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(XBOX)Ashen Rust

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Ashen Rust

  1. 2 hours ago, Space0ddity said:

    ok but have you accepted the word of our lord and savior nidus yet?

    My lord and savior would be Opticor Vandal. Better at taking down drop ships at range than Nidus. 

    To the OP, learn a few different frames since Mesa doesn't cut it for you. Like the Nidus example for survivability or a Volt modded for strength and range tends to be good for new players.  


  2. 1 hour ago, Padre_Akais said:

    It sounds more so like you agreed with the quoted text than disagreed tbh.

    FWIW, I agree with both of you on the jiggle physics...

    If a player needs/wants female frames to "jiggle for them" then they need to grow up and stop being creepy.

    lonely island creep GIF 

    I reread the quote with a clearer head and you're right I suppose I do agree with them. My bad.

    Honestly, I could care less about the jiggle, it matters not. It's the puberty driven children that think that kind of humor flies in public, that I'm tired of. These children, need to learn that it's not just kids who play video games or for that matter not just males either. There are more adults who play than children and a large percentage are female. It's not an sjw thing. It's a simple respect thing.

    • Like 2
  3. 10 hours ago, Uthael said:

    For some reason (although close enough), the design of Glutony from Fullmetal Alchemist felt... More.

    To the jiggle physics comments: This is an M-rated game. Deal with it.

    Then keep the "X" rated juvenile comments to yourself. Emphasis on "M" Mature..... Deal with it.

    As for Grendal being fat, learn some history. Large warriors were/are respected in many cultures. Yokozuna doesn't translate to fat slob.

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, Xarteros said:

    This is the orbiter, which is muuuuuch larger than the Liset (or any of the other landing craft). The landing crafts are essentially just shuttles to take us to and from the orbiter.

    All I really want is some kind of glossy/reflective material to denote where the windows are, rather than the railjack just having regular armour plating. It'd help give the illusion of them being continuous from outside to inside

    Edit, that little blue bit on the nose of the Orbiter is the Liset

      Reveal hidden contents


    And a landing animation to further show it


      Reveal hidden contents



    All of that was early phase concept. None of it made it into the game aside from the codex for the orbiter. There is no "skin" for the orbiter. Glitch out of your ship and you'll see no skin. Just the geomitry that was loaded for you to walk around. 

    That means there is no set design for it. DE can make it look any way they want, if there was a need. There is currently no need.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

    Meanwhile my only question is where the frick the sensors are on that thing because I'd like to know how on earth this cockpit window works.

    Crystal clear from the inside, non-existent from the outside.

    Hologram..... Or hard light construction.

  6. 32 minutes ago, denis-ldv said:

    Nope. There is no place for ceiling window in Orbiter model from  Codex


    You do know that's concept art right? Final ingame would look different. That image doesn't account for the Helmenth room and Operater quarters.

    I just matched up the window from navigation, that is conveniently shaped like the lotus pattern, to the same lotus pattern on the nose of the Liset. Seemed obvious. The ramp seperates the lander from the orbiter. 

    • Like 5
  7. 15 hours ago, Or4ngeClaw said:

    So i was very excited when i saw that the new railjacks were finally buildable ingame, when the update launched i started getting the resources and build the railjack and was very happy with the results, the design of the outside and inside are amazing and look incredible. However i have one very big issue with the railjacks that i havent seen anybody talk about, and that is the dimensions of the inside of the ship and the way it look outside. 

    A good example for this is how when you look out from the side turrets inside the ship they seem to be located above the nacelle however if you check above the nacelle from the outside of the ship there is not nearly enough room for the turrets to be there or any room because the tube atop the ship kinda leave no room for anything to be inside it. 

    now i dont know if this is because the ship in the dry dock is a scaled down model of the actual ship or just because the devs didnt think anybody would pay attention to it.

    i would really like some help understanding this problem because it annoys me very much,


    Think of it like the Tardis from Doctor Who. The housing contains the dimensional space that is the large interior. Same reason the liset's interior is larger than it's exterior. 

  8. I'd be happy if they'd return detonate on impact. Manual detonation doesn't cut it when you fire and forget. It slows combat forcing me to stair at my target long enough to guess the right timing to detonate. Instead of knowing it will explode when it hits the targets feet and moving to the next target with my secondary/primary or power. 

    Beyond that the glaives work great. I notice better range and a lot more base damage. On Xbox Heavy throw is bound to right thumbstick which lets me aim them way better. Just need that explosion on impact without manually doing it. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Tetraneon said:

    I honestly believe war frame will be more fulfilling and will force people to use different load outs
    if they nerfed all Base DMG mods, and increased Faction DMG, and Status Mods (Duration,Perc,Types),
    nerfing Base DMG, will by default reduce reliance on Crit.

    I see so many people playing with the exact same loud-out for every single mission,
    with no understanding for how to mod for factions, but they do fine,
    and they have no reason to learn how the mechanics of the game actually work.


    Wouldn't that be against the idea of getting the power in the first place? Or so this forum loves to tell me that when ever I suggest self nerf.

    You can't bother to nerf yourself, but you're more than happy begging DE to do it to everyone. All because, you don't like the way others play, tough cookies. You're not incharge and this idea is not helpfull. It shows your disdain with those who don't play your way.

    I told you assume a lot about others. Not very bright. You assert everyone plays the same with no understanding how to mod for factions. Here is a question, why should they? If what they are doing is fun for them, what right do you have to tell them otherwise? No one is forcing you to play with anyone.

    Here is my suggestion to help the topic. Teach players who share your playstyle, how to mod for faction, yourself. Be a leader, not a whiner.. 

    • Like 2
  10. 21 minutes ago, Tetraneon said:

    Yes the problem is, it doesnt matter how you play with your teammates, because everyone is doing their own thing..
    When you ask people nicely to stop spamming abilities you get met with insults and rude behavior.

    Something tells me you don't ask nicely. My guess is, you're mad and frustrated when you send a message "asking nicely"
     and those on the receiving end of your wrath, reply in kind.

    22 minutes ago, Tetraneon said:

    Most games have level matching and that's not a lot to ask for...
    And it doesn't make it "jerkery", it means you want to play with people 
    who can actually keep up with you, or compensate for whatever your frame is bad at.

    Then communicate that to your squad or recruit one.... Oh wait, you say that doesn't work........ Unrealistic expectations, combined with arrogance (my way or else.) seems like jerkery to me.

    As for other games that match based on skill, those games are primarily PvP focused this is PvE. Different beast. Competitive vs cooperative. High skill is meant to play with low skill to encourage cooperation. 

    I'm not opposed to adding a match making option, but I think DE want's us to communicate via recruiting chat. Match make ourselves, ensuring we get the team mates we want. With a match maker you still run the risk of getting placed in a squad you have no synergy with. How mad will you be then, getting teamed up with all Syrans, Limbos or Mirage? Or worse yet, trolls looking to grief. Hey, they all match your MR. It's exactly what you're asking for.

    But, that's not what I took issue with.

    25 minutes ago, Tetraneon said:

    However I feel your message is more about enticing me than actually making any useful contribution,
    this thread is about ideas on ways warframe can make the game better at higher levels,
    its not here so that you can boost your ego by telling the world how youre such a kind "god"
    for helping other players... Its not here so you can tell us how you heavily nerf your self to keep the game fun,
    because those 2 things is not warframe making the game better,
    those 2 things are you trying to compensate for a game that has not catered for you.

    What the f? So, I can't use myself as an example, as it's me bragging about being, in your words a "kind god". You assume a lot about me. You really shouldn't judge. Don't presume to know my intentions or what constitutes fun for me. I don't nerf myself to feel sorry for my clan mates, I enjoy the challenge.  Oh crap, there I go being an egotistical kind god..... Facepalm.

    The only ego I see is you beating your chest, "It's my way, my thread, now get in line. If you disagree you're boasting and we're not here to cater your ego". 

    However, you did say this after all, which is what I took issue with:

    2 hours ago, Tetraneon said:

    Honestly, a MR5 Shouldnt even be allowed in the same mission as a MR28,
    becuase that is where the power struggle comes, and that is exaclty why people are not sitting in some missions longer...

    This implies low MR and high MR should never be allowed to play together. Ever. Because of what ever you mean by, "power struggle". I'll venture a guess, you mean high MR has all the power and the struggle is that it's not fair for the low MR. This is utter bs. It's not a competition, it's cooperative.

    You're effectively telling players like myself that we should never help any low MR player ingame, else we're cheating the player and hurting them... Tell that to the players I've helped. They'll tell you where to stick it. Their laughter and excitement playing the game using the skills they've learned, scream horror and suffering. Their hurt is unimaginable you vile high MRs....  .... ....

    Yes, high MR has more power. Astute observation capt obvious. File that under duh. However, many high MR players teach, make videos and coach low MR players. And brace yourself.... They like doing it. It's not a power trip, it's a rewarding experience to those players. 

    Also public is just that, you nor I have any right to demand anything from public players. Thems the breaks. Like I said,

    1 hour ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

    Public is the land of compromise. 

    If you can't play nice, don't play public with unrealistic expectations. Public doesn't care. Nor should they. Communication is key, but doesn't always work out if attitudes suck. If this is upsetting you, then it must be hitting home for you. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Tetraneon said:

    Yes but that should be your choice...

    But at the end of the day that MR5 is not going to make it in a 2 Hour long arbitration.
    You are playing the game as if youre a "god" and in my opinion ruin the game for such players,
    unless if they have asked for the help.

    I have been MR5 earlier this year where MR25s were running around with saryn, leaving nothing for me to do...
    Had it been a freind/ direct invite sure that wouldve been fine...

    But I have never seen the fun in letting everyone do the mission for me
    and I have never seen the fun in doing the mission for everyone...

    The best missions I have ever been in, and the most fun I ever had,
    was when each of us were  doing our part to achieve awesomeness...


    It doesn't matter how I play with my team mates. If they don't like something they are encouraged to say something about it. However, in public play all bets are off. To presume you can push your play style on public sessions is first class jerkery. Public is the land of compromise. Don't like it, there are recruitment and solo options.

    You love to assume the worst behavior in players. Especially, higher MR players. It's not nice to assume we're all the same. Yes, I'm sure some readers will laugh, because I don't care about crybabies and they think I'm satan. 

    I tend to nerf myself and play heavy support and show the student(s) every nook and crany in a tile set. It is a looter shooter after all. I do that thing that helps players get better by working it out. Coaching..... Contrary to what some think I don't treat new players like trash. I save that for the deserving.

    You don't need a team to get to lv200 enemies by the way. 

  12. 3 hours ago, Elemtro said:

    Hi everyone, it's again me. I want this reworks to my favorite warframes, and each of you can help me 🙂

    Oh, hi everyone again. I'm thinking about ash ultimate skill(4), we all know, that it is influenced by the mod on the combo counter and attack speed in melee weapon. We know, if we add this modification in our melee weapon, our melee weapon will become useless. My favorite warframe - ash, and I think, that DE can add in his panel "Ash Clone", in which we can insert these modes (combo duration and attack speed) and only these modes without sacrificing melee weapons.


    Again, I'm sorry for my bad English, best wishes. 

    No thank you. It's fine the way it is.

  13. 1 minute ago, Tetraneon said:

    Honestly, a MR5 Shouldnt even be allowed in the same mission as a MR28,

    Wasn't planning on entering this thread until i saw this.......

    I spend most of my cooperative time helping and teaching new players MR 5 and below. You think that's bad? You should just play solo if that's what you think. My endgame is teaching my clan mates. I out rank them all. Your logic is flawed. 

  14. The harm is asking DE to do something about a personal issue that has an ingame solution. That harm is in having to code in the new way for you to avoid something by dropping what they are doing. That harm is wasted time.

    Pay attention. It's not DE's fault you can't be bothered to watch where you are going. Nor is it a wisp player's. You already have the tools you require. Use them.

    6 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    That can be placed in corridors or, more consistently, on the objective, thus rendering them unavoidable.

    Unless you're suggesting that people don't ptfo ofc.

    No I'm saying pay attention or lotus forbid, ask the wisp user to place motes more helpfull. It's on you to look out.


    7 minutes ago, enemystand said:

    As Wisp user I think this is a good idea, sometimes we get buff and need to wait for the timer to expire or jump into a hole to remove the buff, and get the increased one, with a opt out option refreshing the buff will be painless and more efficient, maybe a side roll like aim and roll to the right or left to opt out

    Place your motes smarter.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Aldain said:

    I don't see why they can't make it like Volt, backroll out of it.

    Don't need to. Just watch out for the motes. That is your 'opt out'. Volt needs it because, his speed buff is an instant, not a station. There is no way to avoid it, unlike wisp and her stationary motes.

  16. 20 hours ago, Do_Not_C9 said:

    I can opt out of volt speed-boost, but not Wisp's?

    Please. It gives me horrible vertigo on certain warframes. I also prefer using movement to aim instead of directly moving my mouse, so if I equip a weapon that requires precise aim I just get sad.

    It's called pay attention. Wisp's motes show up on your minimap. They are also quit visable. You 'opt' out by avoiding the motes. Or you could have the courage and integrity to communicate and ask wisp users to place their motes in a way that helps, instead of going to the forums to beg DE to do something about it. Be a leader not a follower.

  17. 2 hours ago, Fire2box said:

    Arbitray list? Not really. These are player numbers and shows how long they play for. 

    Simply because you fail you understand the analytics doesn't mean they are pointless. "The biggest update of 2019" according to DE themselves and it's met with more disdain and quicker fall off then Fortuna. I'll admit Fortuna is a radically different update but nither open world update really gave warframe a stable, consistant growth of it's steam playerbase. 


    now this is where someone goes "Well dummy it's because no one plays Warframe on steam. Everyone plays Warframe on the stand alone launcher duh!!! you can't take analytics from the single biggest gaming platform on PC that's simply absurd!" 

    It's 100% arbritrary. It doesn't matter how factual it is when in the grand scheme it doesn't matter. It's one tiny indicator. 

    You sure do love to assume things about others. Says alot about your character or lack there of.

    As for disdain, that's a you vocal minority problem and have provided that drama in spades.

    I loved Fortuna and have enjoyed everything DE has made. I also don't have unrealistic expectations with my entertainment.

    As for the last thing......... I'm on Xbox. Pay attention. Steam numbers don't mean squat to us console Tenno. 

    Now go back to testing, so we on consoles can get the best version, PC player.

    • Like 4
  18. Or we could just self nerf for challenge and not force a possible unwanted mechanic, let the community enjoy the game with out crying about content they can't have.

    There is no endgame mechanic that the majority of so called vets actually enjoy. There never will be either. You all don't even know what you want. There is no consensus. There is no making any of you happy. Look at the litch system.... Nothing but complaints, that when boiled down to their core show that litches and it's system work as intended. Liches give you more things to twiddle your fingers on, but the details, details mind you that were what the community was begging for, are too tedious. Facepalm. 

    I find it interesting that players like the OP beg DE to nerf you, but can't be bothered to self nerf. Do you all need DE to bow to your every whim or are you capable of thinking and challenging yourself..? My guess is you need DE to hold your hand to cover your lack of creativity.

  19. For f sake OP. Bullet jumps ARE OPTIONAL.............. No one forces you to do it. Effectively all you're saying is, "others travel in a way that displeases me, so DE should nerf it and take it away" 

    Where do you get off arrogantly telling the community, "my way is better, and you should suck it up and learn to play my way"? 

    We get it your skills in movement are sub par. Get gudder....... 

  20. Ninja don't run on trees or walls. That is the fantasy we have gotten use to in western culture. Real ninjas of the Koga and Iga (yes, these are real clans located in japan) were spies, not super warriors. They were/are masters of disguise and espionage. Naruto is fiction.

    That being said, so is warframe (it's fictional too). Bullet jump is meant to give us mobility. Not force us, but giving the option. Not for realism, but because it's fun. Don't like it? Great, don't use it. Play your way. 

    However, don't walk onto the playground, see something you don't like or agree with and then petition to have it removed. That is the definition of being selfish. In simple terms every 5 year old should understand is, don't do what you don't like. Especially, when it's optional.

    It would be nice when players like the OP realise their not more important than the millions of other users who play just fine.

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