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(XBOX)Ashen Rust

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Ashen Rust

  1. 12 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

    when Co-Op is being effected so badly that the only option is to play Solo, then is that not a considerable issue?

    If you're asking for solutions, you probably won't like them.

    But here goes; 

    1st. That's your opinion.  Many disagree. Solution #1 Suck it up and spend your time doing something else that won't impact your feelings. 

    2nd. If you feel it's being effected so badly. Solution #2 Get better teammates. You can control for those circumstances. If you're expecting randoms to jump because you don't like what they are doing, you won't get far convincing anyone.

    3rd. Don't ask for advice or insinuate you don't like something and then insert a decleration that you know and no one else does. Refusing to be open minded does you no favors.

  2. 16 hours ago, Zahnny said:

    I'm seeing it constantly, and more so with the new update posts are being flocked with "Just play Solo." like that is something to be proud of. Hazard a guess it's the same people who use the "well the item was free so you're not allowed to complain" argument.

    If the superior method to play a Co-Op game is playing it Solo rather than in Co-Op that's a major problem and should be discussed rather than hidden under the rug. This isn't a jab at DE. But DE doesn't need its community making these kinds of excuses for them.

    If you don't like what others use as a solution, don't ask for it. No one is forcing you to do it. There is nothing requiring coop in this game. Solo is viable. It is an option you get to have if you choose. It's a choice not a problem. The problem is clearly your personl feelings about it. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, Fire2box said:

    I'd ask you to clarify what you found to be stupid you refused and said "I'd rather laugh at a contradiction. 🤣 You just don't see it."

    that IS being a jerk and only shows what sort of person you are. 

    You said this: 


    54 minutes ago, Fire2box said:

    to me winning is maximizing my Mastery Rank as the game won't stop evolving anytime soon. 

    Then you said this:


    45 minutes ago, Fire2box said:

    There's no win conditions in Warframe other then extracting from a mission and anyone who's played a hour of the game or 10,000 hours knows that's meaningless. Warframe is a game where you need to set personal goals otherwise there is no point to it. 

    It's not my fault you still don't see it. Seems pretty clear you hold a double standard just to justify your opinion. All I did was show it and you villify me. Not that I care what you call me. It matters not. I didn't even disagree with you, but you felt like strawmanning me. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Fire2box said:

    Ah I see, you just want to be a jerk because you disagree with my point of view, 100% got it. 


    However I think I know what you are referring to. I said Warframe has no win condition in it. I then said in Warframe you have to make personal goals. The two don't contradict each other. 


    Pointing out your contradiction is now, being a jerk....? Why do you get to redefine words? Your attitude is far more jerkish than my sarcasm.

  5. 21 minutes ago, Fire2box said:

    to me winning is maximizing my Mastery Rank as the game won't stop evolving anytime soon. 


    12 minutes ago, Fire2box said:

    There's no win conditions in Warframe other then extracting from a mission and anyone who's played a hour of the game or 10,000 hours knows that's meaningless. Warframe is a game where you need to set personal goals otherwise there is no point to it. 

    Face meet palm.............

  6. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)TEKKENGOD420 said:

    Wow some of the things people are replying with about the OP are just childish, it was a respectful post about why the poster feels like he can’t support the game anymore. This rust guy is being a total d-bag, if you don’t like the post or the topic of the post why even comment? 

    You're heroic. Who are you? 

  7. 1 minute ago, Neiasaurus said:

    1) Who ever said I didn't, who ever said you didn't? I was pointing out the hypocrisy of your own statements. If your advice to me is "STOP COMPLAINING" while also complaining about my complaints, it comes off as a blatant do as I say, not as I do moment. Your argument is valid to you, but it's also hypocritical. And you should be aware of that at least. Especially as you've gone out of your way to be rude to myself, and a few others I tried to be civil to you for a while. But pointing out your hypocrisy, especially as that was mounting, became something I couldn't resist.

    2) No, I posted in order to vent. You should actually read it, because it says that I doubt anyone will even read this. (Or something to that effect). It was clearly me venting about changes that caused me to stop enjoying the game to such a degree I couldn't justify spending more time or money. That'd just be digging an already deep hole, even deeper. It was better to cut my losses, post a vent post, and uninstall.


    3)Again, that's the point. It was a vent. I don't expect you to care. I never ASKED you to care. I didn't even ask you to read the damn thing. So it's a bit ironic you're pretending like I'm somehow forcing people to read it. That's like saying "How dare you make a youtube video criticizing this thing I like, just don't play it!" It's a ridiculous notion that everyone is going to be positive about something. It's ridiculous to say something, and by saying it, doing the exact thing you have an issue with. It seems you're actually even more upset then I am, so I'm sorry I upset you. 

    1. So you're saying, if I feel someone is crying (I could care less how polite or well written it is, it's still crying) and I point out that fact, I'm a hypocrite for posting a reply...... WTF? Why have any conversations at all then? You have a right to cry and not ever be challenged or else that's hypocritcal on the part of the challenger. I don't think you understand the word. 

    2. I don't read crying. It's a waste of time, especially when it won't solve anything. You said you are quitting, because the game isn't to your liking. So go and stop being an attention grabber for crying. If you have feedback there is a place for that here where you'll be taken seriously as long as you're constructive. That is the adult way to handle it. Not cry and threatn to quit. Do you have any idea how many players quit warframe in a day? Trust me they wont miss you if you leave. However, I have a sneaking suspicion you won't actualy quit and are bluffing. What was that about hypocritical actions?

    3. You 100% care or else you would never have posted to begin with. Has nothing to do with forcing anyone to read anything and everything to do with you needing validation. Strawman crushed.

    I'm not mad or upset. I just want the community to grow up past 12 years old. I want them and you to be better people and stop crying over useless complaints and feelings.

  8. Just now, Neiasaurus said:

    So your answer to me making a post venting, is to make a post...Complaining about that post. And then you're going to tell me about wasted time, and validation. I'm just pointing out the irony of saying one thing, and doing the opposite. 


    It is your opinion it's poor behavior to....Write a post venting about an issue. Not an opinion I personally hold, but to each their own I suppose. 

    You have a right to what you post just as I do. It's a public forum and to use that to discredit my argument proves you never had one. You don't have the right to say what you want and not get push back. Welcome to reality. Life isn't fair and crying about it says all I need to know about your character.

    You posted first, looking for others to validate you're book long complaint. A complaint mind you, that could have been stated in one sentence. Like if we don't know your every reason our lives won't be complete and you can't survive without others coming to your aid. 

    You posted a rant. Nothing more. Why should anyone care about you leaving, or for that matter, why care about all the ,"I'm gonna quit" threats. For f sake just leave already. You are not special.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Neiasaurus said:

    Okay. You're entitled to your opinion, I disagree, and from some of the other replies,I'm not alone in how I feel about all this. I'm not going to be drawn into a mud flinging contest with you, so if you're hoping I'm going to be rude back to you, you're going to be disappointed. 

    Poor behavior is not opinion. Fling mud if you want, I'm not a snowflake. You are part of a very loud minority. Don't get cocky.

    All that time you just wasted writting, posting and replying could of have been used doing something to make you happy. Instead you post for validation of your poor opinion. My point is and has been should you choose to heed it, is be a better adult and walk away gracefully. Crying gets you no where in life.

  10. Just now, Neiasaurus said:

    I just am not going to get sucked into mud flinging. That doesn't help anyone, certainly doesn't make me feel better about this all.


    I made it clear what this was for, it was a final goodbye, and a bit of venting.

    I call BS. You wrote a book. If all you wanted was to say good bye, all you need to say is ,"so long and thanks for the fish". Instead you wrote your life story. You succeeded in grabbing attention. Drama and all. 

  11. Just now, (XB1)RanskyNoodles said:

    I get that, neither are you. So there's no need for me to call you out for being a chump, or you to call me out. or either of us to do so. 

    Henceforth, "Shut the hell up, at forever o'clock, any questions?" -Khonjin House

    I'm not here crying about a video game. I'm pointing out how pointless it is to write up a wall of text to say " I don't like it, so I'm going to leave"  and I am the one who needs to grow up??? That's rich. Not surprising though.

    It's childish to throw tantums in public. For that is all the majority of posts about the update are at their core. Adults ....wait for it.... walk away. Gasp!! Oh what will you do if there is no one there to validate your tantrum?....

    You have no power here.... Just like me. You just fail to see that simple truth and insist on validations to make you feel you belong. Or in you case white knighting for crybabies.... So take your own advice and stop being a usefull idiot child.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Neiasaurus said:

    Wall of text, crying for attention.....

    You admit you don't play often. Return and now everything is ruined, in your opinion. Then declare you're quitting........ Why can't people bow out gracefully? The vlogs are pointless. Just leave already. No one cares about your life, just like no one cares about mine or any other's lives. 

    • Like 2
  13. 3 hours ago, (PS4)segulibanez65 said:

    I'm not going to argue this anymore as we are clearly looking at it from completely different perspectives: one of seeing some kind of value in it, and one of it being completely arbitrary to the function of the whole.  Btw, the joke quote was in the voice of the developer, not you... I assumed that was implied.


    Learning how to play the game is not arbritrary... It's the point. You do yourself no favors by skipping over gameplay elements because you're impatient and are envious of others who have the shiny you are jealous of. It makes you a liability in modes team work and experience are essential. Ie. Eidolon hunts. This is an online multiplayer game......

    Again, you're defending the side of the argument that's crying for a bfg and placement at the final boss with no idea what you're doing, while everyone else played and earned their way to the bfg and the final boss. But it's ok, because that's fair, for you to cheat ahead. We're also supposed to respect you as an equill in skill, because our skill is irrelevant. Keep that in mind next time you ask for help. Be mindfull who you're asking. Those of us vets don't know better than you new players..........

    As for the kitgun quote, be more clear. It was obvious it was pointless. 


  14. 21 minutes ago, (PS4)segulibanez65 said:

    Well you did say "Earn your Rank", as if rank means anything in a game where progression and power are based on mod/arcane collections, not xp.

    "Prove to me you've built and ranked 100 terrible pistols, thrown them in the trash, and are using a kitgun like everyone else" lol

    Sorry, not trying to be a $&*^, I just loathe the MR system for some reason.  Its just so jarringly out of place in this type of game (though perfect for a f2p, so I get the intention... It was just a poor execution)

    The "earn your rank" is just that. Everyone has to do it, so what makes new players so special they get to skip the learning part of the game because they're impatient? It's like crying you don't get to start at bowser in super mario, because others have beatn it. You miss out on valuable experience. Don't cheat. Earn it. You're not special. Play the game like everyone else or find a game that feeds your impatience.  

    As for kit guns, I don't use them and straw manning your point is sad.  What do kitguns have to do with the subject at hand, Time gates? 

    I don't care what your opinion is if your full of negativity. Calling unfair is just crying.

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