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Posts posted by Madotsuki

  1. I originally made this concept several months ago, back before Update 7 even went live. Now with Update 9 and the introduction of an actual Osprey boss, the Raptor, I think i speak for a lot of people when i say that i found the Raptor...underwhelming. So, here's my concept for a redesigning of Raptor to make it a more unique and challenging boss fight.


    The numerical data such as health and damage can be altered around since a LOT has changed in terms of player power since I first came up with the concept.

    The arena will be a large open icy plateau with some rocks and small icebergs to take cover behind. The map (Corpus Outpost) will also be at night instead of under daylight. While it's mostly just a change in the skybox and lighting, it'll make a major difference in the atmosphere and make the fight much more spectacular. Something along the lines of this:


    So, thoughts?

  2. As hard as it is to "burst" down a level 100+ Fusion Moa before it deploys a Drone, I think the drone is actually a pretty balanced enemy in terms of damage, it makes the Drone an actual threat and makes strategically taking down the Moa more important. However its hitbox definately needs to be fixed, and its armor scaling could do with a serious reduction.

  3. What I find strange is that enemy levels simply do not scale with player number. Prior to Update 9, the game's difficulty was tailor-made for soloing, while playing co-op was "too easy" due to the fact that enemies don't scale to player number. Now DE has listened to these people and made the game completely solo-unfriendly with the planet level increases, instead of introducing player number based level scaling to make co-op less of a cakewalk. Practically all games that enable both solo and co-op mode have such scaling, with examples such as Borderlands 2 and Diablo 3, so why not Warframe?

  4. While I like their new appearance, their hitboxes ARE extremely buggy. Shooting their legs does absolutely nothing half the time, and headshots are extremely inconsistent. Not only that, but their attack speed and rate seem to have been INCREASED compared to before, they practically have zero wind-up before their arm stretch attacks now and they also chain attacks much faster (tested on a Healer, they definately hit faster than before). There's also the fact that Disruptors have exactly the same skin as Healers, not even a palette swap or anything. I feel like the new models were kinda rushed out with the rest of U9 without any fine tweaking.

  5. I want to see Grineer Commanders actually giving commands for a change instead of just being a spongier Lancer with teleport spam. For example, they could do what Nomads do in Borderlands 2, shouting commands to surrounding troops such as "THROW GRENADES!" to make all the Lancers and Troopers lob their nades at you in unison, or "CHARGE!" to make everyone bumrush you in an attempt to flush you out of cover. They can also make enemies negate certain skills while a Commander is present like ignoring a decoy. That would make them more "commander-like" and also make them a priority target to take down.

    Their Switch Teleport should instead be changed to a line-of-sight skill that they can only use once.

  6. The Corpus are actually the most fun faction to fight, excluding those annoying cameras/laser gates and the occasional shockwave combo. At least they don't rely on stunlock like the Infested, and their weapons aren't hitscan like the Grineer.

    And seriously, Techs are a nightmare in Defense, not to mention the Fusion Drones.

  7. Most people don't bother replying to these enemy suggestion threads, since they don't have much to add on to it, so they just give a +1 and leave. Hell, most internet-goers won't even bother reading such threads due to wall-of-text syndrome.

    Well, MOAs are supposed to be proxies with no sense of self preservation, which is why they just bumrush to get as close as possible and then stand there to blast you. They're essentially turrets with legs, they don't really need strafing programming. Railgun Moas SHOULD be staying further away from you though, and should have a different gun design. Maybe they should move slower than regular moas and must stand still to fire due to their more powerful weaponry.

    As for Crewmen, they shouldn't be moving around too much neither. Crewmen are mostly engineers and so forth, not fighters with military training, it would be more fitting if they hide behind cover and attempt to take potshots at you instead of running all over the place out in the open.

    Prod Crewmen though need a major aesthetic change. As said before, crewmen aren't supposed to be soldiers with no fear like the Grineers, so why would some of them be so suicidally brave as to bumrush the Tenno with stun prods? While the enemy itself seems okay, the prod crewmen should be replaced with droids instead, or at least give them some armor plating and more health.

    Sniper Crewmen as they are are completely obselete due to the presence of Railgun Moas. Just replace them with elite-class cloaking snipers with flashbangs. The cloaking shouldn't be perfect of course, and players should still be able to see their silhouette or something.

    The main problem with Mine Ospreys is that their bombs are actually VERY unresponsive. I can step right on one and it won't detonate. Their mines need to be more powerful and explode on contact with players (with maybe one to half a second of delay, with rapid beeping on activation or something), as well as be remotely detonate-able with gunfire. The mines should just expire and fizzle away after a time limit though instead of auto-exploding, the explosion noises get REALLY annoying.

    As for your new enemy suggestions, the Gecko seems a little too hard to program into the game, though they sound cool. The Jumper and the Breacher don't really fit the Corpus theme though.

  8. Really, DE should take a break from releasing new weapons and just make some skins. Right now we have, what, 4 weapon skins in total? And those are for weapons that most people don't even use! Imagine the possibilities one could have with the Glaive, or Hate (i'd LOVE Ruby's scythe in RWBY), or some gun skins! I just find it bizarre that DE would make something as essential to a gear-based game like inventory slots cost plat only while making practically all cosmetic skins (albeit with minor stat changes that sometimes actually get in the way of enjoying the skin) available through the odd random alert. Isn't that kind of backwards?

    As for colors, it would be nice if the color packs had as much customization as painting cars in Saints Row the Third. Like, metallic colors, gloss etc.

  9. Lech Kril was fine the way he was before Update 9. Some of his abilities could have used a buff, such as the Fire Wave attack in Phase 2 which should have stayed on the map longer and acted as a trap/area denial move, but he was pretty balanced and fun to fight as a boss back then. Now with the lazy level increase, he's back to bullet sponge territory with ludicrous damage that pins you behind cover. I mean, come on guys, his Gorgon is hitscan, you don't just "dodge" hitscan with AI aimbot, it just pins you behind cover for ages. If i wanted to play a cover-based shooter i wouldn't be on Warframe.

    There's a distinct difference between "challenge" and "punishing". Post U9 Kril (and the game in general) is much more punishing than he is challenging.

  10. You're probably reading too much into this. It was the community that was asking for the whip weapon (i think), and Vor is just a completely random space name. As for Scorpions, the name and their ability is a reference to the character Scorpion in Mortal Kombat, and the "makes the hurt feel good" description is just a massive troll attempt at all the people who were complaining about the excessive stunlock in the game.

  11. I agree with most of your points, although as a primarily solo player (with non-maxed mods, i don't rank mods past Rank 5 because i don't want to waste money and cores), I must say that aside from Mobile Defense and Endless Defense, MOST missions are still solo-able given that you are geared enough. However, the missions are still extremely boring due to lack of enemy variety and AI, instead only resorting to overwhelming you with sheer numbers of regular goons and stunlocking players. The new planet level increases are also extremely newbie/casual/soloer unfriendly. Why couldn't they just have introduced level scaling to player numbers, instead of an all-round blunt increase that disturbed a lot of things such as material gathering and enemy variety introduction (for Grineers anyway)?

    Also this is the first time i heard someone call the Grineer Lancers "Blue potato man", lol.

  12. I support all of your suggestions except the one about giving Mastery for Forma. Right now, there is a specific "mastery cap" that the devs can balance content around, such as when to create a new Mastery Rank Test when a new rank is reachable, or what Mastery Requirements for weapons can be at. Allowing additional Mastery for Forma disturbs the balance due to potentially infinite mastery ranks. Plus, if you got additional Mastery from Forma, and the devs thus balance new content around that, players may have to Forma and re-level gear that they don't like multiple times, which is even worse than before. Also, Forma already rewards players by increasing the weapon/Frame's potential with decreased mod costs. Forma should be considered an optional "easy mode" for players, and thus content shouldn't be balanced around having to use Forma.

    As irritating as it is forcing players to use gear that they dislike and have no interest of, allowing additional Mastery for Forma is much worse.

  13. I'm not really upset over the infinite spawning as much as I'm upset about how enemies can spawn in entire hordes behind you within seconds after you cleared the room. It's completely counter-intuitive, heavily impedes stealth and ruins the point of clearing out rooms and sidepaths so you can have safe space to fall back to if things get rough ahead. If enemies respawn once after you complete the objective (a few tiles away at least) that's fine, but constantly respawning enemies in rooms that you just recently cleared is just stupid and if anything promotes rushing, which the devs clearly don't like.

  14. It's funny how so many people think all players must have a Nyx/Rhino/Loki at their disposal.

    Come on, the livestream alert is essentially there to celebrate the livestream and give players a little gift, yet now with the all-around level increase, a SATURN alert has enemies with level 40 swarming en masse, which includes Toxic Ancients and Disruptors. How are new players supposed to do the alert without leeching off of veterans with master race frames or near maxed gear? What about soloers who don't have one of the defense master race frames?

    It seems that DE has decided to listen to the hardcores and elitists and develop the game away from solo players and casuals. As a primarily solo player, guess i won't stay long.

  15. I can accept the clan emblem item costing plat only. It IS cosmetic afterall. However, I am COMPLETELY AGAINST costing 150 PLAT TO UPLOAD THE TINY IMAGE. Why would anyone in their right minds throw away 10 dollars just to upload a tiny image for their clan emblem? What if i want to change the emblem with an updated image, that gonna cost me another 10 bucks? It's just stupid and scares away people who would've otherwise bought the Clan Emblem! Why does DE suck so much at pricing stuff??

  16. This I can agree with. XD


    Actually, what they could do is give an option to sort the mods by polarity first and alphabet second. Would make things alot easier to find all around IMO.

    You should probably put a ^ symbol at the start of the post or use a quote, because right now it looks as if you agree with the OP and not the post above you.
  17. I've posted on too many Disruptor threads to bother typing another wall of text, so i'm just gonna copy-paste from a previous post i made.

    To all you elitists who insist Disruptors are completely balanced and provide challenge:

    Y'know what, the problem here is that Disruptors actually are not challenging at all. They are just frustrating. If i see one coming it is EXTREMELY easy to kill them, just use an ice mod, shoot them in the knee, stagger-spam them with melee etc. Long as you got enough ammo to feed these bullet sponges you're fine. If you see one attacking, just outrun its range, it's the only way to guarantee a dodge so that's boring but at least it works.

    Disruptors are only a threat when they attack while you're getting CC'ed to hell by the other infested staggers/knockdowns, or when one randomly sneaks up on you, which is not an uncommon occurence since they make no unique sounds at all and the game just LOVES randomly spawning hordes behind you in the room you cleared less than 20 seconds ago. And when they sneak up on you and hit you, in ONE SINGLE HIT: you are knocked down (which guarantees an unavoidable second hit from the Disruptor as long as you're not knocked out of range); have all of your shields taken down so if there were other infested around (especially chargers) or you're playing a frame with low health like Mag, you are just boned; have all your energy removed which, not only makes the rest of the fight extremely boring as abilities are one of the few things keeping the game unique, and replenishing energy is completely based on RNG drops unless you just happen to have the Energy Siphon artifact equipped, and if you're using an ability-based frame like Loki you are also immediately screwed; and you get your screen scrambled which makes it extremely hard to see anything or escape. ONE HIT.

    How are they "challenging" in any way? If something like this counts as challenge, you may as well just make every Ancient insta-kill you on hit. Bring back the Nervos, let every Grineer deploy them, it's your fault if they latch on to you. Scorpions should take all your energy and shields on hit too, because it's your fault for not dodging the completely silent hook attack. Glorious challenge, huh?

    Ancient Disruptors DO need a nerf. However, the nerf should come only when DE introduces smarter enemy AI and more enemy variety to spice up the challenge in a fair manner so that the Disruptor's fake difficulty may be replaced with real difficulty. Until then, I suppose Disruptors ARE a necessary evil.

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