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Posts posted by gkuoni

  1. With cooldown I just meant something of 2-7 seconds, not a 30s cooldown for ultimates. And as a lot have said, no I wasn't in closed Beta, so I wouldn't know, but if some abilities already have a wind up time, having a cooldown (even if it is for .5-1 seconds) would allow a lot of abilities to become better.

  2. For any moderator reading this:

    I believe this belongs under fan concepts due to it being a concept, however if you feel it belongs under another subforum, please change it respectively with reasoning behind why.


    Anyways now to the topic:


    I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned much, or I haven't seen it much, but one new addition that could be added is cooldown to abilities.


    Now I'm not saying that all abilities need cooldown, because some already somewhat do. However some ultimates could potentially not be spammed any more and a buff to 1-3 would allow a lot of frames to get better in end game. It would also allow players to become smart with abilities, so they use it when they really need to use it.


    Feel free to include suggestions on which abilities need cooldown and for how long.

  3. What could also work is have a huge tileset that has mini tilesets within it, so it still is random however it allows exploration and even greater variation.


    So with this it would be a huge maze with many mini mazes inbetween (yes I know mazes with an easy exit).

  4. Warframe Passives:


    Yes, this would need to happen. The passive should reflect on the warframe and some passives could be quite interesting (rhino deals more damage the more enemies are agroed on him?). If such passives could be implemented then it would spice up the gameplay a lot more. A community vote would most likely be required on what passives would happen, or have multiple passives that are interchangeable but exclusive for each frame.



    Syndicate Explosives:


    Currently I haven't been able to test many syndicates and their explosions, however I'm currently able to test Perrin Sequence, and I am not dissappointed with the explosion. It is quite powerful, however it made the Acrid become even better late game due to it's passive of 100% toxic proc per shot. The radiation explosion also allows for good crowd control. I believe that they should stay the way they are. The only thing that should change is maybe what the second buff does.



    Combo Cancelling:


    Combos are quite specific already so letting there be a cancel system would just make it harder. Currently just a small stop in melee-ing causes the combo to be broken.



    Tactical Alerts:


    The Tactical Alerts need a rework, as stated by other posters, the system just requires you to get rid of melee and secondary and sentinel and you're ok.





    Make more enemies spawn the longer you've been in the mission, however then add a limit to the amount of enemies that can spawn at once in comparison to how many are already spawned. And please increase the O2 drop rate. It is one reason why Nekros is annoying to play, because you NEED him to play survival for long.



    D Polarity:


    There need to be more mods with the D polarity. For warframes it's ok, however with weapons there are only a few mods, most of which there are better versions of them with different polarities.





    They need a rework however they are too bullet spongy to continue on the way they are.




    -Reduce amount of pellets/damage needed to kill a shield


    -Take away their ranged weapon


    -Make it so bullet damage is reduced inside.


    -give the shield a crit spot for easy take down if you aim correctly (would allow slower firing weapons like snipers, bows, or shotguns more viable against them)

  5. If there is any "time travel", it would be into the future by the Orokin due to them trying to escape the Tenno or something. What's the difference between moving back in time and moving forward in time? Back causes paradoxes and usually end up being terrible stories. Moving forward in time shouldn't cause paradoxes as long as it is far enough into the future. (unless there are parallell universes and you figure out that you were killed in the universe that you went forwards into by the Tenno so you shouldn't exist however you do. That wouldn't cause paradoxes or the destruction of the universe kinda thing.

  6. I agree with what you're saying, there should be an extra slot for both primary and secondary (why do frames and melee only get it?), however you also said that status duration mods would go into that new slot.


    Here's my point though, what about the mod Toxic Sequence? (for the acrid: +200% status duration, +1 Sequence --> replenishes 25% of maximum shields, adds extra 50% shields calculated from base shields for a few seconds, and creates a radial blast of 1000 radiation damage)

  7. 1) would be a complete waste if you miss, considering how hard it is to sometimes regain ammo


    2) it doesn't really make sense and I'd see no need to do it/have it because you might aswell just give up. Same effect, same benefit.


    3) seems like an interesting idea, but it would make things op sometimes. So idk if It'd be good.

  8. The problem is that there isn't much to her except damage. She's purely damage for the most part and that's what makes her underused, and not overlooked. Another problem is how none of her abilities work with each other. She is slow (without coptering) and tanky, however the way she is played, unless you want to do quick runs where you dedstroy a lot of weak enemies quickly, is just boring. Another problem is that she doesn't scale late game - her usefulness diminishes with each difficulty increase.

  9. The term "Press-4-to-win" doesn't necessarily always mean press 4 to win. In warframe it has come to take on a new definition, and that is using one ability of a frame that nukes the whole area with damage. What the community wants isn't more damage ultimates, what we want is good utility which allows us to go even further into t4s and such. Need an example of utility? : Loki's Radial Disarm, Vauban's Vortex, Mag's Pull, Nix's Chaos/Absorb etc.


    These are all really good at keeping the enemy away and or causing them to be weakened. Most of the time playing this game, we use our ultimate as a get out of jail free card, however we want to be able to use our ultimate to not only deal damage (Mag, Ash, Ember, Mesa, etc.), the damage is already being dealt with primary and secondary (Boltor Prime, Soma Prime, Brakk, any other op weapon), so there's no need to deal even more damage. Another factor is that utility abilities are a LOT more fun than damage abilities.

  10. Op ability combo:


    1) Mag's Pull / Mirage's Hall of Mirrors


    2) Rhino's Iron Skin / Loki's Invisibility / Mag's Shield Polarize / Nova's Antimatter Drop / Saryn's Molt / Valkyr's Warcry / Volt's Speed


    3) Frost's Snow Globe / Hydroid's Undertow / Mag's Bullet Attractor / Mesa's Shatter Shield / Mirage's Eclipse / Nix's Chaos / Rhino's Roar / Trinity's Link / Volt's Electric Shield / Zephyr's Turbulence


    4) Loki's Radial Disarm / Nova's Molecular Prime / Nix's Absorb / Rhino's Stomp / Saryn's Miasma / Valkyr's Hysteria / Vauban's Vortex / Volt's Overload / Nekros' Desecrate


    Anyways, get a good combo with any of these abilities and it would be op. There's no need for such a frame and it would destroy the use of any other frame.

  11. I'm not as old of a player as others, however I'd still say that this is their game and you don't need to play it. They are giving it out for free, so there's nothing you can do about it unless you try and give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, simply stating rage won't do much.

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