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Posts posted by Master-Nachash

  1. It's not bad, but personally I'd keep farming kuva and re-rolling because I'm rarely happy unless I have at least a single damage stat over 100%.

    Like with my Amprex Riven, I re-rolled around 50 times until I got over 150% crit damage, 90% elec damage and 70% toxin damage.

  2. 8 minutes ago, AtroSpiker said:

    Nah the dude has been in there for millenniums, there is no way he's just going to deteriorate out of no where.


    6 minutes ago, Kuari said:

    What if he's been deteriorating the entire time, which would point out as to why he's only a voice and weak.

    Also, to add to my theory.

    What if the individual who trapped him in that room was the previous owner himself? And that maybe that's why, despite clearly being somewhat of an ally / utility for an operator, he fears them.

    That would add quite an interesting dynamic to the relationship between Helminth and the "new" operator. He would (hopefully), feel a sense of newfound loyalty, not out of being forced to be loyal, but out of choice.

    It would also add quite an interesting dynamic to the relationship between ourselves and the infested at large. It'd show us that the infested "hive" mind, the consciousness behind it, is a lot more self-aware than we currently believe, and is capable of free-will, or choice.

  3. Just now, AtroSpiker said:

    Nah the dude has been in there for millenniums, there is no way he's just going to deteriorate out of no where.

    Who said he was deteriorating out of nowhere? Not me.

    If he's been stuck in a room on his own, in a ship that's been mostly offline for many millennia. With (presumptively), nothing to feed on. He's gonna very gradually deteriorate over time and eventually get to a point of urgency whereby he needs to find a new host body, or he needs to absolutely gorge on obscene amounts of biological matter to regenerate. I mean, as we know. The infested feed on biological matter, and they overtake it as well. He hasn't fed on anything for quite possibly the entire time he's been in that room. Maybe that's why there are chunks missing from his body. Maybe that's a sign that his body is breaking down.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Master-Nachash said:

    Infested companion incoming!

    Ok so what if Helminth actually becomes a usable companion in the future?

    What if the fish underneath the infested room is Helminth's current "host" body. But it's slowly deteriorating so Helminth (the consciousness within the fish) needs a new host. And our recent unlocking of the infested room, alongside our acquisition of a Warframe that has the ability to communicate / commune with other forms of infestation because of it's nature allows us to do just that, to somehow create a new host body for it and eventually transfer it's consciousness through some form of "transference."

    What if the cyst / tumour we see on Nidus' / other Warframe's neck is actually the beginnings of a new host body for Helminth. And when it's fully grown, we will end up with a new unique companion, similar to a Kubrow or a Kavat. We know that Warframes are partially comprised of infested tissues, so it's theoretically possible that if there was a "friendly" form of infestation, that it could utilise the infestation contained within the Warframes to "grow" a new body. It would only need a small sample of the Warframe's genetics.

    Hypothetically speaking, if this was to occur. If a "friendly" form of infestation was to grow a new host body from a genetic sample of a Warframe controlled by the consciousness of a specific operator, then that infestation would / could / should have some kind of special bond with that operator, through the Warframe.

    Right now, Helminth is afraid of the operators. He / it expresses this wholeheartedly. I believe this would change if he / it realised that the Warframe used to give a genetic template for his / it's new host body, was used by an operator via transference, because it would make it clear that the operator was not to be feared after all. I mean, after all, this is essentially an act of kindness. And it would create not just a genetic bond, but also a familial bond between the two characters.

  5. The Void is a sentient, energy-based being.

    In order for it to communicate with the physical beings it comes into contact with, it must do one of two things:

    • Find a host and inhabit that host. Interact with that host via the use of his or her memories. Taking on a personality formed from those memories. Preferably the personality of a loved one. A parent perhaps, or another family member, or maybe a friend. This makes it so the host is likely to respond to the attempted communication at best, in a positive manner, or at least, with curiosity. This is beneficial for the Void as it clearly wishes to communicate with it's host and to create some sort of inter-personal dialogue and a working relationship.
    • Or alternatively, it could find some kind of technology to interact with. Something devised with the purpose of having a connection to the Void, like a Void key perhaps. A Void key has a connection to both the Void, and "normal" space, it opens a two way door which allows things to come and go as they please. It has an energetic connection to both the Void and normal space, and as we already know, the Void is energy. So it should have no trouble interacting with a key itself and maybe even whoever is holding it, seeing as theoretically speaking, it should be able to filter itself through the key's energy, using it as a medium between its' realm and the physical.
  6. On 12/9/2016 at 9:43 PM, Vicious_Vipa said:

    in a game where 100 brainless enemies at once rush at you?

    I believe that most players only have them for special sortie conditions ;)-


    most sniper rifles don't even have innate punch through which would give them at least a little bit of utility.

    Maybe they'd have a right to exist if they could penetrate Nullifier Bubbles or something like that, and therefore help the team by taking out these specific threats.

    It really is a mystery for me why DE does not give them more love.

    Whenever I have to do a high level assasination (approx level 100), I always take my Nova. M-Prime the target, then parkour up to high ground, take cover and snipe until boss is dead. So yeah they're good for that.

  7. So I was running a mission on Jupiter a few minutes ago and I suddenly had a random thought about Nullifiers.

    "Isn't it weird how Nullifier energy fields suddenly disappear when they're killed."

    It makes no practical sense to me. I mean, it's not like the nully field generator is connected to the Nullifier's vitals, right?

    Then it hit me. The solution to the longstanding Nullifier controversy.

    It's simple, yet practical, it makes sense lore-wise, it's realistic, and it's neither a buff nor a nerf, it's a little bit of both, and it makes nullies a little more fun and dynamic to play against, rather than outright bullet sponges.

    I propose that instead of just having to kill nullies to disable their energy field indefinitely, we have to disable / destroy the generator on their back (yes, even when we've killed them).

    For example, instead of just standing their idly and blasting the energy field then the nully himself into oblivion, or rushing into the energy field and chopping him in half. We have to change our tactic somewhat. We have to prioritise the generator and destroy that. Even if we kill the nully, the energy field will still re-establish itself and pop back up after his death because it hasn't been neutralised. So we still have to disable / destroy it after the nully has been killed.

    So yeah, basically, you don't have to kill a nully to disable his field generator, and you don't have to disable the field generator to kill a nully (however, it is preferable). If you're good you can do both at the same time, but if you're not so good, you have two different routes to take in neutralising the threat of a nully.

    I think this would even things out a bit with Nullifiers because while it is buffing them a tiny bit, it's also giving you another means of dealing with them (if you know what you're doing and can coordinate yourself like any self-respecting, professional space ninja should be able to). I also think this would be especially valuable and rewarding for skilled players in high level content, as long as the health pool of the generator isn't too high of course.

    P.S. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it makes no sense to me that Nullifiers constantly walk around with their energy field extended. As far as I'm concerned, until they're alerted, or until alarms have been set off, they should remain unextended to conserve energy.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Xionyde134 said:

    This was fixed in Hotfix 19.0.3

    Ok, all you need to change is, blind a group of enemies and use a high fire rate primary / secondary with multishot and the same tactic will work.

    High level enemies, preferably in Sortie 3 or something, will work just as well because you won't have to find a new group of enemies after one glide because you can still do multiple headshots without enemies dying.

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