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Posts posted by Master-Nachash

  1. Was anyone else under the impression that syndicate melees would come with the typical innate syndicate AOE proc passive, as well as their other passives? Or was that just me?

    Can't begin to describe how disappointed I was when I discovered that wasn't the case. 

    At least I can put gleaming blight on my rakta dark dagger I guess. :poop:

  2. 6 hours ago, (PS4)Thedeadmod_wf said:

    Trading needs to be a little more than just a  little more than just a prime and mod market.If it only lived up to the word trading.

    It's a lot more than a prime + mod market. 

    You can trade mods, special weapons + special weapon blueprints + parts, prime gear blueprints + parts, Ivara + Nezha parts, arcanes, arcane helmets, keys, relics, ayatan sculptures + stars, Kubrow / Kavat imprints, and there's probably some more stuff I've missed.

  3. Lmao are people DDOS'ing again because of the super rare stance price drop???????

    I remember when the slash mod set was first released via Baro Ki'teer and we had loads of DDOS'ing going on over the weekend. So much so that DE was forced to extend Baro's stay in the relay. And it was said that the DDOS attacks were happening simply because people were raging over the imminent slash mod set price drop.

  4. 20 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

    And the days keep ticking...

    I feel sorry for the devs though. When steve says things have reached a fever pitch it's often an understatement. People are screaming, rigs are on fire, sound studio is a disaster area and a manic dev is at a table, sipping his coffee because everything is normal.


  5. One day, as far as I can remember, for seemingly no reason. Dozens of people were connecting to the same mission. A mobless grineer galleon tileset mission. 

    Part of me thinks it was around new year therefore maybe an intentional thing done by DE for new year, but another part of me is telling me that's a figment of my imagination.

    But yeah, does anyone remember this? There were soooooooo many people in the same room and they just kept coming.

    I remember telling everyone to scramble together in a medium-sized room for a group photo so people could take screenshots. It was a pretty funny instance.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Genoscythe said:

    My problem is that it is simply still PvP.


    And as it happens in PvP, there is rage, salt, lag and the worst of humanity comes out. DE was totally wrong with making it an alternative for those who don't want the blood of the conclave. It's still one team against each other and as it happens that means someone looses and will be unhappy, no matter if you throw a ball or shoot arrows each other.

    Instead of trying to make Warframe an e-sport, we could simply make the base game better.

    To be honest, I actually really like conclave. But I'll admit right now that it brings out the worst in me, not many games can say the same. I've played a lot of PVP games in my time and Warframe PVP for me personally has to be the most rage inducing. The only other game that's made me rage is APB Reloaded and that was only because there was aimbotters EVERYWHERE in that.

    I think Warframe PVP was a really good idea personally, I just think it's been horribly implemented, seemingly forgotten about, and the fact it was released with no dedicated servers is a major "WTF DE" moment for me.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    - badly made (yay let's dash everywhere) (even though I didn't try since the last patch)

    - no dedicated server (and the incoming change won't fix that)

    - rocket league exist

    - balance issue

    - better stuff to do, even though the game is empty right now (I mean, I have nothing to do in warframe, and lunaro won't help that)

    - no interesting reward

    That's just my opinion...


    1 minute ago, Man_In_Suitcase said:

    I don't play PvP simply bc I want to play a PvE game.

    That's all good and well but it doesn't address the specific issues I'm raising.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

    My reason is simple and I'm not touching anything PvP related till it is FULLY implemented

    Dedicated servers.

    I don't blame you. Just started another game of Lunaro. 1v1, other guy is host, he's catching unstable lunaros. Seems legit. (Dat host advantage though.)

  9. So, I've been playing Conclave for a few months now and I've noticed a theme with Lunaro.

    Every single day, no matter what time it is, I will always come across the same handful of players. I've spoken to a few of them, asking them if all they do is play Lunaro, because it seems like that's all they do day-in-day-out, considering I constantly come across them at different times every single day, when I'm doing my dailies. And they respond with something akin to "pretty much" or just an outright "yeah."

    It's these players that are what I call "ballhoggers", who have completely mastered the movements in Lunaro, so they can control the ball 90%-100% of the time with ease. Not only do they keep the ball from opponents, but they actively work against their own team as well, never allowing their teammates to control the ball, the only way a teammate gets the ball is if they just happen to be in the right place at the right time unwittingly, or if they're another "ballhogger" who's skill level is similar to their own because they've also spent hundreds of hours in Lunaro. Also, more often than not I witness their teammates leaving the match abruptly when this is happening. Either that or they go afk off and on after a while.

    Now, as opposed to these few players who I come across every single day. There are lots of obviously "new" players, who I come across, who I never see again. The ones who have clearly not played Lunaro much at all and / or who are clearly new to the game in general. I firmly believe these players never, or at the very least barely touch Lunaro at all because of this issue, because the likelyhood is, in almost every single match, they won't even get to practice and "git gud" due to the simple fact that they'll barely come in contact with the ball because of these few players.

    Lunaro is supposed to be a game mode based on teamplay and cooperation. Hogging the ball removes that concept from the match, especially for whichever team the ballhogger is on. In my opinion it is essentially toxic behaviour as these players have absolutely no intention to cooperate with other players, they're simply there to dominate. At worst, they are essentially, intentially, purposefully removing other player's ability to play, and wasting their time just so they can get a sense of satisfaction from dominating other less-experienced players. At best, they're being careless and not taking other players into consideration. Either way, as I said, I firmly believe this is toxic behaviour.

  10. 4 hours ago, Cephalon_Ordis said:

    A long, long time ago. there was a bug that connected anyone who tried to join their dojo, to my session. my toaster was not happy.



    Something like that happened a couple of years back on a Grineer galleon map, only, there were dozens of tenno in one session. Can't remember exactly how many but I know it was in double digits and somewhere around 50-60, maybe more.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Neear said:

    Damage 3.0 [29]

    • Rework/removal of "mandatory mods"


    I like how they want to remove damage mods since they're considered mandatory yet its ok to add more mandatory mods.

    Hahahaha THIS!

    Also, like I said earlier they already removed mandatory ability mods for Warframes, but now they want to make more mandatory precept mods for sentinels? I know they'll say they're not mandatory. But the community has spoken, the carrier usage stats have spoken too. We have decided together that vacuum is a must, that it's a staple feature. So they WILL be mandatory if we want the full effect and want to continue as we have done for so long.

  12. The way I see it, there are two viable solutions to this issue. Creating three new vacuum-ish mods is overkill.

    Do with all companions what was done with Warframes a while back, where ability mods were removed and made so they were unlocked by levelling. Give all companions their individual abilities / precepts, but also on top of that, give them innate vacuum but without the visual effect (because it'd look weird on Kubrows + Kavats).

    This would make ALL companions just as desirable to use as Carrier is right now. Without the extra cost and without having to change builds.

    In regards to the two mod slots not used by the abilities / precepts anymore. Just simply depolarise them and make them open to other mods without needing to be forma'd (unless you want or need the extra capacity by polarising of course).

    Or, instead, simply give all Warframes a passive "vacuum" ability, where lore-wise, Warframe's manipulate void energy to pull desirable items towards them. I mean, it kinda makes sense. Warframes are cybernetic space ninjas, they don't wanna be stopping to pick things up every five minutes, they want / need to be able to jump around as fast as possible whilst simultaneously killing things, so it makes sense that they'd have some kind of built-in system that enables them to collect loot that their systems deem desirable.

  13. 9 hours ago, I_AM_JUGS said:

    look, in a game where it's actually a valid mindset to slice a body into pieces out of a hope that it may reward you with more stuff and you can see blood and limbs fly off everywhere bad language shouldn't matter.
    fair enough DE, this is your forums and your rules, but swear words really aren't that bad in the grand scheme of things. if i was asked what i'd expose a child to
    A) Mutilation and death 
    B) The word that means sex that starts with an "F" 
    I know what i'd be picking.

    This game isn't "targeted" for kids, it's late teens and above but we all know that younger people love this stuff and i personally don't have a problem with them playing but i think it's safe to assume that people knowing it's a curse word is just as bad as seeing the actual word there, everyone knows multiple curse words so when they read that they just full the gap so it doesn't really do anything does it? it's like those sentences that say the twice when you only read one right? you still discern what's there.
     is there a specific reason why DE don't like bad language?

    I mean insulting someone on the forums is probably against the rules anyway so t doesn't matter what words you use even if there are no swears you probably get in trouble for doing it enough.

    maybe i'm the odd one out, where i come from we use swear words as punctuation, example: when you think of the next word to say in a sentence you might say "uuhm" but sometimes where i'm from we fill that gap with swears.
    plus we use swearwords more often when referring to friends than to people we dont like because i talk to friends more often, like i wont say "you alright mate" when meeting a close friend it's more like "you alright wanker"
    so maybe i have a reaction to these words unlike most people, but they've never given me a guttural reaction.

    so i guess the final question is, am i the weird one and not DE? XD

    This has always bugged me as well. 

    I made a similar point about teabagging a while ago, saying I didn't understand why in a game where the main objective is to essentially kill as much as you can as fast as you can and essentially remove resources from the bodies after doing so, people get offended by others teabagging them.

    Someone actually said to me "it's because teabagging relates to sexual assault rather than murder which makes it worse."

    Which to me, points out that this is actually part of a much bigger issue.

    That issue being that people's sensitivities are wayyyyyyy out of whack.

    I mean to sum it up. We as a society in the west, mostly don't care if we see violence or death, and that applies to both whether it's real or artificial a lot of the time. But as soon as we see things that may even slightly relate to sexual assault, racism, or other forms of speech that some people will deem "hate speech", or just general rudeness and toxicity (profanity for example), we lose our minds and start pointing fingers.

    I think this is mostly because of both past and current political narratives more than anything. Violence has always been pushed into the minds of the population, and it's been pushed in forms that make it seem acceptable in one form or another, or at the very least, acceptable to mimic, to joke about, or to produce high quality, realistic renditions of what it's like, as it's a concept that influences divisiveness which is desirable politically speaking, not to mention the more that violence is in the minds of the people, the more the military / industrial complex benefits because the less likely we are to want peace and actively campaign to have it, and the more likely we are to be complacent with all forms of conflict (unless it negatively affects us firsthandedly).

    As for sexual assault and offensive language or hate speech, these are highly prevalent talking points within politics today. Sexual assault is talked about on the daily, there's almost always a high profile story floating around in the media in relation to it. So it's pretty much always in the minds of people to some extent, especially with the rise of third wave feminism over the last decade or so. Because of this, and because of the way it's been put forward to the public, we've kinda been trained by the media to react to anything that could maybe even slightly relate to it, in a pretty overly emotional way. And the same thing applies to offensive language or hate speech. Again, we've pretty much been trained by the media because of current social / political narratives to frown upon certain forms of speech, and attribute them to certain mindsets, but what is said to actually constitute these forms of speech is very broad and vague, hence why everyone seems to get offended at anything that's not being said in a way that is obviously meant to make someone feel good.

    As for DE's handling of profanity and stuff like that. I think tbh, they're just following current political narratives, as a previous poster said, to reel in as many players as possible and to keep them as long as possible. It's not like DE is actively trying to censor anyone or anything. They just recognise what the current social / political narratives are and look to do their best in not offending anyone so that they don't lose any revenue.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Pythadragon said:

    Slash dash is a guaranteed stagger on an auto homing ability that strikes through walls, the floor, the roof. Your positioning + the enemy movement does matter. Therefore it can miss if you used it in a bad position with a bad angle.

    It is fast enough to combo an auto home stagger + gun shot, especially if you use +castspeed mod.

    Slash dash does not cost 50 energy.

    It's a 25 energy 1 ability.

    So there are absolutely no issues with slash dash, the issue is actually me and I'm just terrible at using it, ok then.

    "A Bad position with a bad angle." - The only viable position for slash dash is being at point blank range. Nine times out of ten if you use slash dash and you're not practically on top of your opponent, it misses. Even if it locks on, it'll follow for a second and miss and leave you vulnerable. Especially if it bugs out like it tends to do and leaves you stuck in the slash dash animation for a few seconds. You shouldn't have to get right up in your opponents face just for your first ability to be viable and reliable. Especially when you take the state of other first abilities into consideration like the ones I mentioned. Compared to other offensive first abilities, slash dash is trash.

    Also, nobody said it costs 50 energy. I said it deals 50 damage.

  15. Slash dash overall, in both PVE and PVP is massively inconsistent and seemingly random.

    Sometimes it'll hit enemies you're aiming at, other times it'll bypass them completely. Sometimes, for whatever reason, it'll decide to do almost a u-turn and take you to a completely different enemy than the one you aimed at.

    It's even worse in PVP. It has practically no range. You have to be pretty much in your enemies face to get a hit, and they have to be almost stationary. Even then it's not guaranteed, sometimes, if they move suddenly, it'll move slightly to compensate for their movement but it'll still miss completely. Other times, it'll lock on to an opponent and follow them to an angle and then for some reason it'll keep you in the slash dash animation for a few seconds, leaving you vulnerable.

    At first I thought this was to make it so it wasn't OP, and so people couldn't basically lock on to opponents with ease and do a lot of damage with little cost. But I mean. it does 50 damage, the slight stun it's supposed to give isn't even viable because it lasts about as long as it takes for you to go from your slash dash back into your default stance, so as soon as you use it and recover, the opponent's half way across the room.

    Then I came across Rhino / Rhino Prime in Conclave. His charge attack is essentially a heavy duty slash dash. I mean, when used, it makes Rhino charge forwards, you get a guaranteed knockdown, you deal immense damage (not exactly sure how much but I know it's a lot more than slash dash), and it has a much larger range than slash dash.

    Pretty much every offensive "1" ability is better than slash dash and far more reliable though. The caster "1" abilities for example, like Ember's, Frost's and Volt's.

    So yeah, slash dash is practically useless in PVP. What's with that?

    In my opinion. Firstly, something needs to be done about how it locks on to enemies / opponents. It needs some fine tuning to make it a lot more precise both in PVE and PVP. Secondly, in conclave specifically, I don't care about the damage, but after the fine tuning to make the lock-on more precise, slash dash itself needs a lot more range. I don't see why it can't have let's say, a 50%-75% of the PVE version's range. That wouldn't make it OP, it'd make it useful again. It'd also make it multi-purpose again, and would fit in with Excalibur's theme of and "in-and-out-frame" because not only would you be able to use it to advance and get a head start on individual opponents, but you'd be able to use it to get out of tricky situations as well (which is another feature of Rhino Charge too).

    Excalibur is supposed to be a full frontal assault warframe. A run-and-gun, in-and-out, now-you-see-me-now-you-don't choice. Slash dash in its current form does not do this concept justice whatsoever. 


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