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Posts posted by Master-Nachash

  1. My operator is an in-game representation of myself. He is my avatar through which I connect with the alternate reality of "Warframe."

    Kinda like how God directly interfaced with this reality we call "Earth", "the real" or "the physical plane" through his son Jesus Christ.

  2. 2 minutes ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

    Yeah, a couple of times. Depending on which questions are chosen for the streams, the devs clearly mentioned not only quests, but everything that has a story component to it. The last time we heard about replayable events as quests was a little bit back though, since people have shifted their focus on replaying quests after the SD came. I clearly remember them talking about trying to find a way to make events like Arid Fear(one of the earliest events) replayable, but that was a good while ago.

    Oh sweet then it looks like I'm done with this thread, thanks man. :laugh:


  3. 1 minute ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

    That's been their stated goal for some time now, so I don't see why you'd have to ask that. The problem for them is that they started out building the narrative of warframe with events and alerts, but at some point transitioned into quests. Now they have two separate and seemingly incompatible delivery vehicles for their story and have to figure out how to retcon any event and tactical alert inconsistencies with what they've established in the quests, while at the same time converting the gameplay and plot to fit the new system. That's quite complicated and can't really be monetized at all, which is why its taking so damn long for them to do. Working to put more plat buying incentives into the game > working for a more cohesive game experience.

    Look how long they've taken to add a simple clan downsize option to the dojo, so people in dead clans weren't stuck with humongous research costs. I think it was about 2 years. Eventually, they'll make it so, I don't doubt that, but as with everything that isn't related to selling new and exciting content, it's automatically put on the backburner.

    They've actually stated that they plan on making tactical alerts + events replayable in the future?

  4. 3 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    There is certainly call for events to be made into Quests, that is something I would support entirely.

    But not TA's, as I said earlier they should come around more frequently, even be repeated just for something to do, but to have them up constantly lowers their worth imo. They're no longer alerts, it would no longer feel like you're helping someone in trouble, or stealing critical time sensitive information.

    That and it would lose one of it's intended purposes, player retention. If there was a TA up this weekend, I would log on and I'm sure others would log on as well. If it were up this weekend and every day after that, I wouldn't care in the slightest.

    Jeez, just looked it up. Can you believe that we haven't had a proper Event in basically a year and a half?

    You could say the exact same thing for every single mission-type in this game though.

    That every single mission has low-worth because of it's repeatability. Especially boss fights. What's the point in killing a boss if he / she / it is just gonna respawn a few seconds after and make you need to run the mission again just so the solar system gets a few seconds of downtime from that bosses presence?

    So I really don't see how that's an arguement. You're kinda contradicting yourself as well.

    On the one hand you're saying replayable tactical alerts shouldn't be a thing because to make them so would lower their worth and you'd essentially lose your sense of immersion within their specific mission-types, but then on the other hand you're saying that replayable quests and events are fine by default, by saying you'd support events being made into quests, when DE have stated they plan on making quests replayable, which means that events would also be replayable.

    I fail to see the logic here.

    If events can be made replayable by being made into quests.

    Why can't tactical alerts be made replayable?


  5. 7 minutes ago, NearoC said:

    Absolutely not. The main appeal of tactical alerts is that they are a limited time thing with a carrot on a stick, games having limited time things are cool. If they removed that I'd just want something else to replace it.

    And at that point.. why would you not have just made some different permanent content in the first place?

    My proposal changes nothing. The carrot on a stick thing would still apply because you wouldn't have to grind for the unique rewards, if you completed the tactical alert / event when it dropped, you'd get the item 100% guaranteed, whereas if you didn't, you'd have to grind for it, you'd have to run the alert repeatedly, because it'd have a system very similar to the sortie system where RNG dictates what reward you get after you complete the related missions. Obviously people would prefer to do the alert one time only when they have the chance. But for the people who can't, either because they're busy, or because they're new and didn't start the game in time. They still have a chance to do it, but they'd have to work harder.

  6. 1 minute ago, DeMonkey said:

    Literally every single tactical alert has valuable lore?

    So I can mention even one that doesn't, you're refuted?


    Very first one, no lore.

    Second one, no lore.

    Third... no lore. And so on.

    If they have lore, then there should be some implementation of them. But I can't actually see one here that does save perhaps Project Undermine.

    I was literally just about to correct myself on this.

    That's pretty much besides the point though. The main point is that tactical alerts + events are essentially uniquely styled mission-types that seem to be wasted on their limited-time-only status. They're features of the game that could and in my opinion should come back because they'd be a nice, fresh alternative to the mission-types we play all the time, and of course as I said, we'd have a chance at getting the unique rewards we missed.

    Also, I'm talking about events too. For some reason I thought events and tactical alerts were the same thing but now I realise they're not.

  7. 11 minutes ago, NinjaKitsune56 said:

    That, and they'd serve as a break from the normal "Grind for Statues, only to bury Maroo in Stars" or other equivalents.


    There's also the fact that a lot of veterans have been complaining about not having things to do. Some have been taking a hiatus from playing Warframe because of this.

    I guarantee you that this would reel a lot of players back in, especially veterans who pride themselves on how much they've actually done, but who have missed some unique rewards because they missed certain tactical alerts.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

    I'm not against your proposal of making them a replayable thing, but I'm thinking of withholding the serious rewards from the replayable versions which would be augmented into quests, and become optional things.

    Just thoughts. More things are good things.

    So, what would be the main incentive to play them, if not the unique rewards that came with the original tactical alerts? If there's no substantial reward, people would lose interest.

  9. 1 minute ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

    It's always possible to bundle some Tactical Alert Lore pieces into side-questlines; if the Tactical Alerts link together, then they can be merged into a simple, but full of information, quest that isn't essential, but earns you, say, a weapon skin related to the alert or something.

    So your alternative proposal is that instead of making older content replayable, which would be pretty easy as all the systems are already in place, DE should merge some parts of that older content, make a new quest, bundle a load of the tac-alert lore into it and give us a random weapon skin or something just so we don't miss out on that lore.

    My proposal simplified - make older content replayable with a similar system to a system we already have in place.
    Your proposal simplified - bundle specific parts of older lore-heavy content together into one quest so people don't miss out on important lore from older tactical alerts.

    That's just not viable man. I mean, we're talking around 3 years of missed lore. You wanna pack that or at least some of that into one quest? The tactical alerts weren't connected in any way, so the lore doesn't really connect either. To pack it all, or at least some of it into one quest would be a complete mess because of the lack of connections.

    Also, DE wants people to play the game more. They want people to grind more. I guarantee you that replayable tactical alerts / operations would attract a lot of attention and have people play the game more, it'd likely even bring a lot of veterans back because they now have new unique mission-types they can mess around with and some of them will have missed at least something at some point, that they'd be able to farm / grind for again.

    The difference in the amount of play-time DE would get out of my proposal as opposed to yours is astronomical. Especially when you take into consideration that we have around three years worth of tactical alerts, and many more to come in the future.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

    The intent of replayable quests is only analogous to a replayable Campaign/Story mode, typical of shooters and games unless they only have multiplayer, which makes it hard for the developers to provide downloadable context (via seeing, hearing, acting, or reading; that's where the downloading occurs, not the way you thought it would).

    And this is an arguement against my proposal, how?

  11. Just now, NinjaKitsune56 said:

    This... This would work.

    Gives us things to shoot for... and with... or swing with... or... you get my point, right?

    Yeah man. Totally.

    Tactical alerts are pretty unique, the entire player-base is missing out on lots of unique gameplay.

    Not only is it a good idea because of the reasons I already mentioned, but it'd give players a pretty fresh alternative to the missions they're so used to running all the time.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Mcl_BlueMadness said:

    If they have lore, I believe they should be reworked into quests. Otherwise, no, not really.

    Literally every single tactical alert has valuable lore included in it.

    So DE should rework every single pre-existing tactical alert into a quest so people don't miss the law?

    Would it not be easier and more logical to just re-introduce them as tactical operations? Unique mission-types that you have a chance at gaining unique rewards from.

  13. 4 minutes ago, NinjaKitsune56 said:

    Well, you could call them Tactical Operations instead. But, either way, there's merit to having them repeatable like the OP said.

    How about this.

    They're tactical alerts when they first appear.

    But when the "alert" timer runs out, they become tactical operations.

    They're an alert at first because a "new" threat has emerged that needs to be looked at.

    They cease to be an alert after completion because they're no longer such a great threat due to the fact that a large amount of Tenno have dealt with it before.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Jicematoro said:

    Basically, Remove the Alert from Tactical Alert?...



    3 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    No, they should happen more frequently certainly, but as Jicematoro said they're no longer 'Alerts' if you can do them whenever you want.

    That's not really an arguement against my proposal.

    I mean, you could use the same logic to say that quests should never be replayable but as we should all know by now, they are at some point, going to be replayable.

  15. PLEASE NOTE: this thread is also referring to events. For some reason I erroneously had it in my mind that events + tactical alerts were the same thing.

    I've had this idea in the back of my mind for a while.

    I figured that there could be a system in place that's kind of a merger to the quest + sortie systems. Where you gradually unlock tactical alerts as you progress through mastery rank, where once you unlock them you can play them repeatedly (but you have to complete the whole tactical alert before you can replay). Once a tactical alert is unlocked, you simply select it from your codex terminal and it shows up on the quest tab on your navigation UI.

    As for rewards. You could have a sortie-style reward system where there are basic rewards that come with every tactical alert, things like large amounts of endo for example, or in the place of things like focus lenses + the nezha set, orokin reactor + catalyst blueprints, you could have forma blueprints (maybe built forma too), and things like fully built specters, health / ammo / shield / energy boosters, health restores and ammo boxes. Of course, the rewards that are unique to whichever tactical alert you're playing would also be included, but they'd be rather uncommon at the least, and / or maybe you'd have to actually build them, doing multiple runs to get all of the pieces much like how you need to in the current sortie system with wraith / vandal weapons.

    That way, nobody misses any of the gear dropped by any of the tactical alerts. Everyone can enjoy the unique mission-types and the lore that comes with these missions (because quite a few are quite lore-heavy), and of course everyone can get those much-needed codex scans for codex completion, because a lot of people will be missing a lot of codex stuff due to not being around when those tactical alerts were around.

    Also, the people who were there when the tactical alerts first came about, don't lose out at all, and still get to have the pride of being some of the first to complete it, and also to get the unique rewards without having to repeat the alert over and over again, as they got it from a first time completion.

  16. 18 minutes ago, Tzirael said:

    TL;DR :  Having over 60 in-game fps in Lunaro makes you faster, even on a 60hz monitor, appears to be 10/10 coding.  


    This is a serious thread about unfair advantages Lunaro offers to a subset of players, before I explain them let me start by saying that I am a "veteran" Lunaro player having played over 800 games and I am a member of a Lunaro focused clan which houses most of the best Lunaro players in the game. I would also like to say I feel that Lunaro is a great addition to Warframe and it is what keeps me coming back to it while waiting for the War Within. 

    Many newer players find Lunaro incredibly hard to get into because of the huge skill gap currently present and terrible p2p hosting. Many good players are called awful names and accused of hacking, the truth is being a good Lunaro players requires very fast reaction speed and, knowledge and skill of the many techniques that have been developed by veteran players (various dribbling techniques, unstable techniques, passing setups , checking and defending and so on). But there is an unfair advantage which appears to be rooted in the game code itself. 

    The basis of the theory is a simple [Higher FPS = Faster game logic]

    1) The Discovery

    Player A is a veteran Lunaro player like myself and a friend of mine, while he was always a little bit ahead of me in terms of skill we were always pretty close match. One day Player A upgraded to a more powerful gaming machine with which he could achieve fps in the range of 140, suddenly the said player becomes an untouchable Lunaro god. He has always been incredibly skilled but suddenly he jumped ahead of everyone and can toy around with veteran players almost as if they it was their first Lunaro game. He recovers from staggers quicker, moves the ball faster and generally everything seems a lot faster when he is involved.

    Before anyone says "Okay, so Player A also got himself a 144hz monitor therefore, he benefits from framerate above 60" let me say this isn't the case, his monitor is 60hz. So how can a framerate above 60 possibly benefit a player who's monitor only displays 60fps? 


    2) The Investigation 

    Player B , who is another friend of mine, decided to set his framerate to unlimited on a 72hz monitor, game output was showing over 100 fps, suddenly this player finds himself performing actions faster and with more accuracy. While previously his autopass techniques have often missed now he could do them more reliably, he experienced a similar boost not as great as Player A but a significant boost nevertheless. Player B challenged Player A to a 1v1 match under a condition that he limits his in-game fps to 60, this resulted in Player A seemingly becoming weaker than his usual self post his PC upgrade. The connection between in-game FPS (not actual displayed fps) and game performance is established. 


    3) My Lunaro story and personal experience with FPS

    I have always been running Warframe at unlimited FPS averaging about 180-280 fps in Lunaro. I became one of the best players around, to many people's surprise because I did not use unstable shots, instead I relied on simple movement and dunk shots, a "Berserker" playstyle. Over the course of the past months both Player A and B tried teaching me various unstable shots, but seemingly I was absolutely hopeless at them and could not hit the ball most of the time. Since the update that introduced incredible checking buffs my playstyle was destroyed, I could no longer recover from being check spammed and would lose the ball most of the time instead of scoring like in the past, now the only way to be one of the top players was to learn an advanced dribbling technique and start learning unstable shots (which btw many people may not realise this but it actually makes the game even worse for new players, even though your intentions were the opposite, DE).

    I have managed to learn an advanced dribbling technique which has put me back in the major league but I still couldn't do even the most basic unstable technique, my frame would seemingly just go through the ball or over it, that was until I decided to cap my FPS at 144 and suddenly I was performing techniques I could never do before. Before the cap my FPS was a lot higher than Player A's and B's therefore the game logic was much faster and possibly too fast for me to perform the techniques correctly. One thing I noticed is that while I gained the ability to perform unstable techniques and my checking has become more consistent (previously my checks would often have no effect even if they 100% connected) I have become a lot slower at dribbling and easier to intercept. 


    4) Conclusion

    • Get a PC capable of running the game at 144 fps, no need for 144hz monitor. (Here is the PAY2WIN)
    • Turn off v-sync and unlock your framerate
    • ???
    • PROFIT

    Seriously though, to benefit from this you do have to be a skilled player with knowledge and experience of advanced techniques, but that doesn't make an unfair advantage okay does it? 

    Game speed tied to fps, a phenomenon I recall from Bethesda games where forcing over 60 fps (those games are capped at max 60fps) can make the game so fast it is unplayable and breaks the physics, it appears either Warframe or just Conclave/Lunaro at some level exhibits a similar behaviour, which in an online game almost seems like a speedhack.

    Bad coding? Just my imagination? There is 100% something going on behind the scenes that gives players advantage due to their hardware, is it significant enough to warrant a thread? Dunno, but maybe it's something worth looking into. 




    Ayyyyyyyyyyyyy Tzirael mate, me again.

    I realised this just this week. There is a direct connection between FPS + performance in conclave.

    I do REALLY well when I have 60fps or above, and when my fps decreases, so does my performance.

    I've noticed that my fps is lowest in matches that are full as well.

    It's highly frustrating.

    My fps is roughly 60fps no matter the tileset or mission across the board in PVE. I'd really like it if it was the same in PVP.

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