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Posts posted by Madotsuki

  1. Haven't fought Kela yet (RNG is trolololing and not giving me a shield mod) so i can't really judge her design, but really most bosses right now are considered poorly designed bullet sponges. With the exception of Jackal, all the other bosses are really bullet spongy versions of normal enemies with a couple warframe abilities tacked on and super shields, and in some cases some kind of one-shot ability for lolz. Really, I would have preferred an overhaul of bosses and enemies for U7 instead of the Mod 2.0 system, but that's another story -_-

  2. Its easy. If your have 3 team mates, of course not every grineer is shooting at you.....

    And its the exact opposite. The more people, the harder the enemies

    Pretty sure enemies don't scale right now, so enemies stay constant no matter if you're soloing or co-oping. The only difference is that in co-op not all of the enemies are shooting at you, and as long as your team is nearby you get infinite revives. And of course you have more firepower due to having more people.

  3. I'm concerned more about is the fact that enemies get stronger when you're solo compared to co-op. For instance, when I was farming Kelade for Saryn parts, when I was in a party, the enemies' fire rate was about 1/3 of what it was when I was solo. At best only a couple grineers could eradicate my 500 shields within a couple seconds when solo. And when I was playing co-op? I could take on 10 grineers without losing HALF of my shields.

    So yeah. I suppose the game is heavily against playing solo, unless you're fighting infested.

    I think that might have more to do with lag and/or framerate than enemies actually scaling DOWN difficulty in co-op. Oh and i would've considered Infested the harder faction to solo over Grineers and Corpus o_O

  4. Still hunting for a GODDAMN SHIELD MOD post U7, but pre-U7, i didn't have a lot of problems soloing on my Volt. With the exception of Pluto, which i would have needed all supercharged weapons for at least, and Ceres and Eris, which i weren't really attempting because i was busy farming the other bosses and i wouldn't have gotten past goddamn Xini anyway, I was able to solo the other planets and even bosses without too much trouble. The two bosses that were really hard were Vay Hek and Hyena, both due to being complete bullet sponges, but even then i eventually learned how to reliably take them down. I personally am an exclusively solo player, because i live in hong kong and thus cannot team up with anyone without lagging like all hell.

    Quite frankly, i think the difficulty right now is almost just right....for solo. Certain spawn rates should be reduced, true, especially on defense missions (either that or put the defense missions on a side lane instead of the "mainstream" that leads to the boss) and maybe change the bosses a bit so they are more of a challenge instead of a bulletsponge, but that's a long story not close to the current topic. What the game needs is ENEMY SCALING TO PLAYER NUMBER. There are all kinds of elitists on the forums i've seen that are all like "this game is too easy lolololol, l2p or uninstall", and really the problem lies in that the game is rediculously easy when you have a team, and is really only any kind of a challenge when you solo. And most people don't solo, and thus complain that the game is too easy. In any PvE co-op game, enemy scaling is a must. Borderlands 2 did it. Diablo 3 did it. Why shouldn't Warframe? Simply increasing enemy spawn rate and putting a multiplier on enemy health, shields and damage based on the number of players present should work out most of the problems. It would give the game a challenge for the co-op players, while not completely screwing over solo players. What's not to like?

    Although seriously if you have problems soloing Mercury...even i can't help you there :/

  5. First off, let me start by saying Mod 2.0 is a vastly improved mod system. As a mod system, it allows us to upgrade our mods directly instead of having to farm more and relying completely on RNG to get a better one. Sure the higher leveled fusion costs are kinda absurd at the moment (it supposedly takes 1000+ of the same mod and a million credits to upgrade to level 10) but it's a step in the right direction. For the mod system.

    It is NOT, however, a better upgrade system. I don't mind having to refarm some stuff, and neither should anyone since this is a beta and we already expected a reset somewhere along the line. But having all weapon and warframe progression based entirely on RNG is just bad game design. At the very least, leveling up a warframe or weapon should give some kind of passive bonus. I've been playing since the start of the update and i STILL haven't found a goddamn shield mod. It's not even about "wanting to be on godmode" or any of that BS that dev fanboys and elitists keep accusing people who complain about the new mod system of. It's about having a solid sense of progression whenever i play a mission. Before U7, I can be certain that by getting 2 more levels I'll be able to get the next shield upgrade, or fire rate upgrade. It gives me a solid goal that i can work towards, and I can feel that i am accomplishing something. Now, I have little to no motivation to keep playing the game because for all i know it'll be another month of grinding Mercury before i even get one basic shield mod. It's all fine and well for the lucky few who get all the mods they wanted on the first friggin' day, but for those that aren't so lucky, the game quickly loses its attraction because there is no certain reward system. The game needs a carrot-on-a-stick, not the promise of having a chance to get a carrot, but might get a rotten apple instead or even nothing at all.

    A simple solution is, simply, to give gear a slight passive bonus whenever you level it up. For example, giving 5 shields and health, and 3.33 max power per level up. By the time you reach rank 30, you'd have 150 extra shields and 150 extra health, and 100 extra max power, which isn't exactly overpowered is it? As a counter-balance, health and shield mods should be nerfed to half its current effectiveness, and only affect the base health/shields/power of the Warframe, ignoring the passive bonuses. This doesn't give Warframes more health or shields than they currently do. Here's some math: Under my proposed system, a frame with 100 health will get 150 extra from leveling up, which adds up to 250. A rank 5 vitality mod gives 150% health buff, which adds up to 150. Combined, they give 400 health. Under the current mod system, a rank 5 vitality mod gives 300% health buff, which adding to the base health is also 400 health.

    In addition, as it currently stands, Rare 10 fusion cores are completely useless compared to Rare 1s, and so on for every other tier of fusion cores, due to cost not balancing with fusion efficiency. If i remember right, a Rare 10 gives twice the fusion power of a Rare 1, but has 10 times the cost. Why would I want to use a Rare 10 when i can use 2 Rare 1s at a much lower credit cost? Plus, playing high leveled areas also don't neccessarily give better rewards than a lower leveled area, since the drop rate is still the same, it still depends completely on RNG, and the cash reward is the same. Excluding the boss levels which drop BPs, as it stands now the game encourages farming Mercury and Venus forever instead of playing Ceres/Eris/Pluto. Back before U7, high leveled enemies dropped high leveled gear. If you wanted better mods, you HAD to play harder levels. You don't just get a Rank 25 multishot off a level 3 Grineer Lancer. As of U7, all enemies drop the same base unupgraded mods anyway. Why should I play any Earth mission more than once aside from Vay Hek when I can get the same rewards on Mercury at a much lower difficulty and a faster time? Hell, playing high leveled areas may even be a DISADVANTAGE as theoretically it gives a higher chance of dropping Rank 10 fusion cores, which right now sucks compared to Rank 1s, which drop more on low level areas.

    An easy way of fixing this would be to allow high leveled enemies to drop pre-upgraded mods, and also have a higher mission reward credit amount. If i got 2500 credits from each Earth mission, which quite frankly usually takes more than twice the time to complete compared to a Mercury mission, then I'd have an incentive to play Earth instead of speedrunning M Prime over and over and over. It also helps balance the fusion costs at higher levels. And of course, please fix those fusion core fusion costs.

    To sum it up, I would highly reccommend at least giving gear a small passive buff to stats per level up to reduce the reliance on RNG and give players more of a sense of achievement, and to improve the rewards for harder missions to motivate players to play the harder missions instead of speedrunning easier ones. And also fix the fusion core fusion costs, seriously.

  6. I found 1 Flow mod (can't remember where, but it was on a Corpus ship), but STILL NO SHIELD MODS. And seriously, Max Power mods are not OP at all. Warframe abilities are what makes this game even work. Without abilities, Warframe would be nothing but a subpar third person shooter with heavy emphasis on farming. Being able to store a few more energy spheres for use is in no way overpowered, and in fact is crucial to any caster types like Trinity or Loki. If anything, it's some of the skills that need to be changed to encourage using them more and teamplay. For example, right now the vast majority of Ults for warframes is just an AoE desperation move when you're too surrounded. A little variety would be nice. And some skills like Ember's fireball or Volt's lightning thing are really sub-par in terms of power. It'd be just better to make them debuffs and status inflictors instead of blunt damage projectiles.

  7. Hmm, prior to U7 I could solo take down the Hyena reliably with my Gorgon (in seconds if i combine it with the defence/offence buff of my Volt's Electric Shield). Vay Hek took a lot longer to solo, but i could also do it without running out of ammo (of course, back then i had a 200+ clip and 875 max ammo -_- which is impossible now). Unless they got buffed on health and armor since U7, it should still be possible to solo most of them. I do agree that bosses really need A LOT more diversity than they have right now, since as of right now they are essentially bullet sponges of normal enemies with a few warframe abilities tacked on. I've already made a post a long time ago about how bosses could be changed to provide a better challenge, though no one read it :/

  8. Do you even hear how $&*&*#(%& doest it sound? "You farn the amazing M Prime". - its SECOND mission in game. Its not meant to be grinding grounds, the times on Lineage II has passed dude, noone want to sit in starting area repeating stuff over over.

    Whole Merqury should be (and it WAS back in 6) "tutorial" for different missions types + soft introduction of crafting.

    Then you start your jorney to different planets.

    Forcing new players to sit on their asses with basic weapon, limited (since you now either fuse mods and SPEND money or sell mods and loose power) income, bizzare cash-shop prices is a nice way to turn alot of people from this game.

    Uhh....quite sure krisp is being sarcastic. I mean, he did use the word "zillion". Well...i hope he's sarcastic...

  9. Lately I've been experiencing a very peculiar phenomenon. Enemies have been spawning rediculously close to me. For instance, one time i started in that small Corpus room with the ton of lockers. I loot, go to the door and immediately aggroed some dudes outside who triggered the alarm. I had a bunch of MOAs heading my way, so i turned tail back into the room to set up an ambush for the MOAs. Instead, what do i find? Half a dozen Corpus had spawned inside the room. While i was still in it. There were no other entrances or exits. They were just suddenly there, spawned in the same small room that i was in.

    It gets funnier. I've been farming Vor a lot, and in that huge "boss room" he gets, I have actually seen Grineer spawn ON SCREEN. I literally see 2-3 of them suddenly pop into existence in the distance, in clear sight. Hell, one time after i killed Vor and was clearing out the room, a Shield Lancer spawned right next to me, like, inches away. He just suddenly poofed into existence inches next to me (and got smashed by a hammer when i freaked and pressed e by reflex). I also have the enemy radar artifact equipped, and I have seen red dots randomly materialize on my mini-map all the time. And i don't mean just walking in range of existing enemies so that they show on the minimap. I mean having red dots suddenly appear right next to myself on the minimap, definately from inside my radar range (they had spawned beneath the platform i was standing on).

    My most recent experience. Just started another Tolstoj run, stealth hammered a Lancer and moved on into a sewer pipe. I had checked that the room was cleared out completely before I left. A quarter of my way through the pipe, I hear a "hmm?" sound behind me, and BOOM, there's now a red dot in the room i left. I go back, see the new Lancer staring at his dead buddy's corpse (his back was turned to me), and shoot him in the head. I check again, the room was clear, no enemies as far as the eye could see (it's one of the medium sized open rooms), and the closest entrance other than the pipe i was going in was a mile away. I go back in the pipe. A quarter in. "Hmm?" I go right back and magically there is now ANOTHER lancer standing there gawking at the corpses. I shoot him in the head again, and checks. Now there's 3 extra Grineer smack in the middle of the 3-seconds-ago-completely-empty room, all 3 heard the gunshot, and they push the bloody alarm. Welp, so much for stealth.

    I am going to clarify right now, I have no problems with spawning large amounts of enemies. In fact, in most cases i welcome them, the more enemies the more mods i potentially get. What I can't accept is having enemies spawn so rediculously close to me. It is silly and annoying on lower levels, and devastating on higher ones. Imagine, you just finished clearing out a room full of mobs on Ceres/Eris (whichever is the Grineer one), open the door to find several dozen Grineers waiting outside, complete with a few Heavies, and of course you turn back for cover instead of rushing in to die. Instead, you find half a dozen Grineers have suddenly materialized in that room that you just cleared up, defying all logic, and screw you over. That is just fake difficulty to me. Oh and, because i just know there's gonna be a fanboy/elitist saying this, don't give me BS about how it's only a problem because i'm "soloing in a 'co-op' game" and that a team could easily handle it. Yes, maybe a team can handle a dozen level 30 seekers and shield lancers spawning a foot away from them, but it still makes no bloody sense and is extremely counter-intuitive.

    A simple solution would be simply to have a number of mobs spawn throughout the map at the start of the level, and only start spawning more when the alarm has been triggered, and keep new enemy spawns to a minimum of 2 rooms away from where I currently am. Completing the objective will spawn another set of mobs throughout the map (except in the room where you completed the objective, obviously), etc. Or at the very minimum, don't let enemies spawn in the same room I'm in or any room that i had just been to in the last 30 seconds. Or, y'know, at least don't let them spawn in areas that i can STILL SEE ON MY FRIGGIN' MINIMAP.

    Now I'm gonna go back to farming Tolstoj and hope a Grineer doesn't spawn overlapping me and cause a TF2 telefrag -_-

  10. The Infested mission on Mercury is optional. Kill Vor on Tolstoj first and get the Cronus, then level that up and give it some melee damage mods. Sharp melee weapons can kill Infested really effectively, just keep slicing. Fire also deals massive damage to Infested btw.

  11. Don't think i quite understood what you wanted to say about enemy/warframe scaling, but on the subject of mod ideas. While most you suggested are creative, a lot of them are really quite impractical. In order:

    Wall Hack is completely unneccessary due to having enemy radar to see them on your minimap.

    Camouflage sounds really vague, don't know what you mean.

    Wall/Enemy Puncture would be way U.P. on their own, this is why we just have one puncture mod that punctures everything.

    Tenacity also sounds really vague, and i don't agree with passive energy gain anyway.

    Compassion is interesting. I like the idea of a mod that increases the potency of health and perhaps energy orbs, or healing items. However, would anyone really waste a mod slot to equip it? Most people don't even use items, and having a health orb heal more than 50 hp actually sounds kinda O.P. Considering even with a maxed out health mod, most frames only have 400 health anyway, having a single health orb, which are usually plentiful in Corpus maps, heal 100 hp, even on full upgraded mod, sounds O.P. to me, yet having less than that just sounds useless.

    Radar, if implemented, would outright replace enemy and loot radar. Considering loot radar is mostly useless and enemy radar is all most people care about (i think), having them both combined into one mod sounds good to me.

    Why would anyone use Double Jump. This isn't a platformer, and the maps don't really support double jumping anyway. Momentum Mastery is the same thing. They're too unimportant for anyone to really care about.

    Every single parry mod: Also coparitively useless. Most enemies use guns anyway. The Grineer have 3 melee units, all of whom die really fast. Corpus only have 1. There are too many Infested to parry, and they usually die from 1-2 slashes from a Cronus anyway. Plus, having it as a "chance" to activate instead of an absolute ability with cooldown makes it even less useful due to being completely unreliable.

    Ghoster: You really can't get a lot of unaware kills. Unless you're Loki i guess. Excluding Infested, as long as one single unit hits the alarm, all mobs are on perma-alert status. Again, useless.

    Eagle Eye and Vulture Sight: Sounds a little OP, and people scope all the time anyway, so that's practically replacing crit chance and dam mods. Healing for every single kill you make is also a huge no-no. Imagine someone with a Gorgon in an Infested map.

    Unstoppable: Sounds vague and quite useless. Jump attacks already knock down everyone in the AoE, slide attacks and charged attacks already cause stumble.

    Aegis: Again, having just a chance of activating it makes it completely unreliable. Being able to make a shield would make Volt's shield ability obselete too. At most it should be a certain activation on jump attack, with a long cooldown which is shorted by leveling the mod.

    Shadow: Again with the goddamn chance thing. Plus, having it randomly teleport you to the next enemy is disorienting as you can't predict it, will probably end up with you being noticed by other nearby mobs, and takes the fun out of stealthing.

    Really I'm gonna use your post as an experiment to see if people even respond to wall of texts often. If they do then i have my own wall of text to post when the devs return from Pax :/ a REALLY huge wall of text. When does Pax end btw?

  12. I've posted a topic earlier about how Vor's armor was bugged and turned completely white. I have also now confirmed that regular flameblades have the same problem, and now have the same decolored white armor instead of brown. Could someone on the art team check it out? Or if it's not a bug, reply and say so? Although i really hope it's a bug because white doesn't suit the two of them.

  13. Infested_Leaper.jpg

    It's watching you

    Eh, I took that screenshot for the wiki XD

    Since the words 'The' and 'Stalker' keeps getting highlighted.... most likely there's a endgame boss call 'The Stalker'

    And with a lot of talk about a Rogue Tenno that helps the Opposing Factions.... yeah.... lot of crazy going to happen. Just hope that it's not that much powerful than other bosses. Wouldn't wana get mission stuck and lose all the lives.

    Infected Leaper that follows you around does get that Stalker Idea, and since it's probably going to be a current easter egg until they get it 100% done, it's going to freak more people out than excite them for the upcoming idea of a new enemy.

    If it does become a Boss... I wonder what Warframe parts it would drop at its planet location. Be interesting to get the parts of a Rogue Tenno to play as when he's defeated like 20 times :P

    There already is a new secret enemy unit called the Stalker right now. But having slender-leaper as an actual "character" in-game would be awesome XD Also, the first thing i thought of while reading this story was Herobrine ._. I'm weird

  14. I dunno, but when i played i couldn't solo any boss or feel like "god mode always on" (i played for 30-40 hours). If you were swarmed by heavies or a commander teleporting you in the middle of the enemy, a ton of shockwave MOA's coming towards you etc. it was hard, but you could go in and emerge victorious if the enemy was around, let's say, level 15 and you were 30 (i don't have the catalyst). Now if you try to do that and your level 30 with mods unless you are SUPER carefull you can't do anything and i don't think i ever succedeed any mission alone without revives if it wasn't an exterminate mission so you couldn't get swarmed so easily.

    That. Prior to U7 I had a supercharged level 30 Volt, with a supercharged level 30 Gorgon which had good damage mods, every element but fire, and a MULTISHOT mod, yet starting from Earth and Neptune i never once felt like i was an unstoppable god. If i did something stupid and ran into the open without thinking, or get teleported into a dozen grineers by a commander, or so much as bashed down by a shield lancer in the wrong place, or get mobbed by MOAs with a shield osprey buffing them from behind a pillar, guess what, I DIE. And it felt fair. Sure knock downs and stumbles suck, but at least i could solo properly, because i had the passives from leveling to back me up. Passives that I EARNED. And even then i would still get my &#! handed to me on Ceres Eris or Pluto. or any Infested Defense mission for that matter. I was NEVER on god mode. And now I've been reduced to farming Mercury for 3 days and have only just gotten my health mod. God knows how long it'll be before I get a shield one. I can't even try the two new planets, which I heard are around Earth/Neptune level, or even had the chance to check out the new ice planet base because I'm still stuck at 100 shields!

    Oh and Venarge, not everyone has the ability to play co-op in this game. I live in Hong Kong, do you know how many chinese servers there are? ZILCH. Nor do i have friends to play with on this game, especially since the few that i had already quit. If i ever join a random game, I lag the hell out, and everyone just speedruns anyway, not to mention host migration errors and all them fancy co-op errors. Oh and seekers of course. I don't want to play co-op, and even if i do i can't, and i'm not the only one out there who prefers solo. Are you trying to say that people like us shouldn't be allowed to fight bosses? We shouldn't be allowed to farm them for new warframes? Ever considered that the "solo" option was there for a reason?

  15. Umm just a tip, don't know if it's just my own random RNG, but I spent time doing every single Spy Mission I could find

    (1 after the other, working my way from lowest level to highest level ones)

    It seemed to me the random mod reward at the end of most low level spy missions had a very good chance to be vitality, at least for me. (Got lots of Reload Speed/Clip Size mods too as well as a few Sprint Speeds and Stamina Mods)

    So far no luck on finding out where a good place to farm shield mods is though. (But I already have a 240% shield mod, sry forgot where I got it)

    I have a theory that each type of mission (Spy/Capture/Defense/Assassination) has it's own loot tables. (I.E. Certain mods have a higher chance to drop depending on the mission While some mods have a 0% chance to drop in some) The tables seem to change every 20 or so levels though. (Spy Mission at Earth was giving me very different rewards)

    If anyone wants to test this theory, do abunch of Spy missions and report your findings back.

    I dunno about Spy missions, but i can confirm that Raid missions will give a random mod at the end as a mission reward. You can see which one is the reward because the little icon for the mod in the mission summary has the card's picture on it. Probably has a better chance of dropping vitality/shields than enemies :o

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