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(XBOX)Ashen Rust

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Ashen Rust

  1. So essentially, this thread is a part of the community that doesn't like how another part of the community plays the game?........ Nice to see things don't change. Especially, with the most petty of you. If you want to camp that's your choice. However, you don't have the right to make anyone play your way. Organize your squad better if you want to camp. DE gave you all the tools to set squads up any way you want. Use them.

  2. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

    The same reason their isnt a weapon that can 1 shot kill every enemy, at any level, in the game at any time. 

    The same reason DE changed the node "E-gate".

    Its not the type of gameplay DE wants to encourage as it takes away from the type of game there game is or wants it to become.

    What does this even mean? You don't work for DE and really should stop assuming what they want to "encourage". Warframe is exactly what DE makes it. 

    15 minutes ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:


    I would argue that giving players all these powerful nuking abilities have removed some things that were fun to other players. Like getting to the top of the leaderboards and the change in the amount of repetitive grind to aquire resources. 

    If things truely shouldnt be removed simply because people like it, warframe couldnt exist.

    Nothing is stopping anyone from getting on the leaderboards.

    Grind has absolulty nothing to do with "nuke" powers.

    Removing powers is not the same as removing bugs, glitchs or nerfs. Powers are part of the core of the game. Deal with it.

    20 minutes ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

    But yea, The reason there is no weapon that can obliterate an entire map no matter what type of enemy it is, has infinite ammo, and increases the resource drop chance of killed enemies by 10,000%, is because DE wants the game to require more attention. If they didnt, catchmoon would not have been nerfed.

    Theres a Clear value in games that challenges players minds to some degree, and DE shows they want to capitalize on that value by nerfing and buffing weapons.

    All battery powered weapons have infinite ammo...... Cycron and the Fulmin are two examples. And both do a great job of "oblitrating" rooms regardless of enemy types, fast. The Fulmin doesn't even need a riven.

    Your argument is falling apart. What does any of this have to do with spamming powers? Powers, mind you, everyone gets. The Catchmoon is one weapon that clearly was over used for only one reason. It's still a great weapon and the "nerf" isn't even noticable. I don't even use it. There are better options in my opinion, even with it's riven.

    I don't think you understand the point of balance and options. There are hundreds of weapons in warframe, why have so many options when one does the trick? Thus making everything else pointless. Why add any new weapons or tools at all? The catchmoon is the only choice..... Nerfs allow for more options.

  3. Leave it alone.

    No one forces you to use "nuke" powers or play with those who do. Don't even say,"I can't avoid them in public games". Solo and private play are there for that exact reason, use them.

    Why would it be right to take a "fun" mechanic away from those who enjoy powers simply because someone else hates them? Go play a game like Halo, Gears or COD if all you want is shooting. I'd say play a Diablo clone for hack'n slash, but those crying about "nuke" powers couldn't handle mage players.

    There is nothing wrong with "nuke" powers in a game about nuking your enemies as fast as possible. It's no different than those who spam the Amprex or Ignis Wraith with range mods. It's 100% valid. Doesn't matter if you don't like it, that's your opinion. 

    At the end of the day this is supposed to be entertainment. If those who love powers are entertained, then mission accomplished. To those who don't, again solo and private play are your best options. If that's not good enough, then it sucks to be you. I'm going to keep using my powers in the game as I see fit for my fun factor. If anyone doesn't like it, don't play with me. You won't bother me at all. I prefer it that way.

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  4. 11 hours ago, (XB1)Tyreal2012 said:

    And I am happy about it! 

    For a long time I've been doing the lichs casually but every time I've done anything they've taken 10% or whatever the value is off my stuff, great! But probably an unpopular opionion but I don't think it's enough. 

    We are meant to hate our lichs. Currently they're just a mild irritation, I'd like to see them take MORE of your rewards up to 75% as they rank to level 5, give us a reason to hate them, to hunt them. 

    Now, I'm not saying they are without issue, the Murmur grind is a bit much, but I realllly want a reason to hate and hunt them, sadly I don't think we will get it. 

    I agree. The Litches are not threatening enough. They should be taking closer to 50% of your loot. 10% makes me not care. As for the new players crying, tough cookies. Welcome to endgame. Nothing is preventing them from farming resources.

  5. Glaives are great. The heavy attack allows for aiming, something that it sorly lacked. On console it couldn't function any better. I was iffy about manual detonation, but it works great with a lot less accedental death. I shread everything faster than my opticor. Talking the power throw, quick return combo and making it innate was a great idea. Freeing up two slots for real damage mods. Manual detonation functions as quick recall, no need for quick return. Power throw was only used for detonation, not needed with the new better system that is now 100% controlable. It's not the weapon but the user who needs fixing in this case.

  6. So remove a specialty mod and replace it with more specialty mods...........? 


    The better solution would be to actually reward accuracy by making head shots kill. There is no legit reason to force multiple head shots for a kill when a melee hit kills instantly on the same enemy. Make rifles viable by rewarding accuracy. Screw the enemy level. Head shots should insta kill regardless of enemy level. No one would notice the difference in speed of play.

    Adding or removing mods to balance rifles is stupid. Make rifles actually function. It should never take more than one shot to the head if your accurate. Especially, with power weapons like opticors or any sniper. As it stands all guns are weak in a game about killing everything as fast as possible.

    The only exceptions would be shield enemies, but Halo should of taught you how to deal with shields. 

    Reward accuracy.

  7. 14 hours ago, TheArcSet said:

    Up until this point, despite the conspiracy framing and all the unreliable narrators, I thought had a fairly good grasp of Warframe's lore and story.

    I even had part of the most recent quest spoiled for me in a lore post I made after the Ropalyst fight, where I pointed out the plot holes in some in-universe-character's conspiracy accusations about the Lotus (or just DE plot holes) and considered her current action/motives.

    However, after 6 million credits and 5 days of time-gating I finally got my railjack and because of the cutscene (and the fact that you can only really interact with 4 things in solo), I took a good look at the Reliquary Drive; I studied it, stood on it, wondered if it was a pod for ceyphalon's remains?

    Then I turned my camera slightly and ... 

    Oh, OH, OH

    Well, that is certainly authentic to a medieval reliquary ... .

    The question is what creature is that massive finger from and how are they linked to the void and Lua's spirit echo rooms.

    Also, if that body part powers the railjack's jumps, does that mean that the orbirter's void jump capabilities are powered a body part too.

    It's either your adult self's finger or someone's you meet in the furure. Listen to the voices at the engine. One says,"you couldn't do this without me". My guess is it's directly connected to the Divirie paradox. DE has a plan, but to tell anyone would spoil years of story telling. 

    Steve did joke it was a middle finger. 

  8. 2 hours ago, LoneWolveYT said:

    I saw a relatively popular thread that was calling out the "riven mafia" and the overpriced riven market, and I wanted to give my opinion on the topic.  Before I get into everything I have to say, I want to make it clear that this is just my opinion and if you have a different one, I respect that.

    Some Riven Mods are worth more than 5000p, but there are obviously people that will price average to god rolls far beyond their true value.  I am not talking about those rivens/people.  They are crazy lmao.

    1. Basic Economic Principle: All items fall on a supply and demand curve.  Ammo case for example is very high supply and very low demand.  Ammo Case is worth less than 1p.  A 102.1 Status Chance, Multishot, Damage -Harmless Detron Riven is so incredibly rare that they have been sold for over 80k.  The demand is there and the supply is probably single to low double digit.

    2. The rolls that are worth 5k+ are incredibly rare rolls.  There are people who ran the numbers and the chance of getting a "god" roll are crazy low.  And the chance of getting "the" roll with high grades is probably around or well over 1 in a million.  I could be wrong.  I haven't looked at any math on it in a long time.  But the point is that they're incredibly rare.

    3.  There are people with hundreds of thousands of platinum (They are almost exclusively riven dealers).  Most of the rivens you see that are worth 10k+ aren't sold to the normal public.  They're sold to or between a small group of people.  It's the same thing as selling an island mansion or something.  They're not going to be sold to the normal public.  They're sold by millionaires, to millionaires.

    tl;dr perfect rolls are rare and in high demand, therefore expensive.

    "Why do you care how I spend my platinum?"

    Edit: Something that I wanted to add.  I see riven prices as existing on a graph kinda like x^1.5.  The rarest rivens like an S grade, CC Multi Dmg -mag cap Vectis selling in the 100k+ range while an average CC Multi Damage -zoom Vectis sitting in the 4k range is a good example of this concept.

    If there are people dumb enough to pay those obscene prices, thats thier choice.

    Nothing in warframe has any real value. I block all riven dealers and peddlers. I suggest you all do the same (there is a chat filter). It will keep your blood pressure down. The riven mafia has no power if you ignore them. So what if they have high end rivens. They'll never sell at reasonable prices, so ignore them and let them fade away. Warframe maket sellers have no real power, the power rests in the hands of the purchaser. Be smart not a sucker/whale.

    One more thing, stop chasing the perfect roll. 5 more damage or crit chance doesn't mean anything. Control your gambling urges, because that's what's at play here.

  9. On 2020-01-03 at 6:24 AM, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

    tl;dr the arguments for are: I'd use it, sounds cool

    arguments against are: I won't use it 'cause I don't see the point


    But if you won't use it, just put your Account name like it already is & you're done, let us who like it use it, it won't impact your game in a  negative way after all

    Naming your operator won't enhace the experience in any way. At best it would be nothing but, another novelty with no real purpose. You and those that agree with you, fail to give a solid well thought out reason to add such a feature beyond your own selfish need. It has nothing to do with usage of said feature and everything to do with your ego.

    Just because it's minor and therefore something you think that should be added, doesn't mean it would be easy to implement. Doesn't mean it's hard either, just tedious and time consuming. Time better spent else where. 

    Just name your operator what ever you want and refer to them as such. You don't need the naming mechanic to do that. Just a little imagination. You do have that at least? I hope.

    It's not that it's a bad idea, just a pointless one. I prefer DE work on more important things, like the metric ton of bugs Empyrean brought with it. A naming mechanic would take time and resources away from such things, all because you want it. 

    I'm not being negetive, I'm being practical. 


    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

    Depends on the player.  Not everyone treats the character as themselves.  My rl self is not a prepubescent teenaged cyberpunk girl.

    Average 30 something straight guy in rl.

    That doesn't explain why it's needed. Name your operater what ever you want, why does it have to be displayed? In the context of the game we are tenno. Not Fred or Toby. However, Tenno names are largly irrelevant. Little duck and Onko are the only characters who require operater engagement and neither care about a personal relationship with the operator. Names don't matter. Nothing is stopping any of you from naming your operator spinach salad if you want. Just do it. It matters not in the grand sceme of the game. Do you really have to have it displayed?

  11. Does it really matter if you have a tag over the operator or you just make one up?  Like others have tried to say, you are the operator. Not a fantasy character. You. Their name would be your name.  Why would you need to even see it? Just name your operator what ever floats your boat. It's just for you anyways. Why even add such a pointless add-on? To brag to others about a silly name? Seems like a waste of time to me. 

  12. What qualifies as winning? Who are you competing with in order to beat them? How can it be pay to win, when nothing you purchase gives you an advantage in beating another user? It's PVE...... Not PVP. If I trade for plat and buy a booster, what am I winning?

    Getting double anything doesn't give you any advantage. Just skips grind. And that isn't pay to win, it's impatience at it's worst.

    What if you buy a booster, but I out farm you, do I win? If so, what was my prize? Seriously, what did I win?

    You can't win back time you choose to spend. You spend that time the exact same way you would with or without boosters. 

    Crying about boosters is about as petty as it gets, you get them in log in rewards. Is that pay to win?

    This "change my mind" BS sure does make you awfully selfish. You think it's pay to win and you want people to dance for your ego trying to prove to a nobody that they're wrong. 


  13. 3 hours ago, xBloodySin said:

    On no, the guy he's *@##$ing about here might have been doing the same!

    Nope it was you... All you.

    2 minutes ago, xBloodySin said:

    Nope, I was the one replying to the one claiming wanting to pilot it was "having fun" by saying the one wanting to do the right thing and blow up the reactor could also be wanting to have fun.

    But nice try.

    And someone using a meat shield for fun is not doing it simply because their ship sucks. As you claim.

    No try about it. 

  14. 39 minutes ago, xBloodySin said:

    If you need a meatshield in Saturn, the issue is your ship not being properly upgraded and the group not being coordinated, not a Crewship being useful. You're just using the Crewship as a crutch to compensate what's lacking, instead of dealing with what's lacking.

    Weren't you the one talking about the right to fun? You sure do have a habit of negating others means for fun. Different tactics for fun doesn't mean it's a crutch. You would know that if you had any imagination. If anything is lacking it's you.

  15. Good grief, the entitlement of some of these players is simply amazing.  It's a video game people. Not real life. No one cares if you get anything in warframe. It's not prestigious in any way to have rare or hard to get crap in a video game. 

    You're not special. Just another entitled spoiled rotten crybaby, who uses weak threats to get their way......

  16. 1 minute ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

    You're a hoarder, aren't you?

    Not really, just enjoy the game a lot and the relics seem to just pile up when I run missions. I don't rush to get the newest stuff either. This game is a marathon not a sprint. 

    Having that many relics means when I prime part hunt in public, I don't feel guilty not having the newest relics. Mine tend to be vaulted when I burn them. New players grab my stuff all the time. It a nice feeling.

  17. 6 minutes ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

    Because there's only 14 lith relics in the game at this time.

    Correction, obtainable by drop. I have 56 different Lith relics. If I'm missing any it would have been when Rhino and mag were paired up a couple of years ago.


  18. Just now, Roththemage said:


    The collected is the different relics you have. But you can have multiple of the ones you already have.

    Hahahaha.   That's the limit for what is available to you. That number will increase every time there is a new prime and or unvaulted. It's not a static limit. If someone traded you old vaulted relics you're limit would reflect that.

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  19. 11 minutes ago, Roththemage said:

    It limits how many different relics you have, not the amount of said relics, but if you are someone who is so low of a mastery rank you can only have a few different relics, but if you can sell them you can change what relics you have quickly. Then you can get the ones you want/need more effectively. 

    I have at least one of every relic loaded into the game with large stacks of the most common, yet I have hit no such limit. Where are you getting this from?

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