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Posts posted by (PSN)NicolaiBM

  1. 12 hours ago, MrLagzy said:

    You want us to form constructive and rational arguments, yet you're so stuck you won't even bother changing opinion despite ANY kind of argument against yours is presented to you.. 


    Ahh.. I see.. You're not a serious poster, just a regular troll who wants to complain and complain, yet when arguments are posted to you, you disregard it and continue complain without any kind of constructive criticism at all.

    I don't need to change my opinion to something, if I don't agree with it, no matter how rational it might be. This thread was never meant to change anyones opinion, but to find common ground to a betterment of the game. As for being serious poster, I don't sit with unargumented ideas for improving the game and just wanting everything to be easier, quite the opposite in fact. If you read it again, there's quite a large amount of constructive criticism in what I've presented.

    @fluffysnowcap I know players where never meant to go past rotation c, but we have been doing that for years and it's about time to adapt to the fact that we are. I like you're quoting different posts and threads, thumbs up for that, but the content I do disagree with. I don't think fissure missions should scale according to a planets resources, that's not why you choose a fissure over a normal endless. I would like to see an increased chance for rare drops the further you go. Not to the point where you're going to reach 100% rare chance, but it would be nice with something like 20-25% chance for a rare drop 3 hours in to a survival. Regular endless missions I think the best option for scaling rewards would be a second, third, fourth etc dip in the reward pool for each completetion of a rotation. 

    Assuming 100% towers convertion in a kuva survival is a forcing you to play a nekros/hydroid or bring one in a squad. Considering the mechanics of the survivals, you're not going to be able to keep up life support and use 100% life support convertion without, even with the 10% life support you get from a converted tower. The need to bring specific frames is what I don't like about he system and I think kuva drops could have been implemented in far better ways. Anything from a planetary resources drop to much higher values (2.000) as a rotation reward. I also disagree with capping the scaling at any given point, if you're good enough to go for 6 hours, you should be rewarded for going 6 hours. I'd like for all endless missions to reward players who's capable of staying in the missions for a long time, no matter which mission type or planet, the endless should scale and give insentives to push yourself just that little longer. 

    Not looking to attack any kind of spelling or scream strawman, no need for that. A sentense can be spelled wrong and still contain a brilliant idea.

  2. 1 hour ago, MunsuLight said:

    Nekros is not even needed to got to 20 minutes IMO.. You just need to kill thing fast enough .. and I've had pub with 2 nekros that couldn't go to 20 minutes because they thought that only desecrate without them killing would be OK.. 

    I've also had a 30 minutes run without a Nekros. .was a little bit more iffy  and I know we had semi good spawns , but people are making it seems not as good as it is..

    The only change I think is needed is the incentive to go further 20 minutes.. Why make it a survival .. if you dotn scale the reward with time...

    The entire point was to make 2 hour or 4 hour runs viable as a means of farming kuva or any other survival, largely by increasing rewards for each rotation in the drop table and resource drops aswell. If you make a survival style farming, where you need to run around the entire map, you're going to disrupt the spawn of the enemies constantly, it is going to slow down the speed of your kills, while the kuva towers does give you 10% life support, it's not enough to make up for what you loose by the playstyle needed for that kind of missions. To combat that you will need to either use life support towers for life support, making you get less kuva, or bring a nekros. I think there's missions far better suited for that playstyle (as mentioned excavation, since kuva survival is just a mini excavation).

    If DE is going to keep the current style, I think the amount of kuva given by each successful extractor should be increased by 50 for each 5 minutes, but I'd much prefere to see a kuva excavation and I'd love to see all endless missions get 1 addition drop added to your reward for each rotation of the drop table. 1 rotation = 1 drop, 2 rotations = 2 drops, 3 rotations = 3 drops and so on, and not just a multiplier to the 1 drop you get, but x number of actual entries in the drop table. Imagine doing 80 waves and you would be rewarded by getting a couple of relics, a mod and some endo.

  3. 3 hours ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

    That's the premise of the channel... and even so, you're kinda' wrong considering he just gets to the facts in this video, jokes are kept to a minimum. Nice generalization of content. And it's YouTube video, not a forums video. Nice job trying to turn this into a hate thread on Rob.

    Not trying to turn this in to a "hate thread on Rob", I can't stand any of his content and even 1 of his jokes is too much, they are wildly inappropriately and it's a simple choice if I want to listen to him or not. I hate his content and I'm not telling anyone else to hate him, but if you're getting offended by me not wanting to waste my time listening to him let me just say this: I don't think he offers anything positive to warframe or anything else, he's so out of line he should just keep to himself and be quiet. And as for the content, I am willing to bet he doesn't mention any of the solo glitching you can do on kuva siphon/flood to get 10-20k kuva each run. Anyway, point is, I know how to get the most kuva, but's it's a broken and boring mission that only feeds an even more frustratingly broken and badly designed aspect of the game (rivens), I see no point in bothering with rivens, as I'm not enjoying any part if it. Survivals I like, but the kuva survival doesn't seem well thought through and properly designed.

  4. 3 hours ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

    Not, it's not. You apparently don't know what format even is. You know, a proper book would contain more than two paragraphs and not a massive wall of text that just looks like a rant at glance. Try using that enter and indent button bud.

    Writing on a PS. But I forgot with this forum, it doesn't matter how much logic and reason you have or how good your ideas are, there's always going to be that little troll who doesn't know how to read properly and start crying about the formatting.

  5. 14 hours ago, (PS4)LubzinNJ said:

    Maybe if properly formatted...wall of text? Nope.

    As well formated as any book, sorry you're not a competent reader enough to go through without flashy graphics and drawings.

    14 hours ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

    Just gonna' link this video that proves you wrong...


    If you think I'm going to sit for 20 minutes and listen to a guy use a language so foul he'd get banned from the forums you're mistaken. I will never support that raging lunatic and his use of the english language to describe something in such a foul way you wouldn't let him near any kind of children. I don't understand in the first place why DE have made him a partner, but I know if I was head of DE, I wouldn't have my company mistaken as supporting that. Gay or straight, he needs to keep his trap shut about his wildly inappropriately sexual references!

    Think this thread just proves it well enough, nothing but trolls and no worth trying to improve warframe anymore. Just don't #*!% up my survivals!

  6. I know it hasn't hit the PS4 yet, but that doesn't mean I can't see the faults in it, just from what's been put on youtube already. This thread is also meant at DE in the naive hopes they're going to listen and make changes, suitable changes, I'm open to ideas about how a proper kuva farming should work, but if anyone else is going to comment, just keep in mind that being constructive works far better for the community than being a negative troll.

    Turning the life support towers in a survival in to what's basically an extractor from excavation is a bad idea. It's going to force anyone playing to bring at least 1 Nekros, just to keep up life support for longer stays in the mission type. Personally I believe that being in a situation where 1 specific frame is a must is bad game design and nothing anyone say is going to make me think any differently. But since we're already turning life support towers in to mini excavators, what's wrong with making an actual excavation node on the kuva fortress and swapping the cryotic reward for kuva? That being said, it should reward far more than 200 kuva, as it's not uncommon for rivens to need 100.000+ kuva to get a desent roll, which happens to be the next thing I think is bad game design. The entire riven system. There's already plenty of great ideas on those and I've already made posts myself, so no need to repeat it to deaf ears. The best way of getting kuva, I think that would be having it drop like any other resource on the kuva fortress and not as the rares drop either, seeing as you do need 100.000+ quite often. Even if DE is sticking to their idea with the survival style, at least start considering making all rewards scaleable, not only in kuva survival, but all endless mission types. Each rotation you go through you'll get an additional drop from the droptable, making endless missions actually worth doing for anything but the challenge. One thing is for sure, the amount of kuva you get from doing survival, it needs to get drastically changed for the better, I mean if you know the right bugs/glitches to abuse, you can net 10k+ from a kuva siphon and 20k+ from a kuva flood. 10k from 30 minutes of survival or 5 minutes on a kuva siphon capture? Unfortunately I do think that DE is going to patch the glitch/bug instead of actually giving us a fair amount of kuva. This to me is reason enough not to bother with rivens, the few I have I couldn't really care about, all of the riven system is so broken and daft it takes the fun out of actually bothering with it. To top it all off, arcanes got an "accessability treatment" because of the prices on the market, yet some rivens go for 1, 2 even 3k plat. Are you joking DE, 300 for an arcane tops the 1-3k for a riven?! Really pushing players to bother with rivens, since there's nothing else these days eh.

  7. @Tsukinoki Instead of just putting down all suggestions, try and offer some counters. I kept in mind, that some of the challenges aren't ment to be unreasonably hard. Yes I'd love to see challenges that requires some sense of actual skill, but I'd love to see CP removed even more and armor fixed, so it's not the only thing in the game to make the enemies harder to deal with. I'd love to hear some actual suggestions for challenges, but I doubt it'll make a difference, don't think DE even reads this posts at any point.

    @eviljalen Agreed, the rewards for endless are just not okay. Most recently there's the kuva survival, go 2 hours and still get 200 kuva from a single extractor? I mean sure, I'd love to play to a harder level and get the same reward as I did after 2 minutes. Warframe have always needed scaling rewards, but also rewards that's worth staying in for, rewards only obtainable if the drop table changes. For example survival, the drop table would change after an hour and reward mods only obtainable by doing an hour in survival, 60 waves defense and so on. That being said, I love your suggestion of removing endo and adding a drop for each rotation of the drop table, I think that's exactly what warframe have needed for a long time, just not sure if it would be enough for fissure missions.

  8. On March 22, 2018 at 9:11 PM, Synpai said:

    It really does.

    A simple "nice post" would make me feel like my ideas aren't just going directly into the trash lol. Which is why I've found it hard to post any updates to the forum in so long.

    Just one of the many things DE have still to learn about running a forum, sadly when they're too busy reading the "Praise DE" comments the plat hopers have, they're never going to read this and they'll never learn.

    • Like 1
  9. On March 20, 2018 at 10:06 AM, (PS4)EvilJalen said:

    there "were" a "skill value" a few years ago. ( Example )

    This was shown in ur profile..  Because of the many values that came together in this number, the "skill" wasn´t really comprehensibly. In fact there were no official

    Also Warframe is not really a competitive game, DE wanted to create a game of teamwork with as less rivalry as possible.

    I fear you may have misunderstood what I meant by value of skill. I simply meant that the game would reward anyone who would get to gribs with the mechanics and be able to do long runs on all endless missions, by rewarding something that may be more in the interest of veterans rather than newer players. What use do a 4 year veteran have of endo as a reward for example, when all mods have been completely upgraded or upgraded to the desired level?

    I am fully aware DE is not in the business to promote a toxic and hostile community, but lets be honest, it has gotten that way anyway. As far as I can tell, it's because of new players coming in from already toxic and hostile game communities and bringing that with them. But more to the point, what better way to promote teamwork than improving rewards for bigger effort? I'd like to see some quests reworked or added, that will explain damage types, status effects, tactics and general mechanics for example. No where does the game explain the distance enemies will spawn from you, how they are affected and which awareness level they're in. There's small notes in the load screens about corrosive, viral and so on, but if you truly want to understand the frame you're playing, with all mechanics and values, you have to go to an external site (warframe wikia) to get those stats. Removing 8 player activities is also a bad direction to take for promoting teamwork if you ask me, yes the smaller 4 man groups will still be there, but most people have their usual small 4 man group they stick with, at least as far as I'm aware.

    I truly believe warframe will benefit far more from getting some of the broken mechanics fixed, some of all of the bandaids removed and the issues fixed, far more than another open world area and a new enemy type with the only way of becoming somewhat difficult is to go invisible and have armor. Shields have been a down right joke for 4 years or how long it's been around, corpus and infested is getting armored because it's the only means DE have to make an enemy difficult in the current form and that level of difficulty is instantly removed again by corrosive projection. Rivens don't work for anything but a select few weapons and those weapons does just fine without a riven in the first place, not to mention the insanity that is farming kuva to roll a riven. How many players don't have rivens with hundreds of rolls on them? I'd like nothing more than warframe to get a proper fix, a big update with no new content at all and all of the issues the game has to become focus for that update. Damage 3.0 is needed, but getting the enemies fixed is a bigger need.

  10. On March 19, 2018 at 11:59 PM, Synpai said:

    We can only hope that someone at DE eventually decides to take a look at the hard work I put into this xD.

    Reminds me of the Valkyr rework, that massive thread died, but I know people still have issues with not being able to use Hysteria Claws as long as Exalted Blade (for example) and said claws being near pointless to channel (or really use in general).


    They get DE-railed regularly. 

    Nothing derailing, in general they might read something, but they rarely respond outside their own threads. I get there's lots of posts, but there's enough DE staff here to respond and make us know they've read our posts at leasts and tell us why something may or may not be in the interest of DE. Just saying, a little response goes a long way.....

    • Like 2
  11. Not happening, we had that before back with the towers, now we're stuck with this (insert negative word yourself here) system along with all the other (insert another negative word of your choise here) things added the past year, all equally broken and nothing actually gets fixed (armor, rivens, magnetic damage being pointless, slash being only IPS worth anything, cp as bandaid for armor plus about another 1.000 items you could add to the fix list)

  12. 27 minutes ago, peterc3 said:


    How about no.

    How about yes. My reasoning for that is to make a long term gain of actually bothering with completing the challenges/achievements/records, what ever you want to call them. I'm thinking each challenge would have about a third of the value of a weapon (1.000 points compared to the weapons 3.000 points) when all 5 or 6 stages is complete, depending on how many stages would be in each challenge. Right now mastery is nothing more than a number that shows how many weapons you've leveled. I personally would like to see some value of skill reflected by mastery, like solo 60 minutes of survival would net you the last mastery points from a stage in the survival tree or solo 60 waves defense would net you the last points in the defense and so on. Also instead of just flat out saying no, be constructive and reason your logic or be quiet as you contribute nothing but a "I don't like anything that would require an effort or skills" attitude.

  13. 12 minutes ago, Grimmstyler said:

    Most of my Rivens are for the lower tier weapons..

    Im pissy about the Latron and how a riven doesnt seem to help it.. Its like a un-scoped sniper rifle that has bad reload, mag, fire rate and recoil.. All in which fixing those issues take away from damage mod slots..

    Been making several posts about additive stats or rivens altering base stats entirely, that's the way to go, but it's not really coming dude, DE is making far too much money selling plat for rivens at the current system.

  14. 26 minutes ago, polarity said:

    It's not working.

    If you have kuva, you're going to use it to reroll a riven for a weapon that's already known to be good, rather than a weapon that's MR fodder, because those are what people will already have invested potatoes/forma into before deciding they want a riven.

    Even with disposition boosting the range of stats on high disposition weapons, with the huge majority of possible rolls giving barely useful stats compared to the capacity a riven uses, again, players will put their kuva into rivens for known good weapons/weapons they've already put work into making good.

    If you really want to incentivise players to make use of unpopular weapons, how about making it easier to get better rolls for those weapons, so they then have a reason to put formas/potatoes into them?

    Take all the riven rerolling costs, and divide them by the disposition, so that while the max reroll cost for a D1 riven is 3500, for a D5 riven it would only be 700.

    Then you might actually see people selling, and wanting to buy a wider range of rivens in trade.

    We've been saying that for a long time, but nothing have changed, DE isn't listening.

  15. Warframe gets stale, fast. A couple of weeks after content is released, it's back to the same old stuff on repeat, before it was tower missions, then it became kuva farming and rivens (it still is) and now it's Eidolons for arcanes/focus points, all in the general pursuit of items to sell in the market, to get plat for the next batch of tennogen. Cosmetics made by us and sold for higher cost than if DE had made it themself. I can only imagine DE adds content to break up the repetative nature of this, to keep the game interesting and fresh and for us to have more to do, but now we're facing the problem of having so much to do, we have to choose to be efficient with it. It's either stick with the kuva farming, drop everything else and go Eidolon hunting when night comes around or go run fissures. Options are great to have, but the value of those options are not too great, if you have to do something 1.000 times to get what you're looking for (even more in the case of rivens). The idea of having content to grind for is great, the implementation of it is much more important than the actual content itself. To explain this I'll use rivens as an example, as they're overall just a horrible implementation of a fantastic idea. Rivens are ment to bring life to unused weapons, the problem is those unused weapon remain that way, because they got nothing to work with in the first place, making another mod just with higher values isn't going to fix that in most cases, the recent weapon buff have helped it a lot, but it's still the wrong way of fixing the issue. The problem is multiplicative stats where they should be additive, and applied outside of normal mods. Lets pretend a weapon have 3% critical hit chance and 4x critical damage multiplier, get a riven with 400% critical hit chance, that big a number and all it's giving you is a 12% critical hit chance, add 150% on top of that from the other mods on your weapons and you're now at 14% or something close to it. Imagine for a second this was made with a system that would alter the base stats of that weapon, you get a riven with 51% critical hit chance and it would give your weapon a 51% critical hit chance on base, add the 150% from other mods to that and you're now looking at roughly 125% critical hit chance. That is the mechanic that will bring life to unused weapons. Also the current system of changing stats, scrap it and come up with something where we can lock in stats we want to keep and a way of "optimizing" stats. Like take a transmute core + kuva to optimize the riven or lock in a stat.

    Looking at the alerts and invasions, they're perfectly valid and have their place in warframe, but how about a daily mission with some odd modifier (not unlike sorties), but at a much lower level, lets say 25. With a randomized reward that makes it worth doing, anything from 1.000 Endo (for the newer players) to 3.500 kuva (enough for a roll nothing less, after all it's a daily mission). Then considering a weekly challenge, 10 challenges you'd have to complete for your weakly reward, ranging from really easy to medium difficulty. Open 5 radiant relics, complete 10 kuva floods, Kill (not capture) 1 Eidolon, Capture 1 Eidolon, Perform a synthesis bounty, a mix of challenges that would come through normal gameplay and challenges you'd have to go out of your way to complete.

    Over the lifetime of warframe, most players will use a select few weapons all the time without changing, because that weapon works until power creep or nerfs sets in. It's the same with the selection of warframes, a select few will be chosen. To "combat" this warframe would benefit from a record book, challenge sheet, call it what you want, but put it simply "Get 100.000 kills with Shotguns", "Get 100.000 kills with bows", "Capture 100 Eidolons", make them interval completed aswell, so the challenge will read "1/6 get 100 kills with this weapon" once completed it'll change to "2/6 Get 200 kills with this weapon" challenges for players to do and tie those challenges in to mastery rank to make them worth completing. Reward with even cosmetic items, skins, badges, resources or what have you. I do have a few suggestions I'd like to see in there.

    • Get 1.000/5.000/10.000/50.000/100.000 kills with <weapon class>
    • Get 100/500/1.000/5.000/10.000 kills with <weapon>
    • Complete 5/10/20/40/60 minutes in a survival
    • Complete 5/10/20/40/60 waves in defense
    • Excavate 100/200/400/800/1200 Cryotic in a single excavation
    • Capture 1/5/10/50/100 Eidolons
    • Earn 10.000/50.000/100.000/500.000/1.000.000 credits
    • Use <warframe> in all mission types (including Eidolon capture/kill, either works)
    • Use <warframe> in 1/5/10/50/100 missions

    Feel free to come up with any other challenges that could be in there if there is any. Personally I think this would add some debth to warframe and give us something to do, when all the other content just gets stale from repeating so much.

  16. On February 14, 2018 at 1:16 AM, PatternistSlave said:

    Well aren't you just the poor little victim.  What happened to all that big talk about how anyone not planning on staying 3+ hours in a public survival should go play CoD?

    Nothing about being "the poor little victim", it's about a constructive debate about how to improve warframe and here you come along, a tool so in need of being a badass, that everything about the game go completely by you and you're just sitting around being a cyber bully. How about you find something constructive to contribute with on how to actually improve the game in such a way items are obtainable and there's a reward for putting in effort instead of running around with an Ember for 20 minutes and getting the same rewards as people who's capable of going for hours and have learned all the mechanics of warframe. That's the entire point of this, improvement towards having both end game content that's worth learning warframe mechanics for and having a rewarding experience getting to that point. Improvement towards both casual and hard core players. But I see this is the wrong place to go for such a debate, as this forum is largely just DE suck ups who's hoping for a plat reward for being a moron.

  17. On February 8, 2018 at 1:56 PM, PatternistSlave said:

    So disdain for anyone that doesn't play exactly the way you do.  Got it.

    t3 was a challenge for you?  That's sad.

    Was fun for you?  That's even sadder.

    I don't think you got it, it really doesn't seem like it. But what is sad is your way of turning everything in to condescending crap spewed towards me, for having a different opinion than you about what is entertaining in a game. 

  18. 1 hour ago, -dapoy.Amily- said:

    Take a deep breath, Tenno... You don't have many left.


    I know we must not judge the only judge hand of this game, those, carrying it thorough years, giving us content, bringing balance and contrast to the gameplay and lore.

    But, this time, nothing can be said in excuse.

    You're truly taking too much on you. Bringing just ONE open-world location to the game you moved almost all content to there leaving players no choice but to play it on a regular basis. Now, when even Sorties contain PoE locations somehow, and with upcoming revisited components for weapons, plus two new Eidolons dropping lifely necessary stuff, we are going to spend there even more time.

    Removing trials (i'm not saying "temporarily" because enough was said above this comment - it is equal to death like what happened to Dark Sectors, no news about them for 2+ years already, no moves, DE are concentrated on a lot of different content, temporarily = no responsibilities, easy way to escape criticism) is equal to removing the last untouched parts of Star Chart being not connected to Plains in any way.


    What are you doing?.. Don't touch that. LEAVE!


    We have 15 planets, + NERFED void + FORSAKEN kuva fortress (temporarily :))))))))), and over 150 locations but 90% of content now is focused on one.

    Is it balance, how do you think?

    Plains are nice how they are. But to be interesting and popular for all players (not only Neophytes) they need their own content.

    They need NEW content. Not just revisiting the existing ways of how we are used to play (trained through years).


    This is the force you send to defeat us, Lotus?


    Please, don't forget the competitive side of trials. It is the motivation and interest for experienced players. How will it come out to use the best combination of warframes, equipment and personal skills to demonstrate a perfect result and show oneself in top? It is a pleasure.

    Of course, you don't get it serious, i'm just talking S#&amp;&#036;. "Your struggle is futile. Accept your fate!"


    Warframe has always been different from any other shooter or MMORPG game because of it's specific gameplay basis. And we love this basis.

    Things got different when PoE appeared. Things get darker with this update coming. It's the beginning of the end as I see.

    Time for all experiences players to ask themselves: and what now?

    We are asking. 2 years (for someone it is 3 or 4 or 5) put in this game to become perfect and show ourselves in something bigger.




    Couldn't agree more, I hate PoE. With raids being removed and prime farming being reduced to a low level Ember Prime sprint, it's no longer fun. There's no reason to go several hours and trying to get a 4 hour survival going takes up the first hour of the 4 you have available at that point. This is the killing blow for me and warframe, I do not see any content in warframe I'll be sticking around for if it's all going to be dumbed down to low level content for the resent surge of disappointed destiny 2 players.

  19. On January 28, 2018 at 2:21 PM, PatternistSlave said:

    I'm leveling in fissures because it offers a challenge.  If my teammates aren't properly geared?  Cool.  More challenge.  If they're leveling gear in fissures they're doing it for the affinity bonuses so will stay as long as possible.

    This is who you're talking to right now.  I assure you it was a struggle to find those who would stay a decent amount of time back then as well.  There were always those Ash's that got upset when spamming 4 stopped doing damage and wanted to leave.

    Funny.  Casuals to me are people that blame their teammates instead of carrying them.  But it is true that when I want challenge PvP is the best place to find it.

    On a side note.  Your clear disdain for new players is rather disgusting.  New players are what keep a game fresh and healthy.  We were all new once.

    They will not be staying as long as possible, they will stay until their weapons is done and then that's it. Of course the vast majority of the warframe community is not aware of how affinity is allocated between the different weapons, which just slow their progress and make them leave after 20 minutes when their weapons can't kill anything anyway. And as for your claim about finding people who would stay a decent amount of time back in the days, it wasn't a problem at all, a survival would rarely be less than 40-50 minutes, now it's rarely going past 20 minutes. It was never a problem posting "hosting 2 hour t3/t4 survival" and get 3-4 hours from that and a proper challenge. I do not have a disdain for newer players, I have a disdain for the idea they have that end game is getting prime parts and rivens and most of all cosmetics, the notion of "game" in that sort of end game is lost, as there's no actual game play at a higher challenge than the rest of the game. Next time your in, try and carry your team more than a minute when all 3 of them is standing on extraction and they're done with their weapons being leveled.

  20. On January 20, 2018 at 5:39 PM, PatternistSlave said:

    I level in fissures.  Specifically endless fissures that give affinity bonus for staying a long time.  You have a problem with this?

    Yes, because it kills any hope for getting a challenge out of those missions or staying longer than 3½ minutes, the hope that's already pretty low due to the quality of players. As @DarkFlameZealot said, Nobody in this community have the balls or skills to go for a true long run and the few who does is the veterans back from when we had towers and keys. The players who's been around long enough for DE to get a grip and stop catering to the lesser skilled players and give us something to do aswell. We got nothing apart from setting up a group with the players from back then and go for an actual long run, the rest of the time, we put up with new commers who has the biggest need of any to be top killer, to the point where counter productive behavior is ignored just in pursuit of that top killer position.

    So thank you for killing end game and challenges, please go back to cod.

  21. Apologies for the late reply.

    I get where you're coming from with the high level content being a spam fest, it is, but so is low level content and warframe is in large about killing hordes of mindless enemies who will mindlessly charge you. I'm not saying it's ideal by any means, but it's still a mechanic warframe have had since the launch and I think if that's getting changed, then the entire game itself changes into something that's not warframe anymore. We don't need to make bosses bullet spunges and we don't need to make high level enemies bullet spunges either for a challenging game. We also don't need to add overly complex mechanics to factions or add more enemies that have completely different mechanics than their allies around them, we do need to make the core mechanics of each faction universal across that faction. Example of what I mean would be; The Nox. While still having armor like the rest of the grineer, still having in large the same attack patterns as the rest of the grineer, it resists body damage and you need good aim and a headshot to do proper damage to it. An example of "bad" additions to factions would be the bursas. Corpus is shielded enemies, but the shield is just an "extention" of the healthbar with different weaknesses and does little to nothing to protect the health of the faction. Instead of solving this issue throughout the entire corpus factions and making shields protect from bypass damage types, the bursas got armor under that pointless shield.

    As to the weapons, the entire nerf mentality is only going to add more weapons to the junk pile and the "useful" list of weapons is only getting rotated instead of getting expanded. Instead of nerfing the good weapons, the bad weapons needs a buff and while it's fine beginner weapons will never have the same potential as higher level weapons, the current gab is too big and the current list of "strong" weapons are too short. Rivens did not fix this issue very well, as only 10 or so weapons got to be really good, and those weapons require a riven so specific in the majority of cases, that the vast majority of casual players will never have any hope of getting their weapons up to level with players who can sink in hundreds of hours each week. This is another "issue" DE seem to have tried tackling, bridging the gab between hardcore and casual. It's not possible to bridge that gab, you cannot create a system, that successfully puts 4 hours up on par with 100 hours. In 100 hours you can easily make enough platinum to buy rivens as you want them, leaving the players with only a few hours of play time with the choice of having 1 riven they got really lucky to get or having the platinum they need for buying boosters, slots or mods they either don't have the time to farm or the luck to get dropped.

    Looking at this from a pure business perspective benefitting DE, I fail to see the benefits of 1 player getting the riven he wants for lets say 1.000 platinum over the possibility of 7 players getting the mod they want for 200 or 300 platinum. Yes, the hardcore players will probably make less platinum, but lets be honest, who needs 10k platinum, really. If rivens came out completely blank from the sortie, no name or weapon catagory, you'd be able to craft the riven you need and "buy" stats for it with resources. An example would be you could buy the name on your riven, effectively choosing which weapon you want your riven to match, for something like 15k kuva, then you could buy the first stat for 5k kuva, the second stat for 10k kuva, the third stat for 15k kuva and the negative for 20k kuva, putting the total kuva need at 65k. It is not an unreasonable amount for a riven you've crafted and it would take a while to farm that amount. It would also make each riven awarded from the sortie worth more than just 323 endo. To manage this system from getting out of control and flooding the market and making all rivens loose their platinum value, I suggest lowering the drop chance of a riven. Next up comes the functionality of rivens. In their current multiplicative function they don't "breathe life in to unused weapons in the arsenal" for the most part, all they do is make your 5% crit chance of some weapons and 12% crit chance, still a completely pointless stat and with a lot of weapons not having a crit or status chance even worth modding for, then no riven is going to give them "interesting stats", it'll just be some pointless stats on a riven, forcing us to try and cycle for some very specific stats. We already have mods that works additively, why not make rivens work additively? And in such a way, that all other mods would work with the new stats of the weapon and not continue to add base stats like the sobek augment. Lets take Boltor Prime as an example, if you got a riven with 50% crit chance for that, but it worked by raising the base crit chance of the Boltor Prime to 55% instead of giving it in effect a 2.5% increase with, then Boltor Prime would be very viable for a crit build. Add status chance in the same way and your Boltor Prime would now be viable for a hybrid build. Instead of making rivens scale of popularity, they could scale of the base stats of the weapon you're trying to apply them to. A dread riven would only give you 5% additive crit, because of the already high crit value, making something like fire rate more valueable to roll, this way rivens would be most benefitial to use for the weakest stat on any weapon, thus actually improving the weapons overall perfomance and not just boosting the only strong thing of any weapon and in the case of some weapons not having any stats to actually boost.

  22. On December 13, 2017 at 10:38 PM, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Ew. No.

    1. New players won't instantly be just as powerful as more experienced players on leveling to 30, because even with Serration etc. maxed an MK-1 Braton can't compare to say, Soma Prime.

    2. There will still be plenty of reason to get mods. Mods would let you customize how your weapon handles (mag size, punch through, elements, and many new traits if we can free up space occupied by mandatory mods).

    The thing about band-aids is that you have to both remove them AND fix the reason they are there to begin with. I also think you have a different idea of what constitutes a band-aid.

    To me, Body Count is a a band-aid for the crappy base combo duration. Shield Disruption is not a band-aid; it's just pointless.


    Sorties are already plenty "hard" (cheap) to the extent that T3 Sortie is frequently straight up not fun.

    I do not support missions any higher in level (especially not with unique loot) until Warframe's high level content isn't just a OHKO fest where the name of the game is CC spam or invisibility.

    I want to fight enemies who fight back, without running the risk of getting killed almost instantly.

    You're right in there's a difference between MK-1 Braton and Soma Prime, but there's also the difference in a Soma Prime without any mods won't compare to an MK-1 Braton fully decked out. This is why I believe a Damage mod in the deck is a good idea, it just should have it's own slot and not take away from the drain points no matter the rank of the mod.

    Body Count is a band-aid mod and it's not only the 3 aura's I've mentioned, there's tons of them. But stripping factions of what makes them unique by simply equipping an aura, I don't find that okay in any way, at all. It's giving us a generic enemy instead and it's making each encounter the same, no matter which enemy we face off.

    As to sorties being hard. Please, they are no different from a normal mission, just play the mechanics and play smart. Hard content should give good rewards. You don't want to fight enemies who can actually kill you when you do something stupid? Then stick with exterminate and let the rest of us have long run survivals, that's the great thing about warframe. But just because you don't support high level missions, doesn't mean no one else does and sitting saying Ew to everything? Grow up. There's no fun in sitting in a braindead mission for 4 hours and the challenge never comes around. If that was the case, everyone would just sit in 4 hour survivals collecting all the loot they could without having to deal with load times and stuff like that and when you've had enough hours in the game without any of it presenting a challenge, not even sorties, it becomes pretty boring.

  23. On December 11, 2017 at 7:44 PM, (PS4)Unstar said:

    I agree with OP's presented problem.  The difference between a squad with a Chroma and without a Chroma is far too drastic.

    I also empathize with players that want Quills standing to be built up at a decent rate...but leaving things as they are is not the solution.  Chroma is a toxic bandaid.

    I can't say I know what the solution is to OP's problem, though my best guess is that Chroma's ability to output damage likely needs to be reeled in so it's at least in the same stratosphere as other frames.

    Then it's because that squad doesn't know how to play without a Chroma. You can kill a teralyst as fast with a Chroma as you can without, it's a matter of time management.

  24. On December 20, 2017 at 3:01 PM, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

    You're fine. I'm not Offended at all. I welcome the discussion.

    I'm not really speaking for myself. I'm talking players in general.

    The average player will not spend a half hour reading & crunching the numbers for focus. Part of this is Warframe's issue of not explaining anything.

    Focus however also is very punishing if you take into account you have no idea what your purchased ability is really like.

    Every Focus School has some abilities that are real headscratchers. As they seem to do nothing/aid nothing/contribute nothing.


    While you're right in the average player doesn't spend half an hour reading and learning focus, these same people shouldn't be taken in to account for how the math behind things work, because they don't even bother looking up how affinity works in the first place. I'm sorry to be so blunt and careless towards that type of players, but the charm of warframe have always been a hugely complex system with lots to learn, take that away and we're gonna have Destiny Poo in the end and I for one is not interested in warframe going casual.

    That being said, there should still be taken cosiderations towards casual players, perhaps some in game library or tutorial on how affinity works, perhaps that'll reduce the number of Banshees and Embers going strong on Hydron with Sound Quake and World on Fire trying to level a weapon. The game needs some kind of teaching aspect, it does NOT need to change any of the affinity mechanics or focus point mechanics. In regards to the head scratchers of the focus schools, it's a matter of context, how could the Vazarin few seconds of being invincible be of any use? If you're doring a survival and need to get through a horde of enemies to pick up life support, it could come in really handy. They all have one area where they'd be handy to have, without being a must to have. It's what makes focus schools great if you ask me, they are an improvement to ease your gameplay, but not a must to complete anything.

    Focus isn't punishing, if you sit down and read what the different nodes does, pay just a very small amount attention to the game being played and learning it, and considering how little effort it takes to find a focus school and read about it (10 minutes at the most), without even having to leave the game, then I'm supprised that anything is confusing about focus. That's the point where I get reminded, that so many people just want a ready made OP build and step by step guide given to them, for free, and go to what ever end game warframe has left, skipping everything along the way, is that the kind of people the game should be developed around or should the developers take in to consideration the people that sink in the time and have been returning for years and will return for years to come? I'd say this much, if I was developing Warframe I would pay far more attention to veterans and players with 1000+ hours, than a player with 200 hours complaining about not getting enough of the strong items.

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