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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. 6 minutes ago, CrimsonDalekanium said:

    The rollers were near-permanently stunlocking anybody who was trying to shoot the buttons, which require you to stand still. This can be countered by having a teammate or two watching for rollers, but countering a boss's CC for other players is really, really boring. Kela's attacks actually do change from Phase 1 to Phase 2 and 3.  I agree that orbital blasts should work through cataclysm but not for players individually rifted. 

    This bossfight is only "the slightest challenge"  if you are in the position of having very strong guns and a good frame or a good team. Try doing this fight with an Excalibur/Nyx/Oberon/Volt, no Shotgun, no Launcher, no gear, no primed mods, no event mods, no "Baro" mods (piercing caliber, etc.) no arcanes, no Focus abilities, and either a public team or no team at all. Suddenly got a lot harder, didn't it? This is the position most people will find themselves in upon reaching Kela de Thaym for the first time. The way the boss is now is doable but difficult for somebody in that position, but nearly laughable for somebody who has every frame, Focus, pizzas, a powerful, ammo efficient weapon, and has done the fight before. This is not a bad thing, because adjusting the difficulty for a player who has nearly completed the game will lock out players who are at the Sedna Boss in their progression.

    Rollers were stunlocking people who wouldn't afford to keep them down.
    I managed to do it solo with a Nekros the first and second time when it was way harder than it's now. With no Powers use.
    Also the community is really spoiled by the overall brainless difficulty Warfarm applies to every bit of content. That doesn't justify anything.

    What you wrote is just something that could relate to damage and DPS speed Phases. Primed Mods, Corrupted and others on your Warframe don't really matter since your survival is barely touched by the difficulties this bossfight offers as it is now.


  2. Assassination missions are a mess. No special defenses, low level unit defending, no guarded check points.

    Probably they can't change it since it's going to drain too many work hours.

    If you like theorycrafting check my concept and ideas I wrote some months ago... dreaming is all we are left with.


  3. > I'd say that the first version of this Bossfight was wonderul, Rollers attacking the player even on the upper floors was a really good feature, it had  counterplay, and was working really well as a disturbance for the player.
    Rollers attacks were the only thing that gave balance to the fight, if managed in the correct manner they could be an hindrance, but still challenge the player. If players didn't try to manage and work accordingly to them, the situation could degenerate really quick.

    After DE removed them from higher pillars, the fight has suddenly became boring, easy and a simple "targets shooting game" then "DPS run" fight.

    > Orbital Nukes are easily countered by Limbo with no difficulty. They whatever pose no threat even without Cataclysm, dodging them is extremely easy.

    > The Freezing Blasts from walls are useless. Nobody's gonna get caught by them.

    > Kela De Thaim movements are really slow and missles she throws at you are easily avoidable. With no other treaths working together, her attacks pose no threat.
    Maybe work on this. Dodging those missles would challenge the player into understanding where to land after the jump. There must be more dangerous areas around or on the lower level of the stage.

    > I don't see any necessity for the higher pillars of the stage getting gradually removed during the fight. There's definetly no threat into falling down to the lower area of the stage. And no chance of getting hit easier by the Freezing Blasts.
    Also with Tennos' godlike parkour there's no chance of falling down unless a player does it  by moving uncarefully.

    > Every phase is identical to the precedent. There is no real change over the pillars going down. The game doesn't get harder, Orbital Nukes don't become faster, the number of rollers doesn't increase, the Boss doesn't get faster nor angrier... There is no feeling the game is getting harder.
    Outside of the gone Rollers abundance, the Bossfight has become not Dynamic.

    It's ok if DE listens to the Community feedback, but damaging one of the best bossfight you ever realized basing on the whim of people who can't bear the slighest challenge... That's just too sad.

    What's the problem?
    Increasing the difficulty would require the Loot to have a more rich reward?
    "Fast Peaced" theme holding down the game again?

    [I'm a bit tired atm, I'm going to update the post in the next days] 


  4. It's an awesome event, really nice ideas but poor execution on some enemies.
    Oneshots are cheap and would need more telegraphing.
    Enemies would need another pass of conceptualizing and refinement.
    The Challenge and Difficulty ratio still isn't there, since the difficulty relies always on enemy damage and resilience.
    I really appreciated enemies running around, dodging and being overall more faster than normal.


    Kela De Thaim has a wonderful bossfight, one of the best boss in game atm.
    Maybe let's reduce the "ticket cost" from 50 to 20. Not a revolutionary change but a step in the direction of "#tokens and rewards".


  5. For those who can't manage to legitimately SOLO beat the 3rd round or find it hard going trough it, I suggest into using Sonicor (paired witha  good melee) and Sniper Rifles.

    The point into enemy units oneshotting you on sight, being tanky and having no counterplay or telegraphing on their attacks forces the player once again to resort to the obviously cheap Crowd Control spam tactic.

    Sniper Rifles allows you to engage and oneshot enemies at really high distance, being out of harm.

    Sonicor allows for stunlock on heavy units and finishing them with a melee weapon.

    DE please, keep this in consideration when balancing enemies.
    Telegraphing on heavy attacks and oneshots (which also aren't funny at all) to challenge the player's reflexes. This gets even more important when 2 enemies with oneshot attacks do interact with the player together.
    Always give a Counterplay measure which isn't Crowd Control spam or Invulnerability spam.
    If you manage to make tanky units to have a longer fight, don't assign them boring or unfunny mechanics (as oneshots).

    Executioner Noc is an example of a broken unit, it deals ridicle quantity of damage at whatever range, over spawning the Death Carabus which is ridicle itself.
    It's meant to be dangerous in close combat, but it doesn't fit its description since it oneshots you with pinpoint accuracy even from far.

    Executioner Gorth has a great counterplay in contrast: its missles and grenades can be dodged with a good use of reflexes and parkour; he can be engaged melee and kited to stop him spamming missles; it eventually has a melee charge which makes it still dangerous even if kited and counterplayed. A good result here.

  6. Enemies killed in the arena aren't considered for the Souls' count.
    Nor executioners nor their summonings.

    You end up having enough energy but the spell refusing to cast by the message "Skill is not ready".

  7. Executioner Noc hits extremely hard, most of the times it oneshots you at whatever distance with no aim difficulties, wheter you're running, wheter you're covering after an object.

    I suggest first of all reducing its precision at high range and also reducing damage at high range, since it's wielding a shotgun.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Scarletmoonlight said:

    i have different theory about these characters but it is based on assumption that the post about our warframes being made of technocyte virus (infestation) is true,then it could be possible that these two individuals are in fact in control of infestation which can also explain how did infested resurface after thousands of years of hiding and how are they so organized,if we can control warframes via transference then a tenno could maybe control hive mind of infested as well via somatic link that is attached to hive mind it self.Now that would bring whole new meaning to the war within.If this faction is truly in control of infestation that would explain why is that child afraid of us,because if that child is tenno it would mean that she betrayed tenno and The Lotus,maybe Lotus will send us to return that child to her.This assumption is further fueled by fact that older one says "let the beasts do their work" i don't think you could call sentients beasts because they just don't fit that category as they are highly organized,but infested totally fit it.  

    Nah. Too many pindaric flights in this.

  9. 40 minutes ago, Rorgal_Sina said:

    I'm more bothered with the fact that DE bothered to create a character then dumped him.

    I feel like we aren't going to be seeing any more Tyl Regor either. (It's all dependent on the contract with voice actors.)

    Who said that they don't have yet those vocal lines ready for an ingame bossfight?
    Maybe they're keeping it in stock, check how much time has passed since Kela De Thaim is being worked on.

  10. Mostly nostalgia and an unhealthy need to spend time on games during dead time.

    For PVE, is just a mix of good movement system and nice graphics/atmosphere. (The fight system is fast peaced but brainless and subpar)
    Spy missions and Moon puzzles are really interesting.
    The Lore is another nice bait.
    Some Sorties are Challenging and interesting.

  11. On 10/4/2016 at 11:47 PM, DrBorris said:

    I am on the train that there needs to be some work done to what Warframe is about. Right now Warframe is a horde shooter where it is often more effective to not kill the horde. This... is messed up in so many ways. Am I a bit too optimistic o hope Damage 3.0 moves Warframe more towards encouraging killing enemies in late game as much as CCing them? Probably.

    There is just too much CC. His 1 has CC, his 2 (with augment) has CC, and his 4 has (and apparently will have) a very similar CC to his 1. Palpatine mode could turn him into a spam god of his other abilities rather than overlapping what he already has.

    Of course I don't know the best way to design a game, but I sure as hell do know that I don't want another radial damage/stun ability, because that is all it is. Sure, it has some character with the tesla thing, but it is effectively the same effect on enemies as the others.

    I appreciate your logic. Respect.

    A real big problem in Warframe is "Gameplay Flow Control" through Energy.

    Other similar games, where you being surrounded or outnumbered by enough enemies poses a real threat, use some kind of CC, Immortality or AoeNukes to solve the problem.
    There's no other way of managing an horde in this situation.

    How other games introduce CC/immortality/AoeNuke is FLOW in the gameplay, a player must undertake an action and complete it, face a risk vs reward or windows of opportunity situations to have what he/she needs. Decision making, strategy, skillful performance. Failure results in death.
    Accumulating energy through fight or specific actions, managing resources, keeping ammos for the right target, expending cooldowns in a wise manner.

    What do we have in Warframe :
    Ability Spam.
    No Cooldowns, Energy and Ammos aren't a limitation, or they're influencing the gameplay flow so badly that they shows up just being annoing features (Energy Orbs after RNG, Energy Vampire spammabile, Consumables spammable, who cares about picking up ammos?).

    In Warframe the player dies because he/she can't spam CC, Immortality or AoeNukes due to no Energy or Power Lock.
    Guess what? People gets angry at Nullifiers and Parasitic Eximi (remember the Shock Eximi for the week they introduced them). Isn't that so much coincidential?

    Yes, they're building the dam around the water flow, but not in the correct place to measure it out.

    The concept was being nearly hit with Syndacate Aoes, Focus Convergence, Focus Skills, but every feature has proved being raw and unreliable.

    Warframe has no flow in the gameplay; Energy doesn't control the game flow. So we have a brainless CC/Immortality/AoeNuke spam.
    And when people can't get Energy to spam, they get angry at Nullifiers and Energy Drain enemies.

  12. Here's my +1.

    Warframe is a good game and DE are an awesome developer group.
    A good game has precise rules and aim defining it.
    Actual horizons are too much blurry and undefined..
    The concept of "Ninjas Play Free" is time by time diluting and submerging the game.

    Too much freedom is toxic.

  13. On 14/4/2016 at 11:25 PM, Brasten said:

    Unless you're a secret testers on the new Volt you have about as good a read what the new Overload will do to Volts game play as the rest of us. Which from my experience since Closed Beta playing Volt as a Main, says that it will work just fine with the rest of his kit. You will need speed if you want to be a CC jack. Unless Overload itself recharges Overloaded enemies. -- Which we couldn't tell on the dev build we were shown, due to the infinite duration of that build, but it didn't look like it. And that infinite stun is not staying for the final build, that much was said on stream. -- You'll need to be quick and mobile to keep Shocking enemies and keep them CCed. For that you will need Speed. Speed's utility is the ability to re-position quickly, be it 3 meters or 30.

    Overload didn't keep all the enemies locked down, watch the dev stream again. While enemies standing almost on top of the Overloaded eneimes got hit with Shock procs that wasn't a perma stun on them. This means you will still need ES strategically placed as supplemental cover, as you tend Overloaded enemies. It's going to be anything but static gameplay. At least no more static than Saryin's Spore/Molt build is currently.

    Speed alone insures that Volt can choose to be offensive or defensive as the situation changes, which has been a core part of his play from close beta onward. Volt bursts between offensives and defensive/static play. Speed has also been good for moving around while scoped in on snipers and other long arms, and it lets him catch back up with the team from a more rearward position.

    You're right, without having the final product to personally test, everything should be taken lightly. I don't question it.

    You can find a use to Speed or Overload to make them work together, but that doesn't mean they've been crafted to work together. 
    That happens because we're supposedly endowed with some kind of intelligence.
    This doesn't mean the system is crafted perfectly. It works the way it does because of fortuity.

    I don't understand this: even so veterans claiming Volt is fine.
    Sure, it's in a better place than some other Warframes, it has 3 skills working alone fine enough, but there's no logic to its skillset. There's just an arbitrary logic drawn out from the player.
    I'm questioning the Warframe Skillset Design Logic, not the way people adapt to and play it.

    From what we saw on that Devstream and most examples ingame I can guess where's its ending up to.

    >OFFTOPIC Example.
    Here's an good example. Vauban. 4 Skills. 4 Crowd Controls which have different uses, but mostly every other skill falls behind Bastille and Vortex.
    Funny, it's a trapper, thematic objective hit, but most of the times you'll end up spamming 3 and 4. Gameplay fail.
    >OFFTOPIC End.

    PS: Apologizing with LittleArachnid, totally no intention to seem rude.

  14. While Parrying, Energy used in Channeling shouldn't be drawn basing on the damage received but by a percentage of the total over time.

    Also it's a mess the damage reflection: If you have Life Strike up, the damage inflicted through parry-reflection is going to heal you thus drawing even more energy, as if you were attacking.

    Another technical downside is this: while the damage on Warframes is enormous, the reflected damage on the enemies is pretty ridicle.

    Check some idea here:


  15. Just remove the base Recoil.

    Also it would be interesting if instead than just increasing the Fire Rate, it would turn its Trigger Type to "Full Automatic".
    This would make it less stressful and let the player enjoy it more.

    Another thing that helps is Punch Through. Think about it.

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