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Posts posted by rastaban75

  1. My bored-when-in-game choice is doing relic runs, the stuff that don't require time investment e.g. exterminate or capture missions usually. You always get something from these runs which can be transformed into ducats or platinum if not directly needed. If I'm too bored even for that, I just quit the game.

  2. I tried Nyx Prime quite a bit during the weekend, inspired by the data released, to see how it feels playing her after quite a long of time. She was definitely an underused frame by me.

    There is nothing "wrong" with her, and I don't necessarily think she needs a rework of some kind. It's just that her more prominent skills are nothing special when you see the big picture i.e. you can do similar things with other frames which seem better overall. I really like her "3" but as a whole I feel that e.g. Oberon has a better variety of skills for my needs.

    Same thing with Atlas. If I need a "bulky" warframe I just pick Rhino who has really good and "simple" skills to use.

    The problem here is that while DE surely seeks to somehow "balance" the usage of frames, it is very hard when there is a big overlap between the roles of the skills they have, and this overlap is going to get bigger the more frames are released.

  3. That's a question for you to answer. Go through the items in the market and see what catches your eye; put it on your wishlist.

    Wait a bit, maybe a few hours and days, to see if you change your mind. If you don't, then that's a good candidate for buying. There are plenty of cosmetics that simply look amazing. I have made a few purchases through the TennoGen system, and others in-game like deluxe skins.

    Of course, the best things to buy in this game are the utility stuff. Slots (both warframe and weapon) are always useful. Resource boosters are a good choice as well if you plan extended sessions over the next few days.

  4. There's nothing really to comment beyond "RNG". From your perspective, it seems unlucky but in the grand scheme of things it's probably certainly normal. We tend to remember bad streaks of luck and forget other times when we had higher-than-average. I had a very bad February with sorties for example, 2 rivens total in the whole month. But then again I tend to forget riven streaks, or when I got Maiming Strike with less than a dozen runs, or that time when I got 10 Argon crystals with no booster on a 5 minute defense mission.

    Look at the bright side: you can put ayatan stars in those sculptures and sell them easily for platinum.

  5. Also, always keep an eye for new potatoes. There are sometimes invasions that offer those (either catalyst or reactor depending on who you side with, check frequently) and somewhat rarely, Gift of the Lotus alerts. Since you unlocked most planets these missions can be available to you.

    I'm saying this because eventually you'll see that potatoing (almost) every frame is the way to go.

  6. The best thing would be to have different mission dialogue depending on the type of mission. Even when Space Mom was here, there was little point in having her talk while on Syndicate missions for example. The leaders of those Syndicates should take over in that case (like Simaris and his Sanctuary Onslaught.) A variety of other characters could speak in various missions, including Ordis and Teshin like mentioned, and of course the enemies' leaders could also throw some lines in there too. Variety works best.

    In any case, there is an underlying organization that helps the Tenno, Lotus present or not. Someone still gives us alerts and invasions and missions, it's not that our operators all go out by themselves to find out where they should be fighting. Maybe it's time to get a sort of Council out of the dark? After all, we do receive tips from councilors at the loading screens.

  7. It's simply a condition of these mobile defense missions, all three (or in some cases two) points have to be defended.

    Mind you, some spy missions also need two or three successful data extractions, otherwise they fail. Sortie spy missions for example, always require three.

    Generally speaking, it's a good idea to try and separate the medallion collecting with the objective of the mission. In captures, get your target a.s.a.p. and then try to find the marks. In rescue, leave the actual rescue for the end. In spy you can search at your leisure between data points. Mobile defense is a mixed bag, but it's better to get medallions while holding that oversized usb drive in your hand or after defending all points - at least if you play solo.

  8. I surely needed that as an option when I started with Warframe, and before my internet problems were fixed. First time I hosted I got messages (not very polite ones) about my ping, and they were right. It was then when I realized the problem. From then, when I was chosen as the host I had to abort, usually sending a message of "oops, I shouldn't be hosting". I wish there was a button for that in the options.

    I no longer have that problem.

  9. I'd go for "leave" as well. No point remaining with people that sound from moderately to totally uninterested in the game and the progression systems.

    There are tons of clans out there that would accept you, no problem with your MR or anything, and you will find fully built dojos with plenty of benefits.

  10. Yeah, this is unfortunately a wiki-game. Much of the needed information is to be searched from the wiki and in various orbiter screens and consoles, but this is easily overwhelming for the beginner. When I was one, I felt lost in many aspects of the game.

    I think proper tutorials are tough to create when the game's systems are not all finalized. This is probably one of the last aspects of the game that will be addressed properly, when it comes out of its "beta" phase (i.e. not in the near future)

  11. I'm afraid the game will definitely become more "toxic" in players' interactions after Railjack is employed. So far the true co-op element of the game is rather limited i.e. in pretty much every mission each player can do the same thing, more or less. Players are surely "carried" by others. Mistakes are corrected by the team. But in an environment where every squad member has to do a specific something things will become unpleasant.

    I think that to a large degree the perceived limited "toxicity" is due to the nature of Warframe: fast action, always running/parkouring, doing things efficiently like in a job. Then you leave the squad and that's it. The basic component of the game is co-op, not PvP. My experience is rather positive so far (and I have enough hours clocked to have a good idea) but I'm not sure this is directly comparable to other games.

  12. For the record, the mission that prompted this topic was not my first sortie defense, nor it was a failure. I've done hundreds of sorties. It's just this one was extra annoying because that operative was extra erratic and kept dying, and I had little help reviving him.

    The idea of calling it "mobile idiot defense" occurred to me a long time ago. It's not an actual suggestion (or a petition, for that matter) hence why I put this in Off Topic.

  13. Not bad as ideas go, but I'd rather have multiple warframes of my own in the same captura scene rather than multiple players each with their own frame. I don't know if this is technically possible for DE with its current game code, but not being able to see all my favorite warframes/arsenal at the same time bugs me. I know it can't happen in game or in the orbiter, but surely it would be fun in the captura mode.

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