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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. Increased flight time would make it useless at range.  Add on no oneshots to that and you'd be getting owned by hitscan all day.



    Except you don't really need to compensate for travel time at mid to close range.

    REDUCE flight time= faster arrows. I didn't propose to slower the arrow.

  2. Travel time requires good aim, charge time leaves you very open for a face full of lead. Seems pretty balanced to me.

    Travel time is a relevant deterrent only if the target is moving sprinting orizontally and if it's not close range. On close range it's still a sure kill.

    They're just deterrents which depends on the user's skill and the open field, but again, this isn't the problem. I repeat, the problem is oneshot offers no counterplay to the victim.

    What I proposed is to actually reduce the flight time and abort the oneshot factor.


  3. Not so much at close range.  Something needs to be done about that.  Not sure how to do that without ruining the weapon as a whole.  Maybe reverse damage drop off (less damage at close range, more at long range)?

    I'd propose to reduce the flight time and erase the oneshot thing.

  4. This is not "I share my experience thread".
    Please give a valid motivation if you feel it's legit.

    You think bows are balanced? Explain with some logic why. Not just "because it needs skill". Give a context. And keep in consideration valid points.

  5. To add to this, if a bow user has good ping and is good with a bow, than they defiantly shouldn't have a problem using a hit scan weapon with good ping.

    Not a valid justification, again. You have headshots multipliers as a prize for your aim. Definetly bows shouldn't oneshot.

  6. I just realized this was in PvP feedback.


    2-5 minute cooldowns on ults is still a bit overkill.


    Maybe 45 seconds/90 seconds?


    2 minutes. Actually with no cooldown you can manage to control energy spawns and you can wipe away a whole enemy team with 1 key.

    That's "not a little" exagerated.


    I agree about skills.


    Though about bows, they should one shot since they are a skill based weapon. The only balancing pass I would make on bows is to remove Terminal Velocity from the PvP mods selection. I think the TTK of every other weapon should be lower as well to make it more fair against bows.



    You just need a better ping than your opponent.

    I repeat, Oneshots shouldn't be admitted.

  8. About Skills:
    #1 shouldn't ever be able to oneshot;
    Aoe #4 Skills should need a long cooldown (2 to 5 minutes?).

    About Weapons:
    I understand bows have low ammos and need more precision to be used, but thats not a good justification to oneshotting.

    Though about bows, they should one shot since they are a skill based weapon

    Nope, you just need a better ping than your target.
    For a balance I'd suggest to reduce the flight time and remove the "oneshot factor".

    EDIT 24th March: It seems Bows have been balanced (damage reduction). Now the problem are Bratons. #1 Skills still deal too much damage and #4 Skills still oneshot.


    Oneshotting shouldn't NEVER be possible or it should have a reliable counterplay or deterrence.
    In a PVP Game the outcome of an action should be influenced 50% vs 50% by both players involved.
    The skillcap limit must be that 50%. The more you master your abilities the most you can profit of your 50% opportunity.
    There shouldn't be a 60-100% in the hands of the aggressor. The victim should have every time 50% chances to react or fighting back.
    When there's a starting situation which isn't that 50% vs 50%, there's imbalance.

    If you give one player the possibility to oneshot, the upper hand on the 50% chance of action goes to that player. The chance to fail due to circumstances or his own skill is the only factor influencing the outcome of the action. The victim wouldn't have the chance to fight back (if he/she's not provided with immunity to damage defenses -and we know immunities are on the same plane with oneshots, imbalanced-).
    This way a skilled player will always have the upper hand on whatever player, be skilled and experienced or not.

    Counterplay mechanics: Dodgeable, Parriable*, suffering LOS, Long casting time/Telegraphed+Interruptible.
    Deterrence mechanics: Higher costs, Long Cooldown, Influent downsides, Consuming Energy even when interrupted.

    *(only when Stamina will become a thing)

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    This is not "I just share my experience thread".
    Please give a valid motivation if you feel it's legit.
    You think bows are balanced? Explain with some logic why. Not just "because it needs skill". Give a context. And keep in consideration valid points.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

    PPS: This is another option to balance the numbers, thanks Amazerath


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    PPPS: An alternative problem detected during discussions is the Extreme Mobility of players.
  9. I don't think our powers are eating at us at all though.


    Otherwise we'd need something to keep us stabilized.



    Dang hide this thing or they'll gonna add Stabilizers like Kubrow's.

    Do you really want to go to sleep in a refrigerator when you logout?

    Do you really want to risk your own life when you forgot to go sleep in it?

    Do you really want to wait 3 hours everytime you want to play with a Warframe?


  10. A real Challenge requires Skill. A real Challenge requires a good balance in Difficulty, Risk Vs Reward.

    The problems are repetition, too many variables in the equation and the number of players.
    If it would be a single player game, it would be easier to balance.
    A multiplayer requires another kind of approach to the mechanics of the game. And also does create another kind of feedback.
    In multiplayers if something is too much hard and is depending on players' skill, then the obvious outcome will be Elitarism, and the game wouldn't be a mass multiplayer anymore, but a restricted multiplayer.
    Playing wouldn't be a pleasure anymore, but a Work to reach a level of ability to surpass the "social" barrier.

    Warframe has too many variables, it can't satisfy every kind of player. To be fair to the largest part of the community it can't become more challenging.


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