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Posts posted by at35z

  1. There's this new site called Overframe where people upload builds and gudies and stuff. They also have Tier Lists so you can get a pretty good idea of what's popular nowadays. (Obviously, if something cannot do Steel Path level cap runs, it's "trash" so the "top" warframes are the easy pick for that.) These are obviously just some guy's opinions, so do as you will.

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  2. I'm not sure if this is still a problem, but just in case someone finds this thread in the future:

    Try switching to a different Proton version in the Steam settings for the game. (Right click Warframe in your Library, then select Properties and choose a different Proton version there). It happened to me after installing a different graphics card driver and actually picking a non-ge Proton ended up working fine.

  3. Hi there,

    So I got the idea, it would be amazing if we had a toggle in Navigation to show the Regular missions only. No fissures, no nightmare, no invasion, no nothing, just regular missions. If we can just choose them anyway I don't see why not. It would just save us the time of pointlessly clicking on affected nodes bc we don't always remember every single original mission type.


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  4. It's heartbreaking to see the game you were once passionate about turn into this reality show where everyone is disappointed on Youtube and all the content you ever see is about all the bad things.

    But the worst part of everything is that they're right: there's so many things that need fixing, otherwise it just won't be fun to play this anymore, and it seems like they never learn from their mistakes and keep breaking promises over and over and over again.

  5. Hi there,

    Mission objective/extraction waypoints are very unhelpful. They point to random rooms that are not connected to the one I'm currently in, and I have no idea how to get there.

    Example: objective marker on the top left corner of the map, connected to none of the revealed rooms. The closest room on the map is the one to its right but that's a dead end secret room with no other doors than the southern one.


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  6. 15 hours ago, xarvh said:

    @at35z depends what you have been doing and what distro you are using.
    You can find detailed instruction for Arch and Ubuntu here https://gitlab.com/GloriousEggroll/warframe-linux/wikis/Installation-Instructions

    I did everything according to instructions but when I try to launch it from steam it runs for a second and then immediately closes. I can't even see the launcher or any kind of message, it just stops and steam no longer detects it running.

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