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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. Warframe is changing. I am realy worry in to exactly what...on last devstreams DE's talking mostly about Pvp. Do we realy need this in this "free" game? Are they doing what we ask for? What influance this will have on ouer community? I mean i don't want this game to change in "battlecallhalo i will do anything to be the best". Warfame was different, we all love this game for freedome it give us. For chalanges that we made for ouer self. To have FUN with ouer clan mates, for thinking, discuss how to, with what, when, why, what if...

    Do we realy want to fight against us? To have this kind of klan wars? This kind of "i am betrer" problem solution?

    What you guys think. In to what this game evolving? Where is ouer feeling of unique??


    Human being is competitive and elitist on its own. Even now, on forums there are people claiming of being veterans, completionists, to say their opinion is better than other's and to discriminate.

    PVP or not, people wasting life on videogames will always claim something to feel of more value than others.

    It's yet happening, maybe you didn't notice.

    If it's gonna be good, PVP is going to bring more people and assure more longevity to WF. Since it's gonna be split from PVE you won't have repercussion for it.

    Just ignore egocentric players and keep going as you are doing now.

  2. Volt is well rounded, but it is too much split between its roles.
    Example: Speed offers mobility, Electric Shield is for a stationary situation.
    Speed is awesome and modded correctly makes Volt a melee beast. But Volt has the least armor in game.

    The real problem is Overload. The animation is too slow, the damage is ridicle and for its own mechanic is not efficent the second time cast.
    Its stun capacity and versatility are overshadowed by both Shock and Shocking Speed. (Heck, people saying Shock is bad don't play Volt)
    (I also usually end up using just 1 or 2 of its skills, depending if I'm going melee or ranged, ignoring completely Overload..)

    I'd suggest a total remake of the single skill.

    Maybe making it into some kind of self buff empowering its other skills?
         Empowering its next skill ...Like shooting X Shocks instead than 1, prolonged duration for Speed, spawning a barrier following
         the Volt ala Odonata's Energy Shell for Electric Barrier...

    This way it can fit the multi-task skillset, both the melee and the support caster role and weld together all the other skills for every playstyle.


  3. -1

    I'm often supporting DE and refusing to yield myself to easy gripes, but this "escalated" event was ... terrible.

    People weren't able to do the standard version on public games, can't say why they raised the difficulty more.
    Anyway, it's not balanced the way a good challenge would be.
    First of all the Revives represent the first obstacle: to have success and to find the correct way people need to fail multiple times.
    Revives limitation doesn't even add the salt. It gives deterrent to not try them.
    Then if you don't have the right Warframes you won't get anything else than a oneshot every time you get off your cover.
    Third, you can't try alone (the standard alert was soloable).

    Oneshot when out of the cover... Oneshot when you're in the open field... Even if you stay on cover there aren't safe places while capping bases.
    The only counterplay is spamming Hard CC, staying stealthed and abusing invulnerability. 
    This isn't promoting skillful and smart playing.
    Essentially, if you don't have more warframes, the correct ones and a team of competent people, you aren't able to even try.
    I understand the generic content in Warframe is easy, but this isn't neither a "quality" difficulty.
  4. I'm often supporting DE and refusing to yield myself to easy gripes, but this "escalated" event was ... terrible.

    Oneshot when out of the cover... Oneshot when you're in the open field... Even if you stay on cover there aren't safe places while capping bases.
    The only counterplay is spamming Hard CC and staying stealthed. 
    This isn't promoting skillful and smart playing.

    It's not a matter of skill, it's a matter of having the right gear and having other 3 competent people. you can't even try alone without a Loki.


  5. People weren't able to do the standard version on public games, can't say why they raised the difficulty more.

    Anyway, it's not balanced the way a good challenge would be.
    First of all the Revives represent the first obstacle: to have success and to find the correct way people need to fail multiple times.
    Revives limitation doesn't even add the salt. It gives deterrent to not try them.
    Then if you don't have the right Warframes you won't get anything else than a oneshot every time you get off your cover.
    Third, you can't try alone (the standard alert was soloable).

    Essentially, if you don't have more warframes, the correct ones and a team of competent people, you aren't able to even try.

    I understand the generic content in Warframe is easy, but this isn't neither a "quality" difficulty.

  6. Something must be done about Desecrate. Now that this problem has been expanded to Hydroid, it seems there will be less chances that it will be changed.

    The more further "we" go down this path, the bigger will be the loss and the effort to recover when the issue will be faced.

  7. So, we all know that nekros is mostly used for his desecrate ability. There's no denying he's good at creating extra loot. But, what he's SUPPOSED to be good at, is raising an army of the dead.  While the recent nekros changes have helped him out considerably, I had an idea for an augment to take things one step further. 


    Soul Dynamo: Shadows of the Dead augment- when an enemy is killed by a shadow, that shadow has its health restored. If said is at full health, power duration is increased by 3 seconds. 


    The amount of health restored would be effected by power strength, while the time bonus would be effected by power duration.


    This augment would allow one to create a force to be reckoned with, when modded correctly. Or at the very least, allow you to get a little extra time out of your shadows of you have a short duration build. 


    I've really come to like nekros since his changes, and is like to hear what you guys think about this idea. 

    It's not good.

    Because in high level missions Shadows doesn't pull out enough damage to kill anything, and because their own AI isn't enough kamikaze to make it work.

    Also, I don't see any use for it.

    PS: Even if it would be possible to make it working, It wouldn't have a positive effect on the team. Since you can pass through Shadows, they still block fire line, if they were to persist and become more numerous it would just make more confusion than anything else.


    1) actually you can keep up resummoning Shadows every time with no problem, so I don't see why you have to make them last longer (over being lazy);

    2) you can yet make a greater army by stacking Power Strenght.

    In the end there isn't a valuable outcome from it, neither talking about funny mechanichs neither about gameplay advantage.

    On a less important point.. What's up with the "dynamo" thematic? It's not that much coherent.

  8. Appreciation must be deserved because you cannot appreciate something that is lacking. Problem with whole gaming industry is that they are mostly living out of hype building, instead of making decent product.



    In this day and age you must market your product before release, and in my opinion that is whats killing gaming in general. Developers try hard to advertise and hype something, and all that hype turns on them if their product ends up being bad.



    Hence lack of hype for U16.

    Appreciation comes when you understand things. People fail to understand that DE isn't a 300 employee game company. Those companies deserve to get spitted to when they deliver an unfinished product after hype and money spent.

    Not DE.

    Compare with other big games. Frequent updates, fixes, communication with the community, explaining what they're doing, how they're doing it, events, livestreams, contests.

    How many companies do this much work?



    I'm not sure if I'm the only one of this opinion but most "major" updates aren't all that big.

    Read up.


    I'm just salty it's been four months and there is still going to be nothing to do for another 3-4 weeks.

    Without considering that in between had been Christmas Holidays... You know, maybe they have families and such. They probably don't waste all the day playing at computer.

  9. Its more about how community is used on regular updates every 2 or 3 months, and when we have to wait longer, most of the people expect something big from DE. And they turn up disappointed in the end by the lack of content.



    People should realize that no matter what comes from DE with major updates will be burned in 2 weeks, and left for the small part of the community to play with. Kubrows, Archwing, current PvP is proof of that.

    I think it's more an handicap given by bad education.

    Simply it's incapacity to know how to appreciate things.

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