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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. A being where it cannot be killed by the Tenno. Only halted for a few seconds, and then gets back up (even stronger than before). That's how Dead Space (even though it wasn't scary) was able to balance out power and weakness with the inclusion of the Hunter (the regenerating enemy). With the power you have (a huge arsenal of weaponry in the game) you end up realizing that you simply cannot kill this creature, you can only harm it slightly and then you need to get the hell out of there. 


    Also it isn't the Tenno that get scared, it's us. The players. Chris Redfield from RE didn't show signs of fear every time he saw a zombie, we (the players) did. 

    A pity that Isaac is just an engineer, not an assassin, nor a military, nor a mutant. And also he couldnt clear rooms by pressing #4.

    The last sentence makes no sense.

    Its a game of personification and self involvement.

  2. As the title says - I'm really happy that you've brought no new 'essential' mods... Now I'm feeling more comfortable with my way to play 'just for fun'. And I'm even more happy about the fact that you have started the rotation of primed mods.

    Thank you very much, DE!

    Primed mods aren't essential......

    L E T   T H E   C R Y B A B I E S    B E G I N !

  3. Not really. You can invoke horror without the person being an average joe, the thing you need is good atmosphere and your threat is strong enough to slap you silly.

    You have a point, but...

    ...The feeling isn't the same when you embody a weak being with low chances of making it.

    Actually tennos are mutant killers, what would make them scare?

  4. I wonder then how can blizzard get away with ppl asking to delay patch due to too many ppl not completing content yet...


    You dont need to do grind, you need to make it challenging enough so hardcore players wont have enough time to be bored after completing it.


    Grind isnt the only answer, its laziest one.

    Maybe Blizzy is around by almost a decade, way richer and is a way greater videogame company? mmm do you understand?

    Eheh since you refuse my point what do you know can work instead of Grind? Can you find a valuable alternative? Or you'll offer other easy sentences?

  5. Stop it with the class-war and look at the big picture; is this what you all want? You're okay with having this much senseless grind in the game simply because you're not supposed to get it done right away? The arguments against completionists are just as weak as the arguments for completionists.

    It's not senseless. First of all if the game changes your high horizons you should start changing your attitude toward the game.

    Primed Mods are an enormous mod sink? Stop maxing every Primed Mod, start being selective. It won't damage you, because actual content works nicely with the Standard Mods. You aren't cut out from any content.

       If you're a veteran player crying "you don't have to tell me how to play" and such garbages, well it's better for you waking up asap.


    Another point. The real problem, that probably nobody understands, is that GRIND is the only answer to exagerate nerds, spending more than 1-2 hours per day on the game.

           Nobody is able to produce that many contents at the rate people consume it.

           Nobody is able to produce that many contents at the rate people consume it.

           Nobody is able to produce that many contents at the rate people consume it.

           Nobody is able to produce that many contents at the rate people consume it.

           Nobody is able to produce that many contents at the rate people consume it.

    The contents you consume in 1-2 days have weeks of work on their back.

       If you have to feed too many insatiable mouths you'll have to increase what they want to eat.


          Cheaper food in greater quantities.

  6. I agree with you, Furious Javelin is terrible. It's an  hard to managebad balanced augment.

    Even if it sounds powerful if correctly modded, you have 2 options:
    1) To make a build focused on it, it must be a gamebreaker combo, elseway 2) the effort isn't worth the (scarce) results.
    In this situation Imho its the #2 case.

    PS: In your build Flow, Reflex Guard and Quick Thinking are bad mods. I'd suggest Handspring to avoid wasting your buff in knockdown state.
    Also for a Radial Javelin build you don't have Natural Talent.
    Narrow Minded and Blind Rage are too much counter-productive.

    Regarding Surging Dash, it not that bad, it does pretty the same thing but it's more self reliant, it doesn't depend on other mods and consider also you can build around negative power duration to reduce Slash Dash lenght on your preference.  
    You can use it on an enemy mob and you'll get an high melee counter boosting your melee damage. Note that the Melee Combo Counter can be refreshed in the right conditions without spending Energy like Furious Javelin build would need.
    On Cleaving Whirlwind Galatine builds it's not bad at all.

    TL DR: Furious Javelin sounds good on paper, ingame it's trash.

  7. Defense 3 and 4, Surv 2. Look for the 50 Ducats pieces. Once a day every day. It's not that much of effort.

    After all, you're not forced buying them by anyone and you won't miss anything that will preclude you some content.

    Also, if you have to buy, just buy mods,  weapon and aesthetics are mainly for addictional, not mandatory Ducats.

  8. Why not Gas Bombs blinding enemies or releasing a temporary Smokescreen blocking the sight of enemies? An help for melee..
    Or Time Bomb to open grates, to create diversions.. You know, to lurk enemies away from key passages...
    Chaff Grenades to tilt machineries.
    Battle Drugs...
    Passive Dragon Keys...

  9. I am not sure if you are doing serious suggestions or if you are quit trolling . All your posts want to bring something ingame that would make anything super easy .

    Not really. The 3 lockers from Void Sabotage will prolong the single game enough.

    It just need some tweaks.

  10. Volt+shocking speed mod + galatine+ maxed prime reach= melee god. Add freezing arua mod ( forgot actual name, y'all know what it is) for sentinal. And you have guys shocked and frozen while my massive damage 13meter galatine breaks the world at insane speed with cleaving whirlwind to turn the room into a frezzing electric tornado of blades.

    Please get Quickening too on the Galatine, you won't lose that much damage, because its one of the highest damage weapons.

    I also tried it with Jat Kittag, its attack speed becomes terrifying.

  11. To end this, we never gave DE complaints or harsh feedback that they didn't deserve.

    This is the most egocentric and egoistic thing I've read today.

    The perfect example of how Human's Ego work.

    The extreme self-justification for his/their own bad attitude. Absence of doubt.

    "WE" as part of self identification on a group, ledding to Group Dynamics (feeling strong, more self esteem, feeling backupped, feeling that your ideal is right just because it's shared by other people -whithout asking yourself if those persons are really using their brain or abandoning themselves to irrational feelings-, feeling of staying out of normal rules).

    THIS is the perfect Mirrors Maze.


  12. Personally I would like to see a buff in Soeed as well. Something like when you run into an enemy or object before the duration ends it sets off a small static stun AOE.

    As it is I almost never use that skill.



    What about making Overload clash and interfere with Nullifiers? If it would hack every electronic around, what about those on enemies? Similar to how Shield Polarize works. Just, disabling robotics, enemy Eximuses' auras...

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