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Posts posted by gkuoni

  1. Not having done enough during the event to recieve the Brakk, and not really a regret but not having been able to buy or knowing that there were other ways to buy founders outside of steam (which constantly buggs out for me when it involves warframe -.-)

  2. Remember what you said when you need a Mod or Resource.

    That's the terrible part about him. You literally just said he's only good for farming, which is terrible. Not only that but all the other abilities he has are also a complete waste. His stats are terrible, the only means of survival is quick thinking, and he looks naked or wrong without his exclusive syandana.

  3. As stated in the Topic Title.


    With the new prime weapons: Soma Prime, Vasto Prime, and Nova Prime (maybe a few others too), you can change the color of the gold rimmings.


    What do you guys think of this?


    Personally, I wish they'd change it back so that there are gold rimmings, I always liked the metallic gold being there, and wished they're make it so it can't be changed and that the other color has a different value.

  4. ppl couldnt press4win and it seems everyone is against ideas like that.

    It's only the people who are stuck in the past and can't think beyond: run and shoot.


    What you're suggesting would allow people to stratagise over a boss, make the people actually work to get something done. Not everything in the game has to be easy, but an orokin assassinate, that needs to be a challenge, not just something you can easily win with one power.


    Edit: That way it rewards the players who try and think during the fight.

  5. -snip-

     And so far the only Orokin that we know of (besides the corrupted) is the stalker.

    Honestly, it feels as if the Stalker is working for the Orokin or believes in their ideals.



    I have idea for orokin void boss, yes he would be "orokin" as he would be other warframe, one of first ones. He would be really strong opponett with abilities such as power steal, he could steal one of parties warframe abilities and use it. There is a lot more in him, including some lore. I never posted this idea because A im lazy and B it would be waste of time because i know ppl wouldnt like how durable and how strong he can be.

    Also, don't be afraid to post such an idea. You never know if people like it. Hek, people are falling in love with orokin turrets that look like shield drones, so how could your idea be worse?

  6. I kinda like that,,, I just might bump his Time Stop to his fourth and replace one of his other powers with this.

    Making his current 3rd his ultimate would balance him out by a lot and he would become a REALLY good utility frame. Not only that but 200% increased damage against enemies is a lot (looks at boltor prime and most likely soma prime when it comes out). But yeah, if you are going to use my suggestion, feel free to change any stats, they were just placeholders that seemed fair.


    Another thing you might want to know about the ability, is that it would either have unlimited range or a range of 50 (that's Nova's Worm Hole range)

  7. I like the idea, however the skills could use some reworking. My tip would be to make the warframe abilities intertwine a bit more. Also the first and second ability aren't really that clear as to how they work (first increases attack speed? and second makes you into zephyr?)


    The third ability seems slightly bland. You could for example make it so that he becomes immovable and generates an orb around him that acts like a 2nd shield. During the time in the orb you regenerate health over time and all statuses on you are removed, however you cannot move.


    Another replacement could be where you gain strong healing over time, reduces the time and effect of statuses, and also slows you down during the process. (would work so that increasing powerstrength would cause you to gain even more healing but even stronger slow)

  8. This isn't really a bug, but rather, if you have valkyr or zephyr or a really fast melee weapon (dual zoren) there are some areas on the open tilesets on phobos that you can climb off of and even fall down the side. Currently warframe isn't connecting correctly with steam (trying to fix it and that's not the problem) so I can't show any proof. I can however say that at the top of the map, there's this black box that allows you to see through objects.


    Once I get steam integrated again I'll post pictures on where I can find exits.

  9. I really like the idea of this frame and how it ties in with the other topic. He does have quite overpowered abilities (like his 3rd ability), but considering how hard he'd be to obtain it equals itself out. Also considering that the room is for higher level tenno (endgame :D) it makes sense for him to be really powerful.



    An ability replacement could be time skip, where he targets an area, channels for .2 seconds, and then gets completely removed from the area for (0.5 / 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5) seconds [time affected by duration mods] and reappears where he targeted after that time.


    He slows down enemy movement by 50% in a 10 meter radius at starting location, where it also deals 15% of the enemies current health as damage (damage recieves a different value per target) [percentage movement speed lost and health lost is affected by powerstrength].


    After he reappears at the targeted location, he hovers in that area (if in the air) for .75 seconds where he falls down again afterwards. The enemies will not know his location unless he's seen.


    It would have a cooldown of (5 / 5 / 6 / 7) seconds. During the time he's gone the player could circle in a wide radius around the original location.

  10. I really like this idea, basically a gustrag three type 'encounter' (in this case finding a room). I approve also the fact that you'll have to run away. However it should give more than just a prime warframe. The way I see it is somewhat also of a "burial tomb" of some sort. So maybe orokin cells or argon crystals would be a definite drop from the relic or even from the room.


    Another fun thing you could add is that the primed warframe was guarding his/her room, so as soon as you pick it up he starts chasing after you (similar to how you fight mesa except he/she's more hostile.)

  11. How would you fight a Neutral Sentry ?

    First off, I think you mean Neural Sentry.


    Anyways, it all depends on how it survives. What could be is that an AI is protecting the tree (or whatever) that releases the spores. That way we'd have to kill the AI. (I don't think there are orokin beings that are controlling everything at the moment and instead it's an AI protecting the true orokin while controlling the corrupted)

  12. I only read the first post but...Void Assassination?


    How about a void neural sentry? Or how about the stalker having been taken over by the sentry?

    Void Assassination = Void boss (so basically any boss for the void, and if neural sentry were a boss it'd be under Assassination)


    and the Stalker having been taken over by the sentry would A, not make any sense because there wouldn't be much change to him, and B, the Stalker is like a tenno, he can't get affected by the neural sentry (or so I understand). and that would make any other mission where you'd be hunted by him force him to be constantly under neural sentry control.

  13. Perfectly fair really. Not unheard of though the emphasis does seem to be a lot of 'not part of group x'.


    Either way, good luck with your ideas/finding out policy.

    thnx, but back to the OP, there are so many well designed (with good and catchy art) warframe topics and some good bosses, however no one of that community (except 1 person really) has gone into the terretory of a void boss.(The boss from the good artist doesn't even know what it is going to be yet though)

  14. PS: Stalker isn't a Tenno by his own admission; Low Guardian, so whatever he is, he's very firm on making the distinction.

    I know this isn't what the topic is about, but I see the Stalker as someone who just hates his own kind and doesn't want to be in the group because he despises the way the others think and follow the lotus.

  15. Isn't the Stalker technically the only living thing actually attached to the orokin? Just prime him. Stalker prime would mean stalker prime weapons wouldn't it?

    We basically have stalker prime weapons: Paris Prime, Hikou Prime, and Reaper Prime (yes I know they aren't dread, despair and hate, however they are really similar and it wouldn't make too much of a difference.


    Edit: It's also that the tenno come from the void lore wise, and the stalker is a rogue tenno with his own views, so there being a rogue stalker prime wouldn't make sense unless you'd get him from killing stalker which would just become a huge mess of RNG.

  16. @Blakrana (not going to quote the whole text because it would take up too much space)


    The problem is posts die out quickly and usually end up never being found. With that, is it ok to revive an old post if you can honestly say that you have new things to add (like pictures)?


    Edit: Also I appreciate that you took the time to write that much.

  17.      If an event went out involving an Orokin boss, I'd love to see it be about how the Sentry is &!$$ed about his corrupted slaves failing to protect the loot and starts creating totally new soldiers from the slaves who you'd see here and there locked in cages. The new guys would be white and gold armored with a void energy core or maybe be made completely from data and would spawn from an orb in the ceiling that would beam them down.... I'm giving myself goose bumps.

    I'm all in for another event taking place in the void, however an actual boss in the void, like some kind of AI or computer that runs the place while the real creatures in the void(I think sentients or orokin, currently tired and forgetting a lot of lore) are like the tenno, sleeping. This will have a slight spoiler to Mass Effect 1.

    The Ai would basically be a military/hostile version of Vigil who sheltered the protheans.

  18. The biggest problem is that a lot of people are: ooh flashy or good pictures, me want (I know not everyone is but that's the generic reaction). There shouldn't be such a thing though. A lot of concepts are slightly generic with design so that the reader can imagine the boss themselves. It is also hard to find artists willing to help you with a concept.

  19. Edit: A good comparison is Typhus compared to other frame concept threads. Usually other threads just throw in OP abilities, stats. Reading reading boring. But when you look at threads like Typhus, you get to see pics of him his alt helms some nicely done abilities etc. Basically everything you'd need to make your thread outdo others


    So tell me, if one doesn't have the equipment to draw digital art like that, how can he/she get an artist to do it for him/her? I'm sure you wouldn't want to be spammed by tons of requests to have something drawn. Also everything starts at the beginning. I'm sure Typhus and even Zephyr started off without pictures and had op abilities.

  20. What would the boss drop tho? Prime frame components? Event mods?

    That would be included in the post. The concept I had made it so it'd be a t4 boss and it would drop either 2-4 random parts or bps of prime parts, or it would drop wraith version of weapons.


    The possibilities are literally endless.

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