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Posts posted by gkuoni

  1. -snip-


    I'm not a big fan of "Infested Warframe" since there is lore around the fact that the Warframes kill any of their ally frames that get infested. The powers aren't to specific on "infested" so adjusting the theme to a Biological or some sort of theme that doesn't use the word "infested" would be my suggestion.



    'Bout the infested part, I tried to incorporate that into the lore, because the Tenno never found out about this Warframe prototype. And because it was never released into battle it gained power through centuries of absorbing matter, similarly to other infested units. However because it was from both parts of the technocyte virus, the Tenno part was of the greater power. That way when you do finally get the warframe, you have the capabilities of replicating yourself, as seen by the first ability.


    However, the reason as to why this warframe could be accepted, is because of Mesa. She was taken over by Alad V. (Btw, I thought of this Warframe and its backstory way before Mesa was even announced). Due to how spread out the Tenno are and that they don't have the large amount of power they used to have back in the war, they might think twice now about fighting one that is not infected with the virus, but is part Tenno and the virus. 


    Also about the abilities. I took some inspiration from the lore and abilities of infested units.


    The first ability is caused from replication, that a lot of infested do over the years. However, due to the Warframe suit, it kept the replicating cells to only grow once needed and instead store energy, making it so that this warframe could infinately replicate itself. However those replications are not fully functioning, due to it being a prototype, not yet finished.


    The second ability, is taken from chargers. They run up to you and explode. I used that with the first ability, so that you can have an ability that deal good area damage. The only way to get maximum damage from the explosion they need to be really close to the unit. (Also don't say that having abilities that only work if you have used another ability is bad -  look at Zephyr and Limbo.)


    With the third ability, I wanted to add some kind of life drain of some sort. The infested ancients have these hooks, and that made me come up with this aoe spike, that will deal mediocre damage over a long time, however good life regain during that time. A lot of interesting augments can be made with the 3rd ability, for example, making it so that each enemy affected is slowed and and deals less damage or so.


    With the fourth ability was one that was quite hard to come up with, unlike the other abilities. The fourth I wanted to have something that incorporated the tileset. The infested literally take over anything, by infecting the ground and such, and through that, I thought of having the frame root themselves into the ground and start producing "gas clouds" that only reach to a certain distance. I also wanted to implement this kind of "hive mind" feeling to the warframe. Because it lost its connection to the Infested once the warframe takes over, it needs to create its own infested and thus can use them to help him. I wanted this frame to have a connection to wherever he went, and thus it would create this link that would damage enemies.

  2. I like the original design. We tried being original for the Warframe. We really tried not copying other games (kinda hard not to with all these other MMOs, etc.). Also tried not making the frame seem too much like another frame. We wanted it to be unique in the Warframe universe. I do appreciate ideas, but I am happy with the way me and Trojan came up with everything, however, I would appreciate names for the character. That is always nice.


    As for the abilities though, I will be sticking with what the original concept that was in our heads. I was hoping DE would see this concept idea and fill in the blanks. I have only given this concept 75% of its completion. I'm pretty sure if DE were to like it, they would adopt it and give everything that it needs to be Warframe-worthy.


    Thank you guys for the feedback though   : )

    Now that is bringing your hopes maybe a bit too high. Sure DE does read fan concepts, but they usually never respond to them, simply because it can cause things to become biased. They will however mention the great/good ideas from time to time in their streams, but usually those will involve artistic skills being included in the post.

  3. -snip-

    so far the only frames that have passives are prime one as i know (correct me if i'm wrong) for example Excal prime have extra Shield recharge, i don't say it's not a good idea, i like it but not sure they will aply it, well lets pray they will as i always use Paris P. XD


    Nope, Mesa, excalibur, Mirage, and newly Equinox all have actual passives.


    Also about the frame, it seems awefully like one of those generic archer classes you see on other mmos, but because it hasn't been implemented yet in this game, I quite like that you somewhat followed the standard way a frame is made, but also added more usefulness than just simply single damage or so. Do however please implement abilities that have more than just damage. That way they can be used for late game aswell.

  4. Powers seem cool, my thoughts:

    3rd power: Seems neat, I think even having like ropes connecting the enemy to the warframe (the spikes are attached to ropes than attach to the frame) would also be a good reason to "Drain" the health from them. Since it is a 3rd power perhaps max the number of enemies it can affect. I think other powers have a max units affected (Terror, i think). As for its power, taking 6% of the enemy's life may be OP to DE. I know very few skills scale (which sucks, but to keep it in line) you could have it do X% of the Warframe's total health to the enemy and restores 50% of that damage to the player.

    Ult: is a bit OP since he can use weapons at the same time. plus he is able to pick up loot (specifically Energy) from the area.


    I'm not a big fan of "Infested Warframe" since there is lore around the fact that the Warframes kill any of their ally frames that get infested. The powers aren't to specific on "infested" so adjusting the theme to a Biological or some sort of theme that doesn't use the word "infested" would be my suggestion.


    Augment idea:

    Expel: Enemies that the clone runs into receive X damage (and / or Viral proc)

    Preforate could give health to allies in addition to healing Blight

    That is why I set it to deal that over 10 seconds. All weapons will kill enemies in that time for sure. So 60% seems fair, due to other abilities being capable of killing enemies instantly. Maybe increasing the time to 15 seconds, while healing for 1.5% every second per enemy? The healing could also link to allies who get half of the health that Blight recieves.

  5. lEAQQXD.png


    Base Stats (at lvl 30):

    Health: 450 (same as Ash)

    Shields: 225 (same as Loki)

    Energy: 225 (a caster)

    Armor: 125 (same as Ember Prime)

    Sprint Speed: 1.1 (same as Nekros)


    Passive Ability:

    All enemies that die while recently having been infected by any ability damage from Blight, will have a 3%  chance of converting the into a respective infested ally, with the level based on the level of the enemy once it died.




    1) Expel (25 energy)

    Description: Rapidly multiplying his cells, Blight recreates a copy of himself that runs forward a set distance.

    Blight creates a copy of himself that he sends out running forward, attracting all attention and gunfire. With 400 Shield and 200 / 350 / 500 / 600 Health, the copy runs for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 seconds with the same speed as Blight’s sprint speed.


    - Shield and Health is affected by Power Strength

    - Running duration is affected by Power Duration.


    2) Rupture (25 energy)

    Description: Overcharging the copy, Blight violently explodes his clone, causing mayhem to any enemy unlucky enough to have been close to the blast.

    Blight explodes all clones dealing 150 Blast damage in a radius of 5 / 6 / 7 / 10 meters. A secondary explosion occurs at the same time as the initial explosion with a radius of 2 / 2 / 3 / 4 meters. This secondary explosion infects all enemies in the blast radius with a radiation effect and deals 300 Toxin damage with proc. The radiation effect lasts for 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 seconds.


    - Blast and Toxin damages are affected by Power Strength.

    - Primary and secondary explosion is affected by Power Range.

    - Radiation effect is not affected by Power Duration.


    3) Perforate (75 energy)

    Description: Sends spikes out of his body that drain the health of the impaled enemies while healing Blight.

    Blight sends out spikes in a 10 / 11.5 / 13 / 15 meter radius around him and his clones. These spikes stick onto the enemies for 10 seconds during which the spike drains 6% of the enemie’s HP every second. Blight heals for .1% / .3% / .7% / 1% of his HP for each enemy impaled with the spike per second. Allies in a 10/15/20/30 meter radius will receive half of the healing. If enemies or allies leave the radius, they will loose the effect of the spikes.


    - Maximum distance to be perforated is affected by Power Range.

    - Time spike sticks into the enemy is affected by Power Duration

    - (increasing duration by 100% = 20 seconds. Total of 120% enemies’ life drained)

    - HP drained and HP gained is not affected by Power Strength


    4) Earth Bound(NAME IN CONCEPT) (25 energy at cast. 15 energy/second. 25 energy per Switch)

    Description: Becoming one with the surrounding, Blight roots himself into the ground, dealing high corrosive damage.

    Blight roots himself into the ground, becoming immobile and immune to stuns and status effects. He deals 100 Corrosive damage in a 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 meter radius around him every second. He can still use his weapons except melee.  All abilities are still castable while the ability is active. Any resource dropped in a 12 meter radius will be picked up (health, energy, ammo, etc.). However, Health, Energy and Ammo recieved will be halved (meaning 12.5 energy per energy globe). He cancels the ability with a 1 second ‘unrooting’ animation if he recasts the ability. Blight does not recieve energy from Energy Pads while Earth Bound is active.


    However if he looks in the general area of a copy, he will switch places while have an animation of him burrowing underground (Where he becomes untargetable and immune to damage during the animation). The minion replenishes the stats during the process, however it gets rooted into the ground aswell. After the switch, a connection is made between the minion Blight switched with and himself. Any enemy that passes that connection takes 100 / 150 / 250 / 500 Viral damage. This Switch can be done unlimited amounts of time, however only with one minion at a time.


    - All damages are affected by Power Strength.

    - All radiuses are affected by Power Range.


    - All ability stats are not set yet and are just to give a general guideline on what will happen to the frame and how strong Blight will be.


    Blight backstory:


    Before the Orokin were destroyed, they were working on a new Warframe prototype to protect themselves from other Tenno. They tried to combine both outcomes of the Technocyte Virus, the Tenno and the Infested, and create the ultimate creation. However, the experiment had to be halted due to the Tenno revolting. They hid the frame in secrecy, trying to erase any proof of its existence, but they failed to get rid of all proof.


    The unfinished Warframe was left unattended, and until recently the infested part had been absorbing matter, taking over the Tenno half of the frame. His whereabouts are currently unknown and he has gone rogue.


    The Mission:


    The mission will only be doable in solo-queue.



    Transmission played after accepting the quest:

    Tenno, there have been disturbances in Infested behavior patterns. Investigate this.

    The Tenno must go to any extermination node featuring an Infested faction.


    The infested do not seem to be anywhere on the map.

    Tenno, the Infested do not seem to be attacking you. In fact, they do not seem to be interested in you at all. They are rushing toward something. Follow them.

    After about 1 minute 30 seconds, the infested rush in a massive hordes (in waves) from behind the player, completely ignoring them on their way to their destination. This horde will have been the largest group of infested encountered yet (75+ infested per wave)


    Tenno would notice that the infested are starting to build small huts, in a sort of trail. Also the infested can be seen carrying supplies and constructing these huts. Other infested spawn would be carrying building materials to an unknown location.

    Tenno, the Infested are becoming smarter. They seem to be building primitive structures.

    The player would have to follow where the Infested are taking the resources.


    The Tenno notices that the infested are building a shrine like structure to an unknown humanoid figure. The lotus is very confused. They are also making living civilian sacrifices.

    Tenno, the Infested are building a shrine. But, to whom…? Or what…?

    The Lotus is very confused. Shocked even. In a rare visual display of emotion, she seems worried.


    The Lotus doesn’t want to lose the Tenno, so she instructs him/her to leave.

    Get out of there Tenno. I do not know what is going on.

    At that point, the infested swarm the Tenno infiltrator. The Tenno is saved by three random Warframes using random equipment. Warframe A and B will distract and attack the Infested, while Warframe C will call a liset and carry the player into it, then Warframes A and B will also enter their lisets.



    After 1/2 missions, the Lotus sends another transmission:

    Tenno, we have uncovered ancient Orokin documents with fragments of information on an unknown experiment involving the Technocyte plague. The experiment had to be halted. The document does not say why. We need to investigate.

    The Lotus suggests that you start your investigation by looking for clues on Infested Node X. The mission is to retrieve data-masses and gather clues on why the Infested are behaving this way. The Infested will not attack on sight, but only if you disturb their “worship” and “prayer.” The Tenno is to use a device similar to a codex scanner to take images of this new behavior.



    Three missions later, the Lotus informs you of a new document surfacing explaining why the experiment was halted. However, it’s written using the Ancient Orokin Script (Tennobet), and the document has seen some damage, so it is not complete. You will have to translate it and try to figure out why it was halted. Once you translate it it will give you a random planet with any exterminate mission that won’t be hinted upon on the minimap. You can ask Ordis to help with the translation, where it will take 6 hours to translate (can be rushed).


    The document reads:


    Solar Date: 6209.18.09

    Sol Standard Time: 18.11

    Experiment Progress: Little

    Experiment Description: The merging of the Technocite virus with a Warframe. Testing to see if the Infested units are controllable to fend off the Attackers.


    18.11: Officer, as you can see, we are not yet ready to field test this unit. It is not yet fully functional!

    18.11: We are sorry, but we can not conduct this research any more. They have already located this ship and they are on their way to destroy it.

    18.12: But we can’t take it with us! We need to store it in case it might be useful later on!

    18.12: Then bring it with us in the escape pod, but hurry! They are already firing upon us.

    18.13: Sir you must reconsider this! This is madness! Why do you think the safety protocols deny this kind of action? We must hide it!

    18.13: We must leave now! Terminate this project if you must.

    18.13: *Closing of a hatchet is heard* Good bye Specimen 8HN19.45.

    END OF TRANSMISSION from X mission of Y Planet.




    Complete the mission received from the transmission. Once you return you will get a message from Ordis, telling you that the to Naeglar in Eris.


    Once entering the mission, you will find no infested units. You are directed to a shrine, where you have to fight Blight, until you get all the parts of the warframe.


    Special thanks to:


    - SethA007 - Helped write some of the text and helped brainstorming with stats and abilities and the story/quest line.



    If anyone wants to help with this concept, being it with art or other ideas, feel free to do so in the comments. I am working on a concept, that I am not yet finished with to showcase.


    ​Constructive feedback is appreciated. If you believe the stats should be different, feel free to post how and why they should change.



    1) Tweaked Perforate and Earth Bound a bit.

  6. I'm pretty sure I've seen other wolf frame suggestions before, however this one looks more of a summoner frame (my opinion). Make sure that you can make abilities that change the tide of battle rather than simple buffs or so that might aswell come from a sentinel. Also try to not copy abilities from other frames, to make it more unique. This is just a recommendation, and not just criticism, to make a better post.

  7. It would just create some complications in the system, like what if you change your birthday date? It would just create more work, where they might as well focus on getting updates instead. 


    Happy soon to be birthday btw.


    (Also, warframe was theoretically my birthday gift, as it came out on steam on the day of my birthday. one of the best gifts to have. Hope you get a game that comes out on your birthday!)

  8. I don't see it as an issue that Mag is most effective against the Corpus, I think the issue more that the Corpus are a joke compared to the Grineer (and in some ways even the Infested). The factions are grossly unbalanced towards armored enemies since they exponentially become tougher to kill than unarmored ones, which only serves to devalue Mag's skillset as well as magnetic damage in general.


    Magnetic damage could afford to be made a bit more useful, but I don't think Mag's damage type should be changed so much as the Grineer shouldn't become such massive meat-tanks to the point where you can't afford to focus on anything but frames, weapons, and damage that excel in damaging/reducing armor.


    As for Mag's skillset, Bullet Attractor should hop to a new target after you kill the initial one and possibly auto-target weakspots on certain enemies (even if it's at the cost of x2 damage bonus). And rather than just life enemies for a few seconds and deal damage, Crush should physically use the enemies you pick up as magnetically-charged projectiles, either slamming them into one another or launching them at enemies outside the casting radius. Pull and Shield Polarize are fine as is IMO (although it would be nice if Shield Transference gave overshields to the whole team rather than just Mag).

    I do see a thing that Overshields could give shields to everyone, however it would have to be 75% of the shields that mag gets from one casting (imo).


    EDIT: However the grineer scaling is reduced to a pulp with corrosive projection.

  9. My personal crazy idea for crush is to make it a toggle type move where she keeps enemies suspended in air during 2nd damage tick. Pressing 4 again will make her crush and drop enemies. There could be a duration attached to suspension, or maybe it could just be an energy drain since it would make mag immobile.

    For added craziness, I would make the mass of suspended enemies movable while in air. It would be a limited range, but enough to be of some utility. Enemies can be held in air for a breather, for teammates to attack, or moved out of way.

    After the crush, enemies will be rag-dolled the way they are now. I would also give crush a 20% armor reduction.


    Seems interesting...


    This would actually be amazing. To make it fair it would deal less damage, however would drain energy more while moving around. However, you are locking in the lifting animation (where you can't attack with weapons and it will show slight movement of hands for suspension). You might then also move slower.


    If they would add that and maybe give mag some more energy for casting (maybe solely to mag prime - then also of course change the damage type) she would then become useful for the utility she is meant to be.

  10. So just to make things clear, sure you might all say things about Mag being magnetic based warframe and such, however that niche has to stop.


    Mag is only good against Corpus and Corrupted (somewhat). Her biggest downside is that 3 of her abilities are focused against shields. 


    My idea:


    Change her Pull and Crush to no longer deal Magnetic damage. Instead, make it deal any other damage type such as: puncture or electric (or another damage type).


    Keep her shield polarize as is.


    What this will do:


    This will make it so that she can actually be used for more than just corpus or void. The damage she deals against grineer and infested is always reduced to nothing simply because magnetic is terrible.


    Another solution:


    Make magnetic more viable against other factions than just corpus and 'void'.






    Bullet Attractor change:

    (Could be done as is or with augment)


    Bullet attractor will cause nearby enemies to get pulled  towards the affected enemy (they won't get ragdolled), making it so that each bullet they fire will be redirected towards themselves. The bullets shot will take all damage from all enemies shooting into and from the bullet attractor, and from the warframes shooting at the bullet attractor.

  11. I just don't let players use Mag in my squad anymore, period. 


    This is the exact problem. They tried to boost Mag's popularity by giving her a farm increase. What they are doing however is just simply making mag more boring. Mag was never meant to be a static press 1 and do nothing frame. They used that augment because they thought it would be a cool idea. They most likely didn't even think that people would abuse that simply to go afk and then watch as the game plays itself.


    Mag is underrated for the main reason that she deals magnetic damage with her first and ultimate, even though shields aren't a problem with her because she already has an ability that destroys shields.

  12. So I recently did some leveling/farming in Draco, and when we completed the first round, I realized that a roller was considered as 'enemy personnel.


    So through this, I came to the conclusion, that those pesky rollers are also spy bots that will record anything you do and report it to the queens/captain of their squadron.


    Now it's hard to get the image out of my head of a roller in front of the queens, telling on our espionage.

  13. My suggestion for the Strun: With all the other changes that people are suggesting to it, please make it so that you can fire inbetween reloads, and decrease the reload speed. For strun you can have it 1 sec to reload inbetween, but the strun wraith should be .5 or .75 sec per pellet reload. Also please buff up its damage to be equal to or better than the regular strun.

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