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Posts posted by Madotsuki

  1. I do not agree that we should be punishing players for not stealthing. The game should make both stealth and kill-everyone playstyles viable.

    However, I do agree that the AI needs to be improved on, especially about their reactions to stealth skills like invisibility or decoy.

    Also, from personal experience, if you kill a boss without tripping any alarms, you DON'T get mobbed by enemies (most of the time). Plus, if enemies see dead corpses on the ground, they'll still be alerted regardless of whether the weapon was silent. The only advantage that stealth weapons have is that firing them won't immediately alert all nearby enemies.

  2. A recent update made it so that any staggers that hit you in the air will knock you down instead. In other words, not only can Runners knock you down, but ROLLERS can knock you down now as well. Easily. It's like every time the playerbase complains about there being too much stunlock in the game and not enough good AI/real difficulty, DE says @#$% you and adds more stunlock.

  3. 1. Perfectly supported, DE simply MUST add an Alliance chat when they implement the new clan system.

    2. Unlikely to happen. Subdivisions of the large clans split during the implementation will have the original dojo copy-pasted to them, but not afterwards. In other words, you'll have to build TWO OR MORE of each room/hallway later on, one for each dojo. It's to artificially increase game lifespan by making dojos take several times longer to build and farm for. Of course, the REAL problem here isn't about mat costs for rooms, it's about players of a clan having their right to duel or hang out together in the dojo revoked by forcefully splitting them into two different subdivisions with their own dojo. This can be remedied by allowing players (of high enough rank maybe) to freely move from clan to clan within an alliance. Mat costs are still multiplied in terms of numbers of subdivisions, and players get to hang out together all they want.

    3. Impossible. However, DE should add a new category for Top Alliances, alongside top players and top clans. Also, for Top Clans, only one subdivision of a large clan should be allowed on the list. The last thing we need is all 3 top clan slots being taken by a single large clan, like WarframeJapan and stuff. Also, in future events, ALL clans should have the ability to earn memorabilia from the event like the statue if they participate enough, such as get a certain amount of kills based on their clan tier (not too easy, not too hard). To keep the Top Clans competition, the Top Clans can get a Deluxe edition of the memorabilia.

  4. Something like this would actually be a fun hazard, though not as floor wax, duh. There's actually a hilarious glitch on the Grineer Asteroid Base map, one of the tiles have a chance of triggering a floor wax-esque effect for the rest of the map whenever you slide, making it much harder to round corners or turn, but also drastically incresases slide speed and distance, as well as normal running speed temporarily. However, having something like this as an entire-mission hazard can get irritating pretty fast, so maybe it can be a feature for a future boss arena?

  5. It was hilarious the first time I had a Vauban on the team and he used Vortex, but it gets more annoying later on. However, the fact that Vortex can actually hinder your teammates means there would need to be more synergy between the team members so the Vortex won't screw people over. Of course that also leads to the possibility of griefing, but the Vortex gravity field is minor against players anyway so that's not a big deal. So yes, i think warframes should be affected by the gravity of the Vortex, as long as the effect consists of making me float in the vortex for a little while and nothing more.

  6. I won't say whether DE rigged the event to help us win, because i can't confirm that either way, but if DE knew what was good for them they would have made sure we win the event, or at least give rewards to those who participated significantly anyway.

    If the event failed, and DE, true to their word, revoked ALL rewards for EVERYONE, all of those "carefree" people who only got 20 kills or outright didn't take part in the event wouldn't care less, or even enjoy the schadenfreude because they themselves didn't put a single bit of effort into the event. But what about those who actually tried hard? What about those who were aiming for Top 100, or Top Clan, and spent hours upon hours farming the same content over and over to raise their drone killcount? If all rewards were revoked because the rest of the community were lazy leeches, these players who actually tried hard would be infuriated, and they have the right to be infuriated for not being rewarded for their hard effort. In a worst case scenario, a significant portion of the hardcore community who actually put dozens of hours of effort into the event would ragequit over the failure, and DE does not need that. Moreover, a failed event creates a bad image for the game, that the community is so small/useless that they can't complete a simple extermination event, or that DE is so incompetent that they can't raise their playerbase's motivation to take part in the event at all. I bet the forums would be flooded with "this game is dying" threads then.

    If DE decides to give rewards anyway to those who participated significantly, such as giving rewards to the Top 100, Top Clans and people who got over 100-200 kills anyway despite the failure, yes it would mitigate the backlash from the hardcore community and it would be the smart thing to do in case the event does fail, but then the casual crowd would start whining about DE "lying" to them.

    So regardless of whether the Informer event actually was rigged, it would have been the smart decision for DE to rig it if it became clear the event was doomed without external assistance, because they cannot risk the consequences of a failed event.

  7. It definitely comes off as a wall of text that sounds like whining about the upcoming split. Perhaps a new topic should be started by yourself? Honestly your posts are a lot easier to understand and comprehend and I think the point will come across a lot clearer. Perhaps something titled "Feature requests for the upcoming Alliances"

    Ah i'll start one later :/ Still tired from the 3 days of Informer farming. 1700 kills and the cut-off was 2k, SADFACE :(
  8. Then now is the time to tell them what you think you want and need to maintain your clans instead of simply complaining about it. Be proactive and positive instead of fighting against something DE has said they need to do help them guide it to a solution that works better. Positivity!

    I think that was the original point of the thread to be honest, to raise concerns about the clan split and discuss solutions -_-
  9. you know how abilities are affected by energy color now? is the tesla affected too? Because if so, you can get 3 vaubans each with a different energy color (on the rainbow, obviously) and actually make the most beautiful Nyan Volt evah :D

  10. Thank you for jumping right where I was hoping you would. If that's true then Alliances are all you need and you'll be just fine. If you just want to be able to chat with eachother that's what an Alliance is for. So, there's no issue with splitting clans. Good to know.

    That is assuming DE is smart enough to make an Alliance chat. Moreover, that still doesn't fix members not being able to hang out together in dojos because they got split up into different subdivisions. Of course, all of this can be remedied if an alliance has a "central clan" who can regulate the other clans in the alliance (or at least its subdivisions) like one massive clan, and if players can freely move from one clan to another within the alliance as long as each clan has less than 1000 members in it, but we don't know if DE will implement any of that. Yes, it is possible that we are being paranoid and DE will get it all sorted, but there's as big a chance that DE will screw it up and ruin large clans majorly.
  11. Elemental kills with bolt/ragdoll weapons and melee charge attacks shouldn't play the elemental death animation, though it should apply the particle effects (flaming ragdolls etc). Ice is the exception due to shatter, which matches all weapons. This also fixes the problem of enemies flailing in slow mo while dying from freezer burn (fire + ice) and blocking your bullets :/

  12. Yes, you are being ignorant. What I said was that people who wanted the Dojo will have it even in their split clan and will not need to rejoin the main group to have what they want. Perhaps when you learn to stop hitting enter after every period you will also learn to comprehend what you read.

    Maybe YOU should read what you write for a change. Pdx's point for opposing the split was because it screws up clan communication by splitting the population into much smaller groups, breaking the sense of unity and drastically hindering in-clan matchmaking. It had nothing to do with the dojo, because "subdivisions" split off from the main clan will all have the main clan's dojo copy-pasted to them, so it essentially does not affect players who joined large clans for the sake of research weapons, but will affect players who joined large clans for the community and want to duel/hang out together in the dojo, because they're split into different clans and different dojos. Why don't you try not being condescending for once and actually try to understand the other side's argument?
  13. I slaved my &#! off farming 1700 of the drones, and i get no more rewards than a lazy bum who killed 20 and left. Yeah, makes sense to me.

    I agree with all of your above points EXCEPT the timezones one. DE can't really do that much with timezones, and it would make sense that they would start the event during their office hours, which could be an awkward time for players in other parts of the world. Plus, you have 3 days, the "start early" advantage would only really come into effect if it's a hardcore farmer who gives up sleep to grind. What DE SHOULD do is change the "Top 100" to "Top 5%", which would be a much more reasonable goal for players to shoot for no matter what the game's playerbase population is. The top 100 can be put on the leaderboards for all to see, but the Top 5% will all get the deluxe reward.

  14. I'm the head of the Lone Rangers, and here is my experience and thoughts on the subject.

    First off, we were lucky enough to have been just over 1000 at the start of the Informer event, so clearing out our pending invites list and halting recruitment managed to keep us just below 1000. Why did I have to do this? So we won't get thrown into the same tier as you guys, or Broframe/Gryphus/WarframeJapan. With your size advantages, we wouldn't have stood a chance at the statue.

    Now, could this be solved by adding more tiers to make the competition in each tier more even? Yes, that could work. However, putting a cap on clan sizes does the same thing while making the tiering less complicated.

    Personally, I don't mind an Alliance system. It lets large clans expand beyond the original cap of 2000 members, which benefits mega-corp clans such as you guys, while keeping competition fair. However, we don't know how the system will work, and there ARE a few things that bug me.

    For example, according to the dev's thread, a clan above the size of 1000 will be split into two or more clans upon the arrival of clan tiering. How will the members be split, completely randomly? Take for example a clan with 1500 members, will each split clan have 750, or will the original maintain 1000 while the other gets 500? This heavily imbalances "subdivisions" of large clans since there are significant amounts of inactive players in them that can get thrown every which way from the clan tiering. This would not be a problem if players could actively move from clan to clan within an alliance, so I can send a Warlord to govern Lone Rangers Second Division or something, or move a portion of active players back to the main clan etc, but we don't know if DE will let us do that, and that worries me.

    Also, will there be a Top Alliance category for the leaderboards of future events alongside the Top Clans categories? That's another good question.

    And how will we recruit, or create new subdivisions after clan tiering is implemented? Can I keep one recruitment thread and freely decide which subdivision to put recruits in, or do i have to make a thread for every single subdivision, which would clutter up the recruitment page to no end? Can I make a Third Division from the main clan and just move one of my Warlords over to govern it, or do i have to find someone external to start a Third Division and then ally with them? If a start a Third Division after clan tiering is implemented, is my current dojo on the main clan copy-pasted onto the Third Division, or do i have to build a new one? Will we even HAVE a main clan to co-ordinate the rest of the clans such as moving players about/starting new divisions, or will all clans just be equal in terms of power?

    There's A LOT of things we don't know about the Alliance system, and the future of large clans such as yourself and myself in the future (hopefully) rests on whether DE can get the system right. For now, I suppose all we can do is write suggestion threads and hope DE will listen to us :/

    Oh and I totally agree with the "all clans should be able to get a statue" thing. IMO, all clans should be able to get the memorabilia from the event given that they contribute a certain amount to it, based on their clan tier, so that all clans can feel like they can get something from the event. To continue to promote "friendly" competition, the Top Clans and Alliances of each tier can get a "deluxe" edition of the memorabilia to reward them for their effort.

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