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Posts posted by (PSN)NicolaiBM

  1. 1 hour ago, Jobistober said:

    The whole thing's a joke. It started out as DE saying, here's a gift for playing our game. Now it's turned into people telling DE what gift's to give them and when. People are ungrateful. Should just scrap the entire thing.

    Agreed and let the rest of us keep our stuff as a big FU to the whiny little entitled crybabies

  2. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    Sadly, I posted that before the reading the workshop. Yes, the new system does nothing to improve the old and in many ways it is worse.

    At best the new system just lets players pick the Zenith or Zenistar first and the Azima ends up last. For primed mods Fury and Shred will have the most impact but Vigor is not bad either so there will be some shuffling but nothing major.

    Overall these changes are mostly pointless and it makes me wonder why DE even hyped them on the devstream considering how little they accomplish. Are they really this out of touch with the needs of the community?

    As I said, its just a system put in place, to get warframe higher on the popularity charts. It doesn't need fixing, it needs to be left alone as is. It rewards you for helping DE getting up higher on those charts, not by your dedication to the game.

    What warms my little evil heart the most is, knowing some cry babies having just passed 200 days login will now most likely have to wait another 200. I think it's a nice little bit of karma for crying about a system that only requires having a little bit of patience. And lets be honest, the riven system is far more stupidly designed, as it doesn't benefit weapons equally and thus doesn't promote the intent DE had with it; bringing life to all of our unused weapons.

    Now if DE hadn't spent time changing a system that had no issues, maybe they could have spent time reworking rivens instead, just a thought.

  3. 2 hours ago, Flustershy said:

    I'm going to start this off by saying that this whole argument about the new login rewards system shouldn't even be a thing in the first place but here we are... again...

    In the words of a Spanish philosopher George Santayana

    Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. 

    This kind of controversy keeps happening over and over and over again in the Warframe community if DE doesn't learn from the past, what is different from the last time they changed the login system ? 

    Before the current system there was no milestone reward weapons or anything like that, and when DE added the current system all the players who had played for years got absolutely no compensation of any sorts of the time they invested into the game, they were slapped on the wrist and put on the same starting line with everyone else, people complained, long time supporters got the short end of the stick and case was closed and seeing how things are now, nothing was learned.

    And here we are again, a new system is going to be added to the game, which will favor the new players while giving the old time supporters of the game a cold shoulder again, people will complain (like they do now) and in some time this will be forgotten, and quoting the quote, its going to happen again since DE clearly values new players more than the founders and many year old supporters.

    Psst anyone remember the Oxium farm for zephyr back when OX-ospreys dropped 1-2 oxium instead 7-12 (same pattern again and again)

    So the Issue here is not that people get their stuff faster or that they can choose the best things first and leave the worst for last, its that DE does not know the word COMPENSATE, It is true that the changes which give the old time supporters a proper beat down, makes the game better in the end, but what DE apparently forgets that people spend their time, free time from work/school or whatever, to do these activities, and now that the X activity is going to take much less time to do for new players, who is going to give them that time back, no one since time is a finite resource that cannot be given back.

    We can put it action like this FEEL FREE TO SKIP THIS IF YOU ARE AWARE OF THE OXIUM 1.0 GRIND.

    Lets go back to the zephyr grind and oxium, back in the day when zephyr was added, you needed that same 600 oxium as you do today, problem was that oxium was dropped at rates of 1-2 per oxium osprey, and at the times going to do 20 rounds of defense or 20 minutes of survival, could fetch you 15-30 oxium depending on the spawn rates and how lucky you got with the 2 oxium drops. 

    So lets put the numbers into averages here lets say 20 rounds = 20 oxium with the old numbers.

    And today its around 20 rounds on IO is around 180-230 so lets round it to 200 oxium.

    So with the numbers on hand now we can do some very basic math

    your average 20 round defense takes 15 or so minutes if you have a decent team.

    So to get 600 oxium for building zephyr you need to do 3 missions lasting 15 minutes each today spending a total of 45-60 minutes to get the needed oxium. (with the small chance of needing to do 1 extra mission)


    Back in the day you would need to do 30 missions lasting for 15 minutes each with a total time of 450 minutes or seven and half hours

    And these are just average numbers some people spend even more time with the grind.


    So if you build zephyr today you save around 6 hours of grind time which is nice for any player really but, what do the people who grinded zephyr back then get now, nothing they just wasted 6 hours of time that they could have used on other activities.


    And the same can be applied to all these other vets VS new player changes.

    People are disappointed because the time they use on this game gets basically negated, and they would have been better of not playing at all and just waiting till DE changes said thing to be easy.


    And DE could fix this if Veteran players would get some compensation, because with the current path we are going it goes something like this.

    LOL why did you play our game back in the day, hope you enjoyed wasting your time.

    When it should be something like this.

    Hey thx for supporting the game for such a long time here's a profile icon or a badge or something i dunno.

    But in the end this is just me speaking from my own point of view on things this post is not some universal truth that everyone needs to agree on, some people do just want to have exclusive items which others cant either get fast or at all, and some don't care. 

    But to wrap things up, i find it strange that DE doesn't want anyone else but founders to have items which show long time dedication, and if you are a player who's played for many years and aren't a founder well too bad for you, the only exclusive item [for the time being] you can have is the badges you got from completing raids though i think there might be few other items (a skin for braton or something) that i can recall from the top of my mind.

    Anyhow feel free to share your opinions on this ''topic'' although probably everything has been said at this point.


    Simple, new players feel entitled and think the grind and work vets have done, shouldn't apply to them, vets want the devs to spend their time fixing game issues instead of wasting time reworking some system that works just fine and only requires you to have a little patience.

    That's why we got relics, it's why the raids got removed and arcanes moved to eidolons and now the login system. Next up will probably be "I don't have condition overload and my mom won't allow me to play 6 hours on a saturday to grind it out or give me enough for 50 plat so I can buy it".

    I'd love to see one of those entitled whiners do the old Ash Prime or even better the old Frost Prime grind. That would be a guarantee for some salty crying!

  4. 14 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    I understand that the login reward system is a fool's system since it has nothing to do with dedication, but about having the available time to play games every day. It doesn't reward players that spend time actually playing Warframe, only those that can login every day.

    DE is now realizing this mistake and is finally taking action to correct it before it ends up hurting them too much. And isn't that the point, to have the login system be a benefit to the community so that DE thrives?

    As I noted previously, exclusivity in Warframe had always been limited with the sole exception of the Founder's items. You had almost 3 years of exclusivity, now other players will get to choose their rewards and depending on how many they have left it will still take them up to 500 logins to get everything important. In the mean time you will still be enjoying your rewards so let's not pretend I'm the one whining in this scenario.

    Please explain to me how the new system is any different than the old? As far as I know, it still measures daily logins and as far as I know, it still rewards the same way. Conclusion must then be, that it's still going to hurt then right?

    You still have to play 200 days to get the zenistar, congratulations, you've saved 100 days. This still doesn't change the general lack of understanding of the game mechanics new players seems to have. 

    And you're right, everyone whining about the login system seems to think, that getting the zenistar and so on will make them end game gods, when reality of what the zenistar does against high level enemies is just a little status procs.

    I'm still absolutely dumbfounded by the idea it's getting changed and how someone can find it an unfair system. I really don't understand the mentality of anyone crying and whining about a system, which only purpose seems to be boosting the unique daily players, so DE can say their free to play have many daily players.

    The funniest part of it all is, I bet up to 90% of players that get their zenistar have no clue how to build it and have no clue about it's stats or any clue how to use status procs to their full potential.

  5. 2 hours ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

    Okay, so that Dev Workshop was... something.

    So most of you know if you're reading this that the Daily Tribute system got a Dev Workshop and might be changed. While I'm personally not opposed to it, I can see where a lot of people are coming from when they say they hate it. So, I'm going to be implementing ideas from DE themselves with @Operative_Shift's own philosophy on the matter to come up with something that can make everyone happy. Power of choice and "veteran (or those players that just login for 3 seconds every day to get the reward and then leaves) prestige" both included!

    Starting with some general adjustments to the drops:

    • remove Warframe and Weapon blueprints
    • add scaling to all resource drops
      • lock credit reward at 20,000
      • lock Endo reward at 160
      • all mods in the Daily Tribute system should come fully ranked

    Now into the nitty-gritty. Let's get into the choice system.

    • Tribute Weapons and the Lodestar pieces should not be able to be picked.
    • Sigils in the Milestone Packs should not be able to be picked, but the extra add-on items should
    • every 100 days, an "Evergreen Pack" should be guaranteed, and should have multiple options

    I think that these suggestions would make everyone happy, right? It implements DE's choice system while also allowing players deep into their days to keep their prestige. It also improves upon all resource drops on the table to make them more useful to the advanced players. What are your thoughts?

    My thoughts are "this kid is playing the wrong game".

    Warframe is grindy. You want your rewards fully leveled and you don't want junk. Well should we fix the rest of the grind so you don't get junk there either? Are you just looking to get coupons for the market, endo and weapons? The system is fine, stop using it as a viable grind, because it's not. You might get lucky some days, but just log on to play instead.

  6. 48 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    Sadly this suggestion is worse than the current system for many players. The point is to give players more freedom about what rewards they get, not to add yet another arbitrary gate to content.

    I'm 17k away from MR 25 yet I only have just over 300 logins. Are you really telling me that with my reserve of catalysts/reactors and 200k+ endo that I should have to wait 200 logins to get Zenith (500) and another 200 to get Sigma & Octantis (700), because that is what the current system does already and it's a poorly designed reward system as I should be rewarded for my play time, kills or missions completed.

    Yes, that's exactly what it's about. You wait like everyone else and let the devs work on better things than a whiny kid complaining about the login reward.

  7. On 2018-08-18 at 6:02 AM, DarkLanc3 said:

    Hello , please remove riven capacity limit of 90 slots for these reasons :

    a) we need to get riven for every weapon 😎

    b) no one is buying riven mod ( except  5-7 riven  lanka , vectis , supra etc etc)

    c) tired-waste of time farming riven at sortie just to ''discard '' it for endo or for just 1 riven mod by wasting 3

    A) No, you want to have rivens, it's by no means a need. Warframe wasn't unplayable against high level enemies before rivens, it wasn't even harder.

    B) People are buying rivens they want, because of the content they play. Not everyone wants riven for all weapons, since the majority of weapons are still trash with a riven, so not worth the effort.

    C) Do you think it's different for everyone else? Perhaps we have a place to go farm good rivens we just don't tell you about?

    Now when that's said, I don't understand why there's a limit anyway, just hurt their income. I agree that the limit should be removed, but all your arguments needs work.

  8. 1 minute ago, KochDerFrettchen said:

    Lol thanks for the insults, what a useless communication.

    Just went down to your own level, look at your own post buddy, perhaps you should have stuck to debating instead of trying to play the toxic little victim who wants to get his stuff now without doing anything for it. Whats up next, DE should just give you all new primes in your inbox for free?

  9. 1 hour ago, DeadlyCreation said:

    hey folks.

    before this is getting too heated up lets just calm down. DE will probably delay the system just like DMG3.0... so to help them out lets do some feedback and overall changes:

    the daily reward system needs to go along with a ranking system (like the syndicates etc).

    that means that people level there ranks by some sort of value.. previously i considered sticking this task to baro so i thought of ranking it with endo BUT overall it can be anything. (maybe somewhat quest based like simaris?)..

    and the higher the rank when reaching a milestone the bigger the accessable reward pool. OFCOURSE players would start with a rank accordibg to the previous days logged in. so veterans might even start on on of the higher ranks.

    ALSO the rank should still slowly increase every day with every loggin - this is important because:

    this would treat new players and veterans alike. as new once could grund their ass off to achieve a decent rank until the next milestone (eg. to earn the zenistar earlier) or just simply play the game as before and slowly reach higher ranks and earn the weapons just like before/now!




    My opinion: stop crying about the login system, you're getting free stuff. Dmg3.0 got delayed because the changes where utter trash, nothing else, new login system will probably be implemented next update.

    Spend less time complaining about the login reward and try and get DE to fix some of the actual problems the game have.

  10. 1 minute ago, KochDerFrettchen said:


    How exactly does logging in and back out say anything about the game other than 'hey, there's daily rewards I feel I need to get.'  How many people do you think are up near the 1000 logins and are simply making sure they have a 'current' account to come back to if they ever play again?

    I think you arbitrarily agree with the idea of logins = dedication because that equation has failed to bite you in the ass.  Many people out and about are very dedicated players that merely don't blow time logging in when they have no intention of playing.  I think YOU are entitled to some kind of exclusivity, and can't even stand the idea of something being (slightly less but) still exclusive.

    Feh, the arbitrary veteran. Me me me me me I logged in me me me.

    Another shining example of the mentality of the garden veriaty scrub. Let me dumb it down.

    Login rewards is a thing you get for login in, so DE can "boost" their stats for unique daily players. Useful on steam, psn and xbox live, to get the game in to the popular section. That way new potential players see the game and might download it, pretty important for a free to play game.

    As for my entitlement, think you need to go have a look at some posts I've made in the past, because I've been trying to get warframe more equal to all. I don't care who have what and I don't care what needs to be done, just equal for all. 

    While we are at it anyway, the big and fancy words you're trying to use to make yourself seem smarter than you actually are, they just make you seem desperate to try and be smart on a situation you don't fully understand. Just have a look at the changes to the reward system, you're not getting all weapons faster anyway or mods for that matter, you're just getting a choice to pick one. Why cry about the login reward and make the developers waste time changing that, when that time could be spent on something far better, again a point the common noob doesn't understand.

  11. 2 hours ago, Pro3Display said:

    so, how about people who work offshore? used to play with a dude who was working on a ship at 2~ish month shifts with a month off or so

    His choise to work offshore. No game developer needs to take peoples carrier choices into account in their game design. If DE considered that, then they could only bring out a reset every year, since there's soldiers who's deployed for 18 months or more.

    If you want to prioritize a game in your life, that's your choice, stop trying to have a carrier in anything. If you want a carrier, accept it's going to take a lot of your time.

    This is a game forum, it's really quite pathetic having to repeatedly tell people what it means to have a job and commitments outside of a game.

  12. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)hereticSky said:

    This is a very contradicting post.

    First you say all of the events are the same, just reskinned. If that's true, then this post wouldn't exist. This is the first contradiction to the op.

    Then you go and say that the rewards do acolytes are just some mods. Which is true, I agree. But this is the second contradiction to the op.

    I've never said Warframe is the perfect have but it's a much better choice than the majority that's out there. If the current options seem to be some sort of time gated RNG vs lootboxes, then I'll absolutely pick the prior.

    As for bad decisions made by developers... That is an extremely shortsighted comment because it takes a series of decisions and months of toil to get a product like this. And to even offer it free of charge, without incessant lootboxes, are you spoiled or what? Warframe has its problems I'll admit but this isn't one of them nor is this the topic for that.

    Nothing contradicting about it, just boiling it down to the bare essentials about what the events are. This topic is about the rewards from timegated events, just like the acolytes, so having the same farming method as the rest of the game is a bad idea. Have you forgotten how it goes with the acolytes? Sit around and do nothing until the acolyte in rotation shows up, get as many speed runs in as possible, repeat.

    As for bad decisions made by the devs, you point it out yourself. "It takes a series of decisions and months of toil to make a game like this", but it only takes 5 minutes to take a step back and be critical about your own idea andsay "is this a good idea and what problems does my idea have"

    As for being spoiled, let's not pretend for a second DE is the same struggling to stay afloat company they used to be, 2016 they had an income of 58+ million USD, LeYou bought 61% for 73 million dollars, so despite it being free to play, they're doing fine and it's time for DE and LeYou to start fixing issues instead of just piling on more content having yo suffer through the same issues. Even add in a little common sense, where do you think the platinum in the market comes from? It's not the 50 free starter, because you can't trade that.

  13. 10 hours ago, Redspace0095 said:

    however, if it's shared loot, doesn't that also mean that the players doing the bounty will also get any fish/gems/ore that are gathered? Strikes me that it could be a good way to maximise a farming run in the plains.

    Even more so if the in-plains mission giver is added as well.


    No what that'll do is, you go off to do the bounty and the guy that always goes off fishing/mining and not being helpful, he/she will now be sitting at the entrance in clan chat trying to sell junk or talk to clan mates and let everyone else do everything for him/her.

    Think of people as lazy, incapable scum, mix in a good portion of stupid, a bucket of entitlement and a pathetic need to belittle everyone they get in to contact with, so they can feel better about themselves. Once you've done that, you're nearing the toxicity level if warframe's community. Nearing.

  14. 4 hours ago, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

    Every once in a while I see forum threads and or forum topics that make me say I hope there was a downvote button to make my opinion heard.

    As things are now the only results from posting in a thread we dislike is actually bumping the thread and conversley it gets more attention.

    For example on another forum when theres a topic that many dislike there is the option to select a downvote button leting others know we dislike the thread topic.


    Please excuse my lack of clarity in requesting this as just when I posted this I felt a backtooth crack(i was reading an old thread where someone wanted all advanced guns removed and I guess the anger made my tooth crack...sigh) and thus I am off to the dentist to get help to stop my tooth pain.

    No, I think we need smarter people in the community and devs that's able to either tell everyone to stop crying or listen to the good ideas that would actually fix issues the game have. I think we need less entitled people have access to the forums, so they don't end up sitting and crying about how they think it's unfair how they have to put in time and effort. Just have a look at the daily login rewards, it was a good system with rewards not being tradeable. Everyone had to do exactly the same to get the same rewards, but because a bunch of lazy, entitled whiners started the usual crying, it's getting changed, all because they wanted everything now and without effort. It's sad, in fact it's bordering on pathetic!

  15. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)hereticSky said:

    It wouldn't be bad per se, at least not in the beginning. But it'd make it incredibly easy if anything. It'd also be dull because it's just like every other event. I'm not sure if you realized Warframe offers variety above all else. So if every event is the same, essentially, same progression, this becomes just repititive. 

    Another issue I see with this, as mentioned before, acolytes have only that, mods. There's really no other rewards. And even some of those mods can come acquired elsewhere. To make this simple event even simpler, easier, would rob it of any allure. Because of the exclusivity and difficulty of getting these mods, however useful or useless they may be, it attracts people. And the excitement of finding where the acolytes are and then hunting them, it's all part of that appeal.

    Baro doesn't have this appeal. He comes along every two weeks, brings some stuff you may or may not have already, and stays for a day and bounces. This is a completely different mechanic. Shorter duration, higher frequency, bigger reward pool.

    Plague star is entirely different event gaming somewhere in between Baro and acolytes, where the rewards are guaranteed but the frequency is less so and the duration is about the same. 

    At the end of the day, different events have different mechanics which is fine, not every thing has to be the same. Understand that variety is overall the better choice even if in that instance it's not what you prefer.

    Also, hyperbole aside, you play however long you want to play. If it's keeping you from other things, that's entirely your choice to make. The game is not responsible for catering to your life. You log in, you partake in the experience, you log out. If you feel like you're spending more time than you should, that's a choice you're consciously making. So please, don't be that guy.

    Warframe's variety comes in the form of different repetitive content to grind for the rewards you want, boil it down even further and it is repetitive in everything you do. Bounties on the plains, eidolons and fissure missions are just farming simulator space edition, add in eso/xini/io/ods or where ever your prefered relic farm is, it's still just more of the same. The different event does not have different mechanics, they're reskinned versions of already existing mechanics. I'm not saying warframe is bad, because I think it is a good game (or at least the idea behind it), I'm just saying don't give it credit it doesn't not deserve. Be critical about your approach and be even more critical on ideas for solutions.

    As for acolytes and any other even for that matter, the only thing they offer reward wise is a couple of mods and/or mr fodder weapons. Don't glorify them by any stretch of the imagination, they are overall just a snooze fest of the same grind we already have. I think the plains event have a goodish approach to things, with the ability to buy resouces that otherwise would be just about the annoying farming possible, the rewards are fine for the tier it's at, the only thing you could wish for, was something other than hunter munitions to be useful after the event is done. Baro Ki'Troll is by far the best implantation of currency based rewards, as he offers you a way to make your junk useful. We're already spending hours farming prime junk in the hopes to sell it on the market, imagine just how much prime junk you'd have without him.

  16. 1 hour ago, Padrey said:

    I don't post here often, but this is very apparent by the backlash i received with this post and the other one similar because people seem so fixated on the end result. 

    An idea of "I think we should rework the farm method of this event" is automatically translated to "I didn't get what i wanted" or "I want this thing easier" and the replies are absurd. It is sad because i realized if this is always how it is I can't imagine DE reads any of it. 

    Again, thank you for your reply. I read your bigger post btw (future) and I like your ideas! hopefully its actually considered

    They won't lol, sorry if you actually had hopes for any of that getting in to the game. I've quit warframe, because I got tired of DE catering to scrubs, continued with my daily logins for a while, in the hopes DE would start actually improving the bad things in the game, but it became apparent that wasn't going to happen either. Only checked out the forums for a cheap laugh about someone crying about things being too hard, but your posts surprised me and I thought it deserved some support.

  17. 2 hours ago, Padrey said:

    Im so sad this comment is buried underneath all the other comments. Well written thank you for the reply.

    Made a couple of posts about it before, fact is still it seems DE is only looking at "I'm new and I want the good stuff easier" and "I want cosmetics" posts.

    Doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out, if you get everything easy and fast, the game is done for pretty quickly. The saddest part about it all is, if DE took the time to fix issues and bad design, warframe would be one of the all time greats, rather than just a good game. It's actually pretty "simple"; remove bandaids (including a focus school to regenerate energy), fix problems (like armor is the only thing that makes enemies tough), rework rivens, add skill based and scaleable rewards. Other additions could be weekly milestones, monthly milestones, a section in the codex with challenges to complete, rework the eidolons to have damage reduction depending on squad size or something as they're far too easy for endgame with a squad when you can do 4 sets each night. DE could even go as far as add challenges to timegated events, which when completed would boost drop chances even further than previous suggestions, they could use a token system for sorties and/or add hidden loot crates/challenges with tokens in each sortie stage, so it's not just a speed run.

    I know it's just an opinion, but I think DE got too much focus in all the wrong places. Melee 3.0 is a welcome change, no matter what, it'll be better than what we have now.

  18. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    Ok, so let's present an example and you tell me who is more dedicated to Warframe. 

    Player 1 has 900+ logins. They play casually maybe averaging an hour a day. They are a student and don't travel much and have other interests but they always login to Warframe unless it is a major holiday or they are incredibly busy, which is rare.

    Player 2 has has more responsibilities but tries to play Warframe whenever possible. They only have ~300 logins but they have almost 2,000 hours played and they regularly binge for events or updates, or if they have a long weekend. The problem is that their schedule is more demanding so they may not always have time or be home to login.

    So in the end, is the login system really rewarding the players that are dedicated to Warframe? It looks like the login system rewards players that have availability every day, not the ones that have played the most. I guess if you have availability every day then it seems fair to you, but for those players with more demanding schedules it doesn't seem like their available time is being valued to the same degree.

    What you're describing is called "life". Both situations have 1 thing in common: it takes you 5 minutes before bedtime to do your daily login and if you apply that reasoning to the daily login, why not take it a step further and say "I got a job, I can only play in the weekends, so give me everything, because I'm entitled to have it".

    As far as availability, everyone who choose to, have 5 minutes every day to do a daily login. It's your way of showing the developers you like their content and want it to keep coming. Which is why I've stopped login in, I don't like the way DE is catering to smallminded, selfish, entitled whiners, I think they should have the stones to say "it's an almost 5 year old system, love it or hate it, but it's staying"

  19. 1 hour ago, Padrey said:

    Warframe has featured a 3 day long timed exclusive event that handed out rewards using pure RNG. You can only earn those rewards during those few days. This event happens twice a year. It can take you as little as an hour to get what you need or you can spend all weekend frustrated and end up screwed. I participated in this event and I was lucky enough to find everything I wanted from the event. This is a post regarding my experience, not a rage about not getting what I wanted - because I did get what I wanted. I just really hated the experience. 

    You may notice i am being vague about what exactly the event was and the rewards it was tied to were. I am doing this on purpose because many people have written feedback on this and sooo many players pretentiously flooded in with their responses about how their critique is invalid because the mods you get as rewards "aren't actually that good and is completely replaceable with X mod." To those people, please know -->   HOW GOOD/NECESSARY THE REWARDS ARE DO NOT MATTER, THIS IS ABOUT THE GAME MECHANIC OF DISTRIBUTING THOSE REWARDS, ALSO KNOWN AS PROGRESSION MECHANICS. Got that??? Good....

    TLDR: I don't want timed exclusive loot events to be less grindy. I just don't like the RNG plus timed exclusive... for reasons i list below. DE should make every event like this based on a currency system with an NPC like Baro Ki'teer.

    The whole vaulting and unvaulting thing is based on this progression mechanic (RNG plus limited time to farm), but is completely fine because the whole thing lasts two months. You have two months to farm the RNG slot machine. DE is more than generous with this, providing even more to the Mt Everest sized pile of evidence that they truly respect the player's money and time that they spend supporting this game. 

    Another even more - really awesome timed exclusive game mechanic within Warframe is Baro Ki'Teer. He is the sole provider of many of the games best items (Supra Vandal, primed mods etc). The reason why people don't get nearly as tilted about his scarcity (and the inaccessibility of things like primed Mods) is that when he comes around, the game gives you a clear roadmap to earn the items you want via the Ducat currency. You hop into void relic missions and at the end, even if everyone rolled bronze tier items, we still made progress towards out goal! Combine that with the other benefits of people using vaulted relics or finding blueprints of items we actually also need, the whole experience is really rewarding and fun.

    Compare this to an event that provides a 3 day short window once every 6-8 months that subjects players to low probability RNG; it is so out of place within this game. It forces you to play within that window and even if you are fortunate enough to not have other commitments (family functions, Busy work schedule, anything else that happens in life, etc) you still have to commit a completely unknown amount of time within that window. It does not respect the players time, seemingly the antithesis of what DE is about. In this event, the chances of landing the some of the rare rewards are close to 1 in 25 per run. Plug that into a calculator and you can see that 30% of the player base wont have the item they want after 30 runs.16% of the player base wont have it after 45. The reason why this sucks is that the 16% of the player base who just spent hours online still have a 1 in 25 chance of finding the mod on their next run. There is no progress being made on a failed attempt, which would be fine if we were not on a real world timer! 

    After 50 runs of this event, I had been sitting at my PC for way too long. My GF was disappointed I didn't want to go on a hike with her because I felt that would be a waste of event weekend time. My dog was giving me the saddest of puppy eyes because he hasn't been to the park that day. And what did i have to show for it? Nothing... not a thing It took me approximately 55 runs of this event to get what I wanted. When I finally got it, I didn't feel accomplished like i do with every other progression mechanic within the game. I was just relieved it was over and I never have to farm for an argon scope aga... oh no. i said it.

    Now you know this is about the acolyte event. Incoming community members swooping in to miss the point completely and brag about how they think  "actually Argon Scope is completely replaceable by hunter munitions, ect"  in 5...4....3...

    I agree that when something is timegated, it shouldn't take 50+ attempts to get it. But there's also the market to consider, unfortunately that is an important part of warframe, for better or worse.

    Personally I'd like to see all timegated events to be very farmable, but also require a level of skill to get the best rewards. Something I'd like to see implemented throughout warframe in fact. I've made several threads about scaling rewards,so I won't make any suggestions as to how it could be implemented, just why it should: even though warframe probably wasn't intended for long runs, for many years grinding a void key for as long as you could gave you more loot from each key. That way we as a community "created" long runs, with the introduction of the relics, that aspect got kinda defeated. I'd like to see DE implementing a system that will reward the ability to do better and encourage getting better. We've been without rivens for many years and without going up against harder enemies, there's next to no need for them. And the entire mechanic behind rivens is just an awful design.

    As for timegated rewards, I see 3 options that could easily be implemented; higher drop chances, a counter rewarding after x, y, z amount of completions or each completion increases the enemy difficulty while also increasing the drop chance for certain rewards. Personally I think the last option is the best.

  20. 9 hours ago, ConzyFTW said:

    You sound like an entitled millennial, here’s a quick piece of advice for you... you aren’t entitled to anything within this game.

    Id say you sound just as entitled. You don't want to do the same amount of login as other players have, to get the same reward.

    The current login system is in no way unfair, it's equal to all and everyone gets the same. The only reason we're getting a change, is because of impatient, entitled whiners who wants everything now without going through anything to get it. Sorry my language, just don't know a better way of describing the situation.

  21. I disagree, the gameplay itself is concentratred mainly around new players and the game does nothing to help new players understand the game and progress through the game. Players who understand the mechanics and gameplay, have no where to go, since endless missions aren't apparently meant to be endless. When you have it all and got nothing left to farm for, at some point you'll end up feeling the grind is pointless and the gameplay isn't fun, because you do harder content than most and get the same junk after 4 hours survival as you do after 5 minutes. 

  22. 36 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Not to get too snarky, but... you realize what you are saying here, right?

    And then going on to basically call every mod ever a bandaid.

    This is not content that is designed for. That you can get to it is just for giggles. That the game is essentially yelling at you to leave is not a reason to say you should have an easier time with it.

    Yes. I realize what I'm saying here and I do stand by it.

    It might not be the intension DE set out with for us to be able to go to extreme levels, but none the less, the mission is called endless and adapting to players being good enough to go to those levels, I do not think it's unreasonable to ask for. I'm not asking for an easier time with higher level content, I'm asking for set mods to to handicap you in the way they do.

    Think you should have a look again, didn't call all mods a bandaid.

    Instead of just attacking half heartedly, at least show some initiative and explain why you come to the conclusion you do? To me you just look like a troll saying no to everything in the forums you can find.

  23. In order to have a look at what could benefit Warframe in the future, it's necessary to have a look at the past and the problems it's having. I know there's far more problems than the ones I'm listing, but I think these are the biggest problems Warframe is suffering from and the problems that needs the most attention. Problems with gameplay will be there until they get fixed, adding new content is not a fix, it's nothing more than a distraction.

    Damage 2.0
    The current mechanics of 2.0 is a problem of the game, while I'm aware that the devs have been trying to fix it, but I got the impression they've failed to see the full range of problems with Damage 2.0. It extends further than just Damage 2.0, it also includes the factions of Warframe and their mechanics. In order to understand the range of problems we're having with Damage 2.0, I'm going to start with the IPS portion.

    • Impact Damage is effective against Shields and Proto Shields, offering up to a 50% damage increase, while this at first glance sounds appealing, the problem is Armor and it's damage reduction. Anyone having tried to tacle an armored and shielded enemy at higher levels knows, the shields are never the problem. The damage reduction offered by armor outweighs the pros of doing addional damage to shields by far.
    • Puncture Damage is effective against Armor, offering an up to 50% additional damage increase, thise again at first glance sounds appealing, but the problem with puncture is the armor bypass damages and the armor reducing damage types, aswell as the scaling of armor.
    • Slash Damage is the only real physical damage type with any benefits. It's the only physical damage type that is capable of dealing True Damage, but not equally over all weapons either.

    The next portion of Damage 2.0 that is suffering from issues, is the elemental damage type. Corrosive, Viral, Radiation and now to lesser extend Gas being the only 4 damage types ever considered in any builds is no coincidence, as these are the only 4 elements offering any advantages to the current mechanics of warframe. The rest are never considered, because the pros of those damage types is outwieghed by the cons of not using the others. This comes down to partly the elements themselves and what they do, but it also comes down to how the factions is designed; armor being the only modifier enemies have to offer any actual challenge. This of course can be bypassed with one of the many bandaids in Warframe, Corrosive Projection.
    The list goes on further than this, but I feel like this is enough to just outline how flawed Damage 2.0 is and how much it will take to bring the base mechanics of dealing damage up to a level where there's actual upsides and downsides to consider.

    Another area where the mechanics of Warframe fails in terms of functionality is Melee 2.0. Not as much in the way of damage, as we all know, melee is capable of the most damage by far, but in terms of game design and how it fits in. Melee is not a problem in the star chart, but then again, neither is Damage 2.0, just put on Serration and you're fine. The problems come when you try to do sortie level and above, especially above. By level 200 the only real way of making it viable is with invisibility. With the changes to Naramon focus school, the combo counter problem have gotten some much needed help, but it's still not in a good place. It should be a 8-10 second by default eleminating the need for mods to even have a fair chance of keeping it going.

    Bandaids fixes
    Warframe have a lot of bandaids within, depending on who you ask the list is massive, but mods like Corrosive Projection, Shield DisruptionInfested Impedance, Body Counter, Drifting Contact, Gladiator Rush and many more. All of these mods simply needs to be removed from the game and the root cause of the issue needs to be adressed properly. If the factions are meant to be different to fight against, with there own unique set of strategies and defenses, then as developer it's important to make sure to keep those aspects kept to the individual factions. The solution of just adding armor to all factions instead is not acceptable and should have been a priority to address. Why try and make a differense between the different factions in their description, when in reality they're just all the same generic brand of enemies? Gladiator Rush in particular is an extremely disappoiting bandaid, in the sense that it's a set mod, which offers only half of the combo duration extension compared to Body Count and the set bonus for the entire Gladiator set will make you loose (compared to the mods respective regular counter parts): 6 seconds Combo Duration, 65 Armor, 180% efficiency on energy drain to counter lethal damage, 30% Critical Damage and 260% Health. Only the attack speed is viable to change from the regular Fury mod to Gladiator Vice, but if you have Primed Fury, you're back to loosing out on stats. I could in parts understand the in all honesty ridiculous handicap you would put yourself in by using all these mods, in respect to their normal counterparts, if the benefit was good enough, but that is not even the case. Each Set Mods is thus rendered a bandaid, an addition thrown in to the game, to fix the problem of players not having anything to grind/farm for.

    • Augur Set returns 240% of energy spent as shields. This would be reasonable, if it wasn't capped off to the point where it could only grant overshield once and not to the overshield limit like all other sources of overshield in the game.
    • Gladiator Set grants a 90% Critical Chance, stacking with combo multiplier. On it's own a very, very reasonable bonus to have, but considering the handicap you have to put yourself in, it's not worth it. Especially considering Blood Rush grants you 165%.
    • Vigilante Set grants a 30% chance to enhance critical hits (if anyone reading isn't aware, it move the critical hit to the next tier, not adding 30% additive critical chance), on it's own yet another reasonable bonus to gain, but considering the handicap you have to put yourself in, yet another set not worth fully using.
    • Hunter Set allows your pets to deal 150% additional damage to enemies affected by Slash procs. Not entirely unreasonable, but it's even further handicapping Impact and Puncture, while at the same time handicapping your pet, which by the time it'll need the 150% additional damage, is already struggling to stay alive.
    • Umbral Set is the only mod set, which actually give you a mod set worth using, to some extend at least. The 3 mods that goes on Excalibur Umbra offers better performance than their regular counterparts. While very reasonably having the higher drain of being a primed mod, thus requirering a forma to use, you can actually not forma for them and use them on any other frames.

    Riven mods
    Now this is a minefield of missed opportunity. With just minor tweaks, rivens have the capability of being in a really great spot, but the way they have been added, they're just a down right horrible addition to the game. I do not think the drain of a riven is the issue, nor do I think it's unreasonable to spend 200.000+ kuva on a single riven. What I do believe to be the problem, is both how you cycle rivens and how they affect the weapons. 
    First lets have a look at the cycling of a riven. It's lottery every single time. I do not believe that to be reasonable, considering that unless you bought it, you had to be lucky to first get a riven, second it had to be in the right class and the third it had to be for the right weapon. After that amount of RNG, I think it's completely reasonable to be able to either cycle individual stats or lock in stats you want to keep. Obviously the locking of stats should include a kuva cost, in the 10.000-20.000 kuva range. It's also not unreasonable to be able to optimize your riven, once you're happy with the stats you've cycled on it.
    Next issue and the biggest problem of rivens, is how they affect weapons. If they're supposed to make us use weapons we rarely use, then they're supposed to fix the issue those weapons have, which in by far most cases is inferior stats to their newer counter parts (this is what power creep does DE, make us only use specific weapons). I will be using Sobek for the following example, as it's a weapon I enjoy, none of this is objective anyway, it's heavily opinionated, but apply to your own favorite weapon and see how it could affect that weapon.

    Picture a Sobek riven, that had the stats "Critical Chance Enhancement", "Status Chance Enhancement", "Reload Speed Enhancement" or "Critical Damage Enhancement". Each of those stats would completely alter the weapons base stats to a fixed number. All rivens, no matter the weapons base stats, would be able to be enhanced to the same stats. Let's say 55% critical chance, 55% status chance, 3.0x critical damage, 1.0 second reload speed. Now those stats will be worth modding for and the Sobek, no matter what you cycle on your riven, will be able to "compete" with the newer weapons. Another interesting stat would be Damage Conversion, Converting all physical damage in to Impact, Puncture or Slash (admittedly at the moment only Slash would be a viable choice).

    Rewards and End Game content
    Currently the rewards Warframe is offering for your efforts, is not incentivisingyou to get better and stronger, it's only incentivising to play until the end of the rotation. That on it's own, makes rivens a very weird addition to the game, as even with the most basic of weapons and frames, you can easily play out a full rotation of any endless mission type, but even more problematic is, it makes the "short fense" the better option for the greener grass. Harder content should reward better rewards.

    In order to ensure a future for warframe, that offers a good and balanced game place, it needs an overhaul and get some of the problems that have been neglected for so long fixed. Once those problems have been addressed and solved, expanding the game with new quests, weapons, frames and so on is the way to go, but ignoring those problems, that's what have been causing 4 year veterans to finally give up and say "No, it's not worth it, we've supported Digital Extreme with our time and money, for 4 years, and now we're getting pushed aside, because Digital Extreme have desided to double down on the newer players of Warframe.". It gives many veterans a very, very sour feeling that cannot be put to words if I'm supposed to follow the rules of this forum, but just use your imagination and think how you developers would feel, if you had sunk in time and money to something you believe in and enjoyed, only to have it completely transformed and cater pretty much exclusively to the newer generation. Warframe needs a mechanic, not a stylist.

  24. Rivens already have a "tier" system, it's the riven disposition and it does not work. Adding another tier system won't make rivens work in an acceptable way either, they're still going to only really work on weapons that have stats to work on in the first place. Rivens need to be completely reworked in how they work and I'd love to hear your thoughts on what you think.


    The purpose of rivens.
    DE created rivens to let us use some of our lesser used weapons, I do apologize for not linking to the post from when rivens where introduced, can't seem to find it at the moment. But they where meant to "breed life in to our arsenal" and give us a reason to revisit some of our old weapons. This is evident from how the disposistion works, it benefits weapons with the least use in the game. The idea is good, I really support the idea of making not so popular weapon have a reason to get used again, what DE failed to realize is why they aren't used anymore: Nerfs and power creep.

    What is the problem with rivens?
    As I said, DE's idea was good, but the implementation was bad, incredibly bad. It makes a select few weapons down right broken, combined with a few other mods, but that's a discussion for another topic. Back to rivens; A weapon with 50% crit chance getting a riven with 200% crit chance, add in Point Strike for another 125% and that weapon is looking at an actual critical chance of 162,5%, 62.5% chance of hitting orange crit. Considering some weapons only have a 50% chance with a crit riven and Point Strike to hit an actual crit, I'm arguing that the system doesn't work and needs to be reworked. The problem with the rivens runs even deeper than the mods themselves, it's down to Damage 2.0, with crit being able to scale, but status doesn't. If A weapon goes beyond 100% status, it doesn't gain an additional chance to proc or get a stronger proc, but crit benefits greatly from going beyond 100%. Another problem rivens have, that again is due to Damage 2.0 is, anything other than slash is inferior and can't be changed to slash.

    How I think rivens could be "fixed"
    Rivens need to be completely reworked, to give the weapons the potential to get to the same level of power. I would argue, that if rivens altered base stats to fixed levels, they wouldn't need a tier system at all. Some weapons even have the "problem" of being projectile based weapons, if rivens could change that to hitscan, some weapons would see more use too. A weapon like Sobek, even with it's resent buff, still can't reach 100% status chance and it still have the downside of being 75% Impact based. Sancti Tigris is not even in the same league as Tigris Prime and no riven is going to fix a weapon like Convectrix, because of it's weird firering mechanic. If rivens fixed stats to a set number, you'd see a lot of weapons get a lot more use. Just imagine a Karak Wraith with a base 50% crit chance and 50% status chance or a hitscan Euphona Prime. Rivens right now have a few stats worth rolling for, with the vast majority being useless in reality.

    Additional problems with rivens
    I don't think stats and mechanics is the only problems rivens have. The mastery aspect of rivens to encourage trading is ludicrous. Rivens doesn't need encouragement to be traded and the only thing the mastery aspect have caused, is the confusion that it affects the stats. Another thing rivens fail in, is that they have too much rng. They would work better if you could "purches" a lock for a single stat you rolled (not for plat, buf use 20k kuva to lock a stat). Eventually you'll have that god rolled riven you actually want, instead of rolling a riven with 150% crit chance, 150% crit damage and negative 90% multishot. 10% chance of a bullet actually leaving your gun! I know there's going to be a lot of people crying about how the market will be flooded with god rolled rivens and crying about how it's nothing special then. You're right, but that's not a bad thing, it will make rivens affordable to all players and rivens won't go for 1.000+ plat. That's bad for the market and the game itself, as only a select few players have the platinum to actually buy those rivens and after about a month, they already have them and rivens won't sell for those plat prices anyway and no one is willing to part with a god rolled riven for 500, because 3 months ago they saw it sell for 2.000. Mastery encouragement to trade be damned, it's not selling. Then there's the stats themselves; One riven will get 220% crit chance while a similar riven will only get 205% and the theoretical maximum is 240%. Rivens need optimization, spend kuva to optimize them. The system we have right now, we can easily spend 1.000.000 kuva on a riven, just to get the stats we want, if it got changed so those stats where easier to get and we could optimize them, it would make rivens cheaper, more accessible and we could have a reasonable argument to get our old beloved guns out to play more.

    What do I know, I stopped playing a while ago, because with everything in the game as it is right now, there's no reason to get good at the game, understand the mechanics and make an effort. Even "Elite" sanctuary onslaught have weaker enemies than you'd find in the star chart and going past 20 min/waves or 4 excavators in a survival is pointless from a rewards standpoint, even doing them to farm relics at this point is pointless, because "Elite" sanctuary onslaught rewards radiant relics and they're far easier to do. Conclusion? Warframe is that guy that tried pleasing everyone, got really unlucky and is now homeless and broken. R.I.P. Warframe.

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