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(XBOX)Ashen Rust

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Ashen Rust

  1. 1 hour ago, CuddlyTyrant said:

    As a new player, its extremely frustrating to have a 24 hr cooldown on mastery tests. I think the game would greatly benefit from lowering it to 6 hours or less for the first 10-15 mastery ranks. 

    Essentially this boils down to, "I'm new, so make it easier.". To which I reply, what makes you so special? Play the game like everyone else. Earn your rank. 

  2. 1 hour ago, (NSW)DEADSHOT500 said:

    Ya, I'm just an intern and sometimes my supervisors don't have anything for me to do, and I'm just left floating. Other times, like today, I have way to much to do and the day goes by super fast. I was surprised that nobody commented on this before you lol. 

    I would guess that's because most users here who post, have never ran anything but their opinions seeking validation and wouldn't understand responcibility. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 2019-10-29 at 1:46 PM, (NSW)DEADSHOT500 said:

    Did anybody ask for it? Well no, but you're getting it anyways cause I'm bored at work. 

    Must be nice, getting paid to post trolling opinions for the purpose of upsetting others, because your bored. Lucky, I'm not your employer.

  4. 12 hours ago, Neoriek said:

    Teleport (Now BladeStorm) : If are enemies marked in the map, it become active. When you press it, you teleport and kill every enemy like always (but only the marked one's).

    Blade Storm (Now Exalted Dagger)  you can use another weapon equipped and still use covert lethality in this dagger, when you kill x enemies with this you get buff with extra dmg in your primary and secondary.

    You are not going to oneshot a entire room (because Saryn and nuke frames exists), but this way can give you a more rewarding way of playing and doesn't categorize Ash as some kind of nukeframe.


    As an Ash main, no thank you to these ideas. This would ruin Teleport's functionality and Exaulted daggers........ Total pass.   

    A better idea would be take the Fatal Teleport augment and make it standard to the Teleport power. Make a new augment that, upon successfull teleport kill, change into a desguise representing the enemy you just killed. You would loose the disguise if you sprinted, bullet jump, attack or use any other power. If you teleport kill another enemy, you would assume the new identity, maintaing the facade. Otherwise, to keep the disguise just act passive. Be ninja. It would be duration based. This would give Ash a boost in the espionage department to compete better with other stealth frames, providing a new way to approach missions. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, C104 said:

    that too isnt what I am saying.
    I say that there is a part of the community who likes challange and wants to be rewarded for their effort, like you want to be rewarded for playing a 20 min survival

    Your idea of reward isn't the only one. If I'm doing a 20 minute survival I do it because I find it fun. The rewards I recieve are fine. I don't require validation to enjoy the journey.

  6. 1 minute ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

    There* are hundreds of pages of Warframe feedback on how to improve the game, just in the forums alone. 

    You think Warframe needs more feedback on how to improve? So dumb.

    No, but it helps your argument to have solutions. Not just complaints or poor personal opinion. What's dumb is crying for attention.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Fire2box said:

    You clearly never seen "where are raids?" and anything else people have asked of DE if you think all anyone does is complain. DE has a very bad habit of ignoring 99.999% of the fourms. Don't act shocked when you personally want to boil down everything to " I'm bored, DE sucks, etc"

    If Raids are all you need to be unbored, Destiny is that way---------> 

    I'm not shocked, kids will be kids. 

    Empyrion is almost here, grow some patience. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Fire2box said:

    Exactly. Which is why people continually ask about Raids coming back, why they ask when next mainline is, why they aren't begging for nerfs, why they complain when a update is yet again cosmetics. 

    I think you missed my point. If it's unfun do something else. Complaing doesn't fix anything when the complaint is, "I'm bored". That's a personal problem.

    • Like 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, -.SP.-G43riel said:

    from a company point of view, telling your players/clients to "stop playing and go play something else"
    its not really a solution

    Yet thats EXACTLY what Steve has said. If you're burned out take a break that's the healthy choice.


    • Like 2
  10. It's a mature rated game. Crying about swear words is ultra petty. You admit to being bigoted tword those that use language you don't like and have name you find offencive. You can be dismissed the same way. There is a block feature, use it.

  11. 23 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    He'll never understand it though. He also doesnt understand that what he implies turns pen and paper rpgs into not being rpgs at all. So he pretty much removed the term rpg from exsistance.

    Not understanding doesn't make it untrue.

    I will repeat myself since others here fail basic comprehension. Any game that allows you to control a character constitutes as an RPG. Roll playing game. You take on the roll. This includes fighting games. You play as Ryu and take on his roll in the tournament. Extra stats and numbers are just that. 

    Someone please explain what constitutes winning in warframe?

  12. 17 hours ago, Bioness said:

    You win having your time back and reducing the grind/difficulty of the game. You win by having bigger numbers and better/more mods and equipment than someone else.

    The game doesn't TAKE your time. There is no time to buy back. Everything in the game is choice. Pay to skip isn't buying your time back. It's not pay to win either.

    As for your second point, that would only matter if others felt the same. You compete alone. You don't need 4 mill red crits to kill everything in the game. If everyone on your squad ran identical set ups (frames, weapons and mods), who is the winner? 

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