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Posts posted by gkuoni

  1. The only problem this frame currently has is it would be horrible in solo queue (as in playing with random people). This frame requires others in the game to know how the frame works, other wise they'll lose any benefits to it, due to them moving away from the frame.


    Otherwise, this frame is quite endgame and complicated due to you not wanting to not engage the battle but support and lead the team to victory. Considering it's all about buffs it would need one of two things, 1) A mastery block (so you don't get this frame instantly but instead focus on the easier ones before getting this one) or 2) A really difficult (difficult as in high level) to obtain warframe.


    Otherwise it's looking good this concept :D

  2. I always like ideas that try and get the lore to actually work. But the frame idea has a Steampunk Gladiator kind of vibe to it. Not only that but Grineer are hard to get ideas from what they do. So +1 for effort on trying to make a Grineer frame :D

  3. I actually really like this concept. The skills make sense. However this is another powerhouse frame and less about utility. This frame will be a really good infested and somewhat ok Corpus killer.


    I don't really understand the usefulness of bouquet though and how it functions.


    Also use http://imgur.com/ and upload your picture there. Once you did that you will be able to see on the right side of the page that there are a few links, Copy the one for BB code (it will say forums on the top of the link), and paste that whole thing into wherever you want the picture to be. That way the picture will show up on this page.

  4. If you want damage with a companion, get a kubrow. I only use the sentinels because they don't require credits to take care of, however if I know I can play everyday for a few days I get out the kubrows. But I usually don't equip my kubrow mainly due to me just using helios to scan every enemy I encounter so it fills out the codex for me (don't have the weapon mod equipped on any of my sentinels).

  5. I'm sorry but no, this has ruined one game already: blacklight retribution. The game has the exact same system, except in the extremes. You can buy for a 3 mission grind of money a weapon that you can keep for 3 days before it is gone. Except that is with EVERYTHING. To keep a really good weapon you either buy it with real money or grind for months to get enough to keep one weapon or armor piece for ever. This is one way a lot of free to plays become pay to wins. There is no need to include this into this game. (sorry if it sounds negative but this system is really corrupting) ps. the publisher who published (and ruined) blacklight retribution were planning on becoming DE's publishers (idk what happend with it though)

  6. I love the way archwings are. Yes it is limited, however that is due to there only being 3 mission types to do. Not only that but the some mods are barely rewarding for the amount of fusion cores and credits required to level them.


    But I can see that a lot can be done with it, and an integration with the normal missions (like the first time you ever played with your archwing) will bring it even further.

  7. Yea but Nullifiers are death. with there 360 no scope aimbot. I watched my whole time get downed one by one suddenly.

    Then you need to make sure the you bring a tank into the squad, I've been fighting off tons of nullifiers and I don't really think they're too hard as long as you get them down fast enough.

  8. As the title explains: do you think Mag is Over Powered or Under Powered (or just right)


    I'm doing this because I want to know what others think of Mag and her scaling with other enemies. Personally I find her overpowered against Corpus and Corrupted but terrible against infested and ok against Grineer


    Edit: I don't mean it as she needs to be changed, I mean it rather as how you use Mag, what you focus on, etc.


    Edit2: and as to common request I'll add a 'just right'


    Edit3: Try to focus the discussion more to: 'What of her abilities could be changed so she wouldn't just be excellent against corpus and really good against the corrupted, instead also have viability against the other classes?'

  9. This warframe sounds extremely tedious and somewhat useless to use.


    Edit: Not trying to hate, however changing into a kubrow or sentinel might be cool, however the use of when you'd need this would never really happen. The frame would just be more of an eye candy rather than have good use. Another problem is that people like to stick to their weapons and don't want to give it away to just have sweeper as a weapon and you go: pew, pew, pew - 3 second reload - pew pew pew, etc. While not dealing a lot of damage.

  10. Mastery Rank 16 here, I completely agree that this should happen. There are too many op weapons that anyone can get their hands on, and having a mastery wall would allow for an incentive to get stronger and better weapons instead of having the best already at rank 4.



    Syndicate weapons should also be mastery locked (due to synoid gammacor) just by how op they can be. And at the same time buff the other syndicate weapons.

  11. Plasma Sword needs a rework in the description of it.


    (This is what it is currently: An advanced blade that delivers high-damage charge attacks. Delivers a high percentage of critical strikes.)


    It mentions a feature that has been removed from the game.

  12. Instead of what most other people are saying, I actually like the idea.


    But instead of paying resources and credits to clear the weapon, what would work is that you are just not allowed to constantly use that weapon or it will keep jamming. If you don't use the weapon for (x) amount of time it degrades up to the point where it's at perfect health/condition.

  13. A lot of mistakes in the post, would recommend a clean up. Putting that aside, I'd also recommend that you split up the two posts into separate posts.


    Anyways, the Nekros ideas are good and would allow interesting gameplay. However the frame idea could use some rework such as actual stats and the build would be used with a max energy efficiency build and it'd be easily the most op frame. However I do like that you are creating a link between the abilities.

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