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(XBOX)Ashen Rust

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Ashen Rust

  1. 12 hours ago, ZzVinniezZ said:

    ok so a friend of my said that doing MR 9 test is too difficult to pass due to the Enemies able to detect you at extreme range (kinda like Eidolon map detection range). so i tested it out myself and here is the result.

    1. Enemies detection range

    _ as i have said they have extremely high sensitive detection, one of the test i tried to hide behind the pillar and he somehow detected me and fail one try. what?? how?

    _ 2nd time is that when i tried to stealth kill a grineer and the grineer on the walkway from far away able to detect me killing the grineer and fail another try.

    _ at stage 2 of the stealth test, you spawn in....in front of the enemies...result in instant fail (why???)

    2. Stealth kill range

    _ ok this is not a major problem but...you are forced to somehow stay extremely near behind enemies back to able to perform the stealth kill, 1 out of 20 stealth kill, you will bump into enemies and alert them, what do you know? fail.

    3. bug(?)

    _ sometime when you stealth kill enemies, they still detected you even if they died?? (prove me wrong on this one or im that lucky to get this bug)

    4. Meta weapon

    _ only Glaive / Redeemer able to help you with this one, it is possible to use other weapons to pass the test but it near impossible to.

    5. Execution time is not your friend

    _ whatever you do...don't take any weapon that take too much time on execution, it will result in enemies that are approaching to your area or on patrol and got you in their "Extreme" line of sight, resulting in you failing the mission.

    6. corpses

    _ yeah....idk chief, leaving the corpses there for enemies to be on full alert is not the best but....it almost impossible to deal with this as the test area is quite open resulting in enemies on full alert.


    final Verdict: MR9 test is too difficult, it needs a fix and so does the stealth mechanic or remove this test and replace by something better. it is possible to pass this test with Glaive and redeemer but not everyone at MR9 would craft those or already sold them for weapon slots. please allow this mission to be possible for all melee and not restricted to ranged melee only (even if u got ranged melee you still have a hard time trying to pass it). i tested 10 times and only twice that i passed. 

    if you think that is fair then perhaps give the test a re-try (im at MR 26 and re-take this test to make sure if my friend MR9 is joking and i somehow questioned myself how did i passed this test at 1st try back then?)


    p/s: you can just summon Arch-gun and kill everything to pass this test if you shoot them fast enough. except my friend don't have arch gun unlocked yet. sound stupid i know but it worked.


    fine DE, if u dont fix stealth...i will fix it...with bullets

    Use throwing weapons with power throw and the quick return. You get range and they are silent. When you hit solid points like walls and the floors the resulting explosion works as a silent kill. Works great if you are a floor under the enemies.

  2. 8 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

    Tdlr- instead of blindly defending the company try to empathize with your fellow players more I promise you Coming to the aid of s company dosent really matter

    If it doesn't matter why are you even here? As for the rest, I'm sorry your "me" bubble is in the way.

  3. 11 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

    We do that now. Yes but you telling someone not to use those mods or weapons they grinded for because they need a challenge defeats the purpose of said grinding. Also up until 90+ you don’t even need damage mods for most weapons just status and crit mods I’ve found out. It dosent make the game harder it just makes it boring and longer to kill enemies that still die pretty much within a clip. And nobody’s screaming out make it now. I’m pretty sure if DE would sit down and say “we’re working on something for endgame and the vets. Just give us a while and we we’ll have more information or we’ll implement it when it’s ready” a majority of the community wouldn’t even be upset and more then patient for something like that 

    Thank you for making my point. 

    Having the shiny and choosing not to use it, doesn't defeat the purpose of getting it in the first place. Challenging ones self is just that.

    Again, no two players are the same. You assume all players are just like you. I assure you thats not the case.

    If no one is screaming to make it now, why would you demand DE to, "sit down and say 'we're working on something for endgame and the vets. Just give us awhile and we'll have more information or we'll implement it when it's ready'"? Don't you realize by doing that you do exactly what you claimed no one does....

    Thing is..... Now brace for it........ DE has already said that multiple times. Might do yourself a favor and learn that fact. Get out of your "Me" bubble.


  4. 3 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

    Why not use the power you’ve acquired over the years when DE can make content to match up with the power we currently have

    You already do that now. That's why your all bored screaming, "DE make content harder! And make it now!". Problem is, what defines hard? Currently most of the posters here have no idea. One persons challenge is another's torture.

  5. 52 minutes ago, S.Dust said:

    That would be less so difficult and more so tedious, you're mistake on what difficulty is. Just cause it will take long doesn't mean it's hard.

    Your mistake is not taking skill into account. It doesn't get tedious untill your skill is high enough and when that happens it's up to you to challenge yourself. Play without all that power you have collected and test your real skills. 

    No two players are identical in skill and what you may see as tediuos can just as easly be seen as challenging by others. Taking longer is a large part of difficulty. Endurance is arguably harder. What good is any skill if you don't test them with time? Just because your fast doesn't mean you were challenged to begin with. 

    • Like 1
  6. What is there to do? If your asking this, you lack imagination. Either go play a different game or challenge yourself. Beat the ropololyst with the starter amp and mk 1 weapons. If that is too hard, then it looks like you have something to do now. If you think this challenge is stupid, then you're not serious about true endgame challenges.

  7. 20 hours ago, NekroArts said:

    Rejoice non-Conclave players, as we will have a way to get those cosmetics without actually having to play that empty mode. Start stocking up on that $#@&!

    Great point. All the cool stuff in conclave finally obtainable. Now I have a reason to get these new medalions.


    2 hours ago, Miser_able said:

    No. Because then people are less likely to revive their teammates, since they'll worry about getting downed themselves. 

    Exactly. Don't punish me by making it harder to pick up downed teamates.

    If we did the OP's suggestion, you would have to get ride of any form of cloaked revival. No Ash, Loki, Ivara or Octavia. They can do the same thing the operator does. Or what about frames like Nyx, who confuse the enemies while they pick up downed players or Rhino's stomp with any duration.........

    To the Op, why not just remove the pick up mechanic and give players inifinite respawns?

  9. There is way too much attention given to youtubers. They didn't make the game yet steal content from game developers and claim it's thiers because, they made a video about it. Warframe doesn't need them. Never did. Good ridence. Those quitting are doing it for attention. They never really cared about warframe, only what money they could leach from it. These are the perfect examples of egotistic behaviour. Not something that should be considered a serious issue. Begon thieves there will always be more to replace you. You're not special.

  10. 9 minutes ago, sebidel said:

    I know i'm pissing off a lot of people but i don't care. I want to learn more about the game. From what people have been replaying my idea would be dumb, which is what i want to find out. If it really is not viable. And please try to reply with argument to your opinions, like i said i want to learn not get yes/no answers or be told how much of an idiot i am. Ty!

    Pissing people off, is no way to get them to teach. You do care, you started the topic. You want to learn? Then learn and stop calling for changes. You don't like bullet jump........ Don't use it. The game to easy? Play somthing else or learn to challenge yourself. 

  11. On 2019-08-10 at 6:10 AM, DOOMPATRIOT said:

    1. The problem is that DE consider the "Warframe is Easy" mentality as a joke.

    2. Why would you Nerf yourself , when you grinded hard to get those Fancy mods, you are not a New Player.

    3. Lol, just search "endgame" on Forums or Reddit.

    1. That's a personal problem and your opinion. Not one I or many others share.

    2. If your a new player you wouldn't complain it's too easy, if you're complaing about not having the shiny. My 'nerf yourself' solution, isn't meant for newbies.

    If your a vet crying about how easy it is, what the hell do you expect when you get better at things? If it's too easy that's your problem. There are options if your smart enough.

    The point of self nerf is personal challenge. To become better by purposefully making it harder. Having the shiny doesn't make you good. It doesn't make you more skilled. Rising to the challenge does.

    3. Search "end" in a dictionary. ......Facepalm.  I swear, root words and thier meanings are lost on this generation.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Klokwerkaos said:

    As someone that does make a habbit of running out and doing random load out auto install sorties and arbs, this is purely antagonistic.

    Yes, of course players have the "option" just like they have the option to not play at all ever again...

    But the point of giving feedback is to help make the game better from the perspective of the person giving it, and it's a long standing issue that power in warframe is enough to cream all content into irrellavence for most people by the time they are MR 16 or so if they are Free to play (mostly or exclusively) players.  What that means is about half of the game's progression is excess overkill and makes all of that content after that point completely irrelevant filler, and that's a legitimate gripe.

    You can disagree that it is not a problem for you personally, but to deny that this long standing, long complained about in droves issue, is a non issue, is simply to ignore reality, that many many players have a serious problem with this aspect of the game.


    I provide a solution and i'm called antagonistic..? Me thinks you don't understand the meaning of the word. Simply put, if you think the game is to easy then the logical solution is to challenge ones self. Remove your power. It's on you.

    Coming to a forum to say,"your game is to easy for vets" is silly. Why wouldn't it be? Vets have mastered the game. Screams no brainer to me. If you want the newb challenge equip the newb gear.... Stop using the gear that is giving you the edge. Get guder.. If you are as good as you think you'll rise to the challenge. I think you'll just keep crying to DE , " make me unbored!. Expecting them to stop what they are doing, because your bored. DE themselves encurages players to......wait for it....... Play other games if you burnt, tired or bored. Come back later.

    On the same hand you cry about the new player experience, I find funny, since DE only show off the fact they know and obviously are taking steps to make it better.... You all can't even wait for it and your crying,"DE doesn't care and doesn't listen"..... You have no idea what thier plan is, but feel justified in your "feedback".

    You also arroganly assume old vets never went through the new player experience. I assure you, newbies now have it way better and easier.



    • Like 1
  13. This is what I get out of this whine fest....

    1. Red text is mean DE, make it nice................

    Some have a hard time with sarcasm. I say keep up the great work. 5 year player here and never once have I felt talked down too. 

    2. The game is too easy....

    Nerf yourselves.. Mods are OPTIONAL.....

    3. There is no end game DE, make an end game...

    Yet, know one gives a proper explination as to what end game is or should be. Just a mish mash of "make it harder - remember the vets". Technically, end game is where you end playing and..... do something else. I maintain Warframe's end game is what ever you choose it to be. 

  14. 13 hours ago, Worsin said:

    You do not get my point i think.  A new player that is under 100 hours play time will NEVER have the resources to experiment with the low MR weapons while he/she progresses through the game so is forced to trash them and make them later when they are useless.

    As a newbie i wanted to try out a lot of the low MR weapons but it was unrealistic to do so due to the fact that these upgrade items exist and are rare.

    Allow me to correct your assumption. New players should not be worried about experimentation. They should be focused on learning how to play. Catalysts and reactors 'should' be rare or hard to get for beginners. Technically DE gives you enough plat to get 2 right away. It's a choice you make on how you spend your starter plat. Master the game and in that time, you will have learned how to get them easier. Don't waste reactors and catalysts on frames and gear you don't like. It wont make you like it better. It's also not a requirement.

  15. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    The moment DE placed exclusive items behind Nightwave the optional argument lost validity. If DE gave players an alternative means to acquire the same items immediately after NW ended then that argument has merit.

    You don't NEED any of it to complete the core experiance. My argument is 100% valid. It's optional. Let go of your F.O.M.O. (fear of missing out) 

    • Like 1
  16. Wow another faceplam....... Nightwave is OPTIONAL. You are not forced to do any of it.

    You press your fire button over 150 times in a mission......but "it's too 'hard' to do the same thing for mobility" . Just wow. Here, I thought the PC master race were the superior gamers..... Complaining about optional things is pointless and only proves what the complainer is.

    Grinding out the nightwave challenges is optional. We are givin plenty of time to do it. That's why there is a timer. To give you ample time to complete said challenge. If you put yourself in a corner just to do them, you missed the point. None of the challenges are difficult. Acting like spoiled children only makes you look bad. 

  17. If you augment Nekros's 1st he makes a good battle medic. Also, as a natural byproduct he has infinite channeling. I know, I know no one likes channeling. But I don't argue about that when I do 4+ million red crits slicing and dicing. Channeling the whole time. 

  18. I tested in the vallis and my glave prime crashes the system everytime. I tested other weapons (regular glaive, galitine prime, wolf sledge, falcor, secura lecta and the kestral) and couldn't replicate the crash, though I noticed a pause on the initial strike as if it had to load the animation but took a sec to find it. The moment I go to attack with the glaive prime however, it hard crashes and reboots the system. 

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