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(XBOX)Ashen Rust

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Ashen Rust

  1. 3 hours ago, (PS4)KnowLedge said:

    I always ask nicely and give a 5min heads up. However when they won't leave. I'm forced to go toxic and empty all the life supports and wait....

    This would be a good thing to have in all endless missions.

    So wait a minute. If the group doesn't want to leave, but you ask nicely and they don't leave. You believe you are entitled or in your words "forced" (like someone is holding a gun to your head.... ) to grief those players until they bend to your will? Just who are you? What makes you so special that those other players who are there to play the game have to do what you say?

    DE, this is what I am talking about. Players like this think it's OK to ruin others fun, because they aren't getting their way in public by forcing them to extract early or get grieved until they do extract. There are no down sides to allowing players the option to extract, after the first objective. If the rest of the squad chooses or wants to stay longer but one or more players want or need to go, those players can do what they want to without stepping on those that wish to leave for what ever reason.

  2. Being an Xbox 4 year vet, I fully support personal extraction or a drop in/drop out matchmaking system. I am one of those players that likes to play longer than the average player, but time and time again I am forced to play at the bite size players' conditions. Allowing players to extract after the first objective like in defense, is a perfect solution. This has been said before. It allows for the freedom of those players who wish to continue the ability to do just that, continue. It's not a punishment if the players choose to continue. They can extract if they want to any time, if something isn't to their liking. Currently, it's a punishment to extended players when they are forced to play the bite size players conditions. It down right spoils my fun. It's very frustrating when you start a survival hoping others will join wanting to farm resources with you, just to have one or more of those players run to the exit after 5 minutes and spam the rest of the squad the extraction display until the rest of us fall in line and exit. This gives the bite size player all the power in public matches. This is clearly unfair to anyone who wants to play longer. We are forced to recruit or play solo. Recruiting always ends up with me teaching the recruits how to play ( does no one watch youtube tutorials?)  and I just want to play. And not play solo. I have no problem if some random player joins and then leaves after the first objective is done. As long as I get to keep going I don't care where the other players go. I am just tired of having my fun be bite size when It doesn't have to be.


    Let me say it again. There are no set prices. Just agreed to prices. You are comparing two completely different systems and trying to equate value. Stop. No one bought piles of Mods for Endo. There was no Endo.

    On to the larger point.

    Buyers don't care about the sellers feelings nor what they may or may not of had to do to get the item they are trying to trade for. The questions the Buyer asks are only, "Does the seller have the item I want?' and "Is it at the price I agree to?". That is the point of a free market. There was a point Ember prime was selling for over 750p. Now she is traded at 250p or less. It's not up to the sellers or some arbitrary set prices others come up with. Its totally dependent on supply and demand, weather you like it or not. 

  4. Wow, you put a lot of work into that. However, it matters not. In a free market the value is determined by supply and demand. Buyers don't care how long or what you had to do to get it, they just want to buy it for the best price. If you both agree, the purchase is made. This is not Walmart or your local store. Prices are not set. They are agreed to.

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  5. It's a good thing I don't listen to players like the OP. Their negativity is just too much. It's fine to be skeptical, but dude, you saw the same thing the rest of us have, you claim you have played the game as long as many of us (I'm a 4 year console vet) and you still want to be that negative?  You do you. I will enjoy the hype and look forward to the new content. I will judge it then and not a moment before.

  6. God Roll is pure opinion. One persons idea of a god roll is not the same as a another. It's what stats on the riven best help your play style. Most tend to go with lots of damage, crit damage and crit chance. It all depends on the weapon and how you use it, though. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, Minak said:

    Because I gather powerful tools, and shape them with formas and mods, not to make them gather dust in the storage. The point of doing such missions is clear, to get some kind of profit, let's say 'invasion weapon part'. And those missions have such lvl to let newer players handle them too, right? Everything is ok, aside it's so ff boring to me... Missions should have some kind of scaling to player. Maybe there should be 2 variants, like current for newbies and 'nightmare', even with the same reward, maybe let's say more credits, for experienced players.

    Well, aren't you the pro player.  Not everyone plays like you or even cares to play like you. If it's fun then enjoy it. If you don't like it play solo or find another team. I try to be mindful of the others in the groups I play with. So, I don't play Mirage, because I find her annoying and equipping her with the Simulor is worse than Ember, because everyone tends to favor bright colors that clutter up the screen with particle effects making it lame for me. That doesn't make me better than others or give me the right to tell those that are playing Mirage Simulor they shouldn't because its unfun. For me it might not be, but for them it must be or why else would they be doing it.

  8. Just now, Minak said:

    @(Xbox One)Rust Plague

    Tell me how fun is doing 30lvl defense alert, or so. When all you have to do is go there with Ember and wait.

    Of course, you could take unmoded Excalibur with unmoded MK1-Paris and have a lot of fun shoting :poop: using your :poop:. Yea, no?

    How about don't use Ember then. Seems like a personal problem to me. I use Ash and Nekros with melee only as my mains, so I don't see your point.

  9. 8 minutes ago, ultragen said:

    In my opinion, there are no annoying frames, just annoying players ;) My most hated situation is ember with WoF turned on from the moment they enter the game until extraction, even after being kindly requested to turn it off as it was messing with our desecration efforts...

    Ember's world on fire, doesn't mess with desecrate.

    For me most annoying is definitely Simulor spamming Mirage. I don't like to begrudge players for playing what is fun, but if your the only one killing everything in a four man squad it's no fun watching you play. Have a little respect for the others who are there to kill things too.

  10. 27 minutes ago, KotoKuraken said:

    Rivens can boost the rifless you currently like as well, including pure damage, elemental damage, and quality of life assistance

    Though if you can't stand very minimal grinding to get good results, well, don't really know why you're even playing any videogame

    I never said I didn't like the grind. Your condescending tone I can do without.

  11. I guess I am a stick in the mud over these. I don't even care for them. I have yet to even unveil the one I earned by finishing WW. They don't give me the slightest interest in older weapons I threw away over a year ago. My current weapons do everything I need. Riven mods don't impress me.  And the resource to change them is utterly pointless. I was hoping for more endgame, not dragged out grinding. Riven mods should have been a, "make your own epic mod". Allowing the players to create a mod that best suits them and their play styles. Instead we get this random mod that might be good and if it isn't then you have to grind out a pain in the &#! resource just to change it. It's part of the game I honestly have no desire to work on. Notice, I didn't say play. It's not playing when you grind for hundreds of hours and not get the reward you want. It's closer to work.

  12. 21 minutes ago, Extroah said:

    Not a controller user, but i imagine an issue being that a controller has a very limited amount of buttons so they will have to put multiple functions on a single button eventually.

    You are correct there are only so many buttons on the controller. So it falls to efficiency of use in those buttons. By placing all of your main powers and then adding transference on top of it, is the furthest thing from efficient. It becomes a mess. The game doesn't know what the user is wanting if the commands are not hit just perfect. Warframe is not a fighting game and that kind of command precision is not necessary, especially when you have a D-pad that offers 4 more button command choices, that are currently completely unused if you hold the right bumper.  My suggestion is to take off the transference from this odd combination of right and left bumper pressing and place it in another quick menu that would show up while you hold right bumper. Tie it to the D-pad while pressing right bumper and you have plenty of space and no over lap of important fast pace commands. It would not interfere with your main D-pad menu as it would only show the same way the powers quick menu shows, only when you press the right bumper.

  13. The Glaive Prime is my favorite weapon in Warframe. I love it's versatility. However, it would be amazing if I were able to throw it while in the air. Darksiders 1 and Ninja gaiden are prime examples of incorporating throwing weapons into air combat. I'm just saying, it would be awesome if tenno could throw glaive style weapons from aim glide or while hanging on walls.

  14. After completing the War Within, I am left going WTF with the amount of commands placed on the right bumper. Would it be possible to change the quick menu to, if we want to use transference, we can press the right bumper to show a D-pad menu with the transference option there. As it stands, I have to mash buttons just to get it to semi function, if it doesn't just activate long enough to deactivate. It's frustrating and makes me not want to use it at all. I find it a hindrance to the speed of game play, as now I am left fumbling with an extra attack set, just to kill one enemy type, the new royal guard.

    I am not trying to just complain, I just would prefer more streamlined and responsive controls. Again this system is cumbersome and in my opinion not worth even activating.

    Another related suggestion would be instead of this tiny cross hair on your screen as your power meter could you just give us an actual meter? I honestly do not pay attention in the least, to my cross hair if I am in Melee. So setting a meter to a tiny cross hair while in transference doesn't help me to know how much power I actually have. Too much is going on in the center of the screen for me to stop and stair and read this hard to see meter.

    This game is great and please keep making great content.

  15. On 10/13/2016 at 11:52 AM, [DE]Drew said:

    For those of you who have been dedicated enough to get the Zenistar on console, you may have noticed that its stats and charge attack are currently incorrect/not working. We're aware of both issues, and we'll see if we can get those fixed in the next update. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

    any new information about the console fix?

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