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Posts posted by Madotsuki

  1. The problem with accuracy mods is that it would make "fire rate" guns insanely OP. Guns with high fire rate are often balanced by mediocre accuracy. Having accuracy mods would ruin the balance. Plus, imagine shotguns with accuracy mods (lower spread). Ultra OP.

  2. +1

    Great way to make Mastery Ranks worth something above Rank 4 (Hek). The current amount of slots is nowhere near enough for free players to try out content, especially since equipment needs to be leveled for a long time, meaning most players wouldn't want to throw away their old gear in case the new gear is not to their liking after testing it. Considering the sheer amount of different weapons and warframes right now, and that so much more will be added in the future, giving players 1 warframe slot and 2 weapon slots per rank would not go even close to replacing the use of buying slots. It's not like raising the Mastery Rank is remotely easy anyway.

  3. Kinda agree :|


    This method is far too elusive for any players interested in the particular frame, maybe if they're gonna release like, the king of warframes, perhaps something like the Stalker, it would be fair that this system could be used only exclusively for the particular warframe.


    But for what Banshee is worth, this is system isn't going to cut it

    I would expect they'll add a boss to Sedna for Banshee BPs eventually. I mean, so far all warframe bps drop from bosses, and Sedna is missing a boss. It would make sense....right?

  4. Also, I know I can go lookup what the ? drop is.  I don't see the point of putting a ? in the game if they're just gonna post what it is on a website.  The act of tabbing out and checking what it is on the twitter feed is just extraneous and annoying.

    ...I never thought about this. If there is an official forum and twitter about what the ? reward is, why is it still a ? in-game? :x Good point there :o

  5. Actually ye shouldn't do that much if it is hard and always end earlier waves unless ye can keep going for affinities and misc etc.

    The point is it shouldn't be that way. Players should be guaranteed better rewards for challenging themselves and motivate them to go as far as possible, not make people quit on Wave 5 because the Wave 10 and beyond rewards could be WORSE.

  6. Warframe logic :| Oh and don't forget, once you make a Dual Wield pistol you can't single wield again without buying a new one.


    Oh and for all you people who don't realize what he's talking about:

    For some reason, using two vipers at once requires additional crafting costs and a 12 hour wait, despite it logically simply being holding and using two vipers at once.

  7. So, according to devs, Uncommon and Rare mods will now only drop on higher leveled missions. Which leads me to wonder, just how "higher leveled" do i have to go to find something other than the completely useless commons? Y'know, since even basic damage and fire rate mods are "uncommon". I seriously hope i don't have to go all the way to Neptune to find a Serration, or Pluto for a multishot -_-

  8. After reading through your whole post:


    1. Alert rewards are mostly random. Adding more blueprints and items to the pool will help, and it's what the devs are doing anyway, but I see no reason to complain about getting "the same old things" from alerts just because you're a veteran and got it all already. Oh and you can read the Alert forums so you'll know whether an alert is worth your time.


    2. I see what you mean with the mods not being worth leveling to max what with their diminishing returns, though it's sort of a standard for upgrade systems. It acts as a "resource lock" to prevent players from maxing a mod too fast, without making early upgrades too expensive. I agree with how Orokins are way more important now and how it seems stupid that, with an Orokin catalyst, a rank 4 pistol can use a +100% damage mod. I don't really see a fair way of fixing that under the current mod system though.


    3. Certain weapons being outright better than others is inevitable in PvE games. They can't all be just sidegrades, or it would get boring. It's like how Hek is the best shotty, or Gorgon is the best rifle. Cronus being better than Skana in every way is the best example. Since this is beta, new gear will be constantly released, it should be expected that some new gear will be upgrades to existing ones. If you feel that a new gear is outright better than the gear you have, then sell your existing one and buy the new one. I also do not appreciate the extremely limited warframe/weapon slot system, but i guess that's a different subject.


    4. Completely agree with high levels needing better loot to compensate the tougher difficulty. Not by nerfing lower level loot though, definately. >_>


    5. Most warframe powers just outright need a rework IMO. They need to complement the gunplay/melee, not attempt to replace it. As it stands now, aside from using Ults as a panic button, most skills are completely useless compared to guns, exceptions including Iron Skin (invuln ubercharge), deployable shields, switch teleport, and Trinity/Excalibur stuff. Plus, using abilities should be encouraged since that's what makes Warframe unique, why would reducing energy orb drops be a good idea?

  9. you don't need to encounter any boss to make him pop out, he'll pop out when your frame lvl is above 5.. he'll just random the bost name, he's a baddass, even though he's nothing vs my rhino iron skin now.. (i read the article in wiki btw)

    Really? I thought he appears only after you killed a boss, and his level is related to the boss you killed :/

  10. So, after so long, I finally got Stalked while on Jupiter. Funny thing is, the Stalker said he was avenging Kril, and yet I have never so much as fought Kril, much less killed him. Has this happened to anyone else?


    On a side note, as I was leveling my Rhino (rank 16) and Braton Vandal (Rank 14), my gear was nowhere near good enough to kill him solo -_- Would like to fight him again with my "serious business" loadout though :x

  11. So, i just played an infested mission on Jupiter, to test the supposed Ancients buff on U7.7.3. After encountering 2 Toxics, it would appear that:

    1. Their attack rate has increased

    2. Their attack speed has increased

    3. Their wind-up animation has been significantly shortened

    4. Their range seems to have been increased

    5. Their speed possibly increased

    No idea on their spawn rate, as it was only one mission and it was Extermination. If their spawn rate decreased as a result, I don't mind them being buffed to mini-boss status.

  12. First of there has to be an option beforehand to announce what playstile one prefers. Labeling a match "rush" or "exploration" would help players to quickly find like-minded persons, which gets rid of much anger against each other. To each his own. Secondly, to avoid grievers the timer must go. It's as simple as that. Just let people vote for themselves whether they want to leave the match at the extraction point or not. As soon as one place is free, it can be filled up again by another player. Just let the difficulty adjust itself according to the number of players still in the match.

    1. The first suggestion would require a "lobby" screen for you to choose a squad to join. Plus, rushers can join just to troll the "explorers" anyway.

    2. The second suggestion essentially allows for infinite farming of the same mission. One player keeps the game instance up, another just repeatedly finishes and rejoins the "cleared" session for credit rewards. It is so exploitable it's not even funny. And what if there's an AFKer?


    Requiring half the team to start the countdown is the closest they'll get to balance. The only way i can think of beyond that is giving everyone the credit reward instead of just the ones at extraction, though that would in turn encourage leeching off of sessions.

  13. 1) The Strun can do that as well as the Hek. And yes its a valid strategy because they're not really fast and they melee, so you can kill them before they reach you. Two ancients is a massive cakewalk, by the way.


    2) 20-30 ancients...hahaha...please next time come with facts instead of made up numbers. A dozen in Mercury...hahaha.


    Do you have a problem with anything that has the power to be a minor inconvenience to your character? Are you averse to any sort of effort?


    We already helped the OP with the strategies to deal with them. I don't know why you keep complaining, honestly.


    Also, yes, the heavies should be buffed...how did you guess? Especially Napalms.

    I HAVE fought 20-30 ancients on missions before. Well, maybe not 30, but there was at least one time with at least 20 Ancients throughout the entire mission. That is a fact from my experience. And yes, i HAVE seen a dozen Ancients in that one Infested mission on Mercury (not in a clump but throughout the course of the mission). Just because you haven't seen these numbers doesn't mean they don't exist. And no, I don't have a problem with minor inconveniences. As i said, Ancients are nothing but bullet sponges combat-wise, with annoying abilities tacked on that either take away your ability to use abilities, or instantly take out a chunk of your health regardless of shields or armor, not even requiring the Ancient to hit you but to simply stand next to you. This isn't a "minor inconvenience", it's boring and annoying enemy behaviour. Tell me, would you really cry if the Ancients spawned less? Would Ancients not being able to hit behind themselves ruin your gameplay experience? Oh and the forum topic is "Why Infested Ancients need a good nerf", not "how do i deal with Ancients". I have every right to talk about why they should be nerfed and how they should be nerfed. And no, Heavies don't need buffs. What we need are more enemy variety, with different behaviours to spice it up.



    I was anticipating some people loving this. Don't worry - this is big on our priority list to have a *choice* to go into a tough mission where you are forced to think more of survival and less of a death charge.


    The frame rate fix for weapons adjusted values across the board, the baseline Lancers are too high. We'll fix that.


    Then we'll add punishment mode for those that love this (I watched a few vids and *loved* how careful the guys were being and hearing them scream as they were almost dead rounding a corner).


    This will be a 'cake and eat it too' result in the end.




  15. My way to confront them is just to unload 4-5 Hek shots, they go down pretty fast with that weapon ^^, my thought abouth them is just to kill'em quick, in this case an aggressive behavior works very fine :), if their attacks are difficult to avoid should be better to kill lthem before they have a chance to attack ^^.

    Hek is a Mastery Rank 4 weapon. Not everyone has a Hek to use. And "killing it before it can do anything" isn't even an actual strategy, it's as much a strategy as "have more DPS than the boss".

    The same spawn rate as Grineer heavies? If it spawned at that rate it should be buffed considerably, and it should have some sort of ranged attack, too.

    So no, leave them how they are. It's fine that a lot of them spawn.

    Oh, it's you again. Wonderful. And might I add that Heavies, despite spawning less than Ancients, are EASIER to kill than Ancients, and give significantly MORE xp? Meh, I bet you'll say "THEN BUFF THE HEAVIES". Having frequent double Ancients is fine on the harder levels, or occasional triple Ancients even if it's on the Phorid planet or beyond. But there are currently at least a dozen strewn out on even a Mercury-level Infested mission, with some later missions having (and i counted) 20-30 Ancients, not even counting the Defense ones. And they are nothing but bullet sponges anyway, with either an instant energy+shield wipe on hit, or instant health damage on proximity. They're not fun. They're just annoying. Oh and, ranged attacks should be implemented on a new "uncommon" Infested unit (launching spikes or something), not Ancients.

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