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Posts posted by Madotsuki

  1. A lot of the feedback seem to be based on bugs and glitches. I do agree that the game needs better scaling to player number though. Prior to U9 the game was perfectly balanced for soloing, but WAY too easy for co-op. After U9 the game is too hard for solo, and STILL too easy for co-op. If games like Borderlands 2 and Diablo 3 can have a level scaling system, why can't Warframe? DE clearly has the capability of doing so considering they managed to make Vor scale.

  2. prime gear aint that good, its just re-fits of the same weapon, even though you might mention paris prime and bronco prime, they have their limitations, paris prime is after all a BOW which is awfull against big amounts of enemyeven with explosive mod on, and bronco prime has relatively short range and a big kick

    What I mean is that these prime gear are outright better in every way than their non-prime counterparts, and it's clear that more prime gear will be appearing in the future, essentially making more of the non-primes completely redundant. One could argue for a long time regarding whether the Paris is better than the Dread, but there is no argument that Paris Prime is better than the Paris, and ultimately as more people get prime gear, DE will be forced to balance the game based on prime gear stats, thus resulting in game power creep.
  3. Seekers do throw rollers...


    And shade doesn't combat rollers very well.

    Uhh, no, no they don't. Seekers deploy LATCHERS, which VISUALLY look like Rollers but have completely different mechanics in that Latchers are tiny balls that will stick to players and explode after a certain time, and you can roll to get them off, as compared to Rollers which are larger balls that are not only fast and hard to hit but can stagger you every time it so much as gently bumps against your ankle, and in sufficient numbers can easily stunlock you.
  4. The Spectra's EXISTENCE is just redundant considering we have the Flux Rifle already, not to mention the Corpus still has several times the research weapons than the other two factions even without the Spectra. The Spectra doesn't just need a buff, the Spectra needs to be REWORKED in terms of mechanics completely. And WHY would you put a catalyst on it??

    Edit: And I agree with sushi, the Spectra IS designed beautifully. Shame that it's basically an unnecessary Flux Rifle expy.

  5. I wish DE would read threads like this more often.

    Right now Warframe is just going in a downward spiral into boredom. It's not just because Defense has become the be-all-end-all of Warframe. Right now almost all difficulty in this game is completely gear-based, long as you have enough time to waste on farming stuff to max mods or get the best gear almost any content is a cakewalk. And then all the hardcores go "I FORMAED MY POTATOED ACRID 8 TIMES! WHY IS GAME EASY??!! TOO EASY!!! MAKE HARDER!!!!", and DE just raises all the sodding planet levels and makes the game even harder, but only numerically, so that solo'ers and people without the LEET gear is locked out from more content, yet the game is still as much of a cakewalk as before for co-opers and hardcores with all the maxed gear. It's been said before that the game pre-U9 was perfectly balanced for solo play, which was why co-op felt too easy. If DE had listened to the right people, they would've known that introducing mission level scaling to player number would have been a much better option, as that would have made the game as accessible as before for solo'ers and non-hardcores, but wouldn't be a cakewalk for all the co-op players, who were essentially playing missions balanced for one player with 4 players and thus 4 times the firepower.

    But wait, there's more! Powercreep is becoming an increasingly serious problem in the game. There has always been some gear that were clearly superior to others, and with the addition of the Prime weapons that's becoming even more clear. Why is powercreep bad? Just watch this:

    And then there's the fact that a vast majority of the weapons are completely generic and uninteresting, with only a few exceptions such as the Glaive/Kestrel or the lab weapons.

    Hell, the gameplay itself is still boring. Most of the enemies are still generic and uninteresting, either relying on sponginess or stunlock to present any kind of difficulty. Why does the Grineer Commander do nothing but switch teleport randomly instead of actually commanding their troops and raising their AI? Where's the Corpus elite snipers who can cloak and throw flashbangs? Where's the flying Infested units that toss thorns from afar?

    And then there's the fact that the community keeps getting increasingly toxic and self-contradictive ever since the game got "big". Almost every time I look at the forum, most of the threads are "We're too powerful, give us BB guns instead" or "RUSHARS/DEFENS HEREOS RUININ MAH GAEMPLY EXPREINCE", or something about pvp or the microtransaction system. And then the flames begin in the replies section. Every time a good thread that has actually fresh and constructive suggestions or ones that point out major flaws in the game show up, it gets ignored and soon fades into oblivion, especially those that have wall-of-texts to explain their points in detail, because the average internet user has less attention span than a puppy. Just look at the whole "Nova is OP?" controversy right now. Every time someone suggests a tweak to Molecular Prime, if it doesn't involve insta-nuking an entire defense wave, everyone starts crying that that will ruin Nova and that all frames should have that same level of "press 4 to win" power instead. AND THEN these people complain that the game is too ez mode and the game should be more difficult.

    I used to have a lot of hope for this game. I thought it had a ton of potential, and that with the proper nurturing, Warframe could be one of the best f2p shooters in history. Yet with almost every update, i find myself having less and less expectations for the future of Warframe. Look at Update 9, the "polishing" update. Yeah, what did they polish? Nothing but one boss fight and the UI. And the lore i guess. They even ruined the potential credit sink that would have been purchasable resources by making them plat-only instead. And of course after several updates, Nightmare Mode is STILL not a toggle-able option. I've had 450+ hours in this game, I've spent many hours writing concept threads about weapons/enemies/bosses, I've even drawn bloody fanart for the game, but nowadays I just can't find the motivation to play the game anymore. I hope DE can change that soon.

  6. Y'know, it's funny how people think that any version of Molecular Prime that doesn't involve having the entire room of enemies explosively slaughtered instantly will ruin the frame and that all other frames need to be buffed to that kind of level, and then these people complain that the game is too easy and that ults are a "press 4 to win" situation.

  7. Interesting units. It's rare to find some actual constructive suggestions regarding enemies, so here's some feedback.


    While the concept is nice, I don't think the Judicator is necessary. Instead, the role should be given to the existing Commander. I mean, what kind of Commander is he right now? "I am the leader of my troops, and they depend on my strategical planning to achieve victory. Hmm, I know, I shall switch teleport with one of those Tenno! They'll NEVER see it coming!" 3 seconds later the teleported Tenno casts ult and the Commander ends up right in front of the three other Tenno. GG.

    I'd like the Commander to be more like the Nomads in Borderlands 2. Remove their highly situational and always annoying Switch Teleport and make them shout orders to surrounding Grineer instead. Example orders:

    "THROW GRENADES!" *all nearby Grineers with nades will toss at players in unison. run, Forest, run!*

    "CHARGE!" *all nearby Grineers ignore cover and zerg rush target player to flush him out of cover*

    "THAT'S A FAKE, YOU DIMWITS!" *response to decoy skills. nearby Grineers ignore Decoy/Moult and try to shoot the real deal*

    "FOCUS FIRE!" *response to buffs like Iron Skin. nearby Grineers focus fire on one target*

    "TAKE COVER!/TEMPORARY RETREAT!" *response to defensive skills like Snow Globe/Electric Shield. nearby Grineer will stop shooting and hide behind cover to make it at least harder for the Tenno to shoot them until skill wears off*

    This would be a method of increasing enemy AI to make the fight more interesting, as well as making the Commander less of a simple nuisance and more a serious threat that you want to hunt down quickly, not to mention this way Commanders actually, y'know, COMMAND.


    I'm a little "meh" on this one. I mean, being able to disrupt skills with a single shout sounds kinda stupid, and the Grineer already have a significant amount of melee units. I'd rather they tweak the 4 existing light melee units instead of adding a new one. For example, giving sawmen their buzzsaws back (glass cannon fodder with loud buzzsaw sound tell), giving flameblades a flaming cleaver, buffing powerfist (tough shields that drain when they wind-up their fist. more shields = more damage. shields regen quickly after swing. faster wind-up, but add crackling sound when charging up their POWERfist as tell.), and re-doing the scorpion (A LOT to explain, i'll write in a different reply if anyone's interested.) Now, a HEAVY mini-boss-class melee unit like my Grineer Juggernaut would be interesting, but that's for another reply, like the Scorpion re-make.


    The Bastion seems....a tad OP. No one really likes insta-kill attacks, unless they're from a boss-class unit, and that's with major tells first (i.e. the Jackal's insta-gib grenades teeter on the line, if they made the grenades themselves more visible it'll be a perfectly fair insta-gibber). Plus, with Warframe being as supposedly fast-paced as it is, having a "fires once every minute" turret seems useless. I bet in practice the Bastion will be torn apart within the 5 second "gun priming" period 90% of the time.


    Interesting on paper, but something like that would be VERY hard to implement. Sounds like it would require tons of programming. And if the Hulk gets a Supra, then the Tech should be given a Flux Rifle instead (explained lore-wise as usually being used as a welding laser. he IS a "Technician" afterall.) Still an interesting idea for a mini-boss though.


    The Breeder sounds kinda...useless. It's just a stationary unit that doesn't even actually attack, and non-Ancient infested are squishy enough that even if they are revived by the breeder creep they'd still be gunned down again near instantly. Plus, clearing away creep sounds annoying.


    Like the Hulk, it sounds hard to implement, though I do want an Infested ranged unit. I'd prefer a flying bat-like unit that can fling AP spikes from its tail. Common unit, but with a slightly lower spawn rate than the other common Infested so players won't get drowned in ranged spikes. The Infested should remain a mostly close-ranged faction.

  8. I say they should just give Rollers to Seekers instead of having them as individually spawning enemies. Like, one Roller per Seeker, they'll deploy it when they see you. That decreases their spawn rate and thus reduces chances of getting stunlocked by 3+ Rollers, makes the Seeker more interesting (you can try to shoot the Seeker before he can deploy it), makes Rollers differ from Corpus proxies in that they don't wander/patrol on their own and are more "tools" than proxies, and also fixes stealth (friggin' 360 degree vision), without actually nerfing the Roller and upsetting all the elitists who consider the Roller as the holy grail of challenge.

  9. We'll talk when you get +4 forma on that baby.

    At which point you can join the ranks of all the hardcores asking for the entire game to be made even harder for you.





  10. Probably your weapon levels.

    Well i can't quite remember my weapon levels when Vor was at level 45, but in the round just now i had a level 29 Lanka, a level 30 Seer and a level 8 Dark Sword. Even if weapon levels were accounted for, I'm sure it wouldn't drop Vor down to a measly level 9 from 45...right?
  11. So, when new Vor was released, "level scaling" was introduced for him to make him a challenge regardless of the player's level, to make it less of a brainless grind. Back then, while soloing him as a level 30 Frost, Vor was at level 45 for me, and I think that was pretty reasonable, made the fight challenging without being over-the-top punishing. However, after several weeks of not visiting him since I got my Seer done, I went and played his mission today just for funsies. Also solo, also the same level 30 Frost, and yet this time Vor was at a measly level 9. Is this some kind of bug, or is it intentional? Like, did someone complain that Vor was too "hardcore" now so DE took away the level scaling, or did it have something to do with my weapon levels?

  12. The Scorpion needs a complete re-do, not just a charge sequence.

    I'd rather Scorpions be raised to elite-class (i.e. Heavies), with reduced spawn rate but being tougher overall, like having shields and better health/armor (and a new model too. i mean, GEEZ the current scorpion is ugly). Have them make a unique and noticeable sound when they fire the hook, maybe some kind of "clank" sound when the hook primes itself, before firing. If the hook misses, she'll either retreat to recharge the hook (if there are enough Grineer nearby to cover for her and if she's far enough away) or just charge with the machete. If the hook hits, the player is knocked down and dragged towards her. However, the victim can still shoot while being dragged, and the Scorpion will not release the victim until death. Instead, she will drag the player to her and start thrashing at the player with her machete in a killing frenzy, only releasing the hook on death. As a fail-safe in case the player gets stuck on terrain, the hook will detach on its own if the dragged player doesn't reach the scorpion in 10 seconds.

    This would make the Scorpion a lot more interesting to fight, a lot more threatening when her hook hits instead of just annoying, and also fix that weird glitch where sometimes the hook drags you and sometimes it just knocks you down while the Scorp gets to attack instantly. Thoughts?

  13. While chargers are fine as is as a unit, they are far too common to be this strong. I'd rather they bring back the old Corpus charger for the zerg rush fodder spot, and rename the current chargers as "hounds", an uncommon unit (approx. shield lancer spawn rate) that spawn in squads of about a dozen strong, with removed stagger but increased speed and health, and possibly improved AI that allows them to flank and surround the player better. Also make them release a loud terrifying howl when they spawn :D

  14. You should've split this into 3 different threads and elaborated a bit more on each part instead. This is the internet, people are too stupid/lazy to read wall-of-texts. Better formatting works too, since your thread right now looks pretty messy. Personally I type my large threads on Word with bullet points and everything before i copy-paste it over to the browser. Putting spoiler tags for each section also makes the thread seem more clean.

    Regarding abilities, Frost's Snowglobe isn't really that powerful on anything other than Grineer/Corpus defense, and since enemies can in fact walk into the globe to shoot, it's not overpowered at all. Instead of allowing certain enemies to pierce the globe from outside, it would be better to just give the AI the ability to realise that the Globe is there neutralizing their guns, and, depending on the enemy type, either retreat and take cover somewhere so players in the globe can't shoot them easily, or go on the offensive and attempt to charge into the globe. Not a lot of comments on the other abilities.

    As for weapons, the game suffers heavily from the problem of Power Creep right now, with some weapons being clearly better than others, and many weapons being obselete and only used for the sake of Mastery Ranks. Giving different weapons more special abilities such as allowing the Cleavers/Machete to inflict "bleed" on enemies or re-making the laser damage type into something more unique would help a lot, but that is something complicated that would require an entire thread to delve into properly.

    For enemies, right now the Corpus is the best faction due to relative lack of stunlock and using projectile guns instead of hitscan. Grineer are more boring due to their hitscan guns and armor, as well as the presence of such abominations as the Scorpion and Roller, while the Infested are the worst faction due to relying on stunlock, zerg rush and bullet sponging, not to mention Ancient Disruptors. Again, it would take at least a whole thread for EACH faction to suggest good re-works of them. I'd do it, but I'm still waiting for DE to fix the general difficulty that they screwed up with Update 9.

  15. This is also precisely the same reason I barely touch the game anymore. Prior to Update 9, I could solo any non-defense content in this game without having to use max formaed gear or max ranked mods. It was hard, it was challenging, but it was viable and it felt FAIR. Now with the level changes in Update 9, not only does the level changes completely imbalance the resource gain (come on, Control Modules being restricted to at least a level 30-40 planet?), but it also made solo-ing incredibly laborious and locks out a lot of the planets i could previously enjoy at my leisure, especially when enemies just get major buffs in terms of health, armor and damage on higher levels instead of adding anything new to the table.

    Why couldn't DE have just implemented enemy level scaling based on player number? It's been said a lot that pre-U9 difficulty was perfectly balanced for solo-ing, which was why all the co-op players kept whining that the game was too easy. Many games with both solo and multiplayer options had such level scaling, examples being Diablo 3 and Borderlands 2. Why shouldn't Warframe have such a system? If they had just added this level scaling to pre-U9 difficulty, we wouldn't have any of these problems, solo-ers would still be happy with the difficulty and co-op players won't find the game a cakewalk.

  16. It's actually a pretty common occurence. I myself and a lot of my friends have had experiences where Stalker rarely ever shows up when they're using their "serious" gear, but the moment they switch to a low level weapon for ranking up, the jerk shows up. It's almost like he was programmed to show up more when the player has low ranked gear to create the illusion that the Stalker is "hard". Of course DE won't tell us anything about the Stalker at all. Seriously, the "what stalker?" joke is getting REALLY old.

  17. I don't think that Mag is useless, too. I just think, that she could need a redesign of her latest redesign (e.g. Pull working on single allies again - that was a really useful ability to rescue downed teammates without jumping into the crowd) ... It's just that Crush is now almost useless against Grineer and Infested. Idk what they changed about it, but it deals only very little damage against higher levels of those. And that makes me sad. Especially because Grineer are carrying around so much armour, they should get a lot more damage from being crushed by magnetic forces. :-(

    The problem is that right now Crush is decreased by armor, making it useless on high levels like a lot of other Warframe Ults. Honestly, due to the magnetic nature of Crush, it should be made so that Crush's damage INCREASES with enemy armor instead. That would make Mag both more useful AND have a unique ult.
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