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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. Nice ideas.

    I also felt that Terrify should have been made a Drain Life skill through Augments, but came out that terrible Creeping Terrify.

    Also SotD ideas are pretty similar to mine as well.
    More than ever we really need a way to control our Shadows' focus on a single enemy. Their random focusfire and damage is too much ridicle to be of any use over lv 50 missions.

    I often addressed it in my suggestions with Soul Punch to drive it on an enemy or an area.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Distruco22 said:

    Gonna have to disagree there buddy.

    Valkyr can Sort of imitate What nova does but without the damage multiplier so there is CC+a buff, And also her Warcry+hysteria is great for when you pop

    and her 3rd is great for Health recovery. :) her 1st is great for moon tiles btw :D

    You can list whatever you think would add value to the score, but few tricks won't change reality.
    Under that logic even Hydroid is a good Warframe.
    Every Warframe has some trick. Not every Warframe has a good skillset or mandatory utilities.

    You like Valkyr, that's ok. I won't question it.

    But Valkyr is a terrible designed Warframe (and not for the legit nerf on Hysteria it got recently).
    The wole skillset and playstyle is mediocre, boring and unfocused.

  3. I suggest into make use of Shift+Enter to subdivide your text into paragraphs each one with possibly one thematic per paragraph.

    Also there's the Faux Bold (B) key just on the top of the edit options to highlight key words or to catch attention of the reader somewhere.


  4. Honestly, can't really agree.

    Versatile means it can go different playstyles basing on situations.

    Most of her abilities are selfish, clunky to use, have not much utility for the team, overlapping between each other, no real sinergy with the whole skillset.

    Good for newer players cause she's tanky and easy to play.
    Valkyr is one of the most boring Warframes ever designed. The only thing people beat with her is the E key on the keyboard.

  5. Mmmm what about converting Shards into armor or overshield pickups for both Mag and Teammates?

    With Pull the only problem is Range is mandatory to drag enemies into Polarize.
    (Plus the energy on kill is totally nonsense).

    Also about Crush:


    Cast Crush#4, Mag enters a stanced state ala Mesa's Pacemaker, projecting a large force field around herself. She can move meanwhile. Or not. Whatever.
    Enemies caught in the range during the cast or enemies which enters it (for one reason or the other) gets immobilized and suspended ala Bastille. Plus, those enemies are kept inside the force field ala Nova's Antimatter Drop and will follow Mag.

    Now, what Crush stance does, exactly like Peacemaker: Right Click load and disposes an enemy (caugh in the force field) in the guise of a projectile. Left Click shoots that enemy ala Soul Punch toward your crosshair.

    Premature or intentional ending of Crush (interrupting the channeling by pressing#4 again) executes the trapped enemies exactly as the actual Crush does.

    Keep in consideration that you could also combo other skills:

    #1 Pull a group of enemies in the force field, then dispose of them as you wish;

    #3 Bullet attractor on an heavy target, then pull inside the force field to use it as a living shield.

    This way you could have different combos with 3 skills.

    What about throwing that damage-loaded-Magnetized enemy right into a group of enemies?


  6. Also they forgot about Synergy and an underwhelming passive.

    The passive takes too long to charge and doesn't fit Automatic weapons.
    To stack it a player shouldn't shoot or attack and just run around for a mere 1000 damage on the next skill/attack.
    It should discharge just when reaching the higher cap, this way a player can use it in a proper and mindful manner.
    Another idea would be Speed should make it stack faster, not just related to the meters traveled.

    Shock with Electric Shield and Discharge doesn't really make any difference.
    Maybe let Shock: (many ideas not everyone of them together)
    ► Increase the damage cap on Tesla Coils hit? (To allow a better focusfire during stunlock on heavy targets)
    ► Increase the damage inflicted by Tesla Coils hit?
    ► Diffuse Discharge from Tesla Coils to unaffected enemies around them?

  7. Agree, most maps don't adapt to Parkour 2.0 that well. They don't use all the potential.

    I think that Enemy AI pathing is the issue here.

    If that's really the problem, then just add more flying drones or climbing enemies for every faction, by borrowing Archwing's units. (I've always dreamt of Grineer Dargyn implemented as units in traditional maps, maybe as special units for defense or interception, on open places.)
    There're Hyenas too, they usually can climb.

    It comes to my mind also Kela De Thaym. She jumps, climbs. A similar system could be implemented for specific units.

    What about a mobile fight-chasing through infested trees?

    Maybe a new twist for Capture missions.

    PS: Considering Grineers, give Hellion Backpacks to Lancers and allow them to chase.
    Corpus Archwing units have jetpacks too.

  8. 4 hours ago, Prepotenza said:

    The point is the same.
    As long as enemies scaling is this broken we need broken ability that let us become immortal to face them.
    There is no way to facetanking a level 300 bombard hit without overpowered abilities.
    They are slowly nerfing our ways to compete with the current game mechanic without rebalancing it.

    Try to imagine reaching a point where you are facing level 500 enemies, with mere weapons you'll need plenty of shots to kill them, meaning that if you aren't able to kill all the enemies in a bunch of shots it may happen that a nullifier reaches Snow Globe, leading to instant death for the party.
    Even if you use some weapon to destroy their null shield as soon as possible (The minimum number of hits to take down a Nullifier's shield is 6. The corrupted counterpart takes a minimum of 9 hits to take down. -Wiki quote).
    You'll need some shots just to destroy their shield and then you have to focus on killing the target (remembering is a level 500 guy, probably surrounded by Ancient Healers etc.) and then how do you suppose to kill that one before the shield starts restoring  (especially with the recent Tonkor nerf).

    Enemies scaling and warframe insanely overpowered abilities still have to be reworked. But there's no point in reworking just one of them when the other one is still broken.
    It's a shame you can't see that they are related and they are part of the same argument.

    p.s. as long as we talk in the international forums you should keep talking in english.

    You're taking the argument offtopic and at the same time youre leading your argument basing it on extreme situations.

    You're arguing that Immortality is required to fit the damage scaling problem. Nope. Immortality has been made to stay alive in certain situations, it's not a tool which was balanced around lv 100-300-500 enemies.

    You aren't supposed to go past lv 150 enemies. There are teams who, abusing certain mechanics, are able to do so, but the level scaling is supposed to kick the player off the game.

    Taking as an example lv 300 enemies or 500 is simply illogical.

    I never said they're unrelated, but problems must be fixed one by one, you can't drag every problem in and think to get a neat solution.

    Permanent Immortality has always been a problem and DE managed to fix it time by time (Snow Globe change, Blessing change, Hysteria change...).
    Eventually they will tone down Nullifiers if the situation will be more controlled.

    If you still want to discuss about it on these lines (trying hard into this topic, basing your argument on extremes), well, I call myself out cause that's not a "constructive" argument I want to be part of.


  9. 5 minutes ago, Prepotenza said:

    Oh yes, so a level 300 enemy can hit you for a bunch of million damage, doing a bunch of million damage overkill on you.
    You just have ~300 health and ~300 shield, with a maximum of 600 armor (without taking in count armor mods nor skills), you CAN'T face something that hits you for millions damage without having immortality.

    The point enemies' damage scales bad is another story, another argument.

    Also you have plenty of counterplay and freedom of choice with Nullifiers.

  10. On 15/7/2016 at 1:43 AM, MirageKnight said:


    Citation needed. Also, personal opinion does not equal fact.

    Personal opinion based on facts.

    Tigris has always been ok.

    Now just because 1 or 2 people come out with saying they feel Tigris trigger type unpleasant is a personal hopinion too and undergoes your own statement.

  11. 5 hours ago, AcceI said:

    No they should completely get rid of his 3.  Replace it with something totally different.


    The solution:

    • Make Desecrate a toggled ability;
    • Desacrate won't roll loot tables anymore. This is now a Healing and Energy utility tool.
    • Give Desecrate Synergy:
      Every corpse successfully desecrated:  ► Buffs Shadows of the Dead increasing stacking 5% movespeed  and attack speed.          
                                                                    ► Prolongs Shadows duration by 0,5 second.
                                                                    ► Gives Nekros +X power Strength. Max Cap +60%  (4 more shadows).                          
    • More ideas: ► Desacrated corpses are istantly turned into Volatile Runner Shadows exploding for X damages and spreading                                                  Nanite-Swarm Clouds affecting friendly units increasing Armor and reducing enemies'.
                          ► Health orbs gained through Desacrate will grant 100 Vitality (instead than 25).


  12. 1 hour ago, taiiat said:


    Excellent post.

    ► What lacks is a good strafing movement. We can't strafe while sprinting cause the Strafe Up is the Jump key which activates Boosters instead.

    ► What I'd also would like to see is some kind of aim indicator, since distances between the Warframe and its target are way higher, and the movement pretty fast, it's pretty easy shooting in a place where the target won't be (did you try Pursuit mode with Fluctus?).

    Without hitscan weapons there's a good work of anticipation, which isn't easily achieved.

    We'd need some Aim Helper to anticipate the position of the target basing on the weapon used.
    I've already seen it on other games around... (maybe Deus Ex).

  13. Simulor itself as a Vortex spammer is beyond broken and extremely abused.

    The problem isn't just with Fissure's Energy.

    The point is it is so much abused that probably deservedly nerfing it would cause mass hysteria from the playerbase exactly as it happened with other cheese systems, like Trinity, Valkyr, Ash, Mag, etc.

    Another problem is there isn't other creative contenders for late game.
    You either pick up a weapon which oneshots high level enemies... Or there's nothing with an alternative gameplay.
    Tonkor, V Hek, S Tigris, Boltor P, Soma P, Dread ...All straightforward weapons with no special mechanics.

    (Now, for whoever wants to dicuss his own personal opinion regarding there're also specific weapons I didn't include in the list which can be used as well in late game if built/played correctly... I'm not here to discuss such things)


  14. 190 Strenght, 110 Duration, 140 Range. (It can't use Overextend cause it kills Pull dragging lenght)

    Magnetize (+ Endgame Weapon) is overkill and there's enough Strenght for dragging in enemies from far with Pull.

    Something funny is it drags in also Exalted Blade's energy waves and other skills projectiles.

    It's not that bad, it's become one of the strongest Aoe Nukers.
    One Qol that can be made is creating the Magnetized area ala Limbo's Cataclysm.

    However #3 and #4 are stil underwhelming and too much situational.
    Polarize is too much slow without Natural Talent, its utilities are forgettable.
    Crush is overshadowed by Magnetize for damage, its CC is ridicle for a #4 skill, its drawbacks (locked on place) are too much unproductive for the effect it pulls out.

    A bit of Synergy could be made by removing the final blast from Magnetize and put it as an interaction from Crush when cast.

    Polarize could be a self defense tool by reflecting projectiles for a brief lapse of time.

    A good augment for Magnetize could be stolen from the Nyx's Absorb PVP Augment, with waves of energy periodically dragging in enemies.


    1. Delete Critical Strikes. Remove Critical Hit Damage.
      Reason explained at Point 2.
    2. Merge Critical Strike and Status. Welcome Critical Status.
      Thematically, landing a critical strike should be a fortunate blow causing more devastating consequences on the structure of the enemy.
      There's no difference into hitting a critical spot causing more damage or hitting a vessel causing a bleedout. It's technically the same.
    3. Make Critical Status only apply on hitting a Weak Point. Head, Body, Arms, Legs. Eventually Customized Weak Points..
      Let's promote Aim more than brainless RNG.
      Standard Status Procs keep having their chance of applying the standard effect.

    4. Different Interactions. Make different effects about Critical Status basing on the Weak Point hit.
      ►Example#1: Slash's Critical Status on a limb results into a mutilation with mortal bleeding (if necessary involve also as condition a % of health for low vitality gore deaths).

      ►Example#2: Impact's Critical Status on the head would result into a Concussion, on the body into a stagger or knockback, on legs into a knockdown, onto arms or weapon into a disarm or stagger action.

      ►Example#3: Piercing's and Corrosive's Critical Status could open a Breach into the target armor, placing a weakspot ala Banshee's Sonar.
      Piercing and Corrosive would need no Weak Point to apply their Critical Status, they would apply it on every body part.

      ►Example#4: Toxic's Critical Status on limb results into applying Weakess and slowing actions. (Many poisons stop muscles).
      On the head it reduces the target's aim (numbing effect).

      ►Example#5: Cold's Critical Status could stop actions, movement, clogging weapons.

    5. Let the Status alone manage everything. Critical Status will be 25-50% of the total Status.
      Status mods need to be changed. Raising Status should be increased while reducing damage.
    6. Allow more than 100% Status.
    7. Rebalance weapons according to Status application and Rof.
      Slow weapons like Snipers will have more chances on a single shot, Automatic weapons will have way less chances for every bullet. Unless it would be a status weapon like single Grakata, then the drawback should be on lowering damage outside weakspots.
    8. Promote weapon diversity.
    9. Work on enemy armor too: Different types of armor gains Resilience, a special resistance or reduction to specific Status application %.

    In game are yet present mechanics where damage and interaction keep tracking of hits on body parts:
    Banshee's Sonar, Nukor's effect, traditional Headshots, body dismemberment for gore deaths, Knockdowns on hitting legs, frontal or back finishers...

    Basis to make it realizable could yet be here.

    TL;DR: Points #2 and #3.
    Merge Critical Strike and Status; make Critical Status only apply by hitting specific weakpoints; every weakpoint has its own critical effect. 
    Simple, easier, with more potential, more RNG driven by the player and less RNG driven by the RNG.

    Frontier Trooper character and render rights to Digital Extreme.
    Even if it's for fan art, if I'm infracting any right by editing them, let me know.

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