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Posts posted by Madotsuki

  1. I'm sorry you have to put up with the fanboy-ism, ApexZero -_- Just be glad SOME of the repliers were reasonable.

    Quite frankly, having a game COMPLETELY without grind is nigh impossible. I know that's NOT what you are asking for, but i'm just saying. In almost any game, especially MMOs, there is some form of grind for progression. The key is to MASK that grind, and that is what Warframe is failing at. DE is putting too much effort into creating more icing to their game cake, such as more weapons, more tilesets, more weekend events in the hopes that it would make the game APPEAR fresh. And it does work, to a certain extent.

    However DE has completely neglected to freshen up the actual cake, the actual gameplay, and that is why we see the grind so clearly and thus complain about it. At the very core of Warframe, it is a game about run-and-gun as space ninjas and blasting virtual enemies in the face while feeling like a badass. But Warframe doesn't even do THAT well.

    The vast majority of the weapons are generic seen-it-before stuff aside from the clan tech weps, with many weapons being cleary superior and making the other gear redundant and pointless other than as Mastery fodder. And of course there's the issue of powercreep, shown clearly by the increasing amount of Prime weapons and dual-stat mods that stack with their non-dual counterparts, not to mention Forma polarizing. Mod customization became increasingly dull, with everyone just stuffing as many damage increasing mods as they could. Every loadout is just damage, multishot, 4 elements, fire rate, and one more custom mod.

    General difficulty of the game has been heavily affected by powercreep. Due to the hardcores having maxed out gear and mods, they keep going on the forums and screaming "I FORMAED MY POTATOED ACRID 8 TIMES WITH MAX MODS WHY IS GAME SO EASY TOO EASY MAKE HARDER", and instead of introducing additional planets at level 100+ or introducing mission level scaling to player number, they just blunt-raised all the levels of the planets. Now the game is too hard for solo and still too easy for co-op.

    The running part of run-and-gun isn't smooth neither, with clunky movement (especially jumping), unresponsive wall runs, auto-rolls after jumping, all kinds of stupid stuff that gets in the way of the parkour.

    The enemies themselves are also dull. Most of them are extremely generic, and rely on either zerg rush, sponging or stunlock to deliver fake difficulty. Quite frankly, fighting a swarm of 20 level 40 Grineers that just stand there and try to overwhelm you with sheer number of bullets while sponging yours with added armor scaling is just plain boring. When is the Commander actually going to give commands instead of randomly switch teleporting? When are we going to get cloaking Corpus snipers that throw flashbangs? When are we going to get flying Infested osprey things that fling thorns at you from afar?

    Basically, DE needs to just stop pumping out new bonus content and start revamping their actual gameplay. Maybe then we won't mind so much about the RNG and grinding.

    Edit: Forum borked up the formating :/

  2. I'm just amazed and how selfish and elitist some of the repliers on this thread are. Would it kill the game for you if solo was made viable? It's quite the opposite, really. If DE makes it clear that they want solo-ers to die in a fire, this GAME will suffer because significant amounts of paying customers will leave.

    Some of you said that the devs already made solo viable. VIABLE? Did you even read the OP post? Solo players would require EIGHT times more time and effort just to accomplish what a bunch of randoms who joined together to leech could do. That's not "viable", that is the illusion of choice. It's like if you go to a movie, and you have to either pay 80 dollars for a ticket, or go with a boyfriend/girlfriend and only need to pay 8 dollars for TWO tickets. What kind of a "choice" does THAT sound like? Doesn't sound like a choice to me, it just sounds like they want loners to either get a gf/bf or GTFO!

    What WOULD have been viable was if DE just made everyone in the group get one point per mission (and balanced the reward requirements around that, of course), and made it so that each player could only capture one scout during that mission.

    This makes solo viable while still favoring co-op, because you're still getting more keys/points if you co-op, especially if you're doing it for a clan. If one group of 4 runs the alerts together, for one run of each alert they get 4 keys, that's still 4 points for each person per double-alert run, and 4 points per key to the clan. In the meantime, solo players would still have to run the double-alerts 4 times to get his keys, with diminished key efficiency towards the clan. However, the solo player would still be able to get the rewards after reasonable effort, even if they had to do a few more alert runs than co-oppers. People who like co-op will continue to co-op, while those who don't want to or can't co-op can continue to solo, even though you are ENCOURAGED and not STRONG-ARMED into doing co-op in the same way that you would try to get a larger party to do normal Void runs because you can give 4 people rewards for one key and make the level easier to go through.

    Hell this would give the event a little bit of a team element in co-op too, as you'd have to organize who goes where and stick together so that everyone can capture their own scout after beating them down, since each person can only "contain" one Scout.

    So yeah, if DE had implemented that, would the game be completely ruined? I don't think so.

  3. I think these elites should replace current capture targets on higher level capture missions


    edit: @above *rank 6

    If you mean the scouts, then yes, having scouts replace normal capture targets on higher level missions would be pretty awesome :D
  4. Well if you do it with a full group of 4, you should be able to do it within 33-25 runs of corpus void, and you can share the keys around. Basically it looks like DE wants soloers to die in a fire somewhere, judging from this event and the Fomorian one.

  5. So, Phase 2 of the event added Elite Crewmen with extreme DPS Flux Rifles and gave the Scout a Freezing Shockwave ability to help him get away. With Phase 2 already at 50% completion in less than 12 hours, what do YOU think that Phase 3 will add to the mix?

    Post your guesses below! This isn't supposed to be a serious thread, even rediculous guesses are fine :D

    I'm guessing they'll add Elite Techs :o With Dual Supras, and instead of Shield Ospreys they'll throw out Fusion Drones D: And the Scout can go invisible like Nef Anyo

  6. The thing with 6 days is that it allows for more people to be able to join in. People were complaining that they were busy on the weekends and so forth, so DE made an almost week-long event so that more people would be able to participate in it. And quite frankly, having a longer event IS nice, makes it easier to get the personal rewards without having to deal with grinding marathons.

    The only thing that having a longer event screws up is the competitive part. Longer event = more time that a person can farm, and this means that the competition favors hardcore no-lifes more than ever before. Personally I stopped caring about getting top clan or top player long ago, but it still sucks to have the leaderboards simply being dictated by how much of a no-life you are. If DE gave all clans who participated to a certain amount some kind of memorabilia, while giving the top 3 clans of each tier a deluxe edition of it, I'm sure a lot of people would be less ticked off about the whole ordeal. I mean, players get tiered personal rewards, why not clans?

  7. Well technically, as long as you always go with a full team of 4, you'll get 4 points per run and be able to get top reward in approximately 25 runs. (you get more captives and thus more points with more people, because f@#$ soloers/people with bad connection issues, roflcopter) Also, like normal void runs, only the host needs a key, so as long as you're in a clan with enough people doing the alerts, you can mooch off them for runs and give the entire party more points per key, so you don't actually have to run a lot of alerts for key parts.

    Plus, these rewards are supposed to be bonuses to be awarded to people willing to work the extra mile for them, not everyone's expected to earn them. I doubt the mods are exclusive or anything.

  8. Got my 3 points, I'm done for now. I'll probably spend my remaining 3 keys sometime during the event, but i'm not farming any more than that.

    This event just seems to be a step backwards compared to the Fomorian Event. It's alert-based (an extremely hated part of the Artifact Defense event), there are no personal rewards and incentives, it's STILL top clan only who gets anything out of the event (my clanmates have practically given up after looking at Warbros' score, and it's pretty depressing to me when I compare it to how enthusiastic they were with the Informer event or even the Fomorian event), and it is still a lame grind. I actually preferred running around random missions hunting Fusion Moas and Informers compared to this complicated mess.

    I feel like they made this event just to give the Settlement a little bit of lore, or to buy themselves time to finish the Settlement content. Kinda disappointed :/

  9. I actually don't think the camo skin should be the reward, it's fine if cosmetics are just plat-only stuff. What they should have done was rewarded the two new weapon bps to participators. Like, the Dual Gremlins for 20 points, Miter for 50 points or something like that.

  10. Warbros alone will probably get the event done. I mean, holy cheese look at their score.

    And honestly I don't think DE even has the luxury to hold content hostage. We've already had a bunch of "burnt out" threads on the forums, player activity has been in decline, and f2p games (especially ones in "beta") require significant amounts of updates and content in order to stay fresh. The devs spent a lot of resources and manpower into making that tileset and the related content, not to mention they're locking the two new weapon bps in the new tileset. If this event fails and they actually don't release the Grineer Settlement content, that is A LOT of resources wasted, not to mention the two new weapons will be kept in a plat-only state which does NOT look good in the eyes of the community. DE does not have the luxury to risk holding back content in this stage of development.

    But who knows, maybe DE is crazy enough to do it. Hell, it might even be as one of the other guys on this thread said, DE might be crazy enough to rig it to failure just to prove a point or something, i actually wouldn't put it past them. Or it might be because the Settlement and such isn't even completed and this is all just an excuse. /conspiracy

  11. DE is focusing too hard on pumping out new content like weapons, tilesets, weekend events etc. while the core gameplay (weapon balancing, enemy behaviour and variety, defense dominating the game etc.) is getting increasingly stale. That's the biggest reason why it seems that Warframe is slowly starting to come apart. So no, I don't like the direction that the development is heading, though no comment on whether DE has "bitten off more than they can chew". I feel that these are mistakes due to inexperience, which isn't too late to be remedied, it's just a matter of whether DE can listen to the right feedback and learn from their mistakes and successes/gain more experience fast enough.

  12. The devs already stated they refuse to add an /unstuck button due to stubborness, and because "an unstuck button would mean less players will report bugs". Of course, if DE just made the game take a screenshot or make a technical report to send back to DE every time a player uses /unstuck and makes it so you can only use the command once per game, as well as have it send the player back to the start of the map, DE would be able to get much more useful bug reports (players don't fill out bug reports because it's friggin' annoying to do, and it's hard to describe what happened with words), and players won't abuse the unstuck button (not much anyway). But oh well, that's DE for you.

  13. Pdx you ought to stop with the shock and awe stuff in the title. That is a really bad habit.


    -The game is dying!


     Not really. Pretty healthy still.


    - Ice is wearing thin!


    Nothing happening right now is much different from any other time.


    - save the game!


     People do that by just discussing things.




     Sorry to be a flat tire, man, but don't you think you could have dropped the Doomsayers tone and carried your thread on its message instead of relying on buzzwords that don't necessarily apply?

    Well first off, if the topic title was mellow barely anyone would read it. I mean, which thread would you read, the one that says "The game is dying, we need to do something to save it!" or the one that says "Some problems with the game that should be changed"? Yes, maybe the titles are a little sensationalist, but so what, it's not hurting anyone. It's the internet, not everything's supposed to be mellow and flat.

    And secondly, from a certain point of view, his topic does stand. For example, both I (warlord of Lone Rangers) and pdxdubin (warlord of Asuro) have noticed very significant decreases in player activity in our clans overtime. If less and less players are active, then the game IS essentially "dying". And if the game is "dying", then wanting to "save" it makes sense. Also, the "icing is wearing thin" part is a metaphor, if you had read the OP post properly you would know that. He is using icing on cake as a metaphor of the new external content that DE is frequently pumping out to keep the game looking fresh, such as weapons, tilesets and weekend events, all while the core of the game, or the "cake" itself, is going stale due to neglect. So regardless of whether the title sounds sensationalist, it IS legitimate.

    And read the replies in this thread. Almost all of them are constructive and civilized, which is more than what I can say for many other threads where the replies are just flames like "RNG/BETA, QQ MOAR" or "YOU SO NOOB, GAME NEED MORE HARDCORE" or something like that. Why does it matter if a topic title on an internet forum has a doomsayer feel to it if the actual content is extremely organized and reasonable?

  14. Normally when I see the term "this game is dying", I expect the OP to be a whiner with few actual legit points and the comments section to be filled with flames and fanboy-ism. After actually reading the thread as well as the comments, I'm surprised to see that this is all very organised and reasonable. Faith in the forums partially restored! :D

    On a more serious note, pretty much all of your points are accurate. Right now DE is too focused on releasing new content in the form of weapons, tilesets and weekend events that give the impression they were frantically thrown together to appease the playerbase who is getting increasingly bored of the game. While I wouldn't say the game is "dying" YET so to speak, I've noticed that my clan has had signficantly less players online at a time compared to before (I'm Warlord of Lone Rangers, a 1000+ member clan), and I myself as well as a few of the other "hardcore" players of the game who has chalked up A LOT of playtime on the game are finding less and less motivation to play the game. As the OP has stated, while DE is busy pumping out new content in an attempt to keep the game fresh, the CORE of the game is what's extremely lacking, and yet is the most important part of a successful game.

    Here's a rant I wrote in another thread about the stale core that is the cake of Warframe, which is also a pretty good thread btw:


    Right now Warframe is just going in a downward spiral into boredom. It's not just because Defense has become the be-all-end-all of Warframe. Right now almost all difficulty in this game is completely gear-based, long as you have enough time to waste on farming stuff to max mods or get the best gear almost any content is a cakewalk. And then all the hardcores go "I FORMAED MY POTATOED ACRID 8 TIMES! WHY IS GAME EASY??!! TOO EASY!!! MAKE HARDER!!!!", and DE just raises all the sodding planet levels and makes the game even harder, but only numerically, so that solo'ers and people without the LEET gear is locked out from more content, yet the game is still as much of a cakewalk as before for co-opers and hardcores with all the maxed gear. It's been said before that the game pre-U9 was perfectly balanced for solo play, which was why co-op felt too easy. If DE had listened to the right people, they would've known that introducing mission level scaling to player number would have been a much better option, as that would have made the game as accessible as before for solo'ers and non-hardcores, but wouldn't be a cakewalk for all the co-op players, who were essentially playing missions balanced for one player with 4 players and thus 4 times the firepower.

    But wait, there's more! Powercreep is becoming an increasingly serious problem in the game. There has always been some gear that were clearly superior to others, and with the addition of the Prime weapons that's becoming even more clear. Why is powercreep bad? Just watch this:

    And then there's the fact that a vast majority of the weapons are completely generic and uninteresting, with only a few exceptions such as the Glaive/Kestrel or the lab weapons.

    Hell, the gameplay itself is still boring. Most of the enemies are still generic and uninteresting, either relying on sponginess or stunlock to present any kind of difficulty. Why does the Grineer Commander do nothing but switch teleport randomly instead of actually commanding their troops and raising their AI? Where's the Corpus elite snipers who can cloak and throw flashbangs? Where's the flying Infested units that toss thorns from afar?

    And then there's the fact that the community keeps getting increasingly toxic and self-contradictive ever since the game got "big". Almost every time I look at the forum, most of the threads are "We're too powerful, give us BB guns instead" or "RUSHARS/DEFENS HEREOS RUININ MAH GAEMPLY EXPREINCE", or something about pvp or the microtransaction system. And then the flames begin in the replies section. Every time a good thread that has actually fresh and constructive suggestions or ones that point out major flaws in the game show up, it gets ignored and soon fades into oblivion, especially those that have wall-of-texts to explain their points in detail, because the average internet user has less attention span than a puppy. Just look at the whole "Nova is OP?" controversy right now. Every time someone suggests a tweak to Molecular Prime, if it doesn't involve insta-nuking an entire defense wave, everyone starts crying that that will ruin Nova and that all frames should have that same level of "press 4 to win" power instead. AND THEN these people complain that the game is too ez mode and the game should be more difficult.

    I used to have a lot of hope for this game. I thought it had a ton of potential, and that with the proper nurturing, Warframe could be one of the best f2p shooters in history. Yet with almost every update, i find myself having less and less expectations for the future of Warframe. Look at Update 9, the "polishing" update. Yeah, what did they polish? Nothing but one boss fight and the UI. And the lore i guess. They even ruined the potential credit sink that would have been purchasable resources by making them plat-only instead. And of course after several updates, Nightmare Mode is STILL not a toggle-able option. I've had 450+ hours in this game, I've spent many hours writing concept threads about weapons/enemies/bosses, I've even drawn bloody fanart for the game, but nowadays I just can't find the motivation to play the game anymore. I hope DE can change that soon.

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