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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. Recently I enjoyed some solo Rathuum, which feels close to hard as it was during its release.
    Every consideration here is made around Level 85 difficulty and balance.

    ► First of all the Rewards for Rathuum are pretty scarce, compared to the amount of time and efforts a fair solo player can use to complete the mission (To be clear, I dislike Hysteria, Energy Vampire or Bladestorm abuse, those are cheap skills which shouldn't be considered when balancing content).
    Either reduce the max number of kills, make them scale with the players' number or raise rewards.
    Since Rathuum is bound to Kela De Thaym, Saryin and Chroma farming, the best to relieve the grind would be reducing the duration of the match.
    Whatever Warframe rewards don't feel rewarding at all in most gamemodes.

    ► Secondarily I'd like to ask confirmation about this, before calling it a bug.
    While solo-playing, if you apply bleeding to an Executioner and after that you die, the dots on him gonna deal way more damage than before.
    It happens often and I can't really say what's linked to.

    ► Third: Executioners are resilient to Powers by reducing incoming duration, but they're totally helpless to knockdowns.
    It's not that cheap, since it still has chances of failure, but bringing in a Sonicor and a good melee is enough to beat Executioners 1v1 by keeping down and meleeing them to death.
    I think that similar to how Power Duration is reduced with every cast, Stuns and Knockdowns should undergo a diminishing return treatment.
    Some ideas:

    • Maybe let the first KD be a full KD, then make it just a stagger, then make the stagger even less durable...
    • Or elseway let's make it ala Guild Wars 2 way:
      The Miniboss is immune to 'X' Crowd Controls, after that many CCs it's able to receive a full Crowd Control.
    • ...

    PS: I totally dislike the CC Immunity enemies undergo during the "get up" animations...

    ► Fourth: Executioner Dhurnam Switch Teleport is totally toxic.
    That skill has been deemed toxic by the playerbase since forever, now, in Rathuum being switched in between a group of coohordinated oneshotting enemies without the chance of fighting back or escaping it, with no advise or telegraphing feels extremely unfair.

    ► Fifth: I realize that the objective here has been creating some sort of cohordination between the Executors' AIs to create skill combinations, but the REACTION TIME of them is too much fast.
    To be clear, it's not hard that enemies are going to oneshot you in the blink of an eye if they spot you while a door is opening or past round a corner.
    They detect you istantly, they start attacking istantly, you get shooten with no chance to react.
    That's the kind of feature that breaks the "realism" and most of the Stealth situations.

    ► Sixth: Personal request and suggestion: Would it be possible to refine the enemy detection with distance, light or shadow, and possibly develope a little of stealth?
    I mean, ok, tecnically Rathuum is a rigged fight, there are plenty of cameras around, but in some place of the map you should be able to vanish and lose the Executors' aggro.
    Of course they'll still be on alert (like in "burning environment" condition Missions), but achieving the opportunity of vanishing to perform a suprise assault from a blind spot -maybe with a finisher attack- should be a rewarding situation.



    To be precise, Standard, Prime, Cerata, with a Damage on par with high tier weapons!

    • Increased range before it comes back;
    • flight speed faster close with a decrease in speed while reaching the farest point;
    • fight speed faster when recalled back;
    • ricocheting auto targeting ala SlashDash or Freeze;
    • forced Slash proc on throw ala Mios;
    • native punch through;
    • etc.

    Also we want Alt Fire Key to call back the Glaive while midair!


    PS: I would live with the showcased bugs, if the weapon would at least have a decent Damage.

  3. On 12/6/2016 at 5:34 PM, motorfirebox said:

    So in terms of damage output, crit > status pretty much every time. There might be a few edge cases where status is better, but all else being equal, crit is the better choice every time. A big part of that is the fact that there's generally no advantage to re-applying a status effect. If an enemy is currently under the effects of an electric proc, applying a second proc doesn't do anything aside from maybe a little AOE. Some status effects, such as slash and toxin, can simply stack, but in most cases the most you get is an extension of the existing effect.

    It seems like the simplest way to close this gap would be for successive applications of existing status effects to do extra damage. So, let's say you have a weapon with 100 toxin on it. You get a toxin proc, and while the proc is still on the target, you get a second proc. In addition to the normal effect (applying a second toxin dot to the target), you also do 100 extra toxin damage, in addition to the normal damage of the attack that made the proc.

    Further procs should be multiplicative. So the first proc is normal; the second proc is 1x damage (in the 100 toxin example that would be +100 damage; the third is x2 damage (+200 in the 100 toxin example); the fourth is x3, and so on. That way, weapons with high status can end up putting out a lot of damage over time. Probably this effect should cap out at x10 or something, I dunno. I guess if you can stack 20 procs on a target, maybe you deserve x20 damage.

    Sorry to answer late but

    Bleeding Procs > whatever Damage.

    Also I'd totally delete away Critical Strikes cause they're a mechanic for Role Play Games, not action shooters.

    Status Procs should be the result of Critical Hits.

    And I'd introduce some new Status Concept and Critical Status involving weakspots, which would amplify the Status effect.

    After all, hitting a critical strike shoul be a fortunate blow causing more devastating consequences on the structure of the enemy.
    Like slashing away limbs and bleed them to death, perforating and breaching armor in specific spots, concussing heads, arms, making that part unusable for a period of time, etc.

    A concept a bit like that of Corpus helmets: a good hit removes the helmet, allowing to hit the headshot more properly.
    In the same manner for example Piercing damage should cause a weakspot ala Banshee Sonar, where bleedings and flesh damage would be more dangerous.

    Many other Examples:
    Intoxication provoking what Piercing damage does now: Weakening the unit, slowing it.

    Burning the head causing blindness.

    Freezing arms makes them unusable, clogging weapons,  freezing legs rooting targets on place...


  4. 2 hours ago, JoeLorodeath said:

    I'll have to do a more detailed analysis later, but I really like how this approach uses existing mechanics and integrates so many of the things we already love about guns and syndicates into a system that specificly addresses the weaknesses of melee.

    That said, a lot of your numbers seem poorly balanced right now (30 energy per second, did I read that right?!?!?), but I like the concept a LOT.

    +1 my friend

    Thanks, of course those numbers require balancing, that's just a raw reference.

  5. The Dark-Split Sword concept, a weapon able to use 2 different stances, made wonder a lot of players.

    Many hoped the stance could be swapped ingame. But unluckly this isn't the case.

    This gave the input to think about this idea:

    "What about if every Melee weapon could equip 2 stances and they could be swapped ingame with the unused R key?"

    After writing down this post I noticed many other threads hold the same idea, involving eventually different Loadouts and the Alt Fire Key.

  6. As the title say, another uninspired and 'should be a basic feature in the Skill it relates to' undesired augment.

    Don't take me wrong.. This Agument will have its own use, but what's the point into another subpar Molecular Prime skill?

    I tested it, since Terrify scales from mainly Range and Duration (and eventually Strenght), it can fit just a Desacrate Range build, suffering from both Fleeting Experize and Overextended.
    So essentially, it can be used. Crippled...ahem.. but it can.

    Making a build around it would make no sense. And eventually taking  a Nova would still be a better choice.

    Where's Game Designer's fantasy? Where's the original concept of Augments changing the skill to give it another unique feature?


    Don't even start with the argument "Nekros Augments are overall good, let's close an eye on this".
    I'm aware that most of the Warframes' Augments are uninspired and unfocused attempts of making more distinctive build varieties and gameplay styles, but without fantasy and a good concept commitment at the base... What's even the point into making them?



    Scales with Power Strenght, so Overextended isn't usable.
    Only Desacrate and Terrify get a benefit from building Power Range [*], and of these 2 only Terrify gets a benefit from Power Strenght.

    [*] Don't mention Soul Punch since it's ridicle it scales off Power Range.

  7. Now Mag's gameplay is: stack Duration (Primed Continuity, Narrow Minded, Costitution), deploy a Magnetized field, feed its damage by shooting inside with big guns, Pull people inside, wait it to eat down enemies or explode for the big aoe damage (sum of all the damage the Magnetized area absorbed).

    In short creating big bulletstorms and dragging enemies in.

    NOTE: The damage shooten inside Magnetized Fields is turned into an AoE DoT and Blast at the end of its duration.
    So effectively, its damage scales with your weapon damage, it's similar to Antimatter Drop.
    The only problem is... What happens when 4 Magnetized Fields stack nearby? Is the damage output quadrupled?

    In my opinion Pull should interact with Magnetize, increasing its duration or the intensity of the pulling force inside it, to help clumping up enemies in range.
    Pull also would need a little more pulling strenght, since I usually need 2-3 pulls to effectively drag people inside Magnetized aoes.
    This is also made worse by a problem with Crowd Controls and Knockdown Animations: enemies which suffered a knockdown are stuck in the action of getting back on foot, this makes them effectively immune to other Crowd Controls or Pulls for the duration of the animation.

    Polarize could interact with Magnetize by inverting the pulling Strength to negative. An untouched Magnetize would pull inside enemies, a Polarized Magnetize would expel enemies and bullets.

    Also Shards should be reviewed. Polarize shouldn't produce shards, Crush should produce em.

    Now, if Magnetize could be placed in whatever place, not only on enemies, but on environment too like Cataclysm, plus adding the manipolation gimmicks I suggested, could bring a funnier gameplay.

  8. In my opinion Passives should be a good feature to fix Warframes' kits OR fixing Energy generation and management.
    We can play with Orbs interaction, Shields, Overshields, etc.

    > Nekros: 5HPs are too few. The quantity should be percent-based on the max HP.
    A good alternative would be:
    "Blood is Power: Picking up an Health Orb increases Nekros' Power Strenght OR Duration by 5% per stack. Lasts X seconds. Max Cap 30%."

    > Ember: Should be changed to:
    "Pyromania: Applying a Heat Status effect will garant a stack during X seconds: regenerate energy for Y seconds and increase Power Strength by 5% per stack. Max 7 Stacks."
    To be balanced basing on how many Heat statuses can apply with skills.

    > Loki:
    "Stealth kills garant 5 Energy or Energy regeneration for X seconds.."

    > Vauban:
    For Vauban there have been many nice ideas in the feedback section playing around with Hacking and conversion of Alarm Systems to friendly. Dind't consider in Void and Infested missions it wouldn't work...
    What about disabling nearby traps maybe?

    > Mag:
    The actual one isn't needed.
    Maybe a new one allowing a Power Strenght/Range buff basing on the quantity of her own Shield/Overhield?
    Or Damage reduction on Shield as Armor does on Vitality?

  9. I support your position, people just whining for a nerf and not for the sake of the game don't have any reason to do so.

    But keep in consideration that many changes, even if justified, have been made in a way that feel rushed and raw. The Game Design is doing so many poor and uninspired choices.

    Also as many rightfully said, the game has some heavy balance issues, people abusing Immortaliy or meta cheese have been the natural answer to such problems.
    Let's hope they'll end up balancing the game environment side soon after fixing the player side.

  10. +1

    I would like anyway to differentiate and underline that people blindly crying and holding a grudge just for a nerf have no rights to do it.
    Most of the nerfs made yesterday were legit.

    What really should make people fed up is 6 months of announced changes that end up lacking quality and seems just to be rushed at the best.

  11. The change has been made to stop Immortality abuse and permanent Immortality.
    I'm fine with this and it's a good point.

    For what I tested, I can say that the Energy cap just stops the player from abusing Channeling and eventually reduces Hysteria duration to a reasonable amount of time.
    It's probably going to clash really hard with Energy Drain mechanics and Parasitic Eximi,

    The energy Drain over time is smooth, it doesn't really pose a threat for the player.
    I feel it's just an expedient to justify the neat duration reduction of Hysteria. Nothing more nothing less.

    About Hysteria Damage Deterrent:
    If Hysteria ends for whatever reason, the damage you sustain is ridicle, it wouldn't harm anybody.
    Plus the player can avoid that damage by staying out of enemy sight line, intentionally ending Hysteria or moving away from the fight and then ending it.
    There's too much control in the hands of the player.
    Still people complain. Ok...

    Another point: with the high Armor Valkyr has and Rage you can get in Hysteria just a second after it ends cause the Energy's gonna get refilled in a blink of an eye.

    I'd say it's been a step in the right direction, but once again a show of poor design choice.
    You can nerf something and still make it feel funny and entertaining.
    This change seems to be lazy and rushed.

  12. Somehow interesting - exception made for the name fusion.

    The point is the interactions is problematic (between old and new), every situation has to be considered (30 Warframes makes a large number of possibilities to be considered) and even then it would pose an issue when releasing new Warframes.

    Also the game wasn't able and failed badly into balancing the Modding system properly, I don't know if this would be the right call for Warframe.

  13. I often supported DE, and appreciate every smart interaction made to make better the game.


    "Acquiring a new item should be meaningful."


    Farming those materials is totally casual and anti-fun.

    It involves no brain usage, just button-mashing and hours after a PC doing the same thing.

    If economy has to be a more organized system, can we have something more enjoyable?

    S O L U T I O N S :

    Drastically remove common and uncommon materials from common enemy units' Loot Table.
    Allow the player a more active role at gathering them.
    The game has yet a lot of features that can manage the Crafting Components distribution, they're just used in a bad way.

    Let's assume I want a specific material. Now what you've to do is jump into battle and massacre enemies waiting for stuff to drop.
    This cannot work anymore!
    If I'd like to get that specific material, I'd have to check for it into Storages, into Hidden Storehouses, by checking and Assaulting Treasury Ships.
    Looking for it, not waiting for it to rain straight into my hands.

    > Lockers and Stashes: ATM they're totally worthless, since ammos aren't a problem, their positioning in maps is totally casual and they got no real use. Place more of them in specific areas, reward exploration, reward more Hidden Areas.
    Give them chances to drop way more materials.

    > Rare Storages. Together with the common Storages and Stashes, review them and make them suit more their role. Maybe make rare storages and uncommon ones having a discrete quantity of mixed rare materials.

    > Hidden Caches. Put more of them, review their loot tables, make them suit more the players' need.
    Make them rewarding for real. Not the diluted trash bin they're atm.
    Remove Credit Caches from there.

    > Treasury Ships / Events. It's similar to Nitain Extract alarms. Maybe make specific missions which wield an higher materials dropratecreate a controlled Loot Cave! Specific one time missions which can't be farmed!
    Assault the convoy! More space pirates!
    NOTE: Since alerts giving materials are yet around, I'm not referring to those ridicle quantities of useless materials.
    I'm talking about mixed, rarer and higher quantities, so people who can't afford farming materials all the day long can get a 'once-in-a-while-jackpot'. Just give them some ingame message anticipation advising players some day earlier so they can set up.
    Similar to how Barokiteer works.
    Example Text: "Discovered an hostile mercantile ship passing on XXXXX in 24/48 hours; chances of attacking it will last for XXXXX hours". etc.

    > Special Excavations: rearranged to extract specific mineral materials, not just Cryotic.

    All this highlights another deep problem Warframe has:

    Rewards aren't rewarding, and getting them isn't funny.


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