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Posts posted by rastaban75

  1. Also try to have the Field of View (FOV) set to the widest setting possible. For some people, myself included, very limited FOVs can cause motion sickness in some games.

    Although to be honest I don't know if this has anything to do with your case which happened at the Haloween event. I don't really like it myself visually, it's quite a mess and I feel like I'm moving blindly at times following the yellow markers on screen.

  2. *Login


    *A couple of relic runs (if "fast" ones are available)

    *Maybe a couple of syndicate missions to slowly collect medallions for future use

    *An elite alert



    In between I check the foundry to see what's going on (mostly the daily forma routine) and maybe post a couple of WTS messages on the trade channel. Of course, if there is anything out of the ordinary, like orokin catalyst alerts, gifts from the lotus etc. I will do those as well.

  3. To echo everyone else, he's a good frame. All of his abilities are useful one way or another, especially in a party setting where he is supposed to be supporting. With Hunter Adrenaline you can have his #3 ability active all the time, providing significant health regen to everyone. There was an elite alert a couple of days ago where I got a +300% power bonus on him and it was just ridiculous how well this worked.

    I use him on Eidolon hunts too.

  4. There is no point in such an exercise, IMO. I'm pretty confident in what setup I use, even if it means covering shortcomings from others (which does not happen very frequently). If I find that a PUB group is not very good in one mission, then I will leave squad and find another one for the next mission. If they are good enough I will stick with them.

    Spy, of course solo, especially Uranus and Kuva Fortress which have a nearly 100% chance of failure in a PUB group. Sometimes, if it's the third sortie mission I will try a (Corpus) spy with others, the sole benefit being that on success it's much faster than solo.

    In any case, I try to "prepare" before starting the sortie keeping in mind which frames and weapons I'll use, sometimes changing some mods.

  5. I had a case of bugged enemy spawning yesterday. Europa Interception, you know the map, the one with the semi-demolished building leading up to an open ice area.

    So, enemies pretty much didn't spawn at all on most of the map, probably one here or there every minute or so. The only place they spawned semi-regularly was the far far part of the map even beyond the entrance to the level in a little dead-end ice cave.

    I wanted to leave just out of boredom, there was really nothing to do most of the time. A few rotations in and everyone extracted.

    There should be bug fixing in these missions.

  6. When you reach MR30 and cross that door, the game resets and you start all over again at MR0, with an Excalibur Trollumbra and an MK2-Braton (free slots included).

    At the same time, the only game mode available to you is a new one called "Ragequit" which has you shoot at Grineer wearing masks in the likeness of DE developers.

  7. My suggestion is to test all the frames you have and see what works for you. All four you mention are good defensively so you might find that they are doing all right, although I don't know your available mods or your weapon choices. None of them is really fast, but I wouldn't say that's a massive problem as long as you are willing to do your bounties normally. If you are on a team you will probably see that others are faster than you (usually Zephyrs and Novas) but in my book that's perfectly all right - in fact in a series of bounties these other-player frames will save you time from tedious tasks, while you will still be able to contribute in other situations (like armored vault protection).

    Another suggestion is to get your archwing working in PoE. For now it needs crafting, but soon(?) there will be infinite charges to it when DE releases the next big update.

  8. 24 minutes ago, CoolDudeMcCool said:

    I think the biggest issue is appearance. The best frames have distinct looks and good themes, these things would probably just be bland and eh. Look at Revenant, he still gets tons of complaints about the vampire/sentient thing not meshing. I don't want to imagine how many people would complain about custom frames not having a theme.

    Putting balancing/testing issues aside, that's one of the biggest problems with such a proposal. I think having a frame crafted like an amp and calling it "323" instead of, well, a name is problematic. DE always advertised new frames based on the themes they conveyed.

    Another problem, a prime frame would not be possible with the same process.


  9. I don't hate any frames. I just feel indifferent to several of them or find them boring to play. For example, I picked Wukong several nights ago for a long-ish mission and during that I thought to myself  "oh, that's why I don't play with him". For the past few months I have been actively trying to "diversify" my warframe choices to play with the majority of them and give a chance to the ones I used the least. There are some that are not my style and they are quickly retired back into the arsenal. There are others that have surprised me positively, though.

    I also don't assign any "character" to certain frames. I've seen enough "Limbo players are like this..." or "Rhino players are like that..." comments - maybe it's just me but I don't really see any consistency in this and in fact I rarely notice such patterns in player behavior.

  10. 30 will be the cap as far mastery rank is concerned, but I suspect additional "levels" will be allowed in a different form and under a different name. For example, Diablo 3 had paragon levels, Borderlands 2 overpower levels and so on. I don't know what DE will call them and what kind of grind will be needed to unlock them. Or if there will be any additional benefit from those.

    We are still a long way from reaching 30, though. Fortuna will easily give MR26 but I suspect no more than two thirds of the way to MR27, by itself. Of course there will be the new prime releases and some new weapons to fill the gap, but more massive updates (like open worlds) will be needed for the max.

  11. 15 hours ago, Acos said:

    I have a general distaste for "doom! threads", of which the internet has too many. The world has too many actual problems for those to ever come off seriously.

    Thank you, exactly. When a discussion about Warframe becomes so heated, toxic, salty, opinionated, passionate that would befit real problems, I see no point in it. I play games to have fun, period. Yes, we can have serious discussions on games too, but there's a point that certain lines are crossed.

  12. I bet there are many Tenno that would love to have the Balor Fomorian blow up the Relay that houses Baro this particular weekend... Anyway, off topic mode off, I don't know what will happen but this is certainly one event I never look forward to, it's a boring and annoying affair mostly. Now that I got that Imperator Vandal Receiver I have no motivation to run it, other than getting the credit/catalyst loot which can be done in one run. Not to mention that collecting the Isotopes requires doing another boring and repetitive thing, which in this particular case also happened to be on a low enemy level planet, Earth.

    Perhaps the destruction of a Relay might act as a "motivator" of some sorts, but would that really hurt us in some way? I really don't know, but it doesn't feel that way.

  13. Yes, they appear frequently enough in the planets where the event takes place, don't worry about it. That chance has nothing to do with their normal spawn rate (which is very low). Note that as part of the Pyrus event they do not drop the Brakk pieces.

    If you do have a Grustrag 3 beacon and activate it, it will count towards the goal of the Pyrus event. The beacon-summoned Grustrag do drop the Brakk bluprint/parts.

  14. I really fail to see what the problem is here, seems to me it's more in the minds of people than based in reality. I log in every day and I have something to do in this game. But that's just me. If you don't find anything worthwhile, well, move on. Play something else and come back when the next big update drops. This is the way things work with lots of online games similar to WF: people play a long time and come back whenever they feel like it; there's no better example than WoW which is in a run like this for over a decade, with surges in player-base every time Blizzard releases a new expansion.

    Also, what's with the generalization of "community" and giving it the appearance of being one single mind? There are dozens of thousands of people playing WF every day, and millions that have played it in total. What exactly is the term "community" trying to describe here? Some, a minority probably, post in the forums. Some follow youtube/switch content. Some just play the game and don't mingle with others outside of it. Judging from the forums (I don't watch WF youtube videos), there is a variety of opinions in lots of topics. So, what's this "community" hivemind?

  15. To the moral question of whether or not the sentient being in Umbra agrees or not with the actions of the Operator, the evidence we have in-game point in favor of it: whenever the Operator severs the transference link and goes into battle directly, the Umbra still fights by the side of the Operator, in effect "agreeing" with whatever choice the Operator makes (e.g. killing Grineer or Corpus, protecting a target etc.). Of course this is just a rhetoric question because we wouldn't expect the Umbra to rebel against those choices because that would ruin Umbra gameplay from a practical perspective alone.

    I do think the situation is weird for the sentient being (or whatever remains of it) within the Umbra, being controlled and everything, but I also think that there is a certain conditioning at work here i.e. the Umbra truly thinks of themselves as a weapon serving a purpose.

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