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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. How should that discharge Latrons?

    I can claim that too, I'm just seeing people with LatronPrime one/bishooting people.

    I'm enough of Cheese playstyle fans hiding after a finger or fleebile arguments.

  2. Aim is a matter of skill, which mustn't be looked at as a limit, because anyone can spend  time to become better.

    Latrons ATM deal too much damage per single hit and can shoot too much fast. Becoming a dumb high damage shots spamming.

  3. No, I am not talking about the graphics texture. I wonder how does the surface of warframe feel like. Is it hard? Or is it soft like human skin? It confuses me every time I see how Rhino turns its neck LOL

    The Rhino example is a technical problem. In the realization of a 3D character you have a skeleton and the mesh/model skin, which is binded to the skeleton to make it possible animating and moving it.

    When you bind the Mesh/Skin to the skeleton, you have to distribute influence on every vertex of the mesh in an area around every single bone. This way when a bone twists, the influenced mesh follows it.

    This phase is called "Skinning".

    Probably what happens on Rhino's neck isn't desired because clearly the mesh deformates badly; those parts shouldn't twist with the headbone.

    This is the result of a model mesh sculpted in an unfriendly way for the animation: you can notice that the collar, while seeming part of a rigid part of the armor, is fused with the neck. 

    I suspect it can't be fixed because it would mean checking all the animations, and eventually remaking them.

    Also, for "Texture" is commonly intended the Colors of the Mesh. The "Mesh" is the physical surface of the model.

  4. I think the Volt Ulti can stay though, it takes a large time to charge up and moves at a reasonable pace that you can escape if you see him leap into the air, and if it is to be nerfed at all then simply make it so that it stops/slows the player similar to Rhino's stomp.

    No matter what. Oneshots are toxic for Balanced PVP.

  5. this brings us back to square one: flag carrier is impossible to kill before he runs off - that's why firearm damage was buffed up in the first place. Now two people can actually gun someone down before he copters off behind a corner. I can agree on Hp pickups tho, they feel really weak, and there's so few of them on the map compared to energy


    also, reducing only bratons damage, but keeping all the other primaries/secondaries untouched, despite having received the same buff? Braton is the most common and easiest weapon to get, obviously everyone gets killed by it the most - that would only mean people will go to latron, and then what? Nerf latron, because it kills everyone? :)

    Changes are made step by step, you can't change a chunk and hoping it will go well forever.

  6. Now the problems are:

    - Bratons and BoPrimes dealing too much damage.

    - #1 deal still to many damages.
    - #4 still oneshots with no cooldown restriction.

    - Reduce Braton damages. (I don't have old and actual numbers)
    - Raise Vitality and Shield ratios + respective Vitality from Orbs.

  7. a good indication if something is bad is just queuing up for few matches and checking what weapons people use, because people will always gravitate towards whats effective and fun, not bad and annoying


    right now 6-7 people per lobby will be sporting either a lartron variant or a braton variant, and then you'll see some guy running around with a strun


    boar and gorgon are guns i hardly see, but that may be explained by rarity of the weapons


    grakata has a bad reputation, so not that many people have one, so this one not popping up too often is also explainable


    if you see someone with a bow right now it's either a person that didnt read the patch notes, or someone that did read them and wants to test it - every player ive seen with a bow today quit after the first round

    I personally discourage these kind of posts. Not only there isn't a stable meta since the mode has been released less than a week ago, but this thread is some sort of a generalistic argument twisted for your own wim.

    People are just trying weapons, plus there isn't a reliable reward to justify a competitive attitude to yet see a stable meta.

    For sure Bratons now are OP, but that doesn't mean Bows aren't strong.

  8. Now there is now point in using bows. because using gun is much easier to hit and kill while using bow have to aim and shoot distinctively, and you shoot a much less frequently to do damage that is similar to burst of gunshot. Beside you only have 7 arrows. Being sniper is not quite viable in this mode thus charge attack is really rare.


    Your opinion just made it imbalanced.

    Totally false. Bows are still really strong weapons and  you can still deal heavy damages and oneshot on headshots (Don't claim it's hard, it just require practice). Consider also that this isn't the last patch they will apply to PVP, for sure there will be changes.

    So essentially, give it a try, the PVP after 16.0.4 has less oneshots and feels much more funny.

  9. ...

    First of all spamming Oneshots like bow's aren't constructive. It's not a counter, it's the quickest way to get rid of your opponent. The same that happens by spamming Slash Dash or Rhino Charge. And again, I don't really give anything if it's harder than hitting with an automatic weapon, it's something that experience will make just better thus making the game a Far West game.

    The problem of Wombo Combos and heavy Crowd Controls are managed on other games with:

    - cooldowns to break out of the crowd control, or

    - by making these hard CC telegraphed.

    - passive stats reducing the CC effect (ex:LoL Tenacity)

    The victim must always have the chance to fight back or to react actively.

    Actually we have Handspring and Sure Footed. Even Shock Absorbers and Rapid Resilience would be nice mods to prevent HeavyCC-WCs.

    I would also like to see implemented a Force of Will/Ukemi action able to make you raise up faster or break out of CC and consuming Stamina or Energy, thus making their management the killing point.

    Actually I don't see a nice thing adding slow on guns, we've yet seen how the melee permastagger worked on Conclave 1.0.

    There must be a Diminishing Return, elseway it will be ridicle.

    Another idea came from Amazerath:


    Old shooters had Armor pickups on the map, often increasing your resistence to heavy damage thus avoiding being oneshotted. This could easily be translated with Overshield pickups or Armor pickups increasing the armor in a compensative manner (More armored Warframes will benefit, but benefit less than less armored WFs).

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