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Posts posted by rastaban75

  1. Aside from the technical issues like mentioned above, a serious issue with PvP is balancing the multitude of character classes in a way that makes it viable. If you consider the difficulty of balancing the various frames in PvE, with all the complaints and the constant calls for reworks and such, I think getting it right in PvP is extremely difficult.

  2. I got my last remaining Brakk parts when Baro last brought the G3 "summoning" beacon in his wares. I was buying 3 beacons at a time so as to not waste resources.

    I think I got lucky getting 2 pieces in around 11 beacons, and then I used the 12th one for the Pyrus Project a few weeks later.

    That's probably the best option for farming Brakk.

  3. Whenever this topic comes up, I can't help thinking that from the point of view of someone who will play the game in, say, 2 years' time such a change won't make much sense. In other words, someone who will do all the storyline missions is a rather quick succession (like we do in story-driven video games) the "loss" and "betrayal" of Lotus will seem like a temporary thing, and her lines spoken by Ordis' recordings a rather small inconvenience. My guess is that she will be back at some point with the New War questline so we will get her back as a mission guide. Eventually.

    But yes, I rather agree on the sentiment here. I'd prefer if we didn't have her in that pixelized form and we got someone (Dax for example, or some of the Cephalons) do the in-mission "guiding". For us who play the game as the storyline is being developed, and we have to wait many months/years for it, having Lotus on that role certainly seems "off".

    As a matter of fact, we already have an example of how missions could go without her, in the case of Darvo's "Help Clem" weekly missions. And, once again, even if Lotus comes back it makes no sense in the case of the Syndicates and their missions for her presence.

  4. Like already mentioned, get some slots for warframes and weapons. You are never going to regret them.

    Other than those, if you see an item you don't feel like farming for, you can spend some plat on trading. But always make sure to check warframe market prices first. Prime parts/frames/components and Rivens for certain weapons fall into this category.

    Then of course there's the pinnacle of many players' efforts, fashionframe. You can get whatever cosmetic item you like, especially some nice deluxe skins for your favorite frames, syandanas, colors etc.

    I would keep a lot of plat at the "bank" too, there are always new things to be released around the corner.

  5. Simaris is a sadist (irrelevant, but true).

    In any case, I never noticed anything too frustrating about his targets. Normally I don't care to hunt for them, but when I need to do so for some reason (usually to unlock a riven) they were consistently found where they were supposed to spawn. 100%, not sure, but certainly most of the time.

  6. I (still) play a lot with Banshee, and that would be a welcome change in the spirit of her overall theme. It's not that her first skill will suddenly become overpowered or anything, but something I most definitely would be using more than I do now. In fact I'd say Sonic Boom is the least used skill in my experience simply because it's not very practical as it stands.


  7. Lol, checked that in the morning in bed. "Let's build another one while I'm at work" I thought, but no, couldn't see the component being available at the phone app.

    Either an update is needed, or it's meant to be this way. Whatever the case, I'll do it the "hard" way, it's just that logging in at different times each day separated by 3+ hours is not always possible. But two weeks for the event is more than adequate time.

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