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Posts posted by Madotsuki

  1. pfft, you call that a trolling? I've seen the entire wiki front page getting wiped and replaced with $&*&*#(%& images before, or entire pages getting translated into some kind of incomprehensible foreign language, or rewriting the entire Faction page and make it all about genitalia. The "Jesus Himself" gag is child's play.

  2. While I don't mind parkour, the movement in Warframe is admittedly rather floaty and sometimes you simply slide off of walls without being able to wallrun up them (especially with lag), potentially getting you stuck and unable to progress with the rest of the level with no fault of your own. Parkour such as chained wallruns and so forth should be limited to shortcuts and secrets, while there should be some kind of way to get through each non-bonus room without parkour, even if it would take longer than with parkour.

    And seriously guys, they just changed a few rooms because a significant amount of people were getting stuck there due to unresponsive walls, stop getting your panties in a twist and insulting the "casuals" or blaming it on "the new spoon-feeding generation", especially when it wasn't necessarily all "casuals" that were complaining about the mandatory parkour rooms.

  3. I want a flying bat-like unit that flings AP thorns at the player. An Advanced-Class unit, similar spawnrate to Shield Lancers. Higher levels can have a venomous variety that has poisonous thorns or something.

  4. Cosmetics and Skins huh? Here's a few ideas.

    Mini-Informer skin for Shade sentinel

    Energy Crowbar skin for Prova (when it gets its animation update so it swings like a stun baton instead of a sword)

    Crescent Moon from RWBY for Hate (Ruby's scythe)

    Giant cross-shaped ninja star for Glaive (think Yuffie's weapon)

    Companion Cube skin for Dethcube

    Bloodied Grineer Mask head decoration (worn on the side of the head)

    I'll think of more later :/

  5. Skreeeeeeeeeeee Who designed that small room on Grineer Galleon with 6 big tube platforms. 3 on each sides that we gotta jump up to get to second floor? I wanna give that guy a hug with a cleaver to the center of his back Ψ(◕‿◕✿)


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    You mean this one?


    Also am I the only one who actually likes the new Iron Skin? I mean, compared to the old Tin Foil Skin :/

  6. I wouldn't worry as much, Eviscerators will probably have their spawn rates decreased like the Fusion Moas did after their event. Their spawn rates are just higher for the event since it introduces them as a unit.

  7. I don't have a Loki (i hate squishy frames), but if indeed everything you try to do with Loki ends up with you getting splattered on the wall, then it would be better to just give up on the frame at least for now and use something else. For example, Ash is still fast, has Invisibility and is also MUCH less squishy than Loki. Might want to give him a try. Beats being frustrated with the game and getting mocked by asshats on the forums.

  8. Yet Corpus is still the most fun faction to fight. Grineer is ruined by Roller and Scorpion spam, and the Infested still rely completely on stunlock to do anything. Right now the Techs are one of the few Elite enemies in the game that actually pose a fair threat, and the Fusion Moas are one of the few enemies that are actually interesting to fight (tactically bursting one down while it's on low health to avoid letting it release the Doom Drone). Right now it's the Grineer and Infested that need a major faction re-work.

  9. Entered this thread expecting pure whining, was surprised that the OP was actually mostly reasonable, and that it's a lot of the repliers that are condescending fanboys trying to shut down opinion.

    Regarding the OP:

    1. I don't think 250 was too low for the top tier reward. I mean, it would still take each player a MINIMUM of 25 runs to get that kind of score, and 25 runs isn't exactly "fast". I was getting pretty bored by the 12 or 13th consecutive run (wanted to finish off my quota on a lower level planet), though it might have more to do with how i didn't like the format of the event anyway. But as I said, 25 runs to get top reward isn't too low IMO.

    2. Yes we could have had more warning than just 2 days. Not everyone checks the forums every day or watches the livestreams. A week's notice or at least 5 days would be more appropriate.

    3. This should have been standard, i don't know why DE took a step back on clan rewards compared to the Informer event. Having only the very top clan of each tier get ANYTHING from the event is BS that discourages many, many clans and players from even trying to get the reward. I'm head of the Lone Rangers, and I know for a fact that many of our clan members gave up after 250 points since the odds of us getting Top Clan for our tier was extremely low, especially after comparing our points to that of other clans with the implementation of real time leaderboards. We ended up getting third for our tier (maybe, the math may have been done wrong), which would have been rewarded reasonably in the Informer event, yet our efforts were completely wasted for this event, and probably even less members will try as hard as they did on the Informer event if the clan reward system continues as it currently is. Why bother trying when your chance of getting any kind of reward or recognition for your effort is next to zilch?

    DE needs to give ALL clans who reach a tier-based goal some memorabilia, so that all clans can feel like they can receive SOMETHING from the event. The top clans can get a deluxe edition to reward their extra effort and give clans something to go the extra mile for. The number of top clans for each tier can vary, for example having top 10 or top 5 for some of the smaller tiers due to larger amount of clans in those tiers, and a minimum of top 3 for the higher tiers, so that acquiring a top position would seem more plausible.

  10. I don't mind their fire rate as much, but the sheer range of the explosion damage on impact is absurd. It's almost twice that of the fireball itself and hits through terrain, making it nigh impossible to avoid.

  11. Whatever punishment DE can devise will cause the same reaction.

    "Why drop rate should be halved? Just skip this game for a few weeks and come back after the storm"

    "Why did they buff the Grineer? Just skip this game for a few weeks and come back"

    Imo, most topics concerning punishment are against all kinds of punishment. No cause and effect, no repercussion, nothing for losing. Sounds like Angry Bird more than online TPS shooter with persistent universe.

    True, regardless of what punishment DE chooses, there will be those who simply will not accept any kind of hindrance and just skip the game for the punishment period. However, buffing the Grineer would still be a much more interesting and entertaining punishment than making the game even more grindy than before, and I'm sure significantly less people would skip the game as such.

    I mean, what would YOU prefer, tougher Grineers for a few weeks, or halved resource drop rates for a few weeks?

  12. There have been a few threads complaining about the presence of a punishment in case the event fails. Of course, those threads were mostly filled up with hate from masochists and roleplayers, but there were some good replies in the mess. The gist of them is that, while punishment for failing an event increases immersion, fits the lore and makes people want to win more, threatening to "halve resource drop rates for a few weeks" is not the right punishment.

    I'm not saying that we will fail the event, at the current progress rate we'll have all the Fomorians destroyed with time to spare, but WHAT IF we fail on some planets? Let's say that Jupiter was abandoned and the Fomorian there wasn't destroyed, or the ones on planets with plastids, and the resource drop rates get halved. What happens then? Players who need neural sensors and plastids will simply stop playing for a few weeks, simple as that. Why bother playing when you'll be forced to farm for twice the time as before? It's not interesting, it's just making the grind even more boring than before. This isn't a job, it's a game, even "punishment" should be interesting in some way.

    A more interesting punishment would have been that if the Fomorians aren't destroyed, the Grineer will get stronger temporarily due to acquiring massive amounts of resources. Drastically increase Eviscerator spawn rate everywhere, temporarily raise levels on all Grineer missions (especially on planets where the ships weren't destroyed), 75% chance of Grineer invading Corpus missions etc. Sure the game would be harder during the time period, but it would still be fun and people would continue to play the game even during the punishment time. Hell, hardcores would probably find the game even more interesting than before due to increased difficulty. Either way, it would be better than just halving resource drops and discouraging players from playing.

    tl;dr While punishment for failing an event is fine, threatening to halve resource drop rates on failure is harmful to the game. Increasing Grineer power temporarily would have been a more interesting punishment that wouldn't discourage players from playing even in case of event failure.

  13. While their firerate feels a little over the top, I think their damage is fine. At least they use projectiles, which can be avoided. Their spawn rate will probably decrease down to Elite-class (i.e. Heavies) instead of advanced-class (i.e. Scorpions) after the event is over, just like the fusion moa, so you won't be getting 2-3 of them in a room as much.

  14. I noticed the new shields on sawmen while doing Fomorian on Venus just now. My heatsword can slice through a LANCER in one slash, but sawmen with their new shields at least take two slices. They essentially made the sawman, who is supposed to be a light melee unit, TANKIER than medium unit Lancers. Seriously, first they took away the SAWS of sawmen and then gave them cleavers while the Flameblades still have stunsticks, and now they give them shields that let them tank better than normal Lancers? Seriously, DE?

  15. Sure DE did a better job than with the Informer event, but they made two serious mistakes IMO.

    First of all, while soloing is "possible", it is NON-VIABLE. Considering that you can only use one stable corruptor per run on solo, which nets you a whopping 3 points per run, a solo player would take at least 3x more time to get 10 points than a group of 3+ players who can get 10 points in a single run, and that's just with stable corruptors, not even taking into account the 2x quad damage of 2 pairs of alpha-beta. Hell, considering that as a group you already run the mission much easier and in less time, it'll take a solo player much more than 3x time to achieve what a group can achieve. It's like a giant middle finger salute to everyone who doesn't have a stable internet connection or lives in places like Hong Kong where the player count with acceptable ping is significantly lower.

    Secondly, what was thought to be a sabotage was essentially a re-skinned mobile defense without the datamass. Having to defend the reactor after injecting the corruptors were uncalled for. Considering that endless and mobile defense are practically the be-all-end-all of Warframe already, and now your "sabotage" mission involves yet even more defending, we may as well just rename the game DefenseFrame now.

    There's also the fact that the ships got destroyed way too fast, but I'm not going to complain about this too much as I am assuming DE will load up another fleet soon.

    tl;dr DE did learn some things from the Informer event and made a significant improvement, but the event was by no means perfect.

  16. I wonder if it will really be a new tileset. With DE already developing the "Grineer Homeworld" outdoors tileset, it seems strange that DE had the time to develop a completely new Grineer Ship tileset. I might be wrong, but it'll probably look just like a Galleon on the inside of the ships, with a few new tiles maybe.

  17. if your idea of insta kill Things is fun then we are not on the same page.. i like your ideas with more complicated stuff.. but a boss that has guided missiles where you cannot hide is bad design. forces you to use a frost and his snowglobe for it to even be fun.


    id like an boss that interact with the enviroment.. and not just being psycho terminator of Tennos.

    The point of the guided missiles is that there is a distinct "tell" before the missiles are released, which gives you ample time to run for cover, which i said would be strewn plentifully around the arena. Also, i never said the missiles would have perfect guiding -_- Plus, these rockets can be shot down, which is more than can be said for Hyena's or Raptor's rockets.

    As for Instant Kills, the only actual "insta-kill" move it has is the Ion Cannon, and quite frankly, I'd think getting struck by a bloody Ion Cannon, which has 2 seconds of charge time with extremely noticeable visual and audio cues and no target leading can justify an instant kill. Even Jackal, who is the second boss of the game, has an instant kill move, and Phorid's "psychic darts" are a much more overpowered insta-kill move.

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