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  1. Oberon is good, didn't mention that he is weak. Those tweaks I have suggested are just to make him work better, smoother, plus make his Hallowed Reckoning augment mod worth slotting in.
  2. Hello, I am not going to waste your time (or am I? 🤔), so lets get straight into it. Passive: Now affects all companions. (or some different passive, though i dont really have any idea yet) -doesn't make much sense logicaly I supose, but gameplay wise would be a good change. Smite: Now you can either hold the ability to focus the damage on one enemy or have it spread by tapping it. -I do know that it will interfere with his Smite Infusion augment but, people already aren't using his 1 much for the damage, and if you are going for that augment mod, then you aren't really focusing on the ability itself anyway. A fix to this issue might be to make it toggable, so you could switch it to focused and spread, and then maybe to the buff, if you have the augment mod installed. Hallowed ground: Increased base unmodded range of the ability. -Just a nice QoL change. A lot of complains I got from people who played Oberon is how small the patch of hallowed ground is. This will make things better, specially if someone is using aoe weapons, as hallowed ground grants immunity to status effects, knockdowns and knockbacks. Renewal: Energy/s removed, energy/ally kept. Now an aura around Oberon appears in the radius of the ability's initial cast range. Allies entering the aura are granted the effects of renewal. -This will make gameplay smoother and easier, as you wont need to recast the ability if an ally would be out of range on initial cast. They can simply come and choose to get the effect of renewal or you can just come up to them to grant it to them. Also, not having a constant energy/s will save Oberon some energy. Reckoning: Increased base unmodded range (?) (to go with his hallowed ground). Enemies now have a 50 % (?) chance to drop a health orb when slammed to the ground. -While reckoning can kill low levels enemies, as most stuff does, it tickles high level. Having a chance to drop a health orb without the need to kill enemies with it should be a nice addition to Oberon's kit. Hallowed Reckoning augment: Now has an aura similarly to Oberon's renewal, but with a diffrent visual effect, not to be mistaken by renewal. Allies entering the aura are granted bonus health points (of course scaling with strength) for a duration. Good changes in my opinion. Oberon kinda fell off, specially after newer frames were added, like Wisp... *cough* *cough* These should bring him up to date, make his kit overall better and therefore more appealing to people. If you have any suggestions for his passive, or any other ideas in general... please, do leave a comment down below, thanks. I highly doubt the devs will look at this or change anything in Oberon's kit anytime soon, since there are warframes that need help way more then he does, but maybe... some day... 🙃
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