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Posts posted by (PSN)NicolaiBM

  1. On December 14, 2017 at 8:56 AM, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

    The point of my Focus suggestion is to "trim the fat" & simplify Focus.

    We can both agree that Focus has ALOT going on in it. PoE has introduced me to swarms of new players & Focus has consistently been a point of confusion, & serious turn off for them.

    I sat down & explained it to many folks. But the grind for it, the quills, just ran them off.

    Don't get me wrong they weren't lazy players. But the grind was too steep.

    That said Focus needs ALOT of trimming. We have too many Lens'.

    Should just be a universal Experience/Affinity pool of (PC recently had Pools become universal/shared. So we're getting there.)

    While yes you can equip 3 lens at the present. It feels overdone when 1 should suffice.

    Focus should encourage gameplay, and the warframe is our character. So focus should promote playing as said character. Not force you into 1 locked loadout (if you're maximizing focus xp).


    As I said once on the forums. Banshee is helpful but lets be blunt.

    Banshee on Hydron is a "cheese"/"exploit".

    I'll play Devil's Advocate.

    If say...tomorrow DE patched Banshee & Hydron so Banshee's Quake didn't wipe the map. EVERY veteran player would immediately start revolting for a Focus xp change because without that exploit the mountain for Focus is too steep.


    Now none of my suggestions are meant to make the game instant gratification.

    They are meant to reduce is some areas, while simplify others.

    Focus as it is right now is in a good place, it gives many useful options and all focus schools have something to offer to some degree. If it's too steep to sit down for half an hour with your focus schools open and read through your options and learn what you can get, then yes, you're a lazy player and focus just isn't for you and therefor the benefit isn't available. I'm sorry to be so blunt but that's just it, sit down and read and it becomes simple, just like anything else in warframe. The only "problem" is the lack of explaining warframe have for mechanics, everything have to be found externally (this does not apply to region chat, because that's as useful as just guessing and hoping for the best).

    And as for Hydron/Banshee cheese, I'd dare to say, if you're a veteran using that option, you don't know your cheeses very well. It's a mechanic used by newer players who see it done because it's easy, not because it's effective.

  2. I'll be honest, only read until your suggestion on focus and I think you need to jump by the wikia and learn how focus is calculated in warframe. The weapon focus lens is capable of generating far more focus points than if installed on weapons and if you could only install it on a warframe, you only viable option of farming focus points would be something like banshee on hydron, which is horribly inefficient. Done right your 250k focus points is earned in 2-3 exterminates on Sedna, done wrong and you're sitting with a banshee on hydron for hours.

    As for the rest of your post, I'll leave it up to you to go through it and revisit some of the points, I'm sure there's lots of suggestions to make the game easier and reduce the grind.

  3. On November 26, 2017 at 6:06 PM, (Xbox One)cubeof11 said:

    Please consider adding Arcane Distillers as an offering from The Quills syndicate.

    It's asymmetrical that this syndicate directly offers arcanes for purchase, but doesn't offer all the tools to be self-sufficient in this area.  Arcane Distillers are currently available from the 6 faction syndicates, so the technology is shared by many parties and is plausible for The Quills to offer them.

    This feedback was reported for the Xbox One edition, version "Plains of Eidolon | 2017.".

    In that case they need to add arcanes to the regular syndicates, as they don't offer any arcanes and is equally asymmetrical.

  4. On December 11, 2017 at 12:38 AM, Mister-God said:

    I would not argue against this if armor was constant and didn't scale with enemy level, but they do. This gives the grineer exponential EHP scaling while the other factions have linear scaling. This is why armor bypass is so popular. DE has already spoken out against the removal of armor scaling but change is always possible.

    This, in particular I strongly disagree with. Fissures are brain-dead easy even with level 0 frames and weapons especially with the minimum mod capacity. Adding a max rank requirement to them doesn't make sense to me.

    In fact, I have a problem with sorties having a lvl 30 frame requirement - especially when most sortie enemies are so fragile that they get one shot by a melee swing, while doing too little damage to kill an afk tank.

    I am well aware of why armor bypass is popular, but that doesn't mean it's good game design. Grineer are armored units, Corpus is shielded units and Infested have neither, roughly, I don't think it's good game design mixing up the factions unique trades, especially when armor is as strong as it is compared to the others and it blurs the mechanics of the different factions and removing a lot of the unique aspects of fighting them. This is also the reason I think bypass damages should be changed to not be bypass, as it removes the uniqueness of the factions, armor isn't a problem dealing with, even at level 200, it's a matter of adjusting builds and selecting weapons up for the task, this is why we have status procs in other damage types than Slash in the first place. Corrosive Projection and Viral/Slash builds isn't the only way to fight grineer, I would argue it's just flat out cheesing.

    The reason I see for setting a requirement of level 30 frames and weapons, is to stop leveling in those missions. When was the last time you public matchmade and stayed for longer than 15 minutes in a Survival? Relics on their own ruined what ever end game we had, with this, end game is burried. Having an actual end game that isn't making plat and buying skins would be benefitial to warframe. Tier 5 bounties on the planes being level 80-100, or make a new Tier of bounties on par with sorties and the same level 30 requirement sorties have. Those bounties I believe would be a good addition to warframe, obviously not with sortie rewards, but simply so veterans would have some place to go aswell. Catering to the newer members of warframe exclusively is just flat out wrong, we've been here for years and don't get content at the level we're at, not just a picture hidden an hour in the Index.

  5. The amount of disgusting replies from basically trolls in this thread. One bragging about stats and one just being unpleasant.

    The point of your thread mate is valid, the Teralyst doesn't even have the chance to fight back if you bring proper firepower and I do think that's a problem. Giving him more health is not an option, as some players struggle to get 1 in a complete nightcycle, weapon nerfs isn't an option either, as we've worked hard to build those weapons. I don't see damage capping a a completely viable option either, certainly not to the extend you suggested, you would bypass that with high magazine, fast firering weapons. I don't have a better idea on hand or even an idea I think could be offered as a solution for that matter, but DE's response to add a harder Teralyst, I don't think they're going about it the right way. That being said, the amount of resources needed and the drop rates, we need speed runs, just not as easy as they are now.

  6. Warframe is, in my opinion, one of the few truely great games, that offers something unique in a world of games. Playing through the game, the player have the freedom to choose how he or she wants to play, which mechanics should determin their gaming experience in the gameplay itself while Warframe servers great stories in the form of quests. It offers the chance for any player to do exactly what they want and most of the time when they want and there's almost always a point to keep repeating the same missions for hours. The loot progression based system in warframe, I believe that to be the single best example implemented in any game, at the very least for a very long time. But the game is not flawless, there's bandaids and poor implementations all over the game and I think the next update shouldn't be a new frame, it shouldn't be a new quest or a new world. It should be an update to solve the need for bandaids and fix the poor implementations.

    Mods themselves is what gives the power. The frame doesn't matter, the weapon doesn't matter, if the mods aren't there to back it up, you're powerless. I think that is fantastic and how a modding based game should be. The talk about removing Serration, Hornet Strike, Point Blank and Preassure Point, I find that a very bad idea. Now before my reasoning to this, I'll say first it's not out of elitism or the desire to be better than anyone else, it's not from a desire to promote the market for ranked mods, it's simply a desire to keep the "progression" in "loot progression". Imagine for a second, that as a new player you get lucky and get an invite to a leveling session, 10-15 minutes later your weapon have the same base power as any other player in warframe and your effort in the game is minimal, you have no need to go loot anything, to get the base power of your weapons up. It's not a repeated grind for every single weapon that's getting removed, it's the overall progression towards getting stronger that's basically just getting removed, said roughly. Instead of removing the mods, I suggest the polarity of all mods with damage increase is getting a new polarity (double dashes for example) and all weapons get a new dedicated slot for that, a 9th slot. I think the cause of the issues about so many mods beeing a need in any given build, especially for secondaries, is there's too many mods doing the same thing. Straight up Damage mods and Multishot mods, why so many? Serration and Heavy Caliber gives the same Damage increase and one have a drawback, which applied to the right weapons, makes it better. But why so many? And while on the topic of loot progression, if you don't have a resource booster, farming kuva is just a horrible economy.

    The bandaids that litter warframe needs to be removed. They're there because the base mechanic either isn't working correctly/well. Shield Disruption got nerfed for teralysts, even though it did exactly what it's supposed to be, yet Corrosive Projection is untouched, making all grineer lose what make them unique to fight. Infested Impetence, even though hardly used, is still a bandaid that removes the challenges of infested. And back to Shield Disruption, which is just a joke of a bandaid, because the corpus have large numbers of armored units anyway and none of the shields is any challenge to deal with, we don't even use the "correct" damage type against it, because of armor and armor bypass damage with no reduction to damage. Then we get Hunter Munitions. A mod that allows us armor bypass damage to weapons that have no slash in the first place, in case we hadn't found out about gas. Remove those 3 auras from the game would be step 1, then make each faction unique to fight, Infested and Corpus should not have armor, they are their own factions and should represent a unique fighting mechanic. Stop armor bypass and make dot damagetypes work the same, no matter the source. Shields could offer damage reduction, depending on their current level, so that a full shield offers x% damage reduction, while a shield with 50% gone offers y% damage reduction.

    Finally, end game. This running joke with Fashion Frame being the true end game of Warframe, Devs you weren't meant to make it a reality! It is not a horrible game design adding missions too hard for new players. It is not horrible game design making items available only from those missions. It gives players something to work towards. I understand the desire to want to balance the game, so casual and hardcore players have the same progression and experience, but you can't balance 40 hours and 10 hours. Please just accept that fact and let us have somewhere to go with our powerful shiny frames. And please, add the same level 30 requirement to fissures that sorties have, but apply it to weapons aswell, not just frames.

  7. On 18/11/2017 at 8:04 AM, (PS4)urkonse said:

    i too like fishing / mining but Bounties take way too long (i wonder if the update on pc that changed bounties is good enought) and have too rare rewards

    also i would like to have simpe guide on how to defeat eidolon...

    Get 2 lures, charge them with 3 vombs each, have trinity protect them with blessing, drop the teralyst shield with operator, shoot off limb, repeat last 2 steps, kill

  8. I seem to recall a devstream a long time ago where you at DE said, the times of the drops less than 1 procent would and should be a thing of the past, yet we still have drops that's 0.2 and 0.1% in the game, why? It really does seem, that DE is only listening to their new players, giving the bird to veterans and not bothering at all about what we think. Especially more so because it's hard to find anyone from DE actually replying in any post but their own and only when someone is kissing the behind of the upcoming releases.

  9. On November 14, 2017 at 4:40 PM, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    Not to keep beating the horse, but i started post with this "I think mods have gone far enough. Its just time for better mechanics. Not that what im suggesting is how it has to work. These are just ideas."


    The mechanics for melee is as I see them quite fine, it's the mechanics of damage 2.0 that's the issue to begin with and how the different factions are all essentially the same, because of armor being added to all factions. All factions you go with corrosive on guns or corrosive projection, melee can vary, but that's because of the damage multiplier and how it affects slash/gas. Remove Corrosive Projection, make only grineer units armored, make shields tougher and make ancient healers actual healers is my suggestion to this.

  10. Playing Plains of Eidolon have been both fun and disappointing. The Teralyst battles are fantastic, really well made, the entire fishing system is impressively complex and a great way to relax and just zone out, the wide open plains offer some completely new tactics to deploy for succes, but there's a rotten apple in the basket and unfortunately it's the biggest apple of them all.

    Bounties aren't rewarding (at least not for veteran players). Farming for Gara and Set Mods have been nothing but a wash of disappointing drops and a lot of lag, dear god I didn't know you could fit that much lag in to 1 game, it's to the point of impressive how much there is! (Did I stress out the lag issues enough?)

    The really frustrating part is the solution is so obviously simple the community have suggested it for such a long time for sorties: Tokens, or even give Hok a syndicate shop. 125.000 for an Eidolon Lens, 10.000 for a Gara part, 25.000 for a Set Mod, seems reasonable to me, but grinding out the same bounty over and over while getting Vitality, Redirection, Pressure Point and god knows what resources I already have in the millions, it's not fun, it's almost as discouraging as rivens are. Add that up with how discouraging they would be if we had the syndicate shop I suggested, there would be 0 point to do them, because "at least we got fishing". That's not a hint to drop the standings gain from fishing, but up the gains from bounties. And that lag in Cetus, that really needs fixing.

    I see this system benefiting both veterans and players just starting out, since those great rewards we're getting right now are so common, that it's almost impossible to complete a mission without getting at least 1 of them from random ruthless mowing down grineer/corpus/infested/corrupted (different name, same enemy, fix armor and only give it to grineer).

  11. 12 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    I tried to take this seriously, and its alot to read through, but im not sure what your going for, what the tone of your post is really conveying, or if you even read enough of what i posted to decide that you cant agree with it.

    Look at this post as the trailer for tombs as the sentients. Thats what im asking for, plus a little variation of builds, and better mechanics. But the headless chicken part lets me know you dont understand what im talking about. I would say current game play is headless chicken antics. You made it sound like modding and picking the best warframe is that difficult. For instance, no, Saryn is not a good option for melee because of toxic lash. That ability performs best for spreading procs and spores (mainly just spores), adding an extra damage type for condition overload, and giving small amounts of energy. It works best with a maximum range weapon, its going to work well with orthos and be trash tier with the venka. Its flat damage boost is negligible. Mesa is a great choice for melee, because of the bullet deflecting magic mod, amd if you are actually dying from gettimg hit by a melee enemy in warframe, you are doing something wrong.

    There is no cover in this game i trust to keep me safe from aoe explosions, i cant believe you just said that.

    Melee is the one thing in this game that has not changed one bit in over 2 years. I dont think they have done anything mechanically to it since the stances. Archwing has had more effort put into it. But hey, it must just be my builds and my inability to correctly decide what frames can be used for what. Cheesing is the easiest way to do anything in this game, so instead of putting effort and wasting time on looking at worthless mods, ill just run cheese builds amd play that headless chicken warframe we have all grown used to and love. Invisibility or invincibilty for the win.


    Tried to make a serious point, going melee with no cheeses requires a certain play style and to utilize mechanics to keep yourself alive. I agree with you on the cheesing mechanics in the game, they shouldn't be there in the first place and removed as quick as they're found. Primary and secondary have had equally little change and they don't even have a combo to them, with the exception of snipers.

    The changes/fixes warframe needs is in the core mechanics, like infested and corpus having armor at all, like armor scaling and bandaid patches like corrosive projection and zenurik energy regen. If the core mechanics of the game gets fixed properly and bandaids gets removed, I'm sure you'll find warframe a much better game.

    Then what ever issues the game have at that point, that's a problem to tackle then, but when the core mechanics of the game is making cheesy mechanics like invisibility and bandaids like cp the most viable option, making anything else will not actually solve the issues, just add more cheeses and bandaids.

  12. On 7/11/2017 at 7:53 PM, VanilleOfDead said:

    When matching in a PUG, obviously there wont be a team composition. Usually in arranged groups (especially for harder mission or eidolons) everyone fills a role, and with the exception of a few cases there wont be any issues.

    And that's the downside of pug, but does that doesn't mean DE should make more mechanics to bypass the need or usage of energy siphon for example, which a focus tree offering better efficiency would synergize very well with.

  13. 11 hours ago, peterc3 said:

    Can we, as a group, go 1 day without pretending to know the financials of DE and how a super obvious thing would totally not hurt DE's bottom line. There will always be new players... unless you stop adding shiny bits in new updates.

    Do banks take hope as payment on a loan? How about the supermarket? This game is DE's revenue stream. They cannot and will not do something based on hope.

    When did DE invite players to dictate how they should run their game?

    Your sarcasm isn't very helpful in the first place, but as for what you did have to say, we don't know the financials of it, but with common logic and the amount new players having entered warframe, there's plenty of growth at the moment. Logically that should mean business is good and can sustain a small downtown while they catch up with quests and weapon grind/mod grind. It's not based on knowledge of DE's finances, but on logic and experiences with other business models. Warframe, and every other game for that matter, have some small portion based on hope, hope that it catches a large playerbase and doesn't become a complete flop, even before this latest growth in the playerbase, DE managed to keep going for years, in large parts thanks to the veterans of the game, are you telling me, that if DE announces they are going to make some fixes to the core mechanics and make the entire game more smooth, fix their bandaids, those veterans that have supported DE so far, will go "Nope, we're not having any of that, goodbye"? Do you think newer players that come from games with a yearly update will go "What? Are we having to wait half a year for the next stuff? We just got this and haven't farmed all we can farm, we haven't upgraded everything and now that there's time to do so, there's no point in doing it!"?

    DE have always invited players to come with requests and opinions, because they attempt to listen to the community how we would like the game to proceed, how we would like the game to evolve and which direction we would like it to take. I can understand how it's a confusing concept, but it's none the less reality, just look back through the forums and compare that to the changes made in warframe, good and bad changes.

    Since you think it's all a conspiracy towards DE, how about you get the tin foil hat off for a second and look what this thread is meant to accomplish: A better game with smoother mechanics and better information about the game mechanics without having to resort to data mining and external pages. Tell me where the codex or a quest teaches you about corrosive damage vs corrosive procs vs viral procs and where the game teaches you about affinity allocation and how that affects focus gain? 

  14. 3 minutes ago, ScribbleClash said:

    I can see how that would then be going against what you'd like to see, but maybe either of these could would work for you:
    Make the combo gauge fill quickly when finishers are caused.
    Add a mod that dissolves enemies killed by stealth kills. (more consistency overall)

    To me that just seems like another bandaid mod. Channeling isn't supposed to be an always on ability, it's a mechanic in place to deal with heavier units or desolving bodies or life steal.

  15. I completely agree @BlackCoMerc, the riven system have such potential just squandered away by both poor implementation and poor mechanics, although I don't think rivens should be found as a guarantee in the void. Rare containers yes, definitely, it will have us run missions and actually look for them, instead of not even looking a second time. Raid containers should be excepted from this, as I see this would make people farm the raid for rivens and completely flooding the market.

    As for the half cooked stew of mechanics in warframe, I believe it would be a huge quality of life improvement for DE to rework it and tie it all together, it would make warframe go from a diamond in the rough to possibly one of the all time great games ever made. This would require DE to be holding back on releases, this action would give a lot of the new players a chance to catch a bit up to the veterans of warframe, thus not making a financial problem with potential for bankruptcy. I think or hope the revenue will still be there, if DE took 3 months to work on old mechanics and rivens. After that, I see a new item release in order and then another period of overhaul for the tutorial and teaching new players the game.

    @peterc3 how's that supposed to be productive and helpful towards a better game?

  16. 2 hours ago, AegisArclight1999 said:

    some parts of these so called "solutions".

    look and sound definitely wrong... and I'm not going to go into detail. Something is very wrong, with this post...

    If you're not going in to details and giving your opinion, then how's your response supposed to help develop a game that isn't riddled with bandaid solutions? And why say anything in the first place?

  17. 1 hour ago, zornyan said:

    Implying a daily played figure effects Warframe...what DE care about is ££££, new and casual players bringing their friends is what brings ££££.



    And if the play ratings drop to the bottom, do you think it's going to bring in a lot of new players and their "££££" (which should be $$$$ as Canada have dollars).

  18. Warframe is a fantastic game, it have plenty of experiences to offer, it got plenty of loot to get and it allows you to play as you want and still get progress done. It's for the most part a journey for the player base to an arsenal of emense power and wealth. But it's not without flaws, just like any game on the market, it have it's fair share of them and the path Warframe have been on the last years is only adding on to them and quite often only offering a bandaid solution rather than addressing the core issues at hand. I would love nothing more for the game and the community to have a healthy and productive debate on all actual matters concerning this and work towards a common goal of improving the game, I believe this will attract even more players allowing the game to develop even further in the future.

    I myself have a few items I believe needs urgent attention from DE or for the community as a hole to understand. I'll do my best to reason them and I'm hoping the developers themselves is interested in taking part in this debate, explaining their choices and helping the community understand the vision or intensions behind their actions.


    About those rivens and the nature of them.

    @DERebecca said this about rivens: "The exponential Cycling costs are there to encourage players to try the existing stats before they embark on the journey to the ‘perfect roll’. For those of you who want to find the best Mod possible, that avenue is available to you, but that is not the goal behind this system.". Rebecca, considering how rng is affecting how the rivens are cycled, it's a bit naive to believe there's an actual journey for the "perfect roll". In fact, it's naive to believe the such thing actually exsists, it's more a question of "is this a riven I can settle for?". To emply there's a journey is to say there's a path of progression when in reality there's only a path of lottery.

    She also said "The current maximum number of 15 Riven Mods is a reflection of this, as limitations encourages creativity and choice.", while I understand DE is a business and need to make money, just be honest about it and don't make up excuses. Otherwise DE would have to start reasoning why new players only get 2 warframe slots, is that too to encourage creativity and choice?

    The solution I see for this problem about rivens and their complete lack of progression is to allow us to lock in stats we want/need on our rivens. The economy of which of course should require more farming, since it would otherwise be too easy to farm up 100k kuva and just make that riven perfect. This is a journey, a factor by which there's progression. While I do understand there will be millions of rivens that's just going to be the same, I also understand this is because it's what works very well for that particular weapon/the mechanics of warframe. This is by game design the only realistic option for many players to strive for with their rivens and while the intention where to allow players to be creative, it's once again naive to believe the player base wouldn't go for what they believe to be the most powerful. I understand there's players who's against this, because they do have that perfectly rolled riven, which is 1:1.000.000, would drop in price on the market and while that is true, I am confident in saying that the base price of any riven would go up, significantly, because each new riven offers a guarantee to be crafted to suit the individual player.


    The new focus schools and their already demands for changes.

    Looking at the focus schools, I am very happy with the vast majority of changes, it allows for a unique set of bonuses to suit the role each player have in a team. To reason my logic behind this, lets have a look at what determines the success. For this we're talking extreme levels and not just level 50-100 which can be done with any given weapon with no concerns to much else. A team is a group working together for a greater goal than individual performance. By this I mean you can't have a successful team, if 2 players is competing to be the best supporter/healer, as that would affect the team negative in other areas, you can't have 3 damage dealers running wild all over the place competing for kills as this would leave team mates vulnerable if they're set up for another roll to play in the game. A succesful team is a team that works well together, understand their purpose in the team and stick to that purpose.

    That being said, Madurai offers additional damage, I see this being a great focus school to use if you're the designated damage dealer, Vazarin offers a short period of invulnerability and instant heals, this would be an ideal focus school to pick if your roll in the team is support. Unairu allows a percentage of incoming damage to be returned to the agressor and more armor for the operator and warframe, this would be a great focus school to use for the agro player of the team or in tandem with the invulnerability gain from a Vazarin player if your roll is to collect life support in survivals, run Power Cells in excavation or similar situations. I would believe Naramon is at this point well recognized as a melee focus school, but in any case, the increased affinity and critical chance gained from this focus school is pretty self explaining. Zenurik on the other hand is a bandaid to a much larger solution, because the 4 energy per second it used to offer have been available for earlier than focus even got created; Energy Siphon.

    The bandaid Zenurik offers is because of another mod many players feel is a must, Corrosive Projection. This mod is yet another bandaid to the armor scaling and lack of introduction to the mods and mechanics in the game. We have armor bypass damage types aswell as weapons and warframes capable of removing armor from the equation in the first place, if just modded for it. This perfectly highlights a statement I see lacking in the tutorial of the game, but I'll get back to that. I would see Zenurik much better balanced if it offered a slight efficiency bonus rather than energy per second bonus. This mechanic will encourage players to play around quality of ability casts rather than quantity, as the energy isn't just around the corner as a guarantee, instead you're utilizing the energy you have better. While I know there's an efficiency cap of 175%, I'd suggest this allows us to go above 175% with the use of Zenurik.

    Choosing the right focus school should depend on your roll in the team and I find the way-bound passives be focused strictly on operators to be a fantastic bonus to have, warframes are strong enoughs, operators arent.


    That tutorial and what it fails to include.

    Our current tutorial to warframe is very basic, in fact it is extremely basic and leaves the players uninformed about the importance of mods and functions of mechanics. It does a great job of informing how to move, but that's really it. Having to go to external references for any basic information is in my opinion very bad design, the game should at the very least inform us on the absolute basic mechanics of critical chance and their grades, status chance and proc functionality. Perhaps not in the very beginning phases of the game, but at least at some point during the star chart. This lack of information on how to successfully deal with armor, shields and enormous health pools even further promotes the use of a bandaid solution, Corrosive Projection. Perhaps it's time to revisit the tutorial, informations found in the codex instead of adding another warframe for the next update? A well informed player is far more capable to tackle a task than a player with basic information. Perhaps this could also give some insentive to play support in warframe, as right now there's not really any outside of the raids.


    Lastly a touch of the casual/hardcore balances.

    Making a game that have content to the casual player and the hardcore player can be a hard task to accomplish and for the most part I think DE have pulled this off very well. If a developer doesn't care for hardcore players aswell as casual players, they will loose either one or the other part of their player base, while this is unfair to players with limited time to play how ever unfortunate that is, hardcore players still need something to keep them going. Login rewards being one of the mechanics, the option to create more rivens and cycle through more rivens being another. It's just how things work out when 1 person have hundreds of hours to play and another only have a couple. I don't think the hardcore players should have access to better items, all items should be equally available, they should have some kind of item to collect and strive for or progress through to aquire.


    I hope this will spark a healthy debate leading towards a development goals for the future and a better game caring for casual and hardcore players alike.

  19. Just now, JuicyPop said:

    I really tire of the "crying spoiled children" moniker that keeps coming out of you. If you are unable to approach an opinion respectfully then you can't claim to be any better than your own labels. 

    That being said, under the new system all players will still have to log in to claim rewards so I don't really see what your issue is with a simple QoL change? It's not as if the items in queue were set in terms of power or importance, it's practically random given the position of the Zenistar relative to the others. 

    It's the fact that we're getting stuff completely for free, useful stuff aswell, that developers now have to allocate development time to cater to impatient players who doesn't seem to understand that if they just play, they'll get it eventually and nothing in the reward list is going to make a significant change to the way you play. Instead of having the developers work on actual issues and bugs, they now have to sit and spend time changing a completely fine system, to suit players who just want to get everything now with minimal effort and no care for what the consequenses towards the game might be. DE is only 170-ish people strong, they don't have EA or Bungie resources to pour in to a game, so how about we let them focus on fixing things properly instead of bandaiding it (Corrosive Projection).

  20. 1 hour ago, zornyan said:

    I’m not the one crying, the system is being changed. It’s a handful of pissy vets that want their “status symbols”.


    regardless I’m thankful for the new system as it will encourage new players even more.

    I don't really care about the status symbols, if some do that's another problem to deal with, but how about even further down the line, when casuals have no reason to log in between content, because they have what they want, the number of unique daily players is going to drop even further than it have been so far. How's that good for DE and Warframe?

  21. 12 hours ago, zornyan said:

    I was talking essentials as in physical items to collect and use as opposed to catalysts/sigil/Forma packs.


    like has been said, the system from the start was flawed, what happens when we get 1000? Or 1400 day items? 


    the “hardcore” players are the minority, DE needs to be able to attract casuals, who will play 2/3 days a week, a 700 day reward then turns into 6/7 years away and it only gets worse.


    ive played for years, but because I have a job/family and generally a life I get 2/3 days to play Warframe, I’m currently at day 115 with the new login system (since everything got reset) , I’m mr24 and have a S#&$ ton of play hours, but login rewards that are that many days away are literially unobtainable, the game will probably be gone before I can reach that.


    but if with this new system I can get an item I want every 50 days instead of years apart, it makes a difference to me, and to any new player that’s getting into the game.


    btw my life isn’t “stressful “ but when I go out with my wife for an evening after work I’m not sat there figuring out when I can turn my pc on for a login reward, if you’re that addicted to the game that it’s on your mind all the time then I suggest you seek some kind of councilling for your underlying issues

    The same thing happens as now, they add a weapon/mod for people who have gone that far and newer players know what's in store later on. 

    And as for me seeking counciling, I don't think that's in any way appropriate to write in a, what's supposed to be, healthy debate. Go have fun with your wife by all means, but if the game is important enough to you to sit here and cry about, perhaps you should seek the counciling yourself if you feel you're being punished. It's a reward system specifically designed for logins, because believe it or not, those log ins help out DE. You're bumping the game up in the stats over daily unique players, possibly attracting more new players who see there's a lot of people playing this game every day, DE is rewarding you with this effort. You're making a choice of not turning on your pc, getting your daily login and turning it back off, something easily done before going to bed, if it's important enough to you. Stop crying about choices and accept it's on you to not take those 5 minutes for something clearly important to you.

  22. 7 hours ago, STORRM said:

    a small part of me wants the tree to look like path of exile, lamo writings on the wall already "plains of eidolon" >POE< "path of exile" kappa

    atm i would rather each tree had its uses and we could add them to load outs so i dont have to go to the back of the bus all the time.


    Madurai  flat dmg and ammo regen? "good for guns"

    Vazarin affinity range and insta rez, would be nice if more support powers were tied to affinity "support and healing"

    Naramon the melee combo counter is really strong but affinity gain out side of farming focus is a joke "melee and ?"

    Unairu just make it tanky that return dmg could be reflect dmg like messa 3 but not stacking "dmg reduction and armor stripping"

    Zenurik its the caster tree all warframe are casters so its fine on every one just not grate on toggle powers but the other trees are kinda meh vs free energy at the moment "caster"


    all the trees having a roll they fill well would be nice at the same power lvl that zen fills for casters

    a 5th over-flow tree in the middle that all the way bounds go to would be the simplest way to do it stuff in the tree is always on for all trees or off if you wont.

    i really hope the rework lets us set default and per loadout so i can have trin-vaz, ash-naramon without thinking about it after i set it the first time

    You point out the uses of the focus schools, if a team plays smart, they'll realize there's a need for a support frame, it wouldn't make much sense to pick Naramon then. The tree as it is, it's fine and offers good items in each school, the "problem" is how the pool works and that's getting fixed in to a universal pool.

    This is more of a grind reducing change and I for one can support that, it's enough grind for new players to max out a focus school. I think the focus schools are in a really good place, the problem as always is the community grown used to having passive Zenurik and is unable to let go of it and go make more efficiency oriented builds and accept there's more things in warframe now that revolves around team competition. Everyone wants to be the damage dealer of the team and believe they're better than the rest, that way these children can go to bed thinking they carried a bunch of scrubs, but if you look at any successful team throughout gaming rpg history, the great games all had a need for a healer/supporter and no child understands the importance of this role. A successful warframe team usually consists of a supporter (often trinity do we need more great supporters?), a buffer, a controller and a damage dealer, this competition is hard for a selfish player to understand and while that 1 person may go to bed feeling good about having most kills, they fail to understand, that they could have gotten more loot, gone further and had an easier time if their team competition was made up smarter.

  23. 6 hours ago, Xzorn said:


    I disagree.

    For myself the acquisition is the key problem with Kuva. I spend much of my time in Warframe theory crafting builds and different loadout compositions. This often forces me to test against much higher level enemies than Sorties or Kuva Floods can provide so I can actually see the difference in weapons or one mod over another.

    If Kuva were like Arcanes, Melee Stances or mods in general where you get that item and you're done I would understand having it restricted to key locations but Kuva is more kin to Endo where it's constantly being used, cycled and always in need if you're interested in the Riven system. Even relics can be farmed in many different locations or mission types. Yea there's a best option but I don't think Endurance runners would mind if it's not an optimal Kuva farm. Just getting something at all would be nice.

    Of course their intensive RNG nature exaggerates the situation.

    While I do understand your position on getting kuva, I still believe the cycling itself is the biggest issue with rivens and essentially the biggest discouraging factor of rivens.

    Theroratical builds aren't also worth anything, if you can't get the roll you've crafted around and while the current system encourages players to test out rivens, what is it worth when you get negative damage or multishot? Those 2 stats will ruin any riven and there's no way for you to salvage that roll.

  24. 9 hours ago, Brozenwall said:

    Almost every mission that I enter usually 3 or more people are using Zenurik just to use Energizing Dash. That skill alone is taking over of a system that should diversify options for the player.

    Frames need innate Energy restore but lets tie it with MR.

    0.1 + (MR x 0.1) = Energy per Second

    A MR 10 will get 1.1 Energy per second

    and A MR 24 will get 2.5 Energy per second

    Now after that we can change completely the effect of Energizing Dash.

    My idea is:

    Same bubble that now last.

    3 /  5 / 7 / 9 / 11 /13 seconds.

    Casting a skill inside the bubble cost less Energy:

    5 % / 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%

    what do you guys think?

    How could DE not see that happening? I get it, people need energy and being spoiled with Zenurik for so long, now their builds aren't up to par, because they could drop efficiency. I don't think energy regen should be there in the first place, perhaps something like "Everything that takes energy, takes 10%/15% less energy"? I also (for once I might add) don't think that mr should matter in this equation, lower mr will already be limited in how much focus points they can get each day, why should they then have a diminished energy regen? I think Zenurik needs another rework, that doesn't include passive energy regen for your warframe.

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