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(XBOX)Ashen Rust

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Ashen Rust

  1. 16 minutes ago, EmberStar said:

    No, the nitain being in Nightwave doesn't affect me because I don't *build* anything if I have a choice.  I use my real job to fund my chosen hobby.  So that I can use my free time as I see fit, instead of working a second *unpaid* job grinding for resources.  I have hundreds of Nitain because I personally never *need* them at all.  And expecting people to "grind and be grateful" for something that they can't accomplish for *years* is NOT a good way to keep them around.  City of Heroes did that with their "solo option" for getting Incarnate abilites.  (But only the first tier, since the system literally locked out anyone who didn't grind iTrials.)  But someone did the math, and getting just the first *tier* of Incarnate via the solo path would have taken a minimum of something like TWO YEARS.

    People are burning themselves out on Nightwave because of the huge amount of uncertainty in the system.  They don't know for sure that "real life" won't happen (work, family, health, internet going offline for maintenance for a month because reasons) so they grind as much as possible RIGHT NOW just in case.  The devs were unclear how long Nightwave would last, so they grind as much as they can RIGHT NOW in case it ends before they have time to finish.  And all the different items are competing for Creds in a system that most people don't trust will be repeatable, so they have to grind for it RIGHT NOW in case Season Two has different things in the store, or the prices change.

    You're lack of sympathy and your lack of empathy are the same thing.  Congratulations, Achievement Unlocked:  "I Have a Sandwich."  As in, "I have a sandwich, therefore no one else can possibly be hungry.  OR:  It's not a problem FOR ME, so it isn't a problem AT ALL."

    Who made you the arbiter? You got your nitain, why are you pissy it's harder to get. You are a vet and by now should know that DE has a plan and crying about it doesn't make them work harder or faster. Get off your high horse.


  2. 4 hours ago, mikakor said:

    and you clearly missed what he's trying to explain.

    He wants his more expensive gifts to count more than someone else's cheap gifts. That sum it up enough?

    Now see if you can understand this. It's not about the quality of gifts, but the act of giving that you should be focusing on. Saying my gift should count more is an egotistical thing to say regardless of the gifts value. A gift is a gift. In this case, the gifts are meant to inspire to give to charity. The Red Cross. The act of giving should have been enough reward. Not a gold star. You miss the point.


    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, Mifune013 said:

    My problem isn't the quality of gifts, in fact with two Forma Bundles, the Sacrifice Collection, and two ship decorations (one I specifically requested so I can put it next to my Orokin Cell) I'd say I got some pretty good stuff this year. My issue is that the ship decorations have more value towards the event than the Sacrifice Collection.

    You clearly missed the point of tennobaum. It's for the red cross not your ego.

    • Like 3
  4. I recently started getting down and farming the Eidolons. I searched Youtube watched a few videos and now have almost 600 caps and kills.

    As others have stated it's about efficiency. If you want the most loot, you have to do everything right. It requires a team that is all on the same page. If you're still in the prologue, you aren't helping your team.

    It's also been stated that its time restricted. It's selfish to go into any public game and expect it to go your way. You joined a team, so know your chosen role and there won't be problems. The better you are at your chosen role the more fun you will have.

  5. First, Sayrn is awesome and to those who use her in the onslaught, thank you. Her synergy with my Volt is perfect for it.  Now, if I could just get players to last more than the 12th round. It would be wondrous.

    Not getting kills in onslaught means you literally suck at it. Don't quit out, stick it out. Sayrn doesn't instant kill. It takes a second for the damage to effect. Meanwhile, use an opticor modded for speed or any fast firing weapon. Or dare I say a frame with equal abilities. If you're in onslaught with frames like Wukong or Valkyr, you are wrong. The whole point is to keep your kill efficiency as high as you can. Without Sayrn or at least a crowd control frame, no one lasts more than five waves before the efficiency drops to 0 and the match is over. The onslaught is the home for those frames that clear everything. If you don't like it, to me that means you probably don't understand it and should go play a different mode.

    I will repeat this point. The whole point of the onslaught is to keep your kill efficiency up. Using frames that help the team kill everything is more important than your precious ego. Without these crowd control frames doing the vast majority of the lifting, average players would be left picking each other up for a round and then failing the mission.

    To prove my point, I ask Sayrn users, if you come across players who don't like your Sayrn. Play a few rounds, if you have the time to burn and don't use any of your powers. See how long it takes for them to complain about you not doing your part because they keep dyeing.

  6. A couple of things,

    1. It's a free market. If someone agrees to your price or you agree to their offer, it's all good. If not then you ........ wait for it.....haggle for agreed terms. If no terms are agreeable, you move on, looking for someone else who does agree. If you undercut or make more than others, then it's a sad day for those "others". If there is salt, then they don't understand FREE MARKET. To those I say, do yourself a favor and look it up. Learn a few things.

    2. The idea there are is a website that gets to "set" the value of items is utterly laughable. The fact they think they are the arbiters and others agree is equally laughable. Rng is not the same for everyone. No two people playing separately will find the same things at the same rate. Common value is determined by supply, demand and the two individuals haggling for the trade. Don't let someone else con you into thinking the value of something is set. It's not.

    3. To all you Store runners, I will always undercut you and take your sales. Thank you for posting your prices. Understand you're not entitled to sales just because you list your stock. If all the sellers list Ember at 700 plat and no one buys it at that price, but I come in and sell it for 350 plat and make a sale, is it really worth the 700 plat the sellers are asking for? All the sellers will be mad I sold so low and think I ripped myself off and in the process screw over their prices skewing them low. When in reality, I am the one with the extra 350 plat buying that spiffy new Tennogen stuff I want and they lost a sale making 0 plat, getting stuck with a set they couldn't sell. Hoping for a sucker to come along. This is a free market, not Walmart. You snooze, you loose. If I made the sale you were never going to make your full asking price. In fact, I sold an ember set to one of you store runners for 650 plat once and he tried to turn right around and sell it for 150 mark up. He never did sell it for his selling price of 800 plat. He took a huge lose for being too greedy. Ember was unvaulted two days later. Meanwhile, I bought a couple of deluxe bundles and filled out my fashion frames.

    4. To those crying "scammer". It clearly states the trade rules every time you open the trade chat. Read them, learn them, live by them and you will never be scammed. It really is that simple.

    5.Ninjas play free, never pay for what you can farm for free.

  7. I have a problem with a prop I placed. It is upside down and sunk into the floor of the Observatory tile. I have no way of grabbing it or removing it that I know of. If there is a way, I would appreciate the solution.

    Clan Name: Lightning Strike Coalition

    Platform: Xbox one

    I inherited the clan, I did not originate it. I'm just trying to make it my own.

  8. 10 hours ago, Th3Cl3ric said:

    No, I'm not trolling... I also play solo and in my DOJO are only 3 players active... so I'm like you.

    But I also want something different and more interesting features with the DOJOs more than just looking nice a for trade, as I said "the attacks make unusable some labs (not destroy them), your DOJO gets destroyed after 4! attacks (not daily or simultaneous) so, If the attack occours while you are at work and none of your members even try to defend, ok, you have time to repair it, until the next random attack, and maybe the alert of attack is with 1 hour or 30 min before it happens, dont know, maybe that is the time while the grineer ships arrive to your system and starts its boarding proccess or thats the time your shields goes down, etc.

    I think this could make DOJOs more interesting and actives.

    You still don't get it. Some people play once a month. I have a few friends that play once every couple of months and this idea for sure would make them not want to come back.

    I have an old clan. I never said I was solo. I said your idea would be screwing over solo players. 

    Forcing them to defend on a weekly schedule or in failing that, having to spend time repairing the damage just to have to do it again the next week. If that's your idea of fun, go build something you really care about in Minecraft and let the randoms join so you can spend time repairing everything they destroy..... Still think that's fun?

    Your idea would suggest that every week a portion of our time must be spent on repairs for our dojo, if we don't do well enough... Weather we like it or not. On top of that you suggest it gets harder each progressive week if we are successful. At one point it will be too hard and there would be no clans left.

    This idea as you suggest it currently, if implemented, would result in the eventual destruction of Warframe. No one would want to put any time into a game that punishes you like that.

    Players have spent real years building their dojos and you think it would be fun to tear that down, cause you're bored? If you didn't build your dojo, you did not have to deal with the build times and the research times. It takes literal months to make a fully functional dojo. Restarting that....seriously?

    You suggest, join someone elses' .... Which would defeat the purpose of letting all players build their own clan and dojo. Making it effectively join the biggest clubs and play by their rules or play with crap for the life of your Warframe experience and play by your own rules. 

    As long as the penalty for failure would be the destruction of the dojo or even having to spend time repairing damaged parts, this idea would be the worst. Why even have dojos if they are to be so disposable?

    A better idea would be say the mob bosses DE was talking about a year or so ago, that is different. Your dojo is not at risk of destruction. You just get to battle it out in the dojos and that is something I could get behind.

  9. 20 hours ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

    In a recent devstream DE said they are looking into placable NPCs for dojos but it's something that we're not going to see for a long time.

    For additional dojo vegetation they tease a whole new set of decorations under the tab Natural, new types of trees, grass and rocks are coming.

    That doesn't really answer any of my real questions. Thanks anyways.

  10. 1 minute ago, Th3Cl3ric said:

    Or Just join a greater DOJO...

    And throw away years of building and research just to have a dojo? That's brilliant. If the game doesn't kill your dojo, you have to, if you want to keep one. Are you mental? Seriously. Again, you are effectively saying to all solo players, "GTFO. If you want a dojo, you HAVE to play with others whose goal is nothing more than to keep a dojo alive."

    No thank you and give it up.

    This is a terrible idea. Again after you loose your first dojo you all would be crying foul.

    You sure do love to be the devils advocate. In this case, you're just trolling. Unless you have something to add please find somewhere you can be constructive.

  11. Not no, but hell no. Some of you think it would be fun, but when your clan fails and you have to restart the months of research it takes to build a fully functional dojo, you will think twice about wanting it destroyed. Yes, you can pay to skip those timers, but who has that much extra plat to throw away on dojo reconstruction? This would punish all clans into doing a mode they may not enjoy just to save the dojo. Something that many have been being built over years.  Dojos are semi private, not public. You have to be invited. The Relays are public and part of a larger narrative. That's why the Relays can be targeted.

    13 minutes ago, MidoriFuse said:

    And that would be great fun. Are you going to bring some point against this idea? So far you just make it sound better and better.


    I do not see any fun to be had in this idea, most of the players who loose one dojo will end up leaving and saying, "no way" to starting over. This will push most if not all solo players out of the game. So HELL NO!

  12. This post hits multiple topics. I like to kill as much as possible with one shot. Let's get started shall we.

    Last winter, I inherited my clan leadership and dojo. The founders of the clan moved on and left it all to me. I am the second person to inherit my clan. Aside from making sure everything was researched, I had not done much decorating or building for as long as I have been a member. Which is for as long as I have been playing Warframe.

    Recently, I have started learning the ins and outs and begun to think the dojos kinda suck, because as nice as I can make the dojo to look at, it still always felt kinda empty. I am loving all the new props we got, by the way. Keep them coming.

    I ask, how hard would it be to add some kind of AI articulas into the dojo that walked around or gather up and otherwise make the dojo feel more lively? In the same way the Relays have their AI humans walking around and talking in small groups. Maybe allow players to use load outs to determine how they look.

    There is no way to make every clan member be online at the same time. To have AI clones walking around the dojo would give the dojos a more populated feel for anyone player hopping into the dojo. I am sure I am not the only one who has thought this, but I do not see the harm in asking. And forgive me if it has already been discussed.

    I am an MR 25, but the clan equipment stats don't seem to reflect anything done by clan members aside from, I am guessing the original founder. Is this a problem everyone has or is it because the founder quit long ago and the equipment stats don't track later inheritors?

    With the capture animal system coming with Fortuna, would it be possible to get habitat spaces for the dojo and the ability to put the animals we save there?

    I messed up and placed an object upside down and it sank into the floor. I am unable to get it out. Any advice from Dojo master builders or is this something I need DE's help with?

    Speaking of Articulas, will we ever be able to place them in the dojos? Farming Eidolons, I am amassing a small army of the things. It would be great if we could donate them to the dojo.

    Having an older clan that has had a lot of good players leave for life reasons, what would it take to get some kind of dojo prop that would display a list of clan members of the past? Something that could be added to as other members move on if they have to.

    Can we get different kinds of trees and vegetation props? Preferably green or maybe even color choice.

    Is there a reason we can no longer throw the Glaive while blocking? Or should I just wait for Melee 3.0 to get a new feel for the weapon?

    O.k. well that about sums it up for my questions at the moment. Thanks for reading to this point.

    Finally, thank you DE for making such a great game. Please don't stop.

  13. On 2018-08-04 at 6:19 PM, Legion-Shields said:

    Well you’re right that I have a very low tolerance for social bull.


    Compensating for momentum is too easy, even in experimental mode. This makes it boring, and therefore unfun. The flight model takes no effort at all to get used to. How are you interpreting that as me having a hard time “getting it”? What twisted logic are you using to come to these conclusions?

    Where do I even start?

    First, you sure took it personal when I was referring to your side. Which is not just you.... This is not about you.

    It's so easy so therefore it's boring or unfun, wtf? Are you serious? That is opinion, nothing more. And a personal problem at that.

    Again, I said," those like you".  Not you specifically. Drop the ego for half a second. You are stepping up to defend a position others like you hold. This isn't just about you. I addressed you as if you were the group you are siding with.

    On 2018-08-04 at 6:19 PM, Legion-Shields said:

    And no, I don’t want Archwing to be taken out. I want it to be BETTER. As I’ve said over and over already, in this thread and others. I’ve given ideas in the past, nothing fully fleshed out, but things that I think are important and that would push the mode in what I consider the right direction. Something I’ve done here in this thread too. I want the overall pace of the mode to be significantly increased. I want everything to be faster. The priority is for the mode to be generally successful with the player base, so if that’s the wrong direction or angle to take, then so be it. I’ve already conceded some ground on the basis that Railjack may give players enough reason to invest more time into Archwing even if the mode itself doesn’t get any fundamental changes. Someone in an earlier thread made the same argument.

    I never said you specifically and those parts I used the word "you" are in reference to your side and those who share your point.  Stop being so defensive and read what people write instead of part of it and getting all upset.

    On 2018-08-04 at 6:19 PM, Legion-Shields said:

    This is the second time now someone has described my posts as revealing my thoughts on them to be some sort of god-given insight from up high. I dont know where you and the other got that impression. Maybe it’s projection. 

    As to considering whether or not others might like something I don’t: that should go without saying. Again, you might just be projecting.

    No projection here. From my perspective, you jumped me for saying something to another poster. "you mean like you and half the people in this thread who share your opinion?" You didn't address the main point of my post and when straight for the part that upset you. It looks pretty egotistical from my end, when someone does that.

    And again for the third time, read this carefully. When I wrote the word "you" it was in the context of you equals your side of the debate. Not you as an individual. You keep making it about you. Why?

    There is no need to keep quoting you. You are desperate to make this about you. Who is projecting? You interject yourself in places that are not talking about you specifically. Straw man my point and turning it into an attack on you personally. Take a breath dude. I am not your enemy. 

    I have been playing video games for over 35 years. I have seen uncountable numbers of players in games. I have experienced enough to see patterns. Many who complain about things in games, complain because they need an excuse to make up for the simple fact they just aren't very good at it. It's no different than in real life when someone gets upset and becomes a poor sport or sore loser. If you are not one of those people then I wasn't referring to you and you have no stake in that debate. If you interject yourself into the debate, placing yourself opposite position of the person you are talking to. It is assumed you are speaking from that position. Taking it personally ruins any credible thing you would have stated.

  14. 22 hours ago, Legion-Shields said:

    you mean like you and half the people in this thread who share your opinion?

    Don't dish it if you can't take it. Coming on to a forum and complaining like the way the OP has done, followed up by several others of you who all jump the band wagon, but don't give any constructive feedback. Instead, your side screams, "Archwing sucks so take it out!" or "I question peoples intelligence for liking it when it is obvious it sucks". You don't take into consideration others might disagree or actually do like it. So you sure do not consider solutions and just bring complaints. When you're called on it with a bit of the same spite you used against us thrown right back in your face, you get defensive like you're suddenly the victims. You're going to have to do a lot better than that, if you think what you said is some kind of gotcha or makes yourself look special or heroic.

    I don't have the problems you have with Archwing and I attribute it to, I am skilled with Archwing. If you aren't that's fine, but don't get pissy when you cry foul being poor about it and I say you're crying, because you suck at it. GIT GUD or change your attitude. If this bothers you then maybe you should take that into consideration before you start or join another complaint thread with a negative tone the way this OP did. OP set the tone and look what it got.


  15. 9 hours ago, DishSoap said:

    Not it can't because Archwing is legitimately terrible.

    That is your opinion. I disagree. You think it's terrible, most likely, because you suck at it. That tends to be the pattern with players like you. You are not good at it, so you complain trying to force your opinion on others and shame them for not supporting your opinion.


    2 hours ago, DishSoap said:

    No but seriously, Archwings are terrible. I do question the sanity of people who enjoy them.

    The same could be said of anyone who doesn't like Archwing. My sanity is quite intact thank you and I enjoy Archwing very much. Could you be any less constructive?  My complaints are over all minor. However, more unique missions where I get to go from being on foot to air or space and back consistently, would be appreciated. Which is what RailJack seems to be bringing. So I am all good here and just waiting patiently for that what I am sure will be an amazing and fun experience.

  17. 11 hours ago, (PS4)KnowLedge said:

    I'm not going in and asking to leave at 5-10min. However if I've been in for 20mins and have to leave. Then people like YOU decide to be a-holes and not leave. I'm going to make it happen. Have some decency.

    P.S. Rust Plague is just a perfect username!


    DE, this isnt what I'm talking about because I'm a respectful fair player and mature adult. It's people like this GUY who try and sour my day and/or opinion about your absolutley awesome game. I will have none of it! :community:

    People like me? I don't force you to do a damn thing. You know you can always leave squad and then once you take host just simply extract. No grieving necessary. It's your choice to act poor.

    How am I souring your opinion and/or day? You come off arrogantly asserting that you have the right to grieve others if they don't do as you ask. That's not heroic behavior, that's jerkish behavior. I call it like i see it.

    No one has the right to grieve another player for any reason. Especially, if you want to extract early and/or mistreat the rest of the squad, because you don't have the time. Time management is a personal problem, not a public problem. And mature adults don't go around grieving others, because they don't get their way.

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