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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. Can we discuss about these Lore entries here? Or you'd like to keep it in order for eventual updates?

    ► It's an interesting subject that of the Beast of Bones' 2 bone plugs into the neck/skull which are only removed during the moment of killing Orokin masters.

    What could it be? Some sort of trigger? A sigil? A surrogate of the actual Transference?
    Of course it was the result of some kind of deadly ritual.

    ► The Color RED is repeatedly used during this last Lore bits.

    Red ribbons, red wings, red nakedness.

    Red Vial. A substance for immortality?

    The Queens' Lair is drown in red light, there's a red liquid pool inside (admitted that what we saw in the Tennocon teaser was it).

  2. Can we please cover our Operator's human faces?

    We have the option to remove ingame Operator's messages for a reason.

    On this teaser there are even direct speeches.

    It's not I don't approve how lore developed after The Second Dream, but since then I'm pretending the Operator doesn't exhist.

  3. Good Job to whoever elaborated the concept!
    Void Fissures give new main tasks to the mission, they promote exploration, those Missions now feel full and interesting.
    (I'm a bit sad I've nothing more to farm)

    Don't stop there with fantasy.

    Add minibosses, different challenges, dynamic events, a random rotation in events spawned out of the Fissure!

    ►  PS: Move to feedback please, I mistook General Discussion for General Feedback. ◄

  4. @WiiConquered:

    I totally agree about the Aim-not-Required Issue.
    I totally agree with the removal of Corrosive Projection and raising of Single Target Skills' damage. A problem could be the spam, btw.

    I don't agree about Melee Weapons directly reducing armor.
    For suspension of disbelief, I can't see a blade cutting through an armor made to be resilient to Slashing attacks.


    Ingame Example and Ideas..
    I can see it done from a weapon with high Corrosive or Piercing Damage.
    A spiked club, a spear, some extremely sharpened blade.
    Maybe only a weapon which specialized damage is high enough over a Resilience Cap or a Breaking Point.

    ► It's interesting your proposal about Armor Reduction. I had a similar idea to your concept.
    I think it's a problem that has to be addressed with Status Effects and Damage Types (Piercing Damage).



    Its Status -instead than the Weakness Status, should apply a weakspot (let's call it 'Breach' Status Effect) ala Banshee's Sonar (as you suggested), like breaching open an armor spot, increasing the Weakspot damage, ignoring armor and increasing status chance application on that body area (maybe not all of them together which may lead to a Piercing Status Weapon meta * ).

    This way certain weapons would be more proficent at stripping armor and others at damaging weakspots.
    Ex. "Can Opener" weapons like Status Weapons.

    Can you imagine a Weapon with high Piercing damage able to open a breach on an armored targets with the first shot, if not lethal, and finishing the job with the subsequent shot? Be it a Sniper, be it a Shotgun, be it an Hand-Cannon.
    (Sniper rifles in this case should retain 100% Status effect on hitting a Weakspot.)

    * EDIT: The meta can be balanced through Corrosive Status. Weapons that don't have high piercing damage will be likely using it, while weapons with high Piercing damage will be better looking for others.

    Related OFFTOPIC: (Should skip if not interested)


    Another problem here are more Status effects that together don't make sense.
    Rainbow Status Modding.
    A single Elemental Combo should be active at time. No more than 1 Elemental Combo.
    Maybe the higher Damage retains 75% of the total status effect to apply, other damage types retains the remaining 25%.
    This way there's a more deep demarcation on damage type and weapon specific use.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    A weapon should be loaded with just one kind of Explosive Ammos, Poisoned Ammos, Piercing Ammos, not everyone together.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    This way people are forced into choosing if relying on Ammos made to Pierce armor, damage permanently it or getting other effects.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    Mods with status effect should be toned down, like reducing damage for a Status increase.
    This is again the Damage Modding Issue surfacing here too.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    Sniper weapons with high damage and slow Rate of Fire should get a 100% status effect, fast RoF or multishot weapons like automatics should be stuck down to 5-10%, increasing it would require a reduction of damage instead than RoF.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    Also Heat damage should overheat some kind of armors, reducing or damaging them.


    Enemy Armors should receive Resilience, a passive Status resistance, generically overall the body or on specific body parts.
    Some kind of armors will be more resilient to Piercing damage, some other more resilient to Slash damage, etc.
    Reducing the chance, that a specific status will be applied.

    ► Accuracy can be rewarded also by adding Weakspot/Headshot Multiplier and Bodyshot Multiplier.
    Weapons then should be balanced through these stats:
          Weakspot M. - Headshot M. - Bodyshot M. - Status Application (considering armor stripping) - RoF.



    Ex. Sniper weapons: really high Weakspot/Headshot M., moderate Bodyshot M. - High Status (considering the RoF).
          Auto weapons: moderate Weakspot/Headshot M., moderate high Bodyshot M., - Low Status (considering RoF).
          Status Auto wpns: moderate high Weakspot/Headshot M., low Bodyshot M., - moderate high Status (considering Rof).

    ► Another idea (supporting your concept) that could be fitting is Armor's Breaking Point, a quantity of specified damage which the armor can sustain basing on the Resistences and Weaknesses it has.


    Let's make an example taking Ferrite Armor:


    It takes 100% damage from Impact, 150% from Puncture, 85% from Slash, 175% from Corrosive, 75% from Blast.

    Let's claim its Breaking Point is 1000.

    Basing on damage and resistances, a weapon should deal:
    1000 Impact damages or 500 Puncture damage or 1150 Slash damage or 250 Corrosive damage or 1250 Blast damage as different instances.
    (Maths can be uncorrect for an haste matter)

    Or receiving an single hit strong enough to deal 100% of its total (usually a Critical Hit or a Weakspot Hit).
    This to suit the situation in which:
    ► a blade is sharpened enough to surpass the Ferrite Armor's resistance to Slash damage.
    ► or an explosion is strong enough to overtake the Ferrite Armor's resistance to Blast damage.

    After Breaking Point is blown, the ARMOR is permanently removed.

    All of this, of course based on the Enemy Level and Common Sense.

    PS: Gonna expand the post later.

  5. ► Let's hope in a "Reset Star Chart option" then.

    ► not interested in the next Warframe;

    ► not interested in Kavats;

    ► not interested in the new Archwing;

    ► a little hyped about Archwing new missions;

    ► a little hyped for Lore development;

    ► a little hyped about post-quest mechanic revelations;
       (Let's hope not a Focus 2.0..)

    ► hyped for Ash NERF.

    There's a week of content before burning out again.

  6. 2 hours ago, Autongnosis said:

    Nova's MPrime is a soft CC

    Ok. That makes your point extremely clear.
    Enemies slowed both in movement and actions to the point of being immoble is a 'soft CC'.

    Regarding Nekros:
    Max Range implies Overextend is reducing your Terrify targets, Armor debuff, Shadows number, damage and life and Creeping Terrify's slow strength.

    About Creeping Terrify you people are discussing like "Nekros can do everything" as it would have 16 Mod Slots instead than 8.

    Offtopic closed for me.

  7. +1 to Op.

    About people listing every niche use every skill has:
    "Only 'cause a thing has its little use or application it doesn't mean it's well made and working with potential."

    Also others claiming it, No, Pull isn't that great skill you claim.
    It doesn't drag enemies far enough to combo it with Magnetize (even by playing with Maxed Range).
    The problem here is probably the Ragdoll vector which doesn't work properly with enemies on your same floor level.

    Shards produced by Polarize should be produced by Pull or Crush, or eventually working together with them.
    Instead they don't even seem to work properly.

    Magnetized targets get the double of Crush damage... This isn't a fine design.

    Magnetize is an overkill skill. It offers protection if not immunity from damage, one application to kill big targets, it offers a huge Aoe damage; that's the only good thing Mag has.

    Mag's skillset is terrible and Synergy is just an illusion.

  8. The solution:

    • Make Desecrate a toggled ability;
    • Desacrate won't roll loot tables anymore. This is now a Healing and Energy utility tool.
    • Give Desecrate Synergy:
      Every corpse successfully desecrated:  ► Buffs Shadows of the Dead increasing stacking 5% movespeed  and attack speed.          
                                                                    ► Prolongs Shadows duration by 0,5 second.
                                                                    ► Gives Nekros +X power Strength. Max Cap +60%  (4 more shadows).                          
    • More ideas: ► Desacrated corpses are istantly turned into Volatile Runner Shadows exploding for X damages and spreading                                                  Nanite-Swarm Clouds affecting friendly units increasing Armor and reducing enemies'.
                          ► Health orbs gained through Desacrate will grant 100 Vitality (instead than 25).


    Now Desecrate is the Hub of the Wheel. A Wheel of Life and Death. No more a mere spoke of it.
    Now Nekros gets its "Death is his playground" theme nailed.

  9. Consider that Fury or Berserking (15% crit chance req.) are must have mods on every melee weapon, on par with Multishot and Damage mods on Guns.

    Now, I understand that attack speed is something necessary for extremely slow weapons, but why is it so necessary on fast weapons too?

    I feel it's another feature of the Weapon Customization that fails into nailing its target. And bleeds out onto other features (finishers), making it even more necessary and redundant at the same time.

    Spoiled Strike and Quickening for example are Mods that do their job correctly.
    You won't ever put Spoiled Strike on a slow weapon, and Quickening is used into stacking Aspeed on slow weapons.

    Fury also deals with action's momentum, execution of the action and combos in a bizarre way.
    Many animations too much slowed or fastened looks bizarre or likely done into a no-Gravity environment.
    Combo executions at some point combos are too much fast to be executed rationally without spamming E.


  10. I don't see it possible. Cause people would start farming Invasions hard and their duration would be extremely reduced.

    Not only that, Invasions are extremely boring, easy and uninspiring.
    Wouldn't gate such an important material after a boredom wall.

  11. One of the worst designed missions.
    Create a generic environment, free an hamster in it, let the player run after it. No obstacles, no traps, no special maps, no special areas.

    Can't remember, probably they were challenging and designed for Parkour 1.0.

    I'd hope they won't include Capture missions in the Solar Chart from U19.

    I'm hyped for Archwing Capture, they could really be something.

    (But probably they won't come out as shiny as they seem to be... Warframe-Historia docet...)


    The problem are maps, Enemy design and player interaction.

    The mission isn't developed in the right manner, it is as simple as possible.

    Maps are the generic-usual one, there are no traps, no alternative shortcuts, no obstacles... It's boring and unchallenging, they should be tailored to allow a specific playstyle.

    It should be an obstacle run with particular interactions with the target.

    Weapon damage and enemy scaling are another problem. Maybe if the target would retain a damage cap decreasing time by time the more the tenno hits it or the more the runner gets close to the escape point...

  12. 1 hour ago, BABYBBUNNYisaac said:

    Considering there's a chance for drowning... I guess it's okay for a sudden death because you don't know when you'll drown them, or get wrecked by higher level enemies if you fail to drown them :crylaugh: I think it's the only skill that scales through late game... not that good, but good enough to take them out? What would you suggest for drowning? :laugh:

    There's the Inaros' Consume animation and mechanics that could fit.

    Maybe something ala "When positioned under the desired target while submerged, hold X (or wait X seconds) to drag down enemies. Hypnotized or Sleeping enemies receive a Finisher Attack or get drowned way quicker".

  13. +1 for the effort.
    All the graphical work makes it really stand out. I can't imagine how much skill and time all this concept took.

    ...Just the concept translated by the skillset don't convice me that much.

    It nails the theme of Sirens hypnotizing and drowning people, but for what's left is another Vauban Syndrome:
    Multiple different Crowd Controls overshadowing each others -the main problem the Dev Team is stuck with.

    Also a blind, a terrify, a disarm, summoning pets, aoe buff, immune to damage while submerged, a shield for damage immunity while outside...

    Essentially everything she does is yet done by most Warframes, and it's too much similar to Hydroid.

    To conclude I don't really like quests and origins of custom Warframes, it feels like a forceful rewriting of the Lore, "polluting" it with a fantasy domain not in line with Warframe's universe.

    Actually Warframe Dev Team builds Warframes by working around a theme and developing it.
    They conceptualize the Signature Skill of the Warframe and then throw in many other random skills and utilities.
    Eventually with "reworks" they add synergy between skills.

    I'd suggest to make a pair of steps forward this method, find the better Iconic action this Warframe can do and work about it to be fun to play and having a dynamic playstyle in an environment where Energy is an abundant resource.
    Then add other skills to work in Synergy with it. Give utilities but don't exaggerate.

    Generally they develope a Combo skillset or a Generic Standalone Utilities skillset.

    This is all I've to suggest, since the Graphical development is awesome and Storytelling enough expanded.

    Sirens are from greek mythology creatures half bird half woman; the half fish folklore creature is the Mermaid.
    There can also be an approach to Water Spirits/Nymphs like Naiads and Rusalkas which all maintain the attitude of luring people and drowning them.

    After reviewing skills again...


    I'd keep Submerge and Alluring Requiem with many changes.
    ►Submerge as an escape/defensive/stealth tool or and execution tool to istantly kill sleeping/hypnotized enemies.
    ►Alluring Requiem should lure enemies nearby to the Warframe (similar to Djinn's Fatal Attraction), those getting too close shall go into sleep/hypnotized state and become open for finishers.
    ►Song of Sirens could be a follow-up Aoe Nuke to slain large amounts of hypnotized enemies.

    Imho there's space it can become both a controller, an aoe nuker, a buffer or a stealth assassin warframe.


  14. The Reward isn't on pair with the effort and the time it requires.

    I don't support the abuse of Ash or Trinity to cheese arena matches.
    Unfortunately single matches are too long to be a single step of the farming process.
    And still the challenge isn't fun enough to ease the boredom.

    Many ideas:

    • The 'Arena Points mechanic' should either go or be reworked in an alternative manner.
      Maybe something to enter up Higher Loot Rotations. Having more chances of getting the reward you want.
    • Eventually turn it into a token system.
    • The respawn time in the Arena should be speeded up.
    • ...

    Also I'd like to share another Rathuum Feedback to share many ideas.


  15. That's it, probably OD keys gonna get the same treatment.

    If keys gonna be turned into Projections, then Syndacate points and Rewards may be touched too.

    Rewards among the Solar System awarding a key would probably grant them too. Unless they will change the loot tables together with the star chart rework.

    The bet is if they're not giving any info before the release, then probably the change isn't going to impact the actual system that much.

    Or they don't want the community to start abusing those features too much.

  16. I'm all for this.

    Dodgeroll and Bulletjump are to tone down.
    If Dodgeroll has to be toned down, then it has to retain again its basic damage reduction.

    But I think DE is waiting to see how it's going on Community Hosted Servers before making any change.

    The point is maps are large (for a slower movement), made for a fast travelin (by spamming Bjump and Dodgeroll), weapons and TTK are balanced around the few windows of opportunity that the actual mobility allows.
    Changing the peace would require more refiniment in those features.

  17. Expending hours on compiling a good feedback thread/post, and watching it sinking and getting forgotten under a million of threads/posts with Gif spam, adulescential chatters, short answers with no logic receiving millions upvotes and views.

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