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Posts posted by Madotsuki

  1. Can someone go and confirm whether Vor still drops the Cronus BP 100% of the time? I found a comment on the wiki saying it's been changed, and Vor no longer drops Cronus BP 100% of the time. If this is true, the only major source of revenue could have just been destroyed D:

  2. I love them all except the penal legionnaires, runner-type enemies should be reserved for Infested.

    I have this image of the Juggernauts being like Badass Nomads in Borderlands2 but with an axe instead of a gun. Mind if i add-on a little to the idea?

    Juggernauts generally move like shield lancers, hiding behind their shields and slowly moving forward, with other grineers taking cover behind him. There is a slit of glass on the shield for the Juggernaut to look through. Players can break the glass by shooting through it, creating a weakspot to hit through. When the Juggernaut is around mid-range of the player, he will break into a sprint (Rhino sprint speed) towards the player and smash the hammer down when he reaches the target. He has a minor windup of lifting up his hammer where he can't move, similar to the shockwave moa but only half the charge time, giving players a chance to run. The hammer smash creates an AOE knockdown quake that can be jumped over, 75% of Fragor quake range. During and after the smash, his shield will be moved to his side, and he takes 2-3 seconds to lift his hammer back up and reposition the shield in front of him, giving players an opportunity to shoot him down.

    Not sure what to say about RAD troopers, needs a little more thought.

    I'm imagining the Corpus Commando as similar to the Hyperion Infiltrators in BL2 (yes BL2 again), but with a rifle instead of a sniper. It would be cool if they can attack while cloaked, but then their cloak should only leave them semi-transparent (shimmering like the Hidden, faint outline). Maybe they use the Latron?

    Combat Engineer, needs to be as rare as Grineer Heavies to avoid sentry spam, not to mention sentries need to be broken relatively easily (thinking of TF2 mini-sentries, without the spammability).

  3. The current lore does indeed have a ton of loopholes that need to be fixed, but right now i think DE should be focused on fixing gameplay elements more than lore :/ right now the bosses are all bullet sponges and merely a test of your DPS and shield/health, and enemies also require tweaking, not to mention mod variety and droprates as well as credit rewards. Lore patches can come after everything else is fixed.

    You are really damn obsessed with the game lore btw XD really good analysis, i think DE would do well to take your advice when it comes to lore :P

  4. Takes over an hour to think up and write a full list of feedback and suggestions on bosses.

    666 views and barely making it to 2 pages over the course of a week and strategic self-replying.

    Takes a minute to copy-paste update notes and ask for details.

    1500+ views and 3 pages in one day, barely replied myself.

    .......i have nothing to say.

  5. We all know DE likes making stealth updates and not telling us, but update 7.7 seems to have brought us some rediculous stuff.

    What they have told us:

    • Bow charge can be cancelled by pressing reload button
    • Fixed an issue where players could run around while bleeding out if they died on a zipline
    • Fix for enemies getting stuck behind doors in defense mode
    • Fixed stats not being properly counted upon missions completion after host migration
    • Fixed descriptions for Saryn/Banshee alt helmets
    • Fixed rescue agent being unable to follow the player into a vent
    • Fixed an issue with frame rate affecting automatic fire rate of some weapons
    • Fixed a crash that may occur if host migration occurs while a client is dead
    • Fixed Stalker's head not appearing on Clients
    • Fixed unresponsive lobby UI if host disconnects from session while returning to frontend

    What they haven't told us:

    • Changed general resource pickup model
    • Reduced Boltor's rate of fire from 11.7 to 8.3
    • Significant increase in enemy damage

    So, does anyone else know what else has been added/changed in the update and DE didn't tell us about? Also, what do you think of the rediculous enemy damage buff, and the unmentioned changes in general?

  6. I think General Ruk should be toned down. Next to impossible to solo. The same goes for The Jackel and it's f'king stupid instakill bombs. How is that fun?

    Ruk isn't that hard, back when i first started i killed Ruk on my first run solo with my old Burston ._. It was damn challenging, but it could be done even without things like the Gorgon, as long as you had a little bit of health and shields upgrade. I'm really not sure how to revamp Ruk, i mean, he IS supposed to be a Heavy. As for the Jackal, he makes a very distinct sound when he deploys the instagib bombs, so in a way it's fair. However, the bombs are way too invisible right now, I can never see where it is and can only run away blindly, hence why i suggested adding a bright red light on the bombs, preferably blinking.

  7. I believe one important aspect of bosses would be to scale with number of players. It is not fun for someone trying to do a mission solo (someone playing first time, or just prefering to solo stuff) to deal with some early bosses because of lack of mod slots and good weapons, even skills. Kitting and outsmarting some bosses should be a rewarding mechanic for those who don't have the gear to stand in his face and melt him in couple combos.

    Especially when not all warframes have same benefits (invisibility, stealth, powerful damage combos, defensive skills, crowd control etc). Since the game is focused at PvE, either redo some skills for some warframes which are lacking in this department (especially with how powerorbs are non existant in a boss fight), and then make the bosses as you said more challenging, or make the bosses drop ammo / orbs when they reach certain HP values (every 15% or 25% depending how difficult they are).

    Since the game is F2P in it's true nature, content should be available for a wider array of warframes (including the starting 3, since someone starting new will be stuck with his choice of warframe for quite a while).

    Boss health/shields should be scaled, as well as some of their attacks. But honestly, all enemies should scale to player number :o And yes, some skills do need revamping, but that's for a different thread :P

  8. So, i took off my vitality and redirection mods, and my rank 30 Volt has 450 shields and 300 hp. Which would mean by rank 30, shields and hp will be increased by 200% through passives only. With mods, it can get OP, but without mods, it's much more balanced. The health and shield mods need to be nerfed, the passive buffs are fine.

  9. Anyo needs to stop taunting me to "face him like a man" and runing away like a pansy whenever he sees me. It's really frustrating because there are times when I can't hit him and he can't hit me because he just runs whenever I so much as look at him. Fortuanetly I have Mag and a decent reserve of galium, so I don't need to face him any time soon.

    He's just warming up.

  10. The fact that Vor is white is probably just a bug of some sort. You can occasionally see him in his red suit, but then he's white again. Similarly, the power fists are white now too.

    Yeah it's speculated that white Vor, flameblade and Tyl Regor are bugs. The devs haven't fixed it though.

  11. IMO each boss should have its unique level.

    Vor: Grineer designed starship (current ones are Corpus only)

    Jackal: Current is fine.

    Sargas Ruk: Asteroid base with more military stuff, not a dig site.

    J3-Golem: An actual old Orokin ship with few Corpus stuff inside (crates, lights, etc)

    Nef Anyo: Planet mission, Also restrict winter planet to Mars only.

    Tyl Regor: Inside laboratories.

    Hyena: No idea :(

    Vay Hek: A huge skyscraper with Hek on roof.

    Kril: Inside a Grineer military base.

    Phorid: Inside a huge Grineer bunker/base.

    I like the idea of unique tilesets for bosses, but that takes a lot of work, so it won't be neccessary for the moment. Also Sargas Ruk actually fits the Grineer Asteroid Mining base the most, considering he's the Grineer's artifact hunter and has been annexing Tenno-controlled mining sites.

    in my oppinion, Kela is the most fun boss to fight right now, if she isnt glitched that is. Dodging her rockets isnt too easy and the grinders keep you busy as well.

    The only thing that bugs me is her speed and pathfinding, i wish she was a bit faster and would at least try to trap a tenno into a corner.

    going with the OP, maybe have her interact with one of the big heavy grineer guys to convey the "Entertainment" clue, then she looks over her shoulder and commands her entourage to engage the intruders while grabbing her Rocketlauncher from the floor

    edit: and yeah! all of the above, extremely dig the whole thing +1!

    Haven't fought Kela yet so i don't have a lot of comments. I like your idea for the opening cinematic though, added to post.


    Especially movement being clunky. I'm supposed to be a space ninja and yet my mobility is just so damn clunky. I've had a lot of experiences where i jump too far even when i just attempted a tiny hop or the game makes me auto-roll after i land and i roll off a cliff.

    I also want customisable crosshairs too. And while i'm at it, an option to remove that "bar" thing that pops up when i get damaged showing the direction i'm taking fire from. i take screenshots in this game a lot for the wiki, especially of enemies and bosses, and having a smaller crosshair and removing the damage bar thing will help a lot.

    First post and I'm liking you already XD Welcome to the game, I hope you post more, you've got some great ideas, and apparently a network of friends for increased feedback too.

  13. you must have had a copy-and-paste error somewhere, half your post doubled on itself.

    on the subject of "mercenaries", we have the Stalker currently which fills out that role. On the subject of AI, such as adding emotions to the enemies and Grineer having better tactics, that takes A LOT of work. I highly doubt a f2p game that's still in open beta has the resources to pull something like that off. They haven't even worked out the boss mechanics properly right now. It's a really great concept, but inpractical to add at the moment.

    I agree with you on Warframe variety. I would complain that for a game about Warframes, giving only two slots is kinda stupid, but really all i need are two. Volt (my starter) and Rhino.

    Infested flying units is a good idea. Having a few more special events on the ship happen can also be fun, especially having two factions on board at once, but the "constant damage hazardous materials leak" is too difficult for players. Some maps are REALLY long, and some frames are pretty damn slow.

    scythe-zooka...did you watch the RWBY trailers?

  14. Those are exactly my feelings when it comes to bosses.... The Jackal is the best of the bosses precisely because of that, and i still feel he's kind of easy.

    Jackal is the first Corpus boss, he's supposed to be easy -_- Also, what is this "improvement" on the Hyena on U7 that i've been hearing about? The only difference i see is that his armor has turned from a badass black to a awkward light blue that makes it look like a shield osprey with legs.

    As for possible improvements to bosses to make them more fun to fight, I just posted a thread on the topic here:


  15. I guess people have grown accustomed to rolling through a game until you get to "the difficult" part and are having trouble being careful from the very start. Outside of the Infested mission and the boss, which none should ever be done alone unless you really know what you are doing, everything else can be done with some patience. You need to use some cover/angles on the enemies, aim for the head, use melee when there are only a few enemies, and use your abilies only when you are in real trouble. Or when you see some energy orbs around so you know you can replenish that.

    Hell, even Infested can be soloed normally if you have a good sword/axe and know how to use roll. It's the Defense missions that are a massive pain in the &#! to solo. I can survive just fine, but that cryopod just dies in seconds!

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