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Posts posted by (PSN)NicolaiBM

  1. 1 hour ago, zornyan said:

    Oh I agree on the new system, hopefully it means you can do say


    day 150 zenith, day 200zenistar day 250 primed Vigor and so on


    this would mean the “essentials” would be 300 days away instead of 700, leaving sigils etc till last.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, I went 400 days just fine without Primed Vigor, 300 days just fine without Zenistar, I'll go 600 days just fine without Primed Shred, they aren't essential at all, they're at best a quality of life improvement or a handy toy to have.

    Another concern is how is the drop table going to evolve? Is it gonna be "poo, we're behind, which mod are we making primed? We gotta ship something" or is it going to have some thought? Primed Streamline to me seems like a bad choice to make, yes I would love to have it, but having any concerns about efficiency is going straight out the window then. How's the new weapons going to be made? As well made as Zenistar or is it going to be more Azima?

    I still just see it as a bunch of crying spoiled children whining about the toys other people have and being ungreateful about having a login reward in the first place, if it's a huge problem getting 5 minutes to do your daily login, then perhaps it's a reflection of how full up your personal life is and perhaps a stress factor you need to work on. 5 minutes, seriously, if the game is important enough to cry about a login reward, then surely it's important enough to turn on your ps to get!

  2. I don't believe the amount we get to be the real problem or the way we get it, yes it's boring and time consuming, but isn't it boring and time consuming farming for relics on Xini or Hieracon? I't snot like it's hard and it's not because we get 20 relics each drop, yet we accept this system just fine, well most of us.

    I believe the real problem with rivens is way too much RNG. I'm happy having RNG to get a riven in the first place, I'm happy to have RNG decide what riven I get and which challenge the riven have, where I think rivens venture in the the realm of insanity is the recycling. It's more RNG and no control over what we get and having to give up a great roll, just because it have negative damage or some other negative stat that render the mod absolutely pointless. I think it would be far better if we (for a Kuva cost, nothing specific in mind, got several ideas on how this could be done) could lock in a stat we want and keep rolling, without loosing that 1 stat or more, depending on the locked in, thus giving us a "Jurney to the perfect riven" (Quoted DE on that, since as of right now, there's and endless loop with 0.000015% chance of getting the riven we really want)

  3. On November 1, 2017 at 11:22 AM, Nyaa314 said:

    Rivens. Could have just stopped here.


    Prime vault.


    Ivara, equinox, mesa, nidus, harrow, gara.

    Fishing: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/79cirt/the_process_for_high_tier_fishing_doubledips_into/

    What exactly do you feel 'is very well balanced in regards to drops', nano spores?

    The answer to that is in what you quoted me on in the first place: "For the most part". There's obviously some items that need tweaking, but in the majority of the cases, you're not lacking resources or items and they aren't too hard to get.

    On November 1, 2017 at 10:49 AM, JuicyPop said:

    I don't understand why this conversation needs to become a condemnation of others "life philosophy". It's a login reward system and its merits can be discussed quite neatly without all this other nonsense. 

    I simply believe that the system runs counter to the open design and freedom that helped to engender the strong feelings that see veterans consistently returning to the game. I'd prefer to see a switch to a seasonal login system so that a few missed days won't carry with you for the life of the game. 

    You get a login reward, be happy that you get one, you might not have. Why start crying about it and wanting to change it, just because someone else have a weapon and have logged in enough to get it, while you haven't? I am one of the players who would benefit from the new system, I don't care much for getting Zenith, I'd much rather have Primed Shred and I still think the change they're making is just because of crybabies and is completely out of order. If I had been DE I would have removed the login reward system and replied "It appears the login rewards aren't making our players happy, thus we're removing them. As they where intended to reward loyal players who return to this game often, they have never been up for changes and will never change, leaving us only the option to remove them. Any mods and weapons obtained from this system will not be introduced to the game in any other location". It's nothing but a bunch of impatient people crying about having to do some logging in to a game to get items, completely for free with an absolutely minimal amount of effort and now DE have to allocate resources to change that system instead of changing some of the drops that's a bit off.

    On November 1, 2017 at 11:19 AM, meristu said:

    rewards in general..

    Credits - why do you get 5k credit reward from "end game" content when you get 20K just from killed enemies and you have alerts for 50K .. not even talking about that everyone has millions of credits and upgrading mod to max will cost you 2M anyway .. getting 30K+- wouldnt be such unbalanced boost and would look in the reward tab much better

    Resources - why is "end game" content giving you resources from old world, why are you getting kuva, its not rare and you need some 14K to get every kuva item, it has its own farming system and alerts so why is there 1K kuva reward when its basically 1 kuva flood run ... there is some 30+- new resources (not counting stuff from fishing and metals from ore) and as a bonus there is Breath which you can get only from bounties in bundles of 5 .. why you cant get end game rewards from end game content, would it be that much problem to give, instead of useless morphics or 3k credits bundle, bundle of PoE resources, some ores, chance for 1 breath, gems some intestines so you dont have to spend time on boring fishing etc ..

    Mods - I have 268 pressure points and I dont even know how many I trashed during my whole time in warframe, why am I getting bronze mod as a reward? Before you are even able to access PoE you will have this mod 50 times and use only 1 ... why is super hardcore rare boss Stalker/Shadow stalker dropping trash like Heavy impact, seriously noone is even using that, I have 198 of them ... yea I know, you cant put 5 primed mods into every loot table ..how many people here know about Apothic Specters or Antitoxins? those things are such trash aside from completionists noone is using them, and they are dropping mods, would it be that problem to make those mods, most of them are trash anyway, more accessible? who would mind stalker dropping Pistol Amp aura instead of heavy impact ...

    Mastery - MR is one of the best warframe things .. you know like hunting eidolons so you can hunt eidolons ... you farm mastery only so you can increase your mastery rank .. only thing it serves is creating bunch of elitists who think they play better than you just because they have higher MR ... I agree with locking some progress on map with MR levels, so players have to learn some stuff before they are dropped into harder location, but aside from that you can be MR1 and have better gear and play better than someone with MR 30 .. this isnt WoW where ILvLs matter, this is warframe where you can get "end game" stuff like prime frames and weapons in first 2 days and thats basically where game ends .. I remember not having even MR 10 and I hade more prime weapons and frames than the regular ones ..


    token system, was it completely forgotten or trashed? few years back when I stopped playing there were promises everywhere that the next after next season of sorties rewards we will get tokens .. well ..

    In regards to Stalker/Shadow Stalker being a super hardcore rare boss, what does that make sortie? Mission impossible? In regards to your points about MR, yes it does have some unfortunate side effects in it's current system, but having no real benefit from mr other than a few more void traces, max daily syndicate standing and more mods available when leveling something up, there's no point to it. I welcome the changes to focus school about mr mattering and the soft cap, but I think there could be other things tied to it, not actually having to exclude lower mr from the powerhouse weapons, but still something that would make it really worth going for max mr rank. As for the tokens, I would love to have them, but with the introduction of the broken system of rivens, it's not going to happen because everyone would pick a riven, thus flooding the market with rivens and the forums with cries for more endo. Don't we already have the last or is it credits?

    My point to this entire thread is: Yes there's aspects of the game that really sucks, but why do we as a community keep crying about the same thing and basically end up looking like a bunch of 3 year old children sitting and chanting "We want more free stuff, We want easier stuff", is warframe really too hard? Is there really no veteran in the game that's put in the grind and gotten the harder items? I'd say fix what's actually broken to the point of idiocracy (rivens, hema, mods with >0.1% drop chance which I could swear remember DE saying was a thing of the past, then going and adding more mods with a 0.02 drop chance).

  4. I agree with almost nothing you've posted. I'm sorry to say, but melee is still by far the strongest weapon group in the game. If you're struggling to stay alive if you're not invisible or invincible, it's down to your build and choice of frame, bringing me back to my original point I was on about in the first place, warframe strengths.

    Lets talk a bit about surviving on your frame of choice, first lets establish how to identify a frame that would be suitable for melee and what will help you survive. Armor will help you out, but you don't have scaling armor like the enemies and the entire game is by design harder the further you get in to a mission and you will need to take different choices. 1 being considering your frame of choice, what are the strong and the weak points of that frame. Lets take Mesa as the first example. The first clue that Mesa would not go well with melee style combat comes from her passive ability of gaining health from directly unequipping the melee weapon, the next clue would come from her ability set, specificly Ballistic Shield. Ballistic shield will reduce incoming damage by up to 95% (I believe that's the %, but I might be wrong), but those 95% is only for projectiles, it will NOT protect you from melee damage at all. A third indication as to what Mesa is focused on is, she have an ability that inherits the mods equipped on the secondary weapon she's paired up with. Lastly her armor values, she's not an armor powerhouse. The next example I'm going to bring up is Saryn. The first clue to her being a good choice for melee is her armor value, it's above average, by a large number in fact. The next clue for her to be a good choice for a melee frame would be her third ability "Toxic Lash", it by design directly affects your melee and only your melee weapon, you gain no benefit of using that with your primary or secondary weapon. Next up you need to consider how to regain lost health or shield, which ever you prefere. Does the frame of choice have a mechanic or an augment for that? In the case of Saryn that's a yes, there's an augment for Saryns Molt that allows her to regenerate health. In the case of Mesa, that's a no, lost health can only come from external sources. Sources of health can be varied, it can be health pads, medi-ray from your sentinel, abilities or even mods, which brings me neatly to my next point of interest.

    Modding your warframe can be tricky and weapons sometimes even more so, luckily there's a great number of sources of information, anything from videos on youtube on how other people like to play frames to objective information found on the warframe wikia. Information about mods, stats, abilities and much more. Making your warframe deal damage and having a high damage output at first look seems fantastic, but as everything else in warframe, there's more to the story. Do you want to just take a cruice through low level missions and extract when your warframe and weapons fall off or do you want to go for hour long survivals and come out on top when going face to face with that pesky Bombard that will 1 shot you given the chance? First question you need to answer "Which mods is available to help me achieve my goals on the frames I've chosen?" Going for all out damage isn't always the best option, as you only have 8 mod slots, an aura and an exilus available to you, you have to make a specialiced build. That means having to give up on something to gain something else. Adding mods that'll increase your survivability is a must when you're trying to go for long runs, adding mods that'll "protect" you from pesky sources of small damage or negate most of their potential. Steel Fiber to up your armor is a fantastic option for this, all within reason of course, none the less a very potent option. Mods that will help you recover lost health, as you have chosen melee you're bound to take damage and you will have to have a way to recover from it, mods like Regenerative Molt for Saryn, Medi-ray for Sentinels, Healing Return and Life Steal for you melee weapon of choice are just a few of the many ways you can regenerate health. Avoiding situations we're you're going to loose health in the first place is always the best option, but playing on a frame designed for melee, that's not a realistic option, so how do you as a well informed player minimize loss of health and improve your gameplay allowing you to go further in to the survival? Mechanics will help you answer that question.

    Looking deeper in to the mechanics of warframe, we're starting to uncover that it's not just a simple hack and slash game where you can turn off your brain and run around like a headless chicken and expect to do amazing, warframe have some very complex mechanics to it and understanding these mechanics and making choices in your gameplay accordingly is what sets a player apart from the rest. These mechanics determine how much damage your take, for example are you airborne, rolling or just running like said headless chicken? If you see a bombard rocket heading your way, the best course of action might not be running directly towards it and mitigating the damage with the good looks of your chosen warframe and a sexy smile, these are the scenarios you're often going to find yourself not really coming out on top. But how to avoid making the bombard making you look bad? Enter parkour 2.0, there's plenty of maneuvers to help you out, bulletjumps to quickly get behind cover and let the rockets explode on the other side of what ever you're using as cover before proceding to slap the bombard and his friends around for a bit is one option, if there's no cover to hide behind, rolling gives you 75% free damage mitigation and greatly increasing your chances of success. If that's not to your liking, there's mechanics in place to divert agro away from you, like radiation and abilities to make enemies attack each other or a decoy instead of you, once again Saryn and her Molt as an example. While cutting down some clueless butcher, you find a Bombard walking around the corner and taking aim at you, quickly pop your Molt to regain health while flying through the air, assuming you equipped Regenerative Molt in to your build, let your Molt take the hit for you and forcing the Bombard to having to find you again, aim at you and pull the trigger. It may very well just be enough time for you to get close enough to get the attack in and prevent him from attacking you a second time. Neatly bringing attention to another set of important mechanics in warframe, damage type. This is a huge chapter and I'll just make some quick references, but Heat make enemies throw their arms in the air instead of attacking, Blast will knock them to the ground and in the proccess open them up to ground finishers while Impact will stagger them, all will prevent them from attacking or making a counter play to you, thus giving you the benefit and coming out on top.

    If you just want to run around like a headless chicken and not give any thought in to your gameplay, then I'm sorry to say, invisibility or low levels seems to be the only option for you. The mechanics in place aren't perfect, but they're not bad either, you just have to rethink your builds and choices and adjust according to your intentions with the mission you're playing.

  5. Lately while reading the forums, I've noticed a trend, it's a lot of complaining about having to wait for things or put some effort in to getting good things and I figured I would air my voice on the opinion.

    Daily login rewards. Complaining about this, to me it's just being spoiled and being ungreatful, imagine you could be playing a game with no daily login reward at all and no benefits for sticking with the game. Just stop and appreciate you're getting a daily login reward, honestly it's just crying for the sake of crying to complaint about it. I read suggestions on how to make Zenistar and Zenith available to newer players, and while I do believe the ideas themselves is good, I also believe making the login rewards available like that is a horrible idea. They're weapons for veterans, people who've stuck with the game, even if they've just done a daily login between content, they're still doing an active effort to get those weapons.

    Rewards in general. I've spotted a few posts complaining about the twitch rewards and other rewards in general. Did anyone actually expect their rewards to be exclusively prime content and grind reducing rewards? Of course there's going to be a lot of pointless junk in there and of couse there's going to be rewards that doesn't matter at all, it's free stuff for doing basically nothing. Stop complaining and be happy about the things you got, for free! I see this as the voices of spoiled children expecting to be treated like royalty, sure it isn't very exciting getting 20 packages of fireworks, but you get Nitain Extract, color pallets, weapon blueprints and even prime gear, imagine veterans sitting here with a vaulted Vectis Prime and that thing is now dropping to some ungreatful player. Imagine those same players actually having to do anything to get anything, it must be horrible. I think that's as nice as I can put it, the only words I have for that kind of players isn't allowed due to guidelines for the forums. Just be ashamed of yourself.

    The grind. While I agree on some of the items having either a too low drop chance (anything below 0.2% really) or some items just being flat out insanity (rivens), for the most part I do believe warframe is very well balanced in regards to drops. I've already made posts on rivens and drop chances, so I'll attempt not to make this post in to yet another balancing post, but it would be nice to have some sense of progression when it comes to rivens.

    Mastery rank and mod leveling. While reading the forums I've also seen the occational post about how mastery rank is stupid and how mods shouldn't be something to be leveled. My response to this is: Master rank doesn't offer enough to be worth the time and mod leveling is bang on the money. If you take a game like warframe and remove the mod leveling, you end up with a game like Destiny 2, that within the month you got everything and any following drops doesn't matter and serve no purpose. If you don't like to grind and make progression with your items, warframe isn't for you and I'd suggest heading over to another game. I hear tic tac toe is great. Mastery Ranking is a nice way of showing how much progression you've made in the game, but I don't think it offers enough benefits or limits enough content in the game. I haven't seen any rivens above mr16 and I haven't seen any content locked higher than mr14. What does it matter getting to mr24 then? I see another oppotunity to reward players for grinding out the content, a way of making mastery matter. I'm not entirely sure what the rewards would be, color schemes or skins perhaps? Open to suggestions on this one.

  6. On October 22, 2017 at 1:54 AM, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    Im currently in the process of rewriting this posts, its just taking some time. Iv been responding to shadow and decided to go about the idea differently. Not sure what good itll do, but my response to this ---> yea.

    Everything you have stated is how the game currently works. Im suggesting changes to it. Your re-explaining things i already know as if that is the basis for why my post should not exist. I appreciate the response. The idea is not to say that daggers suck or that machetes suck, as they do have their own place in the game, but they are very much niche weapons. Youve said this yourself, though using the term trash tier.

    Instead of melee being specifically viable through certain frames, i want it to be available to every frame. I think what ill be posting in a few days will sound more reasonable. 

    You've got to think realisticly about it then. If you make all warframes melee based, then where's the difference in frames? Personally I love Mesa and Nova, they're my go to frames, but as melee frames they're horrible. Mesa is an absolute tank, just not when getting hit by melee based enemies, they flat out make a joke of her. Melee and Mesa is so far apart, that Mesa even gains health from dropping her melee weapon completely, and I wouldn't want any changes done to her, because her character is a bit of a wild west gunslinging sherrif space ninja. To stay alive on her, you need to embrase her strong sides and avoid her weak side, just like any frame, they challenge your playstyle and they challenge you to try out new things, try out new tactics and go about your mission differently. Personally I believe that to make players in to better players, for having a better understanding of game mechanics and knowing more tactics, I believe it to be a good thing, that some frames are truly horrible at one thing, but absolutely fantastic at another. Take Valkyr, she's a melee madhouse of a frame, but wouldn't want to try and cc anything with her. I belive the diversity in frames is good, because you cannot just stick to hack and slash or run and gun for everything, each mission have it's own unique challenges and some frames will naturally do better than others in some scenarios and worse in others. In my opinion, for what that's worth, I see it like this: I wouldn't want to take a Ferrari offroad and I wouldn't want to take a Land Cruiser to the race track. I wouldn't use my calculator as a dictionary and I wouldn't bring a dictionary to a math test.

  7. On October 13, 2017 at 3:04 AM, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    It doesnt answer, im sorry i dont see it. While being able to use throwables and pistols simulataneously helps make throwable weapons relevant, i dont see how that is an answer for daggers, or machetes...because it hasnt happened for them yet.

    Is channeling high reward? Thats another point youve brought up that i really dont see, please if you would, go into detail for that, it would help the conversation. If it relies on the operators energy, then it drains and has to be recharged before its available again. Thats the limitation. I dont care for melee damage being buffed, but the mechanics of how things operate.

    You have to be tanky to be able to melee, but not every frame expected to melee is tanky. The high survivability that would come with running through a bullet storm with a sword would be blocking and parrying. And weapons of mass destruction like ogris missiles would have to have a way to be dealt with. 

    Its the strongest weapon class we have if you have those mods. Instead of making the mechanics of how melee works in warframe better, they simply tried to make the situation better with mods. Sure, the combo counter is a thing now too...but i still say melee is in a sorry state, just as it was without those mods. Naramon is cheating. Always has been and always will be for as long as its available in its current iteration.

    When it comes to throwable melee, they're already more relevant than for example mk1-furis or lato, as for daggers, well they're ment to be used differently than a throwable melee, which is why mods like Covert Lethality exists. Machetes are at the same place as a lot of thise other poop tier weapons in the game, just bad luck for that particular weapon, doesn't mean melee is treated like it's worth less, it just have the same imbalance as primaries and secondaries have.

    The high reward for channeling is the added damage, the high risk goes in the energy drain, abuse it and you've killed a lot faster, but now you're out of energy. It's not a mechanic you're supposed to be using all the time, it's a mechanic you're supposed to implement when fighting the heavy units for a faction. I know it's being simplyfied like that, but you should be able to get the idea.

    I'm not sure which frames you expect to melee that isn't tanky and if you're talking about level 30 or 300, but the tactics you have to use between them is vastly different. Going high level, it's not enough just to slap on a melee and go on a frenzy, like Valkyr used to be able to do with her Hysteria. Not sure if it's that part you're upset about? None the less, tankyness comes from both health/armor, but also abilities, for example trinity with the right % of strength is able to give herself 2x75% reduction to incoming damage, Mesa is able to give herself 95% reduction to incoming damage from projectiles and so on, other frames inherently low on health and armor, because their usage is different, for example Loki and his invisibility is where he gets his survivability, same with Ivara, while Nyx gers her survivability from the Assimilate augment, Titania gets her from the enemies having less accuracy towards her and her small companions in Razorwing.

    If you want to argue about the mods and not using them, well if you do not use the strong mods in the game, it's not the game limiting your melee, it's yourself. I could sit here and basically cry about how melee is broken strong and my primary and secondary gets treated like a trashcan for mods, while choosing not to use the strong mods. If you want to have primary and melee at the same level and treated the same, you have to completely change how melee works or primary works and I don't think melee would win out on that one. Melee combo have always been a thing, only the most skillfull players have been able to hold their combo counter and keep it going, with the introduction of the combo mods, now people with no tactical understanding can do the same. Before you had to keep 1 guy alive to wack on until more enemies showed up, pasing your killing. With the arrival of dynamic mods, melee becomes stronger and stronger, the longer you keep your counter up and going. While I do think it's a bandaid, it's still an effective one, making primaries and secondaries weak in comparison.

    If you don't want to use the weapons and mods thats strong, may I suggestion sticking with 30 min survival runs on Venus or going in low level fissures with a WoF Ember or Soundquake Banshee (I'm thinking here's a real argument for press 4 to win that needs a touchup).

  8. 16 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    We are required to switch over to melee only to use stances when the stances themselves should be completely useable all the time.

    Considering you got quick melee in the first place, melee is the best scaleable weapon you got and it have the best scaleable mods, I wouldn't call it treated as secondary. Especially with the changes to wielding a throwable melee with a pistol. This should also answer when you'd be going full on melee.

    16 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    Melee channeling. First and foremost, because they are conceptually the same idea, and give off the same particle effects when abilities are being used, i would propose that melee channeling should draw from the same energy bar as all operator attacks. Rework or change that however you will.

    No, draining your energy for additional damage is fine the way it is, high risk/high reward. Otherwise you'd be abusing it in any given survival or defense, with no risk at all, because let's face it, you only use your operator for kuva farming. Imagine if primary or secondary could all have channeling, combos and scaleable mods.

    16 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    Melee blocking would be fine if there was more reaon to use your melee weapon by itself, or if parrying was actually useful. Face tanking damage isnt what im suggesting, but melee as it is definitely seems its for tankier frames, because of the enemies you have to go up against...

    Well yes, you have to be tanky to melee, otherwise you need to learn to utilize some of the ability mechanics. Did you really not expect melee to come with a drawback? You need high survivability to run around in a bullet storm with a sword, otherwise they might aswell just introduce the option to be invincible!

    At this point, I honestly can't be bothered to point out any more of the obvious for you, it seems like you're just crying about melee not being strong enough, when reality is, it's the strongest weapon class we have. It's like a banshee crying about soundquake not killing level 500. Fact is still: bloodrush, weeping wounds, condition overload, healing return, combo counter, body count and drifting contact, as if that's not enough, you still got naramon!

  9. On 10/10/2017 at 7:40 AM, InDueTime-EN- said:

    It's only bad if you want the perfect roll. If you are willing to settle to one good stat and one meh, then there would be no issues. I agree that sometimes RNG can be an &#!.

    While that might be the case with the popular weapons, it's far from the case with the lesser used weapons. Such weapons as a base to build on, usually have so bad stats, they're pointless to get anything but damage, multishot and reload speed for.

    Remember how boltor prime used to work, with armor bypass? Well not anymore, and I do not understand the decision to ever change that, because it was a fun and interesting way of going about a build, now tho, no armor bypass and no status chance to deal with the armor anyway.

    On 10/10/2017 at 7:40 AM, InDueTime-EN- said:

    It is creating some toxicity in the game, but in my opinion rivens are optional. If I'm gonna be using weapons, its not because I have rivens for them. If I do get rivens for uncommon weapons, I would use them for fun from time to time but i would still go back to my old reliable. I switch my primary weapon sets when new weapons come out or when I realize something about a weapon, but rivens have never been a factor to that. 

    Not just some toxicity, it's creating even more elitism in the community. But your point about going back to your old reliable weapons, that is my point about rivens not working in the first place. You're still playing with the popular weapons and while they're strong and reliable, they're also getting extremely boring at this point. Same weapons day in ans day out, give me a break that's just boring.

  10. After making this post, I've been thinking even more about it and had a chat about it with a couple of friends, they pointed something out about the market for rivens: the prices for a dream roll would drop. While this might be true, it's still a free market, so I believe the base price for a riven would go up aswell. Let me explain.

    While it's a minority of players who get the fantastic rolls, they can set the price high when going to sell rivens, because the rivens is so good, it's unlikely anyone else will get as good stats and compete to get the prices down, this way holding them artificially high. This also comes at the cost, each player is unlikely to produce more truely great rivens anytime soon, which results in a half baked riven that's harder to sell and goes for a fraction of the price, if it goes at all.

    On the opposite end of the scale, unrolled rivens represents an extremely small chance of anyone getting the roll they truely want for their riven, it represents a path of frustrations and grind with no feeling of accomplishment. If the system of riven rerolling where to change, unrolled rivens would no longer represents a chance, but a guarantee, for someone willing to put in the time and effort. It would represent a path of accomplishment and satisfaction over the results of the labour put in. This guarantee I believe would raise the base value of amy given riven.

    The argument that it would make us run out of things to do, well that depends on the price of the rerolling if such a system would be implemented. It's no longer unreasonable to farm for a week, for a player to reroll that riven and end up with the riven he really wants. Yes, you can still get lucky and get the exact stats you want first try, how ever unlikely, the chance does exist. But assuming the resources needed would take a week to collect, for the casual player, there's 300 weapons or so in the game, so the same amount of rivens, that's "something to do" for 6 YEARS. Let that sink in for a moment, then add in, with new weapons, frames, quests and scanable items being added, we're set for with content.

    Another benefit of this system would be, there's going to be little need to change the current system of farming kuve, so we will still be taken all over the star chart, not just sitting in a corner with nekros. The need for a change would be to add variation.

    I do believe all of this will benefit Warframe hugely, as it would possibly get a greater part of the community interested in rivens, it would allow for players to feel satisfaction and accomplishment over rivens and have a sense of progression, rather than frustrations and feeling lucky.

  11. 43 minutes ago, ZoneDymo said:

    You dont have to do Rivens, its entirely optional and up to you whether or not you want to dive into it, if the RNG is too much then do not bother and buy them from players who do bother with it, same for just about anything else in this game.

    While that is true, it still is the only well needed buff for some of the lesser used weapons in the game. Weapons that would fall off way before the meta weapons in this game. You can argue they aren't needed, but they do offer diversity in your gameplay, if you know how to "fix" an issue with a weapon, eg reload speed on a Sobek.

    1 hour ago, ZoneDymo said:

    On the subject that we spend all our time now in Kuva missions, well I dont personally but I think DE did say that Kuva would be added to sorties.

    That is a terrible solution, getting kuva from sorties would be just a kick in the unmentionables. I wouldn't care if I got 100 million kuva at the same drop chance at legendary cores, I would feel more ripped off than after getting 7 Anasa sculptures in a row (DE are you reading this and listening? No sculptures in sorties.).

    2 hours ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

    I may be the minority on this one and will likely get hate for this, but DE just needs to get rid of the entire riven system. It's unbalanced and the RNG is just atrocious to get certain stats that you want or for the weapon you want. However, you can buy them for platinum or trade for them.

    I completely agree, in their current form rivens should be removed. They offer non off the initial description DE used on them and all they do is split the community in to haves and have nots. But as a concept they have potential. Give them new stats found no where else in the game, stats like a percentage armor and shield bypass, we already have that in the form of slash procs. Stats like headshot multiplier, making shotguns shoot slugs or have less spread, make arrows track their targets. That would be interesting.

    While I agree on the imbalance, I do think the disposition method is a good way to give a bigger buff to weaker weapons, granted while it works of popularity, it's not done right, but the potential is certainly there.


  12. First of, let me make it clear, despite warframes many issues, I love playing warframe. If need be, I'd happily post each an every issue I think the game have, if it leads to a productive debate with the development team in DE. Among all off these issues, the biggest one off them all I see, is the riven rerolling system. Also, let me apologize in advance for the formatting, I'm using a phone to make posts.

    Rivens, I think as a concept they have potential to have amazing value to the game, both content and progression in mind here. Right now it feels like more basic lottery and it's really discouraging to bother with the recycling system. There can be too much rng and I believe rivens fall in to that category.

    DE themselves describe a journey to the perfect riven, but I fail to see that journey, only a road of countless disappointing stops at the rerolling station, before going back to grinding with less incentive to do so, after having spent 100.000 kuva on a riven with nothing to show for, apart from a soul crushing number in the corner of the riven, displaying your number of failed visits to the rerolling system.

    A way to make this a more encouraging and rewarding effort, lets have a look how many other games tackles rerolling of gear, my example will be The Division, as I think they have an very good system coming out with their latest patch. The jouney to the perfect gear in The Division starts with crafting the gear and getting that 1 item with 3 out of 4 stats you are happy with. Next you go and reroll that 1 stat, at a greater cost, until you got the stats you're looking for, finally at an even greater cost, you optimize those stats to their maximum value and by the time you have your perfect piece of gear, you've gone through multiple steps where you've felt you've made progress, you've felt your hours of grinding is paying off and have gotten an incentive to carry on. This is a journey to that perfect piece of gear.

    My suggestion to DE on how to apply this to warframe is, let us be able to lock in stats on our rivens, at a increased cycling cost or for a highish amount of kuva or endo. Let us optimize our rivens, at a high amount of kuva or endo cost. It would make it a journey of encouraging progression.

    What I think is a setback about rivens is, relics got introduced because we spent all our time in the void, if we want that perfect riven, we spend all our time in kuva missions, and while the missions is changing, there's very little difference between spending 90% of our time in the void and spending 90% of our time in kuva missions, at least in my opinion.

    With the release of Plains of Eidolon coming up, I believe it would free up a handful of devs to make a new rerolling mechanic and I truely hope there's enough support for this suggestion, that it will make it to the game. Especially since I would love to actually play on the plains, happy with my rivens, instead of running free with my rivens just sitting back at the ship or being stuck farming for more kuva.

  13. On July 10, 2017 at 4:17 PM, (Xbox One)Stryke 07 said:

    Easy fix, its called....SOLO QUEUE

    That would leave the same option as with alerts and invasions, solo queue or deal with the embers and equinox, which makes it not much of a fix. I'm sorry if you're one of those not able to play with weapons, but it is a broken system, if you can push a couple of buttons, get 90+% of the kills with just running around and not actually doing anything.

  14. As you both point out, the community would rage, but the other half of the community is sick and tired of the scrublords running around ruining the fun and trying so hard to be the top damage dealer, on a level where even mk1-paris or machete is a viable weapon. Let the rage, cry and sorry for the expression, but grow a set and balance it all out. What's the point of weapons when you have an Ember? Or a banshee? Or Equinox?

    It's abilities like those all destruktive ones that needs balancing, it's not okay to be able to just turn on an ability then basically wait 30 minutes and head to extraction. Hell if that was okay, then why fix limbo or stealth gas in the first place?

  15. Just now, Extroah said:

    Yeah that will probably be a bit of a problem for public matches now that i think of it, but nothing we can change without a skill rework, which in return would set the Forums on fire (no pun intended but here it is)

    There is a lot there can be done to change that, for example nerfing WoF to only being a utility ability and not an actual damage dealing ability, although I genereally don't support any kind of nerfing, I still don't believe the abilities is what's supposed to be deadly, at least not without a charge rate or a cooldown. Imagine a soundquake, world on fire, maim, frosts avalanche I believe it's called (don't play frost) etc would have to get a charged energy pool so it's no longer a spamable ability that kills everything below level 50. That's one solution to go for and it would benefit public matchmaking aswell as the open world. It's just a matter of being creative and embrasing changes instead of being stuck in the mindset of just having to put up with that kind of play. I love warframe and I would love to see it get better and better, but I'm getting disappointed with each new update, to me it seems they're just adding stuff, adding bugs and fixing half of them, the only reason stealth gas got fixed, was because of naramon. That's just not good enough.

  16. Just now, Extroah said:

    Yes, but only during daytime when low-mid enemies are around, which are probably not of interest of WoF/Maim users except maybe for trolling other players, but at night, they just won't be viable at all.

    That is still 50% of the time spent at the open world map getting trolled by some punk who don't understand teamwork. And yes, there will be players only interested in kill stealing or trolling or what ever you prefere to call it, and a lot of them.

  17. 8 minutes ago, Extroah said:

    Op abilities work as good as they do because Warframes Maps are narrow, small hallways/Rooms. In the vast Openness of the Plains of Eidolon landscape, from what we've seen, i don't think those will be as good as they are in small and narrow tilesets and that people will go more for ranged abilities like Exalted Blade, Shuriken, etc.

    Also, the World only seems to be low-mid level during the day, but at night there will be veteran-level enemies, and huge sentient Bossfights (hopefully Worldbosses where all 50 players have to fight together)

    WoF Ember and Main Equinox have a great range on their abilities and will still be able to be a huge problem for players looking just to play around with guns and explore, They will still be able to make it extremely trivial and will still be able to make it really boring for their team. And that range you're talking about, the movement speed of warframes mean you can close that gab really quickly and destroy those 5-10 enemies and the guy getting trolled have nothing really to be able to do.

  18. First of, I think open world COULD be a really good addition to the game, but it will need some tweaks to perform really well. And it will need a ton of playtesting before release, just like everything else in warframe should get.

    The first problem I see with open world, isn't as much to concept of open world, but the abilities of different warframes. Keeping in mind how every single low level mission is played (levels up to around 30-40), going in a public matchmaking, you'll see a vast majority of WoF Embers, Maim Equinox, Soundquake Banshee and Spore spamming Saryn, unless the levels of open world is going to be above 70, I am confident in saying it will still just be those frames that dominate the open world map. The same players are often the players more concerned about getting most kills and at the same time making sure their "team" don't get any kills, somewhere along the lines it seems a lot of players have forgotten about PvE being a team game and see it as a competition to prove themselves superior, with lack of any actual skills. In a similar line, the ability to fly around with your Elytron and send a nuke down at someone who's trying to farm for resources and just troll him or her for every kill. I don't think DE have taken in to account or realized the level of troll their setup allows. And yes, the community is that trolly, anyone who have a different opinion on that, clearly plays strictly on solo matchmaking.

    The next problem I see, is a problem DE seem to haven't learned anything from, in fact making it a bigger and bigger problem instead. The grind. Take Hema, the amount of Kuva needed for rivens, the relic system as an example of the grind. The new crafting of weapons and going and farming to build the weapons you want, what's to stop DE from making it another unreasonable grind for resources? And the very same weapons, they don't seem to be well balanced, simply down to the fact, there will be one combination that's better than every other combination available because of how the weapons in warframe is balanced, the stances available and the stats of different parts. DE have stated they want to let us play the way we want, yet we're bound to certain weapons and frames, because of their stats and effectiveness.

    Any kind of public events on the open world maps also need to have some kind "protection" of against a Main Equinox with 2 million or 10 million stored damage just jumping in making it a 1 second event or a Sonar Banshee with Opticor doing the same thing. Complete immunity against damage from abilities would be one solution, I'm open to better suggestions, but that's the only one I can think of, that will ensure the community have to work together instead of thinking of it as another competition.

    DE please do think about your approach to this open world and please do think of ways of making it more about teamwork and less about competition, It will just be a disappointing place to be if it turns out as the invations, fissures and alerts.

  19. 55 minutes ago, True_Naeblis said:

    Mate, buddy, pal, I can about guarantee that any dev who comes across your post is going to pass it by without giving it a second glance. You know what happens to resumes when companies get them if they're poorly formatted or too long? They get ignored outright. You know what happens to research papers that don't follow the guidelines for formatting & presentation? They get sent back outright, without being evaluated. Funny that you say it's meant for devs, as though you don't realize that there are formatting standards even for code, to make it easy to read, even including reference notes.

    People have given you constructive criticism; if you choose to ignore it that's on you.

    That's company research papers, written by people educated in proper grammar. This is a forum meant for the community and if the devs don't respect us enough to read our posts, then that's another point against DE and their dropping care. We're gamers, not an rnd department and DE should really keep that in mind.

  20. On 26/6/2017 at 2:00 PM, Music4Therapy said:

    The current trend is that on odd numbered factors of 100 we get weapons, and on evens we get Primed Mods. FE:

    100: Azima.

    200: Primed Fury

    300: Zenistar

    400: Primed Vigor

    500: Zenith

    Here is my issue. We are starting to get to a point where it's going to take 2-3 years for a new player to obtain a mod necessary to maximize the power of their warframes. That would be highly discouraging and there are better ways to reward players for their loyalty then giving them a distinct advantage over new players. How would you feel as a new player if you played the game for a year, grinded like crazy, only to find out that the 1000 day reward was something like Primed Streamline. You'd have to play everyday for almost 2 more years. This is getting absurd imo. Weapons are fine I guess, but mods are something that should be farmable/otherwise obtainable.


    The idea of getting non functional items as a reward is absurb. You get an item, that holds no value and no functional affect on your game as a reward for fighting through bugframe. Even more to the point, there's already a problem with the trend of cosmetic items: it doesn't add gameplay value at all. It holds absolutely 0 value towards better gameplay and all it does, is allow you to look different from the other tennos in the relay. My personal view of this trend, is the dominating voices of people lacking the skills to set themselves apart on the scoreboards.

    DE needs to reward with values, with benefits. If it tilts you that much, that someone who have logged in 1.000 days have a better streamline than you, I'm sorry to say, there's an efficiency cap in warframe and if your build is still using too much energy, then the entire problem revolves around your build. The player with the patience to put up with the never ending stream of garbage coming from DE for 1.000 days, in my opinion he deserves unlimited platinum!

    Honestly, stop crying for more cosmetic items and start demanding better content, tribute to the game by suggesting fixes to actual core problems in the game or something.

  21. 2 hours ago, StinkyPygmy said:

    People being able to actually read and easily comprehend your point is arguably more important then the points themselves. You could make some of the best arguments and have the best ideas in the world, but if people cannot easily understand exactly what you are saying and easily find and reference specific points, then it makes discussion much, much more difficult then it needs to be and also makes your job harder.

    There's nothing trolly about what I'm saying. It benefits you as much as it benefits those interested in the topic and those the topic is directed at. If I was kicking up a fuss over you misspelling a word or two yeah, I'd see how you would think i'm trolling and being a pian. This however, is some well intentioned advice despite my sarcasm. I can't help it, sarcasm is my bread and butter.


    If sarcasm is your bread and butter, maybe you aren't suitable to share your well intentions and perhaps it would be far better you made and effort trying to elaborate on the points and raise questions as far as you understanding them correctly. Alternatively, be quiet, because sarcasm isn't helpful in a constructive debate on getting improvements implemented in warframe.

    Again, if the developers, whom I doubt is bothering if the forums, finally do read this and have questions as to the understanding of my points, I'm sure they're capable of asking a question too. As far as I'm concerned, as long as they understanding it and is able to read it, then it really doesn't matter what level of understanding the rest of us have to any given post here.

  22. 8 minutes ago, StinkyPygmy said:

    (Posts on a public forum)

    "Its not meant for you so if ya don't like it don't read it"

    "The devs read code so why should I make it easy for them to read something that isn't code and have it conform with what is standard, linguistic practice?"

    Gotcha. Makes total sense.

    Troll point made....... Point made for exactly this forum, better be damn sure it's spelled right and the grammar is perfect, cause if that's off, the point and ideas are bad, right?

  23. 10 hours ago, Wrum said:

    im not following your logic?

    to get void traces you run fissure missions. just pop a bunch you don't care about get your traces and sell the crud on the market or for ducats.

    also again this is an mmo, the god awful grind is par for the coarse in any mmo. if you hate it here you should see wow players do raids for months to get their loot. frankly warframe is rather forgiving in the grind department.

    The grind isn't on par with other mmo games. Making that comparison, other mmo games allow you to improve your gear as pleased, so there's a point to the grind, warframe just have the grind and more rng, no actual progress, just luck of the draw every single time you attempt to improve on your riven and the values can't be improve, you can just hope for a better riven than previously. Then DE having the audacity of implying there's a path to the riven you want and honesty any kind of defense of DE, their resent actions, their resent focus points in the game and their resent prices in the game, that's just a slap in the face of every single player in warframe! Start holding DE accountable for their product, it is not actually free anymore, it's expensive and overpriced. 60 platinum for 3 riven slots for example? Forget just unreasonable, that's directly disrespectful, adding a new mod system to the game and then going and making the prices so unbelievable expensive! You can buy a new weapon in trading fir that price!

  24. 8 hours ago, True_Naeblis said:

    Quite seriously, this. I'm sure that you have some insightful things to say @(PS4)NicolaiBM but I am not going to dive into that. Present it in a way that makes it easy to read, please.

    Not meant for you honestly, it's meant for the devs and if they can read code, they can read this too, probably haven't though

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