area with mobile platforms or tunnels filled with traps, barriers and slowing fields similar to Void Missions traps.

    Imho what Warframe lacks is a twist between missions, involving more things to do.
    Just "Run and Gun" is becoming more and more boring, it's not anymore a game that can sustain itself with how many ways you have to massacre ten thousand weak enemies. You can do it in whatever game nowday. It's boring and repetitive.
    I can't enjoy anymore any mission (excluding Spy2.0 and Rescues).

    If you're looking for some inspiration, take a loot at this concept:


  5. So far the Prime Access has been awful in a medium scale. 


    The Accessories for Prime Access are bad, the design shows a lack of work and has a very similar look to Chroma on it.

    Ash's arms are a Copy Paste of Chroma Armor, the chest section of Ash has not been touched a single bit as it is as simple as the normal version (wich is a shame, because it leaves quite a big gap on the Prime part of it) and i am very dissapointed about it.


    Can we please get a Re-Design with a more Prime feel to it?

    Other Tennos please feel free to discuss about it.


    Sorry for the grammar, just woke up and haven't got my coffee yet :C

     It's not that bad, cmon.

  6. Perhaps the original orokin sub-light ship that transported the sentient builders?



    I'm just more and more... underwhelmed thinking of the sentients.

    Just another grey goo scenario. People create replicating machines. The machines evolve. Chaos ensues.

    You don't know what happened in the Tau System, before and during the Old War. Given this piece of Lore comes long before Old War, Tenno, (hypotetical) Grineers creation.. There is so much that can enrich and twist the plot.

  7. So the picture starts becoming more clear.

    There are laws/rules of preservation for the Orokin Empire.
    Orokins put themselves at risk by creating Sentients. Breaking these laws.
    Tenno fulfilled their role in the battle with Sentients.
    Tennos following these laws executed Orokins responsible.

    Also, who knows what did Sentients discover in the Tau system? Maybe something that made them evolve this far?
    Since they are said to subdue technologies, how did they didn't become more familiar with the Void by building Solar Rails?
    What did happen to Solar Rails in the Tau System? Did them got destroyed during the Sentient War?
    Why did Sentients come back to the Origin System? What were they looking for?
    Since the Origin System was a crumbling wasteland how did surviving populations made it to the actual Tenno Era we are playing in?


    Look at this:

    In war, the Sentients used heat-based beam weapons and "worm-ships" ringed in glowing discs; these may have used a similar method of propulsion as Orokin ships, since they are referred at one point as "coming out of punch" (an expression denoting the use of a Solar Rail).
  8. Initially I read "Vegana, sacrifice Warframe" and thought it was going to sacrify its animal protein and fat diet, then I read it again. ;)

    It's really nice seeing how much knowledge of the Aztec culture you know and tried to fit in.

    Imho the sacrifice shouldn't be on himself -it doesn't fit well with the theme- but on its victims.
    Theater sounds a bit combersome... The same reason why Limbo's Heaven is underused, it's hard to pick up a single teammate or opponent in the fight. I would imagine that it may be uncomfortable when your target is nearby an enemy or an ally.
    Ritual Sacrifice is nice, but it remembers me something masochistic or more Voodoo than Aztec. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
    I really like Hearts Desire, it's sadic and in my opinion it fits a Vampiric theme better than what people did with all other concepts.
    Penitence is essentially Chroma's Vex Armor.

    +1 for all the effort you put in.

    PS: Usually a Forum Environment isn't something healthy, the Warframe community isn't that bad, still there are some exceptions. Mainly don't give too much attention to non-constructive people. Have a good laugh and keep what's more useful for yourself.

  9. That's an interesting idea.
    I would die for a Thermal Visor for sniper guns. Or for a Stealth Cape when stationary wielding Sniper guns.
    With the incoming Parkour 2.0 clinging to walls, stealthing and waiting for preys would be wonderful... Only a little bit hard to reload the gun with one hand... but.. details..

    And what about a Sniper Bossfight?
    The boss would maybe stealth and run away ala Grineer Manic after getting hit or ambushed.

  10. I beg to differ. A playstyle that makes heavy use of abilities should be viable like any other. It should not be overpowered, yes, but being a space wizard should defiantly be an option, if a player so wishes. The "press E to win" is a consequence of faulty melee system. Make melee as a whole more skill-based, fix the combo system, move majority of DPS to combos so that spamming E is sub-optimal and you're looking at a completely different ability.


    Plus are u really compering spamming melee attack, albeit powerful, that requires you to actually chase targets, move around, and be in melee range, to a map wide radial nuke that vaporizes everything instantly, to a point when you can just have a macro play the game for you? Talk about logic.  


    I really do consider that a trade-off. Maybe because guns are the most lethal things in this game along with hard CC. And whether you become more or less powerful after activating EB depends on your gear. 


    People act like EB is some godly annihilator power, whereas I see no more damage potential than a skilled player with a well modded gun can accomplish. 



    Well, what do ya know, people have opinions and happen to like jedi. 

    Following a target? You forget that Exalted Blade emanates Waves traveling in space?

    I've no interest in an Squabble-Ego-Battle, I just pointed out the justifications given in answer to my post aren't legit.

    You keep ammassing whatever justification out of contest that can have the slighest link to the conversation (battle mage??? A melee Warframe?).

    I repeat: my point is that Exalted Blade shouldn't last forever or till you meet a Parasitic Eximus, and this is strictly related to the Efficency, Energy and Ability Spam.

    My conversation ends here if people won't stay in the limit of Logic and Coherence.

  11. indeed, at the cost of damage that is. Still, you cant stand still with this ability, your back is uncovered and excal is still pretty easy to kill.  you have to move, time your skills adequately in order to save energy. In lower levels yeah it may last a long time and its pretty easy but that will not be of use in t4 surv after some time, or t4 def after a few waves. 

    at those levels you gotta know when to use it, with whom, you will get overwhelmed easily and elite enemies will be your priority, you cant waste energy on normal mobs. 


    You're talking of it as it would be an hindrance. That's not a logical point of view if you ask me.


    Not quite. With other Ults, the spammability is not a problem, the fact that they remove player agency is. EB does nothing (not counting the free auto-parry) if you just turn it on, you need to actively seek out and target enemies, and you're not immortal. While the melee mode is powerful, it's more or less on the same level as any well modded high end ranged weapon. If anything, the other abilities have too low energy cost, while EB is active, which gives you the feeling that the EB doesn't even drain energy. But that's a problem of how efficiency is handled. The upkeep itself is fine. Also remember than unlike most Ults this one has a trade-off - you're using EB, and that 6-forma Dread hangs useless on your back.

    Ability spam is a problem. There are a lot of threads regarding the Energy and Ability Spam issue.

    It should be a temporary powerup, not a permanent powerup.

    It's powerful enough to carry on the game on its own, the fact it's not a Spam#4 to win, but a spam E to win does't change anything.

    Are you really considering a damaging tradeoff an Internal Mechanic that anyway makes you more powerful? Again? Come on, that's an hilarious logic.

    Exalted Blade is too good to try to advance any justification for it's unending duration.

    That's gamebreaker, it's not healthy for the game.

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